
بواسطة quietandshylives

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A group of girls that banded together for nothing more than fun find themselves in the whirlpool of hate and... المزيد

International Views
Courage is Hidden
No Promises
Demands of The Masses
Growing Strong
Family Comes First
Laughter, Desire and Truth
For Our Girls
One Last Time
Night Time Confessions
A Change of Heart
Idols Turned to Heros
Midnight Mysteries
Worry Free
Sands of Time
Final Goodbyes...
Apart, Yet Forever Together
Night Wings
Together At Last
Fuck Destiny, Fuck Fate
Final Showdown: Night Wings Reunited
Final Showdown: You're Not My Family

Dance With Pride

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بواسطة quietandshylives

Each of the girls had tears brimming their eyes as the crowd chanted, over and over again with passion, a fire that came from the pit of their hearts and sank into the girls. The only one that wasn't crying was Euca, although you could see the tears that wanted to fall so desperately. Her main focus was comforting her Youngers, ensuring that they were ok. She had always been like that, forcing herself to stay strong in front of them, in front of us. Only ever crying or spilling out the days emotions when she showered or took a bath, or even when she was alone in her room. Here she stood now, her emotions likely being shoved down her throat, and yet so strong as to make her eyes tint pink from the tears that wanted to fall but she wouldn't allow. I smiled and wrapped my arms around her from behind.

"It's OK to let go once and a while."

She was tense but calmed slightly," I know, but now isn't the time." Her voice was low, she didn't trust herself to speak much louder than that.

"We need never be ashamed of our tears." I breathed and kissed her cheek as I held her.

She stole a glance at me before her eyes grazed over the crowd and landed on Cordova, her posture stiffening.

I looked as well, there he stood a smirk playing at his lips," I won't let him ruin this for you love."

"Alright, alright Mustangs!" Garcia laughed into the mic, calming the rowdy crowd of students," Let's give the Night Wings one last round of applause."

The school whistled and cheered again before calming.

"Now, let's have our Fillies give these girls a dance and then we shall reveal-"

The school automatically began to pound their feet into the bleachers, creating a drum-roll sound.

"The big guests of honor this evening to send our dance girls off with a bang, the Mustang way!" Garcia boomed and smiled happily.

Another loud cheer sounded.

Jayden, Duke, Joseph and I led the girls back to the seats to watch the Fillies performance. Each girl still sniffling and rubbing the tears from their eyes. Euca continuing to make sure they were alright. I smiled and looked up as the song blasted and the dance started. I had forgotten how profoundly sexual their dances were...

"I wonder what Cordova is up to." Euca breathed, her eyes far from the performance.

"Just enjoy yourself, like I said earlier. He will end up making a fool out of himself in the end." I whispered and wrapped an arm around her," Because he can't see just how amazing you girls really are, and that will always make him spiral and dance like a fool."

Euca rolled her eyes, she was already drained from keeping in her feelings but still tried to be upbeat for her youngers," Stop it..."

"Never love." I cooed and nuzzled her cheek.

A small giggle escaped her lips, then I felt it. A burning heat coming from somewhere behind me.

Now who the hell is glaring at me? I pulled away from her and stole a glance behind me, and there sat her ex. Dixon, and one hell of a glare. Scoffing slightly at it I went back to attempting to cheer up the drained Euca.

"What's wrong?" she muttered, leaning into my side.

"You remember the ass I punched in the nose?" I whispered as I held her.

She hummed and looked behind me," Talk about daggers..."

"I'm OK with it. Just rest a moment love." I smiled and absent mindedly began to rub small circles into her side," Then we can go home and you can have a nice long shower ok?"

"You know me too well..."

I chuckled soft," Yeah well... I'm very observant."

A small sigh escaped her lips as we watched the dance. The other girls were still sniffling and wiping the stray tears, happy with all that was happening. Confused with the schools sudden interest in them, but happy with it none the less. Finding comfort still in each other and the guys as we calmed ourselves and relaxed. Enjoying the last day we had here, although a hell hole, it was an OK place to be.

After a few minutes the performance was over and Cordova decided to come back out into the center and the Fillies cleared away to the side, panting soft and stretching out.

"Alright, let's give the Fillies a grand round of applause!" He smiled proud.

Students cheered for a moment before quieting down, save a few mutters and snickers.

"Alright, and for the highlight of today. We have some very special guests today, a global sensation actually and they have come personally to greet and congratulate our dance team for winning their competition!" Cordova shouted into the mic.

