the king and his bride |

By x_linn_

278K 15.6K 8.1K

[discontinued] "He must be quite fond of you if he's calling for you even in the middle of the day." "I don't... More

TKAHB universe


5.6K 303 178
By x_linn_


Chaeyoung's pov

The subtle sound of rocking curtains woke me up from my sleep, the soft sound blending with the chirping of birds outside.

My eyes felt too heavy for me to open them at first so I stayed lying down, enjoying the soft comfort of the silky pillow and sheets I was tangled into.

After a few moments, I finally forced myself to open my eyes, squinting them as soon as the harsh sunlight blinded me.

"Gosh," I groaned silently, stretching my limbs tiredly. I brought my palms up to my face, rubbing my closed eyes with the tips of my fingers.

My face was still a bit puffy from yesterday's night, I had to look like a disaster at the moment.

I turned around lazily, turning away from the open balcony as the light shining through was still uncomfortable to my unadjusted sight.

Opening my eyes again I froze for a moment in shock, noticing I was just a few inches away from the king who was still asleep.

Only now I registered his arm that hung limply across my waist, his warm, steady breath fanning my puffy cheeks.

Biting my lip I inspected his face for a long moment, smiling to myself eventually at his peaceful state.

I raised my hand up, pulling the messy bangs away from his face before running my fingers through his hair, sighing softly.

It was hard not getting attached to this man. Especially now, that I was already trapped in this mess anyway. My heart seemed to be getting pulled in with every single breath he took, with every single moment I was in his presence.

I widened my eyes slightly, watching as the king frowned in his sleep just to mumble something I couldn't make out afterward. Humming he inched closer, tucking himself into my chest while wrapping his both arms around me lightly.

I giggled, watching as he proceeded on sleeping soundly, his calm and stable breath tickling my skin. Wrapping my arms around his neck I pulled him closer, nuzzling my face into his hair with a sigh.

It hurt, it still did and I was sure it was not going to stop any time soon. Before I even managed to realize my heart belonged to him, he was already yearning for the heart of someone else.

But it was alright. It didn't even matter anymore. I still ached, but as long as I was with him, everything was going to be fine. I was fine. The feeling of having someone you can care about so deeply and honestly was enough for me. As long as he was here, and I was here with him as well, I didn't need anything else in return.

I was okay.

3. person

"This has crossed all the limits!"

The room was boiling with the heavy atmosphere in the air, no one present dared to make a single move in fear of triggering the enraged emperor.

"Do I need to remind you that breaking rules in this palace calls for punishments?" Taehyung was fuming, looking over all the present men in the room with fury. Seokjin who was standing next to him held a blank face, internally agreeing with every single thing the younger said.

"This place has turned into a mess because you people cannot stick to the simple rules given to you," he snarled, leaning against the long table with his fists clenched as he stood in front of all the men, looking down at them in the most intimidating way possible.

He stayed silent for a while, the tension building up, making the men even more fearful for his next words and scoldings.

"I made it very clear already that every bride in this palace is under my wing, my protection and in my possession, no exceptions," he began, looking over all of them. He glanced at the empty seat by the middle of the long table, Mr Cho being obviously absent. "The brides are of no lower rank than all of you, if anything, they deserve as much respect as I do." he continued, making sure to glare holes into every single man that dared to look at him directly.

Taehyung knew the aristocrats treated the girls poorly for a long time now, he was aware of that and he made sure to warn them of the consequences of their disrespectful actions towards the girls. He felt like giving punishment to each and every one of them, knowing yesterday wasn't the first time they disrespected a bride. But he knew he couldn't do that, some of the men in the room were actually respectful and nice people, it would be unfair of him to throw everyone into one sack without knowing who was innocent and who not.

But what happened yesterday managed to finally push him to the edge. He felt maddening anger, just imagining that something like that could ever happen again. Imagining what would have happened if he hadn't heard her cries.

"I have no choice but to step up the rules and consequences regarding the brides," he announced, scowling at the silent gasps of shock resonating in the room, "If I hear from any of the brides that you even went as far as looking at them inappropriately, I will not hesitate to deliver a serious punishment," with that he looked over them one last time, his dark eyes reflecting pure wrath. "The meeting is over."

