Search for You (#1 of Foryout...

By wedontbelongtogether

44.9K 1.2K 171

BOOK ONE OF FORYOUTRILOFY How does it feel to live, abide and bend to the every demand of an oath for years? ... More

Introduction (profile)
Author's Note
1. Meet the William's Sisters
2. Meet the De Luca's Brothers
3. The Touch
4.Little Girl
5. Ace of The Spades
6. The Royale Club
7. The Unexpected First Kiss
8. Never Ending Fighting
9. Vendetta
10. The Masquerade Party
11. The Blame
12. Family Time
13. Stop Crossing Path
14. At The Mall
15. The Arguments
16. Bunch of Roses
17. The Care
18. The Abduction
20. Mischievous Brothers
21. An Indecent Man
22. Checkmate
23. Stone and Water
24. First Love
25. Beach and Sunset
26. The History
27. Unfinished Combat
28. The Betrayal
29. Gift Selection
30. No Another Man
31. Taste like Lemonade
32. True Identity
33. The Oathbreaker
34. The Unsaid Goodbye

19. Escape and Rescue

738 33 1
By wedontbelongtogether

Anna woke up feeling dizzy due to the strong acid which she was forced to inhale. She cracked opened her eyes and found herself in a completely different place. Her eyes shut wide opened and scanned around the room. The room was empty with only a chair and a bed she was lying on and the lights inside were very dim. After putting the pieces two and two together, she discovered that she was being lockdown in some kind of basement. Her mind quickly thought about Nicolo and looked for him around. She was alone inside. She got off from the bed and dashed towards the door. She tried to open the door but it was locked from the outside. 

"Open the door!" She growled as she banged and kick the door. Anna was angry but at the same time confused. She didn't have any idea of what was going on. She doesn't even know these men but they were after her and she was now lockdown. She was worried sick about Nicolo as well. 

"Open this god damn door!" She roared banging and kicking on the door.

"Shut up! Girl." A hoarse male voice shouted from the other side. "—or I'll come and cut your throat away." He warned. Anna kept silent for some seconds and thought of some ideas about how to get out of here.

"Open the door!" She banged loudly. She decided to make the man angry and let him come in."I said shut up or—"

"Or what!" She interrupted. "What can you do?" She taunted harshly and soon she heard the door key been unlocked. A muscular man in black towered inside the room, his face crystal clear with anger and irritation. He glared right through at her before banging the door close from behind.

"You are such a pain in the ass. I'm gonna teach you a lesson you little girl." The man growled as he made his way toward her. "I'm gonna fuck you so hard that you won't remember a thing."

 "Never in a million years!" As the man was just a step away from her, she quickly went forward and kicked him between his legs. The man groaned in pain and crouched down on his knee, clutching onto his precious with his both hands. "Now you can go fuck yourself." She said and the man looks up at her in most contemptuous glared. But before he could reach for his gun, Anna noticed his movement and quickly knocked him down on the floor unconscious. Anna took his gun and strolled towards the door. She peeked carefully through the left and right hallway and found nobody. The hallway itself seems so isolated and cold. Anna glanced on both sides of the hallways deciding inside her head to take which way and as the luck was on her side, her attention caught at the large door at the far end through the right hallway. Some bright orange-red light like fire was illuminating from inside the room. She steps cautiously looking around and made her way towards that large door.

What in the world is this place? She wondered as she glanced around.

She flattened her back on the wall and carefully peek through the large door. The room inside was very large and there were old and rusted machines scattered around.

This place looks like some abandoned factories. She thought.

She glanced around and saw six men in blacks surrounding the large fire in the middle, laughing and shouting and beside it, her eyes caught Nicolo's figure. His hands and legs were tight up with the chair and he was badly bruised on his face. Some blood was dripping down from his forehead and corner lips. He was groaning and wincing in pain because of the heat from the fire which was searing into his wounds. 

"The boss is on the way." One of the men said as he came and joined the others. Now they were seven of them. "Wake up, you little rat of De Luca's." He hoarsely shouted and splashed a mug full of water over Nicolo's face. Nicolo clenched his jaw and shut his eyes tightly, controlling his anger. "The boss will kill you himself. He'll cut you into pieces and will present it to your family." He hissed and smiled wickedly.

"In your wildest dream." Nicolo bare-teethed and manage to give him a taunting smirked.

"You son of a bitch!" The man shouted and slapped him hard. Nicolo spat out the blood from his mouth and glared at the man. 

"Where is the girl?" Nicolo demanded.

"Oh! She's alive for now. My men are going to have a good time fucking her." The man taunted and smirked at him.

"Don't you dare lay a hand on her," Nicolo growled at him. "I'll kill each and everyone of you." 

Anna looked away and was thinking really hard to save Nicolo. 

C'mon, Anna. Think! Think!

"How the hell did you get out?" an unfamiliar voice said from behind. Anna thought died as she felt a heavy tap-rested at the back of my head, his gun. "Give me the gun!" the man behind her demanded and extended his hand from behind and over her shoulder. She did as he said. She gave the gun to him. "Move!" He pushed her forward towards gang, his gun still pointing at the back of her head. Nicolo's eyes went wide as he saw Anna and a man coming towards them.

"Right on time, Vince. We were just thinking of bringing the girl here." One of the men said.

"She escaped and I caught her right outside this room, Aguano." Vince deadpanned.

"Dom was guarding her. Where is he now?" Aguano asked.

"You!" Vince gestured to one of his men. "Go and check on Dom." He ordered.

"How the hell did you get out on Dom's watch?" Aguano glared at her and stood a step away from her.

