Poison ≫ jack gilinsky

By Wastedtears

146K 4.7K 2.3K

❝Loving him was like poison, an odd poison. Not one that killed me instantly, but one that slowly drained me... More

Title your Story Part
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
not an update!!!
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen

chapter nine

6.6K 214 73
By Wastedtears


I got out of my car just as I heard the school bell, indicating lunch had just started.

Cameron had forced me to come to school.

He was the oldest and most mature and he always forced me to get a good education.

I'm in a gang so why the fuck do I even need to get good grades when I already have a job, I thought to myself.

I walked towards the entrance and smirked as everyone moved to the side.

Walking in the first person I saw was Arabella, she was at her locker with her blonde friend who seemed annoying.

I knew what I had to do. I had to make her hate me, I know she already did but I needed her to hate me to the point where she would never talk to me.

I wasn't stupid enough to talk to her in public and make it look like to the lions that she was 'involved' with me because they would make her a target. I mean I didn't care about her but I wasnt that cold hearted to let her get hurt.

I took a deep breath and walked down the hall.

I knocked into Arabella's shoulder and all her books fell.

She looked back along with blondie.

I saw the pissed look in her eyes but the minute she saw it was me, it vanished.

That wasn't a good thing.

There was no emotion on my face, I quickly looked ahead of me and walked into the cafeteria, where the boys were.


I quickly walked to my locker, trying to avoid bumping into anyone.

As I was walking, I felt somebody beside me.

I looked over and it was Brooke.

"You don't look so well" she said, her eyes full of concern.

"Yeah I don't feel so well either" I mumbled.

It was true, ever since I got to school I felt like shit.

I had a migraine, my face was apparently very pale and I just felt very weak.

Finally we reached my locker and I was about to open it when somebody banged into me from behind.

I looked back glaring but my eyes softened a bit when i saw it was jack.

He looked back for a second and his face was emotionless.

I didn't want to act suspicious, so I mumbled jerk loud enough for Brooke to hear.

I was about to bend down to gather my books when there was a sharp pain in my stomach.

"Ow" I grumbled.

Brooke grabbed onto my shoulders and asked me if I was alright.

"Yeah I'll be fine"

I picked up my books and put them in my locker.

"Let's go" I said interlocking arms with Brooke, as we headed off in jacks direction. To the cafeteria.

Walking through the doors.

I groaned at the loud voices, why couldn't everyone just talk quietly.

I lined up beside Brooke as she bought some lunch.

It was pizza today, my favourite. But for some odd reason I didn't find it appetizing and I didn't feel hungry at all.

We walked towards our 'group' and we both took a seat.

Brooke immediately jumped into the conversation they were having, but I just tried tuning them out.

I looked from the corner of my eye at jacks table and I saw him laughing along with his friends.

I remembered last night and softly smiled. I looked away realizing how stupid I looked smiling while looking at the back of jacks head.

I looked over at Brooke talking to the group and pretended like I was interested but I wasn't at all.


I was sitting in the cafeteria, and I felt a pair of eyes staring at the back of my head, and I knew exactly who it was was.


I knew this getting her to hate me thing wasn't going to work at all, she was way to stubborn.

So that meant I would have to talk to her, face to face after school.

I wouldn't tell her that I couldn't talk to her, I would probably just say some rude shit to her, things that hurt her and maybe she would just walk away and never talk to me.


-in class-

I looked over at the clock and there was 5 minutes until class ended.

I felt way worse then before and I just wanted to get out of here already.

The teacher was at his desk and we were supposed to be working on an assignment but everyone was just talking.

And these two girls behind me were being very loud, and that didn't help with my migraine.

"Oh my god Jessica, did you hear about what happened at Ricky's last night" one of them obnoxiously said.

"No tell me all about it" the other one said very loudly while smacking her gum.

"Okay so I was pretty drunk and I was with these two guys and they suggested we go upstairs and yunno" she giggled annoyingly.