Walking out he shut the door after himself with a loud bang, taking a sharp breath to calm himself down once he was out on the corridor.

He was getting really worked up about this matter, but he couldn't help himself. The images of what he saw yesterday- mainly the state Chaeyoung was in- were making him go mad.

Especially after today's morning, when he found himself huddled into her chest, embraced in her caring arms. He cursed himself for letting such a thing happen to her. She was so preciously gentle and fragile even he was scared of hurting her ever so often.

Sighing he rubbed his face with his palms harshly before tugging at his bangs, swiping them away from his face.

He needed a breather, he needed to calm down.

Chaeyoung's pov

"I can't believe how much of an incredible looser you actually are," I giggled as Jimin threw a glare Jennie's way, frowning.

"Today's just not my day," he pouted before turning around, concentrating on his target once again.

He adjusted the bow before craning his neck a bit, aiming as he drew the string carefully.

Observing archery from up close was actually really interesting. At first sight, it looked really simple. You just had to pull at one string and aim at the target, right? But observing for a bit longer, I understood skills were inevitably needed to master such art as archery.

Even Jimin, who was a trained soldier himself, was for some reason struggling today.

Missing yet another shot, Jimin groaned in annoyance, messing up his hair.

"Maybe there's something wrong with the bow?" asked Jisoo, raising her eyebrow at the massive bow Jimin was holding.

"I don't think the bow is the problem," I giggled, catching the way Jimin kept on glancing Jennie's way with pinkish cheeks, obviously distracted the whole time. Jisoo gave me a knowing look while Jennie glanced at us, confused.

"It doesn't look like it's crooked or anything," muttered Jimin to himself, examining the bow with a frown.

"I'm sure you're just doing it wrong," sassed Jennie, chuckling once he threw another half-hearted glare her way.

I shook my head with a smile, watching as the two flirted obliviously.

"Says the girl who never held a bow in her life," retorted Jimin back, giving her a small victory smirk once she pouted, pretending to be offended.

"Excuse you, I'm skillful at much more important things than stupid archery," I bit my lip, seeing as the bicker started to turn into an actual argument really quickly. I glanced Jisoo's way, noticing her roll her eyes at the childish couple.

"Oh yeah? Well-"

"How about-" I interrupted loudly to get their attention, walking towards them with a tight grin, "-you teach Jennie how to shoot arrows? That way you can practice as well," I advised, pushing a confused Jennie by her shoulders towards Jimin, his eyebrows shooting up at my idea.

He glanced at Jennie hesitantly, the girl already sporting reddened cheeks as she kept her eyes on the ground.

"Would you want to?" he asked silently, causing the girl to glance at him shyly with a nod, Jimin smiling immediately at her approval.

I grinned as he took her by her shoulders, putting her into her position before he stood behind her, adjusting the bow in her hands.

I walked back towards Jisoo who gave me an approving look, lifting her thumbs up.

We watched the two for a bit, laughing at their adorable interactions. I felt like I could actually get diabetes watching the two, but the sight made me happy.

At least someone's having luck in their relationship.

My smile faltered a bit at the thought, my eyes darting from the giggling couple to the ground.

"You already talked to the king about it, didn't you?" startled, I looked up at Jisoo with widened eyes, my mind taking some time before it processed her words.

Sighing, I nodded.

Jisoo leaned away from the wall behind us before nudging her head, giving me a silent sign to follow her. Pursing my lips into a thin line I scurried after her, leaving the two love birds by the targets in the back while we walked closer towards the main pond, the willows on its strand offering a comforting shadow.

With my arms crossed on top of my chest, I walked alongside Jisoo, our steps slow and steady.

"So," piped Jisoo, looking at me sideways, "what do you know?"

"The truth," I said calmly without any hesitation, "he told me the truth."

"So you know it wasn't him who did it."

"Yeah," I muttered, sighing, "He told me everything."

Nodding, Jisoo proceeded on looking at the front, silent.

We were in a more quieter area now, at the farthest back by the soldier's quarters. There was no one except us, the soft roaring of wind and swishing of the leaves being the only sounds that could be heard.

I loved the scenery, however, I was feeling nervous as well. Nervous of what Jisoo may ask and of what she may already know as well.

"Just make sure you stay quiet about it. The more people know, the worse it gets," she sighed, looking down at the ground.