The sheer volume made everyone cringe, mutters spewed quickly as they questioned and attempted to guess who this global sensation could be.

"Welcome to our school, the one the only BTS!"

A wary round of applause was heard as most questioned who this group or person was. Those that did know however, whispered excitedly with each other and looked around at the doors. The girls eyes were wide and they looked at each other with the most anxious and excited eyes I had seen. 

After a moment or two, the seven boys that the four girls had idolized so much entered the room. They looked like some normal people for once, dressed in something less formal and more comfort, less flashy and more dulled down. Those small excited whispers grew as they entered and bowed to each section of the gym, small waves coming from a few of the members as well.

Mr. Garcia greeted them, shaking their hands and bowing with them.

"These seven men are here today to congratulate our dance team, for winning their dance contest. So make some noise for the Fillies!" Cordova laughed.

I narrowed my eyes, I was confused. When did the Fillies even enter the BTS competition, when did they even like K-Pop in general. The girls were in total disbelief and astonishment. In fact, everyone in the gym was wary of this information, scattered applause and whispers echoed. You could even see the confusion from the boys at hearing the name. One of them, seemingly one of the tallest stepped forward and shook his head.

We were sitting just close enough to hear the words come from him.

"Who are the Fillies?"

Cordova scoffed with a beaming smile," The Fillies is our dance team. That is who you asked for."

The man shook his head politely and offered his hand for the Mic," If I may?"

Cordova reluctantly handed over the Mic, in the corner of my eye I could see Garcia, visibly retaining his laughter from what was going on.

"Namjoon?" Euca muttered.

Namjoon tapped on the mic soft to test the sensitivity before speaking," Hi, uh... we are BTS."

The other six members waved happily, radiating confidence and energy.

More students waved back from the welcoming feeling you get from them.

"Um, this is our first time in your state of, New Mexico and we are here to personally congratulate your school's dance team. Um... However the name of this group is uh... the Night Wings." Namjoon added, his thick Korean accent coating his formal wording," If this group could please step forward or if you lovely people could point us in the right direction."

Still wary of outsiders, the students of West Mesa didn't comply to his offer.

Euca stood," Um... W-we are the Night Wings. S-Sir..."

Namjoon was genuinely surprised with the Korean that escaped her lips," Your pronunciation is really good."

Euca bowed and motioned for us to stand.

Cordova laughed and shook his hands, stepping in between her and the group," These... these... girls were not and never have been our dance team."

Garcia laughed and shook his head," If you had stayed for the conference. You would have heard the name of the dance team they so wished to see."

The crowd laughed low at Cordova's confidence.

Namjoon steered around Cordova," Hi, I am Kim Namjoon. You must be... Eucariz Lucero?"

I smiled faint, he had practiced saying that one. That much was obvious.

"Yes..." Euca breathed and bowed as she shook his outstretched hand.

Garcia snatched the mic away from Cordova again," At long last the Night Wings have found their calling and I for one am sad to see them leave us so soon. Hopefully they will keep this school and the students in their minds when they run off."

The students cheered happily, standing and chanting before the assembly was finally dismissed and the large group of 17 made our way to the conference room. Cordova was silent as we walked and sat at the long table.

"I would like to thank you seven for agreeing to come to the school, I'm sure it means a lot to the girls that you are here on their final day of school." Garcia smiled warm.

Namjoon turned to his brothers and what I assume to be a translation.

"Mr. Kim, would you like to talk to the girls?" Garcia asked.

Namjoon nodded and thanked him as Cordova and Garcia left the room.

"So you girls know, Korean?" He acquired.

The nodded happily.

"The boys don't however." Euca spoke up.

Namjoon nodded and smiled," It is easier for the members to understand Korean."

The girls looked at us and we smiled back. We had no need to be in their conversation. This was all them, all we did was make sure they were healthy and give them as much love as support as we would be able to. The rest they achieved all on their own. They were the ones singing and dancing in the spot light, buying off pain relief patches by the batch and coffee by the gallon, but they made it here. They danced with pride, sang with soul and lived life like there was no tomorrow. They only showed the crowds what they wanted them to see. But us. Jayden, Joseph, Duke and I were behind the scenes and saw the pain, the arguments, the laughter, the exhaustion. We saw it all and we didn't give a fuck because these were our girls, and we were damned to see them be anything less than they wanted to be.

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