lovesick ➳ destiel oneshots


9.7K 342 248

Destiel oneshots! A lot of these prompts will either be found online or some I'll base off of episodes. Mostl... Еще



1.3K 19 29

description: Dean and Cas go to a pet store and Cas desperately wants a cat. 

note: this one is shorter! only about 2000-ish words.. I saw it on a post and immediately thought of Cas and Dean.

words: 2,210


Dean and Cas have been married for two years. There weren't many rules in their relationship but the number one thing that they arguably agreed on, was there was absolutely no pets in their house. 

For one, Dean was allergic to most animals, and was highly terrified of dogs. Secondly, their cozy apartment didn't allow pets. Thirdly, they were broke and couldn't afford anything in that matter. Fourthly and lastly, they were both extremely irresponsible and could barely take care of themselves. So, therefore, having any pets or just one pet would be a complete catastrophe. 

But, for some reason they were at a pet store. Sam had called because he was busy with his kids and Jess was out of town. Sam had three pets and needed food for them. So his brother and husband were his last resort. While on the phone, Dean rolled his eyes on just the thought of going to PetSmart. But Cas heard their conversation and agreed for Dean.

"Cas!" Dean had snapped, after he said bye to his brother.

"What?" Cas replied, with a small smile on his face. Cas loved animals and was upset about not being able to have one. "It would be nice just to look at them. Just bring your allergy pills."

"Fine. If I die then it's your fault."

"Alright." Cas smiled a big toothy grin. He was so excited to see a bunch of little animals.

About twenty minutes later, they arrived at PetSmart. Dean slipped out of the drivers seat of the Impala and Cas followed. The sliding doors open dramatically and Cas frantically waltzed in. 

There were birds, dogs, hamsters, guinea pigs, snakes, and most importantly, cats. Cas' grin and Dean's snarl walked to the front.

"Excuse me, ma'am?" Dean came up to the worker and spoke up, "Do you know where the cat food is?"

"Yes, it's right over there by the cats." She pointed toward the cat aisle. The shorter man was ecstatic, and sprinted toward the cats and practically squealed looking at the fluffy balls of fur. Dean followed with almost the same pace, wanting to get out of here. But Cas kneeled in front of a big and fat orange fluffy cat. He pet him through the cage and almost melted at the little cutie.

A small meow made Cas perk up, he turned his head and saw a black kitten with blue eyes. It looked about a week old, it was so tiny and delicate Cas felt like he was getting cavities from how sweet it was. 

The taller man finally picked out the right brand of cat food, after calling Sam and asking. Meanwhile, Cas was over there petting the kitten and talking to the worker about buying it. He was holding it in his arms after the employee took it out of its little cage.

Cas was giving it little pecks and kisses all around its face. He found out the kittens name was Saige, and it was a she. Dean walked up cautiously, as he was severely allergic to any kind of cats. Dean saw the look in his husbands eyes, and he knew that look. The look of I am getting this and you are not changing my mind. 

"Cas, dude.. let's go." Dean tugged at his trench coat sleeve. Cas was too mesmerized by the felines eyes.

"Dean, please, pretty please?" The man held up the kitten and smiled the widest he could.

Dean gave his bitch face. It was a stern no, "You know what will happen. We'll get kicked out of our apartment and it'll be your fault. I'm already starting to feel sick from the fur."

"She literally looks like me. Come on, Dean!" Castiel held it up close to his face and squished his cheeks with her.

"You're cuter. But, I'm not letting you get the dumb cat."

Cas gasped dramatically. "It is not dumb! It's my pride and joy!"

Jealousy slid over Dean's face. He knew Cas didn't love this cat more than him but he couldn't help but feel upset. Their marriage was stable and they rarely argued, but now they were fighting over an animal.

"You are not getting this cat, Cas. We can talk about it in the car."

Cas gave the kitten back to the worker who then put Saige back in the cage. They went to the self-checkout and purchased the food. No words were spoken for about three minutes. They went out of the same sliding doors and into the same car. The silence was engraving and each second it made them angrier at each other.

They sat in their seats for about another five minutes, Dean didn't start the car. Instead, they cooled themselves off for a second. That's what they did whenever they rarely argued.


"I need another minute," Cas replied quietly. It seemed like Cas was the angrier one in this argument. Dean let him have his minute. Cas put his fingers on his temples.

They both knew it was silly, but they couldn't help but feel angry. When they were dating, stuff like this never happened. The only time they argued was when they had to agree on not having any pets. Cas was extremely upset about the situation, but he loved Dean and wanted what's best for him. 

He knew lots of couples who took allergy medicine everyday for their significant others. But, Dean also hated taking medicine. He hated to be dependent on a pill to be satisfied. When he was ten, his father forced him to overdose and he was in the hospital for weeks. When Dean told Cas what happened during their first argument, it settled the two sides.

Cas felt so selfish in this situation, but it was something about the feline that connected him in a way no animal should've. She was like an animal version of Castiel.

The slightly shorter one exhaled a breath he didn't know he was holding in, "Okay. You start."