I nodded with a hum, looking ahead deep in thoughts.

It surely would get worse if the wrong people got to find out I know about it. The matter has a lot to do with the retired king as well and considering the condition the palace was in right now, it was important to keep such thing to myself.

"I'm actually feeling kinda special now that the king trusted me enough to tell me the truth," I admitted, smiling to myself softly before frowning once again, "But it bothers me that the others have him for someone he's not." I paused, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. Jisoo looked at me sideways, listening. "They think he's the bad guy, cruel and merciless." I bit my lip, thinking back to Sueji and other girls, and the way they tried to persuade me to stay away from him, "They think he doesn't deserve kindness because of what he has done. When in reality, he deserves anything but the hatred he gets." I sighed shakily, shaking my head.

I wished there was something I could do to bring him out of the darkness where he closed himself up. But I knew, as long as others had the worst idea of him, it won't be so easy.

"He's misunderstood," admitted Jisoo, nodding. Sighing heavily she looked up at the sky, her lips forming a thin line, "I guess that's life. We do anything in our power to simply lead a happy life, just so others can betray us and judge us behind our backs."

I scrunched up my nose, hating how true that was.

"That's life, yeah," I muttered, my shoulders sagging back with a heavy sigh.

"I wish-" I faltered, my breath getting stuck in my throat, "-I wish it was in my power to do something."

"He's the only one who can change his reputation and the other people's view of him,"

"I know, but-" I tightened my fists, "-it's unfair. It wasn't his fault."

"Chae, the king isn't someone who would let something like that phase him easily. What happened is long in the past, I'm sure he's over it anyway."

My chest squeezed painfully at her words, the sorrow I was trying to hold at bay resurfacing once again. Hugging myself I looked away from her, gulping dryly.

"Even if that was the case," I croaked, gazing at the pond we were walking by, "With everything that happened in the past, I can't imagine how harsh it has to be for him to live in a present like this. No matter how strong he is on the outside, he must be hurting so much." by the end, my words were nothing but a weak whisper, my own words causing something inside me to crack.

Jisoo stopped in her tracks, her sudden action waking me up from my daze as I stopped walking as well, looking at her in confusion.

She inspected me carefully in silence, making me nervous with her suspecting gaze. I frowned, turning to her completely before raising my eyebrow in question.


Out of nowhere, she gasped loudly, covering her mouth with her palm in shock.

"Oh my God!" I widened my eyes, panicking.

"Unnie, wh-"

"You're in love with him!"

Her sudden words seemed to cloud my entire mind in a thick fog, the shock causing me to take a step back, silent. My throat scratched and burned, making it difficult for me to let out a single word. My abdomen erupted in butterflies, the feeling causing my arms to wrap around my middle immediately.

"You're in love with him!"

The words were repeating over and over in my head, stubborn to finally quiet down and let me think straight.

"You fell in love with the king!" Jisoo continued, still pointing her finger at me just like a little child would.

Hearing it from her, hearing her say it so confidently was definitely a harsh slap in the face. It was difficult to wave her statement off without second thoughts.

It was even more difficult to acknowledge that in fact, I couldn't bring myself to deny it. Everything in me refused to do so.

Weakly and still in stunned silence, I shook my head slowly, my voice refusing to say something, anything. It was as if I was paralyzed.


"You did, didn't you?" she pushed, a wide, excited grin adorning her face in a moment.

Taking a deep breath to calm myself down I gazed at her eyes, hesitant.

"You think I did?" I whispered, my head already a big bundle of a mess as I wasn't able to think on my own.

I was so confused and I didn't know why. I thought I already acknowledged the fact I was feeling something for the king. I guess hearing it from someone else so bluntly and straightforwardly really made me realize what I got myself into.

"Did you listen to yourself just now?" she cheered, the grin never leaving her face, "That's not a way you talk about someone you do not love, Chae." she hummed, frowning a bit as she held her chin in her fingers, "But it's not like it wasn't a bit obvious before anyway."

"B-before?" I stuttered, still feeling shocked and startled for some unknown reason.

Seeing my obvious confusion and terror, Jisoo's smile faded a bit, a worried look taking over her features immediately.

