
By ForTheLoveOfIt

56.7K 1K 224

His dad grabbed his shirt and pushed him backwards. Ryan cried out as he tumbled down the stairs and hit the... More

Kissed by a girl I just met. How crazy is this school?
This is where reality strikes. Haha.
Now this is getting awkward. Like, seriously.
This is what I was worried about.
Can't believe this.
This. Sucks.
Welcome to hell
This is what pain means.
Not enough pain.
What the fuck have I gotten myself into?
A/N - Update and a New Book!
Car Chase - Just like the movies!
Life fucks me up. Again.
UPDATE (FINALLY) - This shit is really weirding me out.
Who's who?
Fuck you all
They all know the truth now

Are you fucking serious?

8.8K 112 30
By ForTheLoveOfIt

Ryan ran to his bus, his shirt half tucked out, tie hanging loose and shoelaces undone. The bus engine revved for the fifth time, almost taunting him. Ryan swore. Bad start for a first day at high school. He pushed his way into the bus past the snarling conductor. "We're late!"

"Sorry, Sorry!" He grabbed the very last seat and put his rucksack beside him. First days sucked. He was always late. I mean, which kid had to fight with his dad for attending school? Wasn't it supposed to be the other way round? Ryan forced the thought away. First day. Better focus on that. 

He adjusted his school uniform and tried to remake his messed up spikes. He pulled out his iPod and put on headphones. Linkin Park rang in his ears. And as usual, forced him to think of the mess back home. He couldn't.....

The bus horn brought him back to reality. He sat up straighter. It was a school rule that each bus will pick up a teacher along the way. It was all a part of their anti-bully campaign or some shit like that. He remembered the principal saying that to his mom when they took admission. 

A large woman entered the bus. And large was understating it. She could barely fit through the door. "Good morning, Miss Honey," Some of the juniors chorused. She looked like she had taken quite a large dose of it. Her voice sounded like it had been dipped in a room full of honey. "Good morning kids."

Then she came straight to him. Ryan half stood up. "Um...yes?" He removed his headphones.

"You new here?"

Ryan nodded. "Yeah. First day."

"What's that on your neck, huh?"

Ryan pulled up his collar nervously. She actually noticed that? Cripes. "It's a tattoo. Got it this summer, was on a vacation in Bangkok."

"Well, whenever you got it, I want it removed by tomorrow!"

"Are you crazy?! I can't!"


Ryan swore. It had just come out. "No, I mean-"

"Detention today after your classes are done. Meet me in the staff room."

"No! I'm sorry-"

"No excuses."

"Please, I can't!"

"And why is that so? Class?"

Ryan stared at the floor. "No." 


He didn't reply. His dad......he couldn't let that happen. 

"Please, it's my first day..."

Miss honey considered it for a while, then nodded grudgingly. "Alright then. One chance."

Ryan sighed in relief. "Thank you." he sat down again. Miss Honey sat down right beside him.

"So you're from around here?"

"Just moved in."

"I see.....what does your father do?"

"Well, odd and there....sometimes..." What else could he tell her? That he was a drunkard? That his sole aim in life was to make him suffer? That he had abused his mom over and over again for the last three years?

"I see. And your mother?"

"She's an actress - Nicky Laureal?"

"She's your mom? You're lucky kid then. You'll get many friends."

"um..thanks." He turned back to the window uncomfortable. He hated his life. He hated his dad. He hated everyone. He was already starting to hate his new school. 

The bus screeched to a halt. Ryan waited until all the school kids had poured out of the bus. Then he stepped outside.

He had to admit - the school looked impressive at the first glance. Two tall glass buildings, a sprawling green lawn and a fountain in the middle. There were a couple of dome shaped buildings at the back.

Ryan puled out his mobile and looked at the schedule the school had sent him. He had registrations till 11. Great. How big was this school that they needed registrations on the first day?

Someone clapped him on his back. "Hey! New kid?"

Ryan turned around. The guy was  at least two inches taller then him and was totally punk style. His hands were covered with tattoos, there was a stud in his ear and he had gelled his dark purple hair into spikes. None of it went with the uniform. "Oh, hi. I'm Ryan."

"And I'm Drake." 

A car pulled up behind him. A brand new Lamborghini, a hot shade of red. A chauffeur in white stepped out and opened the door for Drake.

"Sexy car, dude."

Drake grinned. "Thanks. You have one?"

