Unstable [Harry Styles AU]

By ImSorryIfISayINeedYa

27.7K 1.4K 187

Everyone has an angelic and demonic side to them, but what defines us is our choices which makes one more pro... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Authors Note
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Authors Note
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Authors Note
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Authors Note

Chapter 10

826 55 3
By ImSorryIfISayINeedYa

The drive was taking forever, even though it was probably only a fifteen minute ride. I memorized everything I saw, it would be nice to know where I was so I can trace my steps and hopefully get to a place that I recognize.

I look out the windows, and to my left I see the club we had gone to the first day I came here.

Perfect, now I have an idea of where we are.

We pass a few more shops and a mall, and now we're driving down an empty road with a house at the end of it.

Like all of the houses these boys seem to have, it was massive. Something I'd never be able to afford in my lifetime, even though my parents had been extremely well-off, they wouldn't ever be able to afford them either.

Another thing all these men had in common with their houses was they are all in secluded areas.

"What are you looking at?" I turn my head to Alec, who's still holding on to my waist.

"Nothing." I roll my eyes and scoot closer to Lucas, who suddenly opens his eyes and sits up abruptly. He must've been sleeping.

The car comes to a stop, and both Alec and Lucas open the car doors and step out. Alec turns around and extends his hand out to me, making me scoff and step out myself.

Is he serious?

I walk up to the front door behind Lucas, and he puts a key in the lock before stepping inside. I follow him in, and stand there awkwardly. I feel so out of place here, I don't belong with these people.

There was another guy sitting on the couch, and he had brown hair with blue eyes. He didn't look intimidating, I wonder if he was in Alec's gang.

Are you dumb? Of course he's in his gang, why the hell else would he be here?

I roll my eyes, taking a few steps further into the house because I'm pushed by Alec from behind.

After a few seconds he turns to look at me and smiles. "I'm Tyler." He says from across the room, and I smile back, but I'm taken away by Alec who grabs the top of my arm and pulls me out of the room.

I want to throw open the door and run away, but I feel like I won't get far this time.

Not that I got very far last time either, though.

I'll text Kaylin the moment Alec leaves me alone and we can meet somewhere. Hopefully I'll get the chance. I don't want to spend another day here, let alone a few minutes.

I've made the decision to move once I get back to the apartment. I'm done with this mess and I'm going leave. I don't really think I have any other options, really.

It's either stay and live in fear everyday hoping that neither of the gangs will find me, which they probably will, or just move and forget everything happened.

I like option two.

"I'll show you where we'll be staying." Alec winks at me as he pulls me up the stairs.

It's like a replay of the first night I came to Harry's.

When we walk into the room he slams the door shut and twists something on the doorknob.

Did he lock it?

"Now that were alone-" He turns around and strides up to me. "-we can finally get down to business." I give him the most scared and disgusted look I've ever given anyone.

This man really is repulsive.

"So, let's talk about Styles, yeah?"

He pulls out two chairs, and tells me to sit down.

I hesitantly lower myself, eyeing him skeptically. He kidnapped me so we could talk about Harry?

"Look, Harry keeps me in the dark. If you took me here because you think I know any 'plans' or shit like that, then you're-"

"Did I fucking say you could speak?"

My eyes widen at his snappiness, what bit him in the ass?

"Well geez, I didn't know you were on your period. Do you need a tampon?" I jokingly sass him, and his features harden, standing up before walking right up to my chair.

He gently lifts me up, staring down at me as he runs his fingers down a few strands of my hair.

"Funny. Styles is more of a, how should I put this, fuck then chuck kind of guy." He laughs throatily, making me try and step away from him in disgust. I really don't want to hear about this stuff. He grabs both of my wrists and holds them up in front of the both of us.

"Are you that type of girl, candy? Are you Harry's little slut?"

My blood boils at his words.

"I am nobody's slut!!!" I scream at him, but immediately I feel a large force come into contact with my cheek, and the tears begin to brim at my eyes.

Did he just....slap me?

"You need to learn your fucking place. I don't care how Harry treated you, because frankly, with that mouth of yours, if I was him you would've been gone weeks ago. So keep that sass to a minimum, because it's going to get you into trouble with me. Understand?"

I nod my head quickly as I look at him like a deer in headlights. I do not belong here, and I am certainly beginning to miss Harry- he never treated me like this.

"Great." He gives me a toothy smile, "Now since we got that out of the way, I'm going to ask you questions, and you're going to answer them, or else I'm going to show you the true meaning of being tortured."

I stare at this man in bewilderment as I feel the sick feeling rising up from my stomach. Would he really torture me if I don't answer his questions? What kind of person does that?