"Like this!" Anna swiftly kicked Aguano between his legs and shoved her arm back at Vince stomach who was behind her. Both the men groaned in pain and crouched on the ground. The other four men reached for their gun but before they could pull the trigger, Anna quickly reached for the firewood from the fire and threw towards them. Two of them managed to budged away and was taking their position back to shoot at her. Anna quickly reached for the guns on the ground. She rolled on the ground and right after her hands found the guns, she pulled the trigger and shot them. Nicolo who was tied up to a chair, watched in complete shocked at the scenario happening in front of him. Anna knows where to shot and where not to. She then quickly got off from the ground and marched towards Nicolo.

"Nicolo, are you alright?" Anna undid the ties and helped him up from his place. "Let's get out of here!"

"Not so soon." Aguano cracked. Both Aguano and Vince were on their feet and was pointing their guns at them. But before they could pull the triggers, gunshots echoed around and they fell on the ground with a loud thud. They were shot from behind. Anna and Nicolo looked forward and saw them. Roberto and Alesso shot every person lying alive on the ground as they made their way towards them. Anna involuntarily looked away and closed her eyes. She's a strong girl but she can never dare to see someone dying in front of her face. Leo went directly towards her and embraced her in his arms.

"Are you alright?" Leo asked.

"I'm fine, I guess," Anna said pulling away. But before she could looked up to him, her eyes caught to the man standing behind them at the distance. The man who Vince had ordered to check on Dom and he was back now with his gun ready to shoot at Leo's back.

"No!" She shouted and shoved Leo to the other side but unluckily Anna took the gunshot. The bullet slide right through her right shoulder. Soon the man was shot dead to the ground. Alesso put a bullet right through his forehead.

"Anna! You alright!" Nicolo squealed in worry.

"I'm fine. It was just a slide." She managed to answered under the pricking pain she was feeling right at her shoulder. 

 "We have to take her to Momma." Roberto urged.

Without wasting a second, Leo lifted her up on his arms and hurriedly made his way to their car while Alesso and Roberto back them up. Leo placed Anna at the back seat and sat beside her, Nicolo came and sat on her either side. Roberto and Alesso took the Driver's and passenger's seat at the front and drove off from that place immediately. Nicolo was still in shock. He was taking time to recover from what he just saw earlier. Never in his life, he thought that Anna would be so fierce and daredevil in fighting. The Anna he saw earlier was complete different from the Anna he used to spend time with. 

"What happen? Don't look at me like that!" Anna said quietly. She knew that anyone would be surprised to see the way she was earlier except her mother and sisters. She like to keep a low profile among people. "I'm sorry you had to see the other side of me. I couldn't think of anything but to save you." She said lazily but with a little amusement playing in her voice. Nicolo couldn't help but chuckle softly.

"You really are something, Anna." 

"Anna!" Leo voice caught her attention. "Don't ever risk your life to save me again?" Leo said unsmiling.

"I didn't do it for you. I would have done—" her words died midway when a searing pain from her shoulder suddenly pricked through her body. She clenched her eyes tightly and gritted her teeth, trying her best to absorb the pain.

"Alesso, antidolorifico!" Leo hurried. Alesso took out an injection and a tiny glass bottle from the glovebox. He shook the bottle and suck the liquid inside the injection. And passed it to Leo.

"That's a painkiller!" Anna reckoned as she straightened up from her position. 

"No wonder you're a medical student," Leo muttered under his breath before gently pulling her arm and injecting the painkiller inside her. He pressed and nudge gently on the now injected part with his thumb. Anna watched him as he caress her. A small smiled escape her lips as she stared at the handsome man plus the underboss of Mafia taking care of her. But Alesso caught her and looked at her amusedly.

"You're a lucky girl, Anna." Anna drifted and looked at Alesso. "You know it's rare to see the underboss worrying so much over a lady." Alesso threw an amused glanced at Leo. "When we learned about your abduction, he was all—"

"Alesso, stop talking before I kill you," Leo warned.

"You're such a killjoy," Alesso whined and looked forward, straightening in his position. Anna drifted her attention back to Leo and got caught right into his eyes. He was already staring down at her.

"Looks like the medicine is working. It's not hurting anymore." She blurted out as she put her gazed down and stared at his torso. Leo took her by her chin and tilted up to face him. Anna eyes went wide in shock and her heartbeats became irregular. They were just an inches apart. Nicolo was too ashamed to see them so he pretended to stare through the window while Roberto and Alesso were shooting amused glanced at each other.

"You know you could've been shot right through your heart," Leo said feeling really heavy. 

"But it didn't. I was lucky and I am—" she was interrupted when Leo placed a soft peck of kiss on her lips. Anna stared at him in complete horror. "You should really stop doing that. I hate you." Anna complains as she tried to hit him but Leo took both her hands and gently grasped it.

"Guess you're stronger than I expected." He teased.

"We're here!" Alesso said, an amused smile playing on his lips. He and Roberto got off from the car and Nicolo mirrored them. Leo also got off from the car and waited for Anna by the door. Leo attempted to carry her on his arms but Anna quickly moves back from him.

"I didn't hurt my legs. And as you said I'm stronger, I can walk by myself." Anna snapped quietly and pointed out. He rubbed his temple twice, heavily raising his brows before backing off. As Anna got off from the car, she was immediately lifted up from the ground into his arms. 

"Leo!" She yelped in shocked. "Put me down!" she demanded.


"Leonardo De Luca, I demand you to put me down right now." She raised her voiced and glared at him. Leo stopped at his tracked and looked at her amusedly. 

"Leo, do as she say. Don't make her angry anymore. She might really end up killing you." Nicolo said but his tone in the middle of being serious and amused. But his brother took it in as a joke and smiled at him.

"You're going to make a perfect wife for me," Leo mumbled as he put her down on her feet.

Always Smile, 

Happy Virus

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