"Yup. Only my dad won't let me drive it - says its too dangerous."

Drake laughed. "Dude - I'm asking like - your own car?"

Ryan half smiled. "Obviously. I have a Bugatti Vernon."

"Man! That's too cool!"

"So you new here too?"

"Nope. Second year here - But I'm still in your class, no worries! I failed." He grinned again.

Ryan laughed. Seriously - this guy seemed to be totally off the rocks. "Well, I have to go for registrations - so I'll see you later!"

"Oh, you really gonna attend that crap? Half of us skip it!"

Ryan shrugged. "Well - I don't plan on failing, do I?"

 Drake studied me from top to bottom. "You don't seem to be the nerd type."

"Well, I have to go! Catch you later!"

Drake shook his head. "As you wish! Have fun!" 

Was everyone here so punk? Most of the schools he had gone to had them - all rich kids. This time mom had a film in the poorer area so he had to come here.

Ryan saw a large group of students gathered near the reception of the first glass building, so he went there and fought his way to the front desk. "Ryan Laureal?"

The receptionist looked frustrated. "Come again?"

"Ryan Laureal."

She typed it out onto the computer. "Um...yes. Class No. 11, B1. Down the hall, then go right."

Ryan nodded his thanks and left. He went inside his class. It was a large hall, with long rows of seats all around. It could seat at least a 50 students. He had never been to school with a class of over 20.

He glanced at his watch. Over an hour till classes started. He was beginning to see why most students skipped this. His home was just ten minutes away, but he obviously couldn't go there. Not with his dad around and mom absent. He wouldn't survive the hour.

A group of student ran inside. One of them pushed into him. Ryan stumbled backwards.

The kids looked at him. The one who had bared into him stepped forward. "Hey, man, sorry. I'm James Peterson. You?" James was short and had hazel brown hair and eyes to match.

"Ryan. Ryan Laureal."

"Like - Nicky Laureal?"

Ryan shrugged. "Um, I guess. She's my mom." He wished they hadn't asked. Now they would be all friendly, and then start asking for autographs from his mom. 

"That's awesome!" He pulled him over to a seat, ignoring all his other friends. "You're the best guy around here!"

Ryan shrugged. He just wanted to go. 

Another kid took his place on the other side. Great. Now he was stuck. 

James suddenly called out to someone at the door. "Hey, Drake! Check this out, man! This guy's mom is Nicky! THE Nicky Laureal!"

Drake stepped forward and looked at Ryan. "What?"

Ryan half-smiled at Drake. "Yeah, well - "

"You didn't tell me!"

Ryan shrugged. "It didn't come up."

Drake just nodded, then went and sat at the back of the class. His expression was weird. Ryan tried to get up, but James and his gang pushed him down again.

"Come on, tell us how your mom is in real life!"

They kept at it for the entire hour. It almost drove him crazy. The class had filled up by then. James and his friends went away, called by one of the teachers.

Ryan went to the backseat and joined Drake. "Whats up, dude!"

Drake just snapped. "Why don't you just fuck off?"

Ryan frowned. "Hey, I was just saying hi."

Drake grabbed his collar threateningly. "You better keep your distance, Ryan Laureal, if you don't wanna die."

"Hey, look, I'm sorry I didn't mention who my mom-"

 "Shut up, motherfucker."

Ryan pushed him away. "Are you fucking crazy? I just met you." 

Drake didn't answer. 

Two more punk friends joined Drake. "This guy pissing you off?"

"I can handle it."

One of them commented something and Drake laughed.

The teacher entered. "Good morning students." He was a thin, wiry guy with thick spectacles. "I'm your English teacher this year - Mr. Smith."

Some of the students muttered a good morning. 

The teacher turned to them. "So we all have gathered her for a new year. many of us are new, aren't we? I believe we can't really begin an English class without getting to know each other first." He gave a small laugh. "Well, what are we waiting for?" he pointed to the first-benchers."Lets begin with you, shall we?"

It took an impossible amount of time. By the time they came to me, I was half asleep. 

"And that boy there?"

I looked up slowly. "Me?" 

"Uh, I'm Ryan Laureal." I sat down again.

Mutters ran through the class. I sighed. I always hated this part. 

A guy in front turned to stare at me. "You mean you are related to THE Nicky Laureal?"

I nodded. "Yeah, she's...she's my mom."

"I told you!" James shouted from somewhere in the class. "This guy is like my best dude man!" 