The tears begin to flow harder even though I let out no sound as I try and not get sick right then and there. I just want to go home.

"Alright, first question." He sits back down and scratches his chin like he's thinking.

"What's Harry's favorite color?"

Is this a fucking joke?

"No no, I'm kidding. Got ya." He winks, but I'm not amused. I think this guy was clinically insane.

Ladies and gentleman, the real life version of The Joker.

"Okay, seriously, tell me why-"

There's three loud bangs on the door.

"WHAT?!" Alec's head snaps towards the door, and I thank the heavens to whoever is the hero behind it.

"Uh, Alec? We need you, now. Everyone's in the meeting room and we're waiting for you."

"I'm busy." He looks back at me and smirks, making me roll me eyes.

"Well, you better be quick." Footsteps walking away from the door tell us he's gone.

A loud groan escapes his lips, and he gets off of his chair while walking towards the door. I stand up also, taking a few steps to my right.

He turns around with a demonic expression on his face, quickly pacing over to me.

He roughly grabs my hips into his, our bodies flat against each other. I shiver at the close proximity, plus this guy was as cold as Edward Cullen. Maybe he was a vampire.

He leans into my ear, his warm breath fanning against my neck as he places a small kiss right under my ear, before leaving a few more in a trail down to my collarbone.

I'm frozen in my place, unable to move or do anything. I'm too scared that if I try to get away, he's going to hurt me.

The pain from my cheek was reminding me of what occurred just a few moments ago.

He takes one last bite on my neck and it actually hurt, maybe he is a vampire and he's drinking my blood right now.

It wouldn't surprise me, this guy is definitely a villain.

"Oh man, I can't wait to tell styles how much fun we have tonight in bed. He's going to love hearing about it just as much as I'll love doing it."

Goosebumps cover my body as his fingers trail up further in my shirt until they stop right below my chest, and I shut my eyes.

I must be dreaming, maybe if I pinch myself I'll wake up.

I thank the heavens he stops his wandering fingers where they are, and he leans into my ear one last time.

"We'll save that for when I get back, yeah?"

As he pulls away he places a kiss on my cheek, as it feels like the skin is burning from where his rough lips touched.

They weren't soft and pink, like Harry's, they were dull and dry.

He winks at me before spinning around ignorantly and strutting out of the room.

I let out a son and fall to my knees in the room, just letting all of my emotions out right there from these past few weeks.

What did I do to deserve this?

I pick myself up and try to gain some stability. Before Alec comes back, because there's no way I'm doing anything with him, let's try and find a place where I can hideout tonight.

No one is telling me I am sleeping in the same room as him, I barely could do it with Harry and he was so much nicer.

I venture down many hallways, which seem to go in every direction, until I reach a set of stairs. At the bottom there's a living room which surprisingly felt cozy, but most importantly there was a couch, and that means I can camp out here tonight.

It didn't look like people came back here often because it was pretty small and also far away from the main activity in the house.

I trudge over to the couch, still in a daze from what just happened, and lay down on the couch.

I couldn't stop a couple more tears from falling down my cheeks.

And, by the way, my cheek was still aching from where Alec had slapped me- I'm sure I'll have a bruise.

Maybe if I fall asleep, when I wake up this whole nightmare will be over.


I wake up to a ray of sunshine from the sun peeking through a window to my left, and hitting me right in the face.

Don't you hate it when that happens? You're sleeping peacefully and then the sun decides to shine in your eyes.

I sit up, stretching before I stand up from the couch. It wasn't the most comfortable place to sleep, but it's better than sleeping with Alec.

The name alone sent shivers up and down my spine.

Obviously Harry is scary too, but it's different with him. He's more of a..dominating scary. Alec is more of a "he's going to kill me" scary.

I need to leave this place- stop feeling bad for myself and just get the fuck out.

Maybe I should text Kaylin?

And if you're wondering why I haven't done that yet, it's because I didn't want to get anyone mixed up in this that doesn't need to be. If I got caught texting Emily or Kaylin and they try to help me out, the could get mixed up in this situation. That is the last thing I want.

I don't want to bring either of them into this. I look around, trying to find an escape. I walk through the kitchen, and in the back there's a door. Let's just hope it's not locked and I'll be able to open it.

I walk up to it and twist the knob, testing it. It spins, so I push it open and I'm free.

No alarms.

No men chasing me.

I'm free.

I guess these gang members aren't used to holding a person hostage, because not one of them was watching me, but when I was with Harry I couldn't sneeze without being questioned.