"Oh em gee. Y-" I couldn't take another second of their loud annoying voices.

"Can you please just shut the fuck up? Nobody cares what happened at Ricky's. You got fucked by two guys or something, no big deal! This probably isn't your first time" I said maybe a bit to loudly.

They just glared at me and scoffed.

I turned around and everyone was staring at me, and by everyone I mean even the teacher.

"Arabella, detention after school" he said just as the bell rang.

I groaned, my migraine and stomach pains getting worse.

-after detention-

Finally, I was free.

I walked out of the school, and smiled.

All I wanted to do was take some Advil and go to sleep.

The pain in my head and stomach had gotten worse.

"Bella" I heard a familiar voice call out.

"It's Arabella. And what do you want jack? I'm not really in the mood right now" I groaned not even bothering to slow down.

He jogged over to me so he was walking beside me.

"Slow the fuck down" he said grabbing my wrist.

"Holy shit you're hot"

"Thanks I know I am" I smartly replied.

"No I mean like you're actually burning" he said, for once sounding concered.

I finally slowed down, because my stomach started to hurt again.

I tried my hardest not to show any signs of pain, but I guess jack noticed.

"Woah. You don't look so well" he said, touching my shoulder.

"Don't touch me" I said, shaking him off. I wasn't in the best mood as you could tell.

"Why are you being such a bitch, I'm just trying to help" he scoffed.

"Oh so it's fine if you're a dick to me but if I act like a bitch for 2 seconds, you get pissed"

"You should be glad I'm being nice to you"

"No, you should be glad I'm being nice to you. Ever since I got here, you've basically treated me like shit and I have put up with it. Like last night I fucking helped you, and you left without even saying thanks?" I spat.

"There you go again, being a bitch like always"

"You're a dick" I rolled my eyes.

"What did I-" he was about to say before I cut him off.

"Yeah yeah I know. I shouldn't roll my eyes at you. But guess what? I will roll my fucking eyes at you if I want to, you don't own me"

"You should watch your mouth" he snarled.

"Or what?" I humourlessly laughed, despite the fact that I was feeling a bit light headed, and the pain in my stomach was increasing.

"You know what I'm capable of" his eyes darkened.

"So what? You're saying you'll actually kill me or something" I rolled my eyes just to piss him off more.

"I could and nobody would know who did it"

"Rot in hell" I scoffed.

And that's when he lost it.

"You fucking bitch" he inched closer to me.

"I have been nice to you, you're lucky. Usually I don't even talk to new people, I have no idea why I even talked to you in the first place. You don't know when to take a hint and fuck off. You're the biggest bitch alive. You have a big mouth, and who knows, that could get you killed one day"

Tears brimmed my eyes, because of the pain in my stomach but mostly because of jacks words.

Usually I didn't care about what people said about me, not even jack.

But this time for some reason i did care.

I quickly tried to hide the fact I was about to cry.

"So did you think I was a bitch when I helped you last night? Did you still think I was a bitch when you were beside me in bed? Did you still think I was a bitch in the car with you? Did you still think I was a bitch when you let me borrow your hoodie?" I sniffled.

"You have always been a fucking bitch. I don't care about you" he humourlessly laughed.

"I used you the whole fucking time"

And that was the last thing I remembered before everything went black and I fell forward into a pair of strong arms.
I didn't check this chapter over so sorry for the spelling mistakes. And if you're confused, jack THINKS he doesn't care about Arabella at all but we all know deep down he obviously does, Arabella THINKS she doesn't care about him either but as you can tell she does and what he says to her effects her. Jack wants to talk to Arabella but he can't because if he does, The Lions might find out or something and make her a target so they can hurt jack, so jack thinks that if he doesn't talk to Arabella it will keep her safe. IM SORRY IF THIS IS CONFUSING, IT WILL MAKE MORE SENSE IN THE NEXT FEW CHAPTERS I PROMISE YOU.
Comment what you think is wrong with Arabella, and 8+ votes for the next chapter? (:

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