The teacher ignored all the comments. "So, tell us, Ryan, how is it to have a celebrity mom?"

I shrugged. "Yeah, okay, I suppose. Pretty normal." No one would guess what was the real story. I stared at the floor. Everyone's eyes were burning onto me.

The teacher moved onto Drake. 

"And what about you?"

"I'm Drake Lewinsky."

Lewinsky....the name was somehow seemed familiar to Ryan. The teacher asked him a couple of questions then went on to his friends.

"Harry Miller." He had an overkill of earrings. Three on each ear plus one on a pierced lip.

"Joseph Lee." He seemed to be pretty normal.

The teacher moved on to the other kids. By the time Mr. Smith was done, the bell had rung. The students all moved out of the class.

Drake just pushed past Ryan without saying a word. Ryan was puzzled. What was the matter with that guy? First he's all friendly, then he acts as if he wants to kill him.

He moved out. James came up to him again. "Yo Ryan!"

"Hi," Ryan said wearily. Now this guy was going to piss him again. He looked at his schedule. He had two continuous science classes. Great.

Everyone was opening their lockers. Ryan went along the entire row, searching for his. He found one with his name stuck on it at the very end of the corridor. He pulled it open. There was key inside, obviously belonging to the locker. He picked it up and then dumped all his books inside.

Someone banged onto the locker beside him. Ryan turned with a start.

"Please, I didn't make a go on her! She's totally yours, man!"

Drake was holding some junior by his neck. His two friends were right behind. "You gonna mess with my girl?"

The junior was almost in tears. "Hey, I am two years younger to Julie. I won't-"

Drake punched him in his stomach. "You stay away from her, get it?"

"I can't! She's helping me with my project!"

"What did you say?" Drake punched him again, this time on his face.

The junior's nose began bleeding. "Please-"

Ryan put his arm on Drake's shoulder. "Drop it, Drake. He's a kid."

Drake dropped the kid, then turned onto him. "You wanna take his place then? You wanna take his place?"

Ryan put up his hands. "Hey, don't take it that way - I was just-"

Drake pushed him backwards. "You want to fight with me? You?"

"No, I-"

Drake punched him across his face.

Ryan lost it. He flew at Drake and tackled him to the ground. He had just raised his fist when a voice sounded across the corridor. Dipped in sugar, of course.

"Boys!" It was Miss Honey.

Ryan swore and stood up. He was in trouble. Again. "I'm-"

Miss Honey raised her hand. "I don't want any excuses this time. To the principal's office, both of you."

I sighed. First day, and in trouble already.


Ryan trudged home silently. He was dead tired. He had missed the last bus home due to his detention. It was about five. The streets were nearly empty. A few kids were playing in the park next to his house. 

Ryan paused at the gate. Was it really a good idea to show up so late? But what other choice did he have? If he didn't turn up that asshole would remove his anger on mom. He couldn't let that happen.

He walked up the front steps, took a deep breath, then knocked once. His stomach was churning with nervousness. Please, just let mom be okay...

Dad opened  the door and gazed at him for half a second. Then he grabbed his arm and dragged him inside. He slammed the door shut behind him.

Ryan looked about for his mom. Nowhere in sight. He heaved a sigh of relief. Maybe she wasn't back from the sets yet. 

Then his dad turned to him. "Why are you late?"

"Where's mom?"

"What do you care?"

Ryan ran double time up the stairs and reached for the door of the master bedroom. His heart was thumping loudly. God, please, no.....

His dad grabbed his shirt and pushed him backwards. Ryan cried out as he tumbled down the stairs and hit the floor hard.

His dad advanced on him.

Ryan spit out a curse and scrambled to his feet. "Mom!" He yelled. No reply. That was either good news, or really bad news. His heart beat went even faster.

"She's not home yet." His dad said.

Ryan relaxed a little. Thank God.

His dad came close. Ryan could smell beer on him. "So why are you late?"

Ryan just glared back at him and didn't reply. "Fuck off." He attempted to push past him, but dad grabbed his arm and literally threw him onto the floor.

Then he walked forwards and kicked him on the side of his head.

Stars swam in front of Ryan's eyes. He heard his dad say something incoherent. Asshole. Ryan crawled onto all fours. His dad kicked him to the floor again. "You are never getting late again, got it?"

Ryan didn't answer.

His dad dug his nails into his stomach till it hurt. "I said, got it? You get late again, you are never going back there."


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