"Chaeyoung," she muttered, taking me gently by my shoulders. She surveyed my eyes for a long while, searching for something I was not sure about. Heaving a sigh she stepped closer, taking my cheek in her palm. "You're still in a denial, aren't you?" she whispered, looking at me with compassion.

Shaking my head I glanced away.

"I-denial? I don't know..."

"Do you love him?" she asked softly, turning my face to look at her. I sucked in my breath, searching her eyes as I repeated her question in my head over and over.

His face popped up immediately, my memories with him clouding my mind.

My first night with him. The way he treated me so gently as if I was the most fragile doll.

Those times he would come to me with fury in his eyes and actions, but would always calm down in my hold.

That one time he acted so possessively because of Jungkook.

That night he attacked me and then the days after.

That time he broke down in his bathroom, begging on his knees for my forgiveness.

All those days after, when he showered me with attention and care.

When he saved me from getting harassed. Twice

His sweet cooings and reassurings, his warm and stable embrace, not letting me go until I was back to normal, feeling okay.

Parting my lips I took a deep breath, nodding.

"I do," I whispered, the realization finally dawning at me completely. "I-I love the king," I repeated, my eyes already stinging with unshed tears. "Unnie-" I hiccuped violently, my cheeks already getting wet, "-I...I fell in love with him."

Those words were all that was needed to make me burst out in tears, Jisoo taking me in her arms immediately.

"Aw honey, why are you crying? It's alright, it's alright," she cooed, tucking my face into her chest, "Shh, it's fine, you're fine. Don't worry." she kept on reassuring me, rocking us from side to side in a comforting way with me sobbing loudly into her dress.

To be completely honest, I didn't know why I was crying myself. It was true I felt torn because my feelings obviously weren't reciprocated. I knew the king didn't love me back, and that was alright.

I guess, the shock of falling for someone for the first time, for someone so different and hard to reach was also the fuel that forced my tears to keep on falling.

It was too much, all the wild emotions that kept on swarming around in my chest and abdomen, the number of thoughts in my head that involved no one else but him. Only him.

Who would have thought falling in love was so overwhelming? So exhausting but incredibly breathtaking?

I was scared, but something inside told me it was worth it. It was worth the try. In the end, he was worth much more than that.

After I calmed down from the crazy outburst I had by the pond, me and Jisoo decided we should go back inside since it was getting a bit more chilly.

With me still being an obvious mess after my previous ugly crying-session, we agreed on not going into the brides' chamber, knowing well I would have to explain myself to the girls once they catch sight of my current appearance.

And so we ended up crashing in Jisoo's bedroom. We were talking about all kinds of unimportant things when a sudden thought came to my mind, making me tilt my head wonder.

"Unnie?" I called from the floor where I was nestled comfortably, a blanket over my shoulders and a mug of cocoa in my hands.

"Hm?" Jisoo was sitting on top of her bed, laying on her abdomen with her head propped in her palms.

"The other day, when Sueji told us about Juhyun, you came after me and said that the king wasn't in the palace when Juhyun got cast out," Jisoo nodded, waiting for me to get to the point, "how did you know? It happened a long time ago before you came to the palace." the question took her off guard visibly but she composed herself quickly, smiling softly.

"Seokjin told me," she faltered a little, looking down, "I knew about the whole story from him, he told me a long time ago." I 'aahed' nodding my head in understanding.

That's understandable. The two are somehow close in the end, right?

Glancing up at her I bit my lip, wondering whether I should ask or not.

It seemed like lately, I was snooping around in everyone's business without a break, but in my defense, I was always a curious person! If the people wouldn't want me to know, they wouldn't tell me, isn't that so?

"Speaking of Seokjin," I began carefully, placing the mug on the floor next to me. Jisoo glanced down at me, "There is something between you two, isn't there?" I questioned, noticing how a single flash of sadness reflected in her eyes.

Jisoo chuckled quietly, not trying to hide her saddened eyes as she looked my way.

"Are we that obvious?"

"Yeah. A lot." I smiled softly at her small chuckles. Jisoo sighed right after, the little sad smile never leaving her face.