I sprint out the door, smelling the fresh morning air, and not having to worry about gangs anymore. Now all I have to do is get to my apartment, pack, and leave. Then I'm gone.

I continue to run, and I find myself in the middle of a wide open field with tall grass and flowers.

The grass is so tall, I can only see in front of me, but in the distance I can make out a figure.

It's tall and broad, most likely a man, but I don't recognize him. It looks like he's looking for something, or someone.

Maybe they can help me. I begin to run towards the person, hope bursting inside of me.

This is it. I can tell people my story and how I escaped from two different gangs, maybe I'll even be famous.

The longer I run after the man, the more I realize I can't get to him. It's strange, it's probably because I haven't had much to eat these past couple of days, or had much to sleep.

I decide to call after him, maybe he's moving in the same direction as me and that's why it's taking so long.

"Hey!! Please help me! I just escaped a man who took me and I need help!" The man looks towards me, and is now running for me, and the distance between us is slowly getting smaller. He gets closer and closer until he stops, and I finally catch up to him.

My heart leaps for joy as I finally realize this nightmare is over.

"Thank you, I-" I'm staring into a pair of jade eyes, the only ones that have been known to stare right back at mine, scaring and mesmerizing me at the same time. The most beautiful but troubled pair of green eyes that I have ever met in my life.


"I told you I'd find you."

"Harry, I'm sorry, please don't be mad-"

"You left me."

There's a long pause between us, and a rush of wind flows around us, giving me the goosebumps.

"I know."

"Why?" His face looks hurt, there's pain in his eyes, a look that says I betrayed him. My heart clenches as I gaze upon him, that look of loneliness that I've been noticing lately written in his features.

"Why did you leave me, Jules? Why?!" He turns angry and he walks closer to me, grabbing me by my neck. Not roughly but not gently, he was just kind of holding me there.

My breath is caught in my throat as I hear his deep breathing through his nostrils.

"I told you to never leave me!" He takes a step back, and I realize he's covered in blood.

I hold a scream in my throat, and cover my mouth.

"Harry! Oh my god, what happened-"

"It's okay, love. No more questions, no more crying, no more chasing."  He pauses, "But, I need you to save me, Jules." He pulls out a hand gun, and the sun reflects off of it making it shine.

"Save me." His voice is a coarse and pleasing whisper as he holds up the gun to his head and looks me in the eyes, and all I see is pain that he has been holding inside of him for so long, written all over his face.


I'm too late and the sound of a gun being fired fills my ears.


I wake up drenched in sweat and my breathing is so heavy it hurts my chest. I feel the warm tears dripping down my cheeks, and I wipe them away.

I'm still at Alec's, it was just a dream. I sit up and hug my knees, rocking back and forth trying to get my breathing under control.

Why did I leave Harry? This is hurting me way more than I thought, maybe I should've stayed with him. Then I wouldn't be in this mess right now and where I am.

I grab my phone and check the time.

3:45 in the morning.

I need to get away from Alec, and I need to do it now. I text Kaylin telling her I'd meet her at the mall that was near the club we went to the first night we came, and I'd explain everything later.

I'm praying she gets this text in time because I'm leaving now, whether she comes to get me or not.

I quietly walk to the kitchen, maybe my dream was trying to tell me something. Hopefully not the ending, but the part about the back door being open.

I tip toe with each step as quietly as I can, turn the doorknob, and sure enough- it's open. I smile to myself as I step out and run around to the front, beginning a steady pace to the mall.


It takes about a half hour, but I'm waiting in the main parking lot of the mall.

Technically there isn't a 'main parking lot', but the one I'm in is bigger than the rest.

If Kaylin or Emily don't show up in another twenty minutes I'm leaving. I could probably find my way home, but it would be better if they pick me up in their car. At least I have my phone with me, it's better than nothing.

Not long after I get there, there's a set of bright headlights driving around in the parking lot. I move towards it cautiously, I need to be careful just in case it's not who I think it is.

The car stops, and a person gets out of the drivers seat, then another out of the passengers seat. I see Emily's long brown hair and I smile. As I get closer I can finally see them clearly.

They sprint up to me and practically tackle me in a hug.

"I can't believe you're here." Emily chokes out as she hugs me tightly.

"Neither can I." I reply as I laugh and hug them both back.

"I was so worried about you, Jules! I've barely slept these past few weeks!" Kaylin says with an annoyed tone in her voice, and we all walk to the car together.

"I'm sorry, okay! It wasn't my fault."

"I know it wasn't." I sit in the back and explain everything that's happened on our drive back to the house.

