Shadows- a Danplan fanfiction

By Ilikepansthough

18.4K 1K 1.8K

This is the sequel to Flames-a Danplan fanfiction, so you should probably read that first. Five years after t... More

Creeping- Prologue
Something Dark
Ignorance is Bliss
No Time
Marionettes & Blood
Mysteries & Mountains
In Between
Horrible Ideas
Perfectly Helpless
Awkward Situations
A For Effort
One favour
Silent Home
Finding Stephen
Base 1
What friends are for
First year zero
Wake up Call
On the way
Goodbye Wattpad. + second year 0, plot


354 22 31
By Ilikepansthough

There was disturbance, in said dark room, where he sat quietly.

The man was tiredly looking at the floor beneath him. Expensive dark wood, freshly polished, it could mirror him.

As he looked at himself through that mirror, he thought about how much time had passed since then. Since said faithful event turned their lives upside down.

He ruffled his hair, as if it wasn't messy enough.

Then he took another look at himself.
His eyes were narrow, as always, and he had complementary bags under his eyes.

His loud sigh broke the silence that had laid itself on the room like a warm blanket.

It was unfair how he could never sleep. Why did men like him not have the right to sleep? What had he done wrong?
Surely a lot, but still, the other members of his organization, often dubbed as the Mafia, slept like babies.
It was strange how they thought that all of their sins would fall back on him, just because he was the boss.
However he knew better, everyone carried their own fault, but he was fine with them believing otherwise, after all his workers could do their job better if they slept well.

In the end they were all his tools, he would use the to achieve his goals.
He played a game similar to those that Ivu liked to play, a game of power, however his game was real, not just a temporary illusion.

The town was different that day. Everyone was looking at and wondering about the smoke coming from the Imperatoris kingdom.
It must have been a gigantic fire, if they could see it from where they were.

He was just as curious as the others, he wanted to know what was going on in that miraculous kingdom he had only ever heard of in stories and fables.
The place where the rich people live, that's what his mother had always called it.
Said popular women that was loved by the town for her charming nature and her equally mesmerizing magic.
She was the most talented magician in the town, while she was a healer, she had also obtained many other types of magic.

He looked through the open window curiously.
He knew he wanted to go there, he wanted to see Imperatoris burn. Not out of spite, but simply to know what a flame that big would look like. What that sort of destruction would look like.
Would the flames be more red, or orange? Or would they be as blue as those stupid people described the flames of the devil?
He couldn't help but wonder. How were their cultures so different?

In his city, the one that was best at magic was superior, however everywhere else people with magic were hunted down and killed.

It was absolutely strange, all these rules were just made up, yet everyone thought their rules were right.

His father walked past him, looking ready to head out.
On his way, he stumbled over a football that his son had accidentally left there on the floor.
He nearly fell. "Ups, that was close."
Then he added. "Bye son!" And walked out of the door.

Where was he going? Surely not to work, on a day like this, with so much chaos.

The boy knew that his father had an important job, as a magic scientists, and teacher.
He, just like his wife, was very gifted in the magic department, as well as the intelligence.
He wrote a book about the different types of magic, and had many theories on the subject.
Theories about why some people had multiple types of magic. Theories about whether magic even was something that people could have. Theories about some mysterious book of Answers, that was hidden by the Imperatoris government.

Yeah, his family was extraordinarily gifted, of course not everyone could be like that.
And he was that not everyone.
The first born son of two genius over achievers, the son that had never managed to cast a single spell.
The child without magic.

When he was younger people would have theories about whether he was adopted, but now, with 16 years, he looked why too much like his parents for that theory to be true.
He had his mothers gentle face, and his father's blonde, messy hair.

Some people pitied his parents, but they never treated him badly. They loved him, he knew that.
Neither did he get bullied, the kids in town were quite nice, well with the exception of Shai, who was often called The Playground Devil, because all of the pranks she'd pull. She had gotten that name when she was younger, and she was embarrassed by it.

He took a moment to smile.

His best friend was that guy that had the same name as him, they got along really well, and often comforted each other.

The only person that truly wasn't happy with his lack of magic was himself. Or at least that was what he thought.

Jay sighed at the memories. All was different now.
Things were going as planned though, soon he would achieve his goal, his secret little plan hidden behind something else.
He was doing so incredibly well at fooling them.

There was a knock on his door.

"Come in." He ordered.

Ivu walked in, her usual angelic smile peacefully resting on her face. "The mission was successful. The boss is down."

"Good." He said seriously, before dismissing her.
Shai had suggested to kill the boss first, and of course that made sense.
Hit them where it hurts.
The green haired one is next.

Author's comment:

Hehe. I'm late, hope you like this chapter though. It's rather informative if u ask me.

See you next time, girlfriends boyfriends and none binary lovers!

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