"We used to be really close when I came first to the palace," I nodded, listening intently, "I can still remember the first time we met," she chuckled, looking at the ground in a daze, "It was the early morning after my first night with the king. I was a mess and all I wanted was to get to my room as quickly as possible. All Seokjin managed to notice was a red flash of light strike towards him before we were both on the ground, a tangled mess of limbs." I chuckled silently, imagining the adorable scene, "After we talked a bit and he realized I was actually lost, he brought me back to my room and since then, I guess we got closer. We used to spend a lot of time together. When he wasn't busy of course."

Jisoo silenced herself for a while, making me curious but also worried. If they were really that close, what could have had separated them like this?

"Like they say, actions are stronger than words." I frowned at the sudden quote, confused.

"What do you mean by that?" sighing, she leaned her cheek against her palm, looking at the wall behind me with an almost invisible pout.

"After some time, we started realizing it was about much more than just a friendship for us," I bit my lip, already guessing what was about to come, "We were so silly back then," she chuckled emotionlessly, her voice seeping with disbelief, "We promised each other that no matter what, we will stick together and that at the end of this-" she faltered, her dark eyes not present anymore, "-that at the end of this, we will be together. Happy. We promised to fight for one another, promised we'll get rid of anything that will stand in our way. Because all that mattered was that we will be together, just like we wanted." the sorrow in her voice made me lower my head, pursing my lips into a thin line.

"But like I said, promises will only stay promises if we don't take action."

It was only my first day being in love, and I already couldn't understand why love had to be so complicated. Reading about it in books and fairy tales was way prettier and happier than it was in real life.

"Being the king's bride, I, of course, couldn't start dating. More at that with the king's best friend."

"Did you two fight because of that or something?"

"Every time the king called for me it got worse. Seokjin got distant and I was angry with him because he didn't take action like he promised he would," she chuckled soullessly once again, "but it's not like it's only his fault, right? We were both cowards. We had only one thing standing in our way, and we couldn't even get rid of that."

"Was Seokjin afraid the king's not going to allow your relationship?" I asked, my eyes wide in curiosity.

"That too," she sighed, "I don't really know of his reasons, but I know it would also create ruckus and problems if the king excused a bride to leave his harem. I mean, how would the other girls feel?" she muttered, finally looking my way, "It's like it wasn't even meant to be, right?" she smiled sadly, making me shake my head violently in surprise.

"I'm sure that's not it. You two-" I hesitated, "-still like each other, so I'm sure that's not it." she bowed her head down, smiling softly to herself, "I'm sure you two just met at a wrong time. They say time solves everything. Once Seokjin gathers all the courage he has, and you'll be ready to start anew, I'm sure you two will work out eventually." I reassured, hoping to shoo the sadness away from her face.

It hurt seeing her so defeated, and I was sure Seokjin was aching as well. The two deserved to be together.

"I don't know how much time we actually have to fix this, but hearing you say that makes me relieved. Thank you," she chimed with a small grateful smile before scurrying down to the floor next to me, giving me a bear hug.

I laughed at her sudden act of affection, hugging her back with as much strength as she held me with.

I really hoped the two will find their happiness with each other soon.

"I brought you something to eat," I chimed, placing the plate with biscuits and sliced apple in front of the king, "you could use something to snack on while working." the king looked up at me from his papers, raising his eyebrow.

"But I had lunch already?" he muttered before eyeing the plate I prepared.

"Exactly, which was about six hours ago. Now it's almost past dinner time," I noted, trying to negotiate with him.

His eating habits began to really worry me lately as he ate only when it was desperately necessary. I knew food was supposed to act as only a fuel for the human body, but the small amount of food he consumed throughout the whole day was concerning. It wasn't healthy.

Sighing the king smiled a little before pushing himself away from the table, motioning for me to sit down in his lap.

Flushed, I carefully sat down, hiding my flushed face away from him behind the stray locks of my hair.

It got really hot in the room all of a sudden.

Bringing me closer to his chest he pressed a soft kiss to my cheek, making my cheeks heat up even more.

What's wrong with me?!

"Thank you, sweetheart, I'll enjoy the snack you prepared for me," he muttered into my skin before taking one of the little biscuits and winking my way.

I smiled sheepishly, watching as he took a bite, proceeding on with his work in silence.

I wasn't a creep, but for some reason, I liked watching him work just as much as I liked watching him sleep. Even if he was working on important business, his features were always so calm and rested, his chest rising up and down in a perfect rhythm.