"So he never hurt you? And are you sure you don't need to go to a hospital?" Emily asks like she was missing something.

"Except for the things I told you, nope. And yeah my leg is sore, but I can already walk on it. I'm not hurt that bad." Like I said before- the medication was doing wonders for me, a little over a week in and it was healing extremely quickly.

"You were shot, Jules, and oh my god." She turns around looking at me, leaning closer and squinting since there was dim lighting. "What happened to your face?! Your cheek is bruised!"

"I know, but I'm alright. It was just this guy, Alec. I'll be fine." I say as we pull up to the new but familiar apartment that I was supposed to live in. They get the hint I didn't want to talk about it and the conversation was left at that.

Truth was I didn't want to talk about any of it. And I left out the parts about Harry and I making out and stuff like that obviously. I don't need them to be even more confused.

And if I'm not going to lie, that dream that I had was still really bothering me. I hope Harry is okay.

But I'm not bothered enough to check up on him, because I know if I do he's going to be so angry with me and I don't want to deal with that or his attitude.

We walk up to our room and open the door, and it's like a breath of fresh air. I haven't lived here long, but it was what I called home for now, and it was nice to be home after a horrible couple weeks.

"Do you want to get some sleep? It's not even five in the morning." Emily asks as she grabs a water bottle out of the refrigerator and sits down on a chair at the island table in the kitchen.

"After the day and night I've had, I don't think I'll be able to." We all chuckle as we move our seats to the couch and talk about what we've done while I was gone, or mostly what I've done.

"I have something to say." I announce as our conversations becomes pointless, consisting of things like 'If you could have one super power and then be one super hero, what would they be?'.

Which by the way, mine would be to fly, and superhero would be Superman. Duh.

"Yeah, what is it?"

"I'm moving."

There's a long silence between us after I say this, so I decide to continue.

"I know I just came here, and I love this place, you guys, this city, but I can't live like this. He knows where I live, and I can't live in fear every single day being scared he's going to find me. I'm sorry but I have to go."

They make eye contact, and then look at me with a sympathetic smile. Emily is the first one to say something.

"I don't blame you. Don't be sorry, okay? If I was in your position I would do the same thing. You're so brave, Jules. And if you ever need anything I'll always be here for you."

"Me too. I'm so sorry this happened to you, you don't deserve it. We should've walked you home that one night-"

"Please don't say that, Kaylin. Don't say it's your fault, because it wasn't. He would've came to me anyway. Just please don't ever say you should've done this or should've done that because what's done is done, but were all alright and I'm here now."

Again there's a silence between us, but a calming one, and it's the first calm moment I've had in what seems like a while.

"So, let's help you pack, okay?"

I nod and we walk into my room, grabbing my suitcase and putting all my things in it.


"Thank you, Kaylin, for everything. You too Emily." I smile as I hold onto my plane ticket in one hand and my suitcase in the other. My flight is in an hour, and it's to a city just a couple hours away by flight.

It's not very big, so it will help me keep a low profile and maybe settle down for a bit.

"Anything for you, Jules. I'm just sorry everything happened the way that it did. You still have my number right?" I hold up my phone and nod, smiling.

"Good, then we can stay in touch." I hug them both and open the door.

"Wait! I forgot my necklace. It's the one my mom got me, I'll be right back." I walk into my room and look for my necklace. I find it on the nightstand next to my bed, and I put it on, looking in the mirror one last time before walking back over to the girls.

"Okay, I'm ready to leave now." I stop in my tracks as I see Kaylin and Emily sitting on the couch, looking like they just saw a ghost.

"Guys? What's wrong? Why do you look-"

I follow there stares to the corner of the room, where Louis is standing in his leather jacket with his arms crossed, a cigarette in his mouth.

He looks down at it, taking it out from between his lips and flicking some of the ashes into the ground.

He puts it back in his mouth and takes a drag before looking up at me.

He exhales, the smoke flying up towards the ceiling as the scent enters my nose

"Hello, love. I see your packed and ready to leave. You're lucky Harry's not here yet, he's pissed enough that you ran away, but now you're moving?" He shakes his head in a disapproving way while looking down and making a few soft clicking noises with his tongue.

He takes another drag of his cigarette and let's it out slowly.

"Louis? Why are you here?" I try to stay as calm as I could, but I'm pretty sure my voice was shaky, and it may have cracked a few times.

"I came here to warn you, Jules. We're friends, and I wanted to tell you Harry's coming, and I've never seen him this angry before honestly. Yeah he gets mad, but he gets over it after he 'deals' with the person. But you?" He says putting air quotation marks around the word 'deals' and sits down on one of the chairs. "He would never hurt you like that, but I'm nervous for you. You really made him mad this time, Jules."