Dean slightly shook his head resembling an okay. When they argued as well, they told each other that the other person would have to finish their whole argument, with no interruptions. "You know how I feel about pets. You also know how Balthazar, our landlord, feels about pets too. I hate even looking at my allergy medicine, and you know that too. I love you so much, Cas and I just want what's best for our marriage. I don't want to have to argue over this."

Cas sealed his lips together and opened his mouth back up again, "I know how you feel about all of those things. But, I am so lonely when you're gone! I don't have to get to the restaurant until 9:00 and I get out at 6:00! You leave at 8:30 and don't get back until 7:00. That's almost two hours I spend by myself everyday."

Cas was a counselor at their local private school, and it paid well. Dean worked at a mechanic shop which paid a little bit more than Cas. But, Cas also had a part-time job online, selling different things on Amazon. 

"But we have lunch together everyday, as well. I know that we hardly see each other during our work days but the days we have off together we spend all of it together 24/7! We could get kicked out of our apartment and the apartment is perfect for us! It's right down the street from Biggerson's, we don't have any upstairs neighbors at the moment so we don't have to worry about noise, and it's-"

"Oh, so now we're guilt tripping me that we could lose our apartment, huh? Is that what we do now? Go off topic just to have a bigger side?"

Dean was taken aghast that he was actually interrupted. It's never happened before. Cas now started to get really mad and so did Dean.

Dean started the car and the engine whirred with excitement. He didn't talk to Cas and he did the same back.

"We don't need one." Dean finally said slowly as they were getting out of the car.

Today was the only day that they both had off that whole week, and they spent in sitting in different rooms. Cas sat in the living room, scrolling through his feed. Dean was sleeping in their bedroom, the TV still on playing whatever channel he decided to stop on.

Castiel thought about earlier and tears started to form in his crevices. He put down his phone and sat there, looking down at the floor and seeing all the dust forming on the wooden flooring. He got up, holding his knees and went into the small laundry room and searched for the broom and dustpan.

After finding both items, he swept vigorously across the whole house. Cas loved to clean and did so in almost every opportunity he had. The bristles of the broom tickled across the floor and caught dirt, dust and other small items. As he was dusting around their bookshelf, he saw all the pictures propped up on the shelves.

There was a picture of him and Dean on their first date. Dean decided to take a selfie for fun, and he kept it and gave it to Cas as one of his presents for their first anniversary. Cas softly smiled looking at the photo. They both knew after their first date that they were the ones for each other.

As he put it down, he began sweeping the corner and he felt two hands slid across his waist. He turned around to be faced with his husband, Dean. 

Dean noticed the tears in Cas' eyes and wiped them away with his thumb. With a quick motion, Cas fluttered his once closed eyes and looked up at Dean. They softly smiled at each other. 

Cas nudged his face closer and their noses practically touched each other. Dean looked down and gave him a huge hug. Cas felt his warmth and immediately felt better. He always knew how to make his husband laugh or smile when he was sad or when he cried.

"I love you," Dean said in Cas' hair.

"More." Cas replied bluntly, laughing through slight tears. They both hugged each other for minutes, just standing there not saying any words. Just actions made them both happy.

The next day, Dean and Cas had stopped arguing and decided that not getting a pet was fine. Dean was still at work and it was about half past five, because Cas got out of work early. He sought the perfect opportunity to go to the store and buy a couple of things.

Cas smiled looking through the options and saw the perfect one, once again. He got another one of the same thing and finally bought the items. He came home around six and got his stuff prepared, playing around with it.

Cas was always accidentally deceitful. It wasn't bad, he was just a clueless human being. He always found slight loop holes in everything by analyzing just a simple mistake of a word or anything misleading. If anybody accidentally said an extra word which gave the sentence a slightly different meaning, he took action.

Walking towards his car, he smiled. He was so excited that he actually got it and was so excited for the future with it. He put the items in the front seat of his car, and he slowly drove the way home. Looking at the trees that were slowly fading to orange, he was excited for fall and cuddling with Dean to keep him warm.

Half an hour later, Dean walked through the door, his sleeves rolled up and his hands covered in motor oil and dirt. He was wearing a navy blue button up shirt with pants that matched. He unbuttoned his shirt which left him in a sweaty and dirty white undershirt. 

He went to the bathroom to go and take a shower, but he saw Cas sitting on the bed, playing with two cats. Dean widened his eyes in surprise and looked at Cas who was adorably smiling at Dean, excited that he was home.

Memories and moments flashed through Dean's head as he saw the two kittens. He didn't want to take any medicine and he didn't want to have to deal with one, let alone two!

"Cas! What the fuck?" Dean barked, quickly running towards the bed, picking up one of the cats.

Cas had chosen Saige and another kitten, who was orange and white and his name was Pumpkin. Cas fell absolutely in love with the both of them and he paid for them and belongings for them with his own money. 

Dean shook his head in annoyance, looking at Cas who was sitting on the bed, his legs crossed in a pair of PJs on the bed he had just made. There was already cat hair all over the pillows and sheets of their bed.

"You said we didn't need one, so I got two!"

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