Gazing at his side profile I smiled unconsciously, the little mole on the tip of his nose was once again tempting me too much. Would it be too weird if I booped his nose?

"Have you been in contact with that Jungkook guy lately?" I froze at the unexpected question, my blood running cold in a second.

"J-Jungkook?" I stuttered in shock, making the king look at me with a raised eyebrow.

Trying to mask the growing fear inside I chuckled nervously.

"But you forbi-"

"I forbid you to meet up with him but I didn't forbid you to stay in contact." he said, observing my uneasy expression, "Haven't you two been sending letters to each other? That's what brides usually do when their families live far away." he questioned, tilting his head to the side.

Inspecting his calm, indifferent expression for a bit I felt a relief wash over me, seeing he was just simply asking without being suspicious of anything.

"O-oh yeah, we are! Of course, we are," I chuckled nervously, scratching the back of my head. The king nodded, looking back at his papers.

I sighed softly, bowing my head down.

Right, Jungkook. I still haven't talked to the king about it, and it has been quite some time since he forbid me to meet up with Jungkook.

I originally wanted to wait for 'the right moment' to talk to him about it but the longer I waited, the more difficult it got to bring out the matter.

Especially now, when I had so much to lose after just finding out about my feelings.

I've made a big mistake and I didn't know how to fix it anymore.

I didn't want to meet up with Jungkook in secret anymore and I also didn't want to lie to the king any longer. But I also didn't want to destroy what little we had, bringing out such a matter would definitely mess everything up uglily.

Who knows what would happen if I told him I was seeing Jungkook behind his back. Is he going to be angry with me? Of course, he's going to be.

"I'm asking because at our meeting today we received a report," said the king, bringing me out of my wild train of thoughts, "Supposedly, an assassin organization has been seen lurking around the Hangar district lately. That's where you're from, right?" my heart stopped at his words, the fear returning back, nevertheless now for a different reason.

"Assassins?" I whispered, already feeling sick with worry. Jungkook hadn't mentioned anything the last time he wrote me a letter.

"Yeah," the king muttered before looking at me, obviously noticing my expression embraced in worry, "they have been passive till now but we've already sent an army force to watch over the location, just in case. There's no need to worry." he said calmly, squeezing my side with his palm in reassurance.

I nodded, breathing and trying to think positively as I looked down at my lap.

It's not so rare for assassins to appear in random locations from time to time. Maybe they're just traversing to somewhere else? Yeah, that has to be it, Hangar is a poor district anyway, there's no way Hangar's their target, right?

Taking a deep breath I nodded to myself, looking back up at the king to give him a soft smile.

I couldn't ignore the little eruption of joy overwhelming me once he smiled back, his dark eyes shining lovably in the lit-up room.

"Next time you contact him you should tell him about it. Just in case so he's cautious." I nodded violently, grinning.

Feeling all giddy I watched as he returned back to his work, taking another of the biscuits into his mouth.

"You should eat the apple as well," I piped, regretting my cheery outburst immediately after, "t-there's a lot of vitamins. You need them as well." I muttered the end of my sentence, hanging my head down shyly.

Chae, you really do know how to embarrass yourself professionally.

There was a short silence before he chuckled lightly, bringing his hands near my face to cup my cheeks. I avoided his eyes at all cost, my whole face reddening as he watched me in amusement.

My face felt like blowing up any time soon, seriously, what was wrong with me today?

Bringing my face closer to his he cooed, leaning our foreheads together.

"You're being so blushy today, that's adorable." he chuckled, noticing that my face actually got even redder after his whispery coo. Placing my palms on top of his I looked away, the butterflies in my stomach getting wilder and wilder with each sweet whisper meant my way.

"Is my sweet, little girl shy?" the raspy whisper was enough to send me over the edge, making me whine silently as I pushed my face against his neck, embarrassed.

I think I actually might have a fever, oh gosh.

Chuckling once again he wrapped his arm around my entire waist, hugging me while his other hand went to my head, patting it gently.

"So beautifully sweet," he murmured into my hair, causing me to grab onto his shirt even tighter.

I wished we could stay like this longer. His familiar and comforting warmth was addicting.

"Let's go," he whispered before tightening his arm around my waist, lifting us both up from the chair. Slightly surprised I held onto his neck before he put me down on the ground, taking my hand in his.