My heart sank in my chest. He's coming for me?

"When will he be here? Is he coming now?" I walk closer to where he was sitting as I throw questions at him, and he gets up and makes his way to the door.

"Soon. And if I were you, I'd get rid of those suitcases. I won't tell him you were thinking about leaving, but if he sees those when he gets here." He frowns and widens his eyes. "Let's just say it won't be enjoyable for any of us." He turns around and opens the door, then diverts his eyes back onto me.

"I'll see you later, Jules." He smiles sympathetically before leaving and closing the door behind him.

I look at Emily and Kaylin, who still haven't said anything, they're just sitting there with a blank expression.

It was probably crazy for them to see Louis, one of the gang members, in their apartment, and I was having a normal conversation with him. Well not exactly a 'normal' conversation, but it was communicating.

They've probably one ever seen him from a distance, so to hear him talk and have him this close for the first time was probably intimidating to them.

"Well? What should I do??" My voice is pleading and desperate as I hope they can give me advice.

"I don't know, but he's coming Jules! I told you he always gets what he wants. He knew you'd come back here eventually, and he wants you back." Kaylin's voice is dry and she sounds scared, which is exactly how I feel right now.

Please tell me I still have enough time to get to the airport and fly out of here before he finds me.

I don't want to get mixed up in this gang stuff.

I take a seat on the floor and sit with my legs out in front of me.

Or are you just afraid because you know you shouldn't be feeling for him the way that you do?

I ignore the thought and focus my attention onto Kaylin and Emily.

"I'm so sorry, guys. I just messed everything up. I shouldn't have come back, now you're both involved." The tears threaten to pour out of my eyes, but I push them back. It's now I realize just how much I've cried since I've met Harry, I've never cried this much.

I feel so weak, like I let him control me. I talk big when he's not around and say I'll finally stand up to him, but when the time actually comes I get scared and let him walk all over me.

"Don't feel bad. We were so worried about you, and I'm beyond happy you came back. Everything's going to work out, Jules." Kaylin stands up from the couch and walks over to me, sitting down next to me on the floor. "Now, no more crying. I have a feeling you've done enough. Stay strong, love. We'll figure this out, and this time we'll do it together."

She smiles a genuine grin, making me feel better already. I haven't known her for too long, but I can already tell she's the type of person you want to have around when situations seem hopeless.

"We still might have time. I am NOT going to be here when that creep shows up." Emily stalks into her room, and I can hear her packing her clothes in a suitcase- aggressively.

She's shoving them in it, cursing loudly as she does so, which makes Kaylin and I chuckle.

"No, you guys can't come. I don't want to involve you anymore than you already are."

"Look, we're friends now, and friends stick together no matter what. Harry will threaten us when he finds out you're gone. Besides, I never really liked this color." She sarcastically says, pointing to the walls and earning a laugh from me.

"You guys really want to come with me?" I ask Emily as we stand up from our seats.

"Absolutely." Kaylin replies calmly as Emily is in her room freaking out.

I sigh and let out a deep breath. I just can't escape this.

After Kaylin, Emily, and I finish packing, Kaylin and I were waiting by the front door with all of our suitcases.

"Emily let's go! You're going to make us late for our flights!" Kaylin rolls her eyes and waits impatiently as Emily is in the bathroom. She decided last minute she wanted to apply makeup, so were waiting on her.

She was so flustered earlier and wanted to leave as soon as possible, and now she decides to put on mascara.

"Ready." She strolls over to us smiling, and we open the front door and make our way to the elevator.

Harry hasn't shown up yet, so I'm thankful for that.

We drag our things to the elevator and I press the down button, and the doors slide open.

Kaylin and Emily walk in first, and I take one last look at the door of our apartment. This is not how I was expecting this move to be. I thought I would come here and live a normal life and then later when it was time for a change of scenery, I would willingly move to somewhere that I thought I needed to be next.

I've learned things don't always go the way you plan.

Emily presses the first floor button, and I look forward and out of the elevator to the door that leads to the stairs.

It opens, and I think nothing of it until I see Harry walk out with his own jacket on, making him look much bigger than he is. (Even though he is pretty broad.)

At first he looks pissed, but when our eyes connect he smirks at me.

Not a flirty grin or even his real smile, it was a twisted smirk that made my heart ache.

Just before the doors close I saw him spin around and begin to jog down the stairs.

"He's here."


a pretty interesting chapter, huh?? here you go! :) Thank you so much for reading!

I love you all!

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