"You already finished your work?" I asked, puzzled as he started to pull me out of the meeting room.

"Yep, and now I'm all yours." he chuckled, sending me a mischievous wink from behind his shoulder.

My stomach squeezed at his words, my breath hitching my throat.

He shouldn't be saying words like that so carelessly.

Standing on my tiptoes I wrapped my arms around his neck gently, bringing him lower in process, his lips not leaving mine for a second.

His fingertips ran up my bare back softly, leaving trails of electrifying shivers behind.

Each of his gentle but possessive touches was enough to send me over the edge. To make me mad with longing.

That's how it has always been, since the first time I stepped my foot into this chamber.

But now, when we separated from a kiss to catch our breaths and I opened my eyes, the sight of him made me week not only in my knees but my heart as well.

His plump, moist lips parted as he breathed heavily in and out, catching his breath. His long eyelashes brushed gently over his skin, his eyes closed in the heat of the sweet moment. The tip of his nose brushing against mine here and there, the little innocent contact causing him to chuckle every time.

Oh, and his voice. His velvety, raspy with pleasure voice made my insides tremble with adoration. Every sweet whisper against my ear, every silent coo of reassurance and care.

I was simply losing myself in his hold.

Wrapping his arm around my waist he dipped into the mattress with one knee, laying me down on top of the silky sheets slowly. Hovering over me he dipped down immediately, brushing his lips over my temple, not before locking his eyes with mine for a second in an intense stare.

Holding himself up with his hands on both sides of my head he took a deep breath, the vein on his neck making itself visible.

"Baby," he whispered, pecking my temple before going lower and lower, pressing another peck just under my ear, "hmm," I shuddered at the deep hum, running my hands up his chest before placing them on top of his shoulders, "I would eat you up right away if I could," he rasped out, pressing a wet kiss to my neck, my breath going irregular from his words, "But where would be the fun in that, right?" he chuckled, bringing his both hands slowly to my hips.

Taking a shaky breath I held his eyes with mine as he backed away from my neck, my fingers playing with his hair at the back of his neck.

I shivered at the lustful look in his eyes, the sight making me rub my thighs against each other unconsciously. Noticing my action, the corner of his lips quirked up before he leaned back down, attaching his lips exactly in the middle of my breasts where my underwear didn't cover my skin.

He ran his fingertips over the skin of my abdomen, the almost feathery touch forcing me to cramp my tummy.

I whimpered, squirming under him in anticipation. Running his hands up my abdomen to my sides, he trailed wet kisses up my chest towards the crook of my neck. Nuzzling his nose into my skin he inhaled deeply with a hum, his arms holding me tightly by my sides.

"Have I ever told you you have the most addicting scent?" he whispered against my skin, one of his fingers trailing from between my breasts to my neck and under my chin.

"My scent?" I breathed, my mind already blank, only the thoughts of him present.

"Mhm," he hummed deeply, running his nose across my skin gently, "I can't get enough of it," biting my lip I brought my hands to his cheeks, bringing his face up so our eyes could meet.

His hands lowered back to my hips, holding me in a tight but steady grip.

His usually honeyed eyes were glazed in a dark longing and lust, boring into my own deeply.

We stayed watching each other for a long time, our eyes eager to communicate with each other in the comfortable silence of the chamber.

Caressing his cheek with my thumb I watched as his eyes kept on darting between my eyes and my lips, always remaining on my eyes for a bit longer.

Glancing at his lips I finally pulled him in, our lips meeting in a long, passionate kiss.

Deepening the kiss he placed his arm on the pillow above my head, leaning in even closer into my body. Welcoming him happily I wrapped my arm around his neck, pulling him closer.

Letting out a breathy sound his other hand wandered towards my cheek, cradling it gently as the kiss got even deeper and hungrier. The heat of our bodies collided together to create space only for the two of us, where nothing else but this moment mattered.

"Sweetheart, what are you doing to me?"


you guys aren't alone, I'm starting to miss Jungkook as well lol, but dw he'll show up soon!

I have mixed feelings about this chapter, like I could do better but I guess this works as well, hope you enjoyed it nevertheless!!

also, we've reached 30K reads!!! THANK YOU SWEETHEARTS I can't begin to describe how grateful I am!!!

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