DISCONTINUED Attack on Titan...

By Lexi_69

14.9K 411 51

Naomi was once in the military police but decided she wanted a life filled with excitement. Her respected bro... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
chapter 20

Chapter 1

3K 55 6
By Lexi_69

Eren's POV

Titans had broken through the wall again, Mikasa was no where to be seen? Neither was Armin. "Mikasa? Armin?" I shouted. I heard a girl screaming. I turned around to come face to face with an abnormal Titan, swallowing a girl whole. "I'll kill you!" I screamed. As I went to run towards it a girl swung behind the Titan cutting the back of it's neck. Her long black hair blew in the wind as she landed on the roof. She looked at me. "Don't just stand there?" She shouted rushing off again. She looked familiar. She acted a lot like Levi? Swung in and with out even flinching, killed an abnormal? She swung off slashing Titans left right and centre? Surely she had extensive training to be this good? Maybe even better then Mikasa?
"Eren?!" Someone shouted. I turned around and Armin ran over. "We have to fall back. Captain Levi says it's too bad. We need to recruit more soldiers now" Miskasa landed next to Armin.
"Eren don't be stupid. Let's go now!" She shouted.

Naomi's POV

Swinging building from building to find Levi? He has to be here...he has to.
I swung straight into a building to see a boy just watching an abnormal?
"Do you want to die? move!" I shouted. He didn't budge. I shook my head and swung behind the Titan, slashing the back of it's neck. "Don't just stand there" I shouted before zooming off again.
Grappling, wall to wall and still no sign of Levi. "Levi!!!" I shouted. "Levi--ahh" I went to shout Levi but I was yanked backwards by one of my ropes and then dangled around by a Titan. He went to dangle me above his mouth so I tried to take my equipment off. "No no no!" I screamed. I managed to pull one side off so I shot the side that wasn't broken, just to get me away but with it being unbalanced it just dragged me along the floor. I lay on the floor, cut and bruised. The Titan began to walk towards me so I pulled myself up and dragged myself into the nearest house. The Titan put his eye up against the window. "Oh my god" I said quietly staring at the Titan. He moved away so I relaxed. I guess I was safe for a little bit. The Titan plunged his fist into the window. I did my best not to scream but then the Titan just seem to collapse on top of the house....

Eren's POV

The girl zoomed off shouting Levi. What if she was his girlfriend? Maybe I should follow her. I followed her and watched as a Titan pulled on one of her ropes and began dangling her around like a useless piece of spaghetti. "Hold on!" I shouted. I ran over as she ripped her equipment off an attempted to grapple with one rope? It didn't work but she managed to get away, yeah all cut and bruised but at least she's not being devoured. I ran after her as she dragged herself into the house right before the Titan tried getting in. I could see the fear in her eyes. I looked at my hand. I shook my head and bit straight into my hand. Titan form took over and I ripped the titans head off, the titans body crashed into the house and that's when she started screaming. All I could think about was my mother getting trapped under our house. I began to lift the Titan off the house an then all of the rubble to reveal a small girl with long dark hair. She looked up at me confused. "Levi. I love you." She said quietly. She closed her eyes. I picked her up gently. "Eren!" Mikasa shouted.

Naomi's POV

I looked up at this Titan that lifted me up. A girl ran over and started shouting at the Titan calling him 'Eren' he gently put me down. Soon enough I was staring at an unconscious boy. The girl sat next to me. "Are you hurt?" She asked.
"No. So the rumours are true?" I asked looking to the boy. "The rumours that we have a Titan on our side?"
The girl nodded.
"I saved his life like two minutes ago? An abnormal went for him and he just stood there? When all this time, he's one of them. A Titan"
The boy began to wake up. He looked at me and smiled. "You okay?" He asked.
"Yeah, thanks to you." I went to stand up by cried out in pain and fell back down. The boy ran over and lifted me up. "Your...legs were crushed" he said sounding sad.
"There are titans everywhere just leave me here" I said.
"No!" the girl said.
"How do you know Levi?" He asked picking me up bridal style.
"Captain Levi? He's my brother. I asked to move from the military police at wall sina to be here with my brother"
"What's it like being in the military police?" the girl asked.
"Boring. No where near as interesting as this"
He carried me to safety. "Were falling back. It's too dangerous. I'll find Levi for you."
"Fall back!" Levi shouted from the distance.
"Levi?!" I shouted. Levi clocked me and swung over.
"Naomi?! he shouted confused. He ran over and pulled me away from Eren.
"What are you doing here? Are you okay"
"I swapped and came here immediately then I couldn't find you. He saved me" I said pointing at Eren.
"Thank you Eren. Please get my sister back safely to HQ and see to her at once." Levi shot off. He's never really been much of a talker but I could have died. I looked down at my sore feet. I looked at the belts and grabbed one. I put it on. I smile as I activated the 3dmg and swooped down to where the screaming was coming from. A woman lay under rubble. "It's okay ma'am. I've got you...just...hold...still" I said trying my hardest to lift it. A blonde boy jumped next to me and dragged her out. "We need to get her to HQ. Levi said fall back, let's go" he shouted holding the girl whilst he used his 3dmg. I tried to follow him but the gas had ran out.
"Just my luck" I said limping as I ran from a four metre Titan. Just as I thought things couldn't get worse Levi swoops in and saves me.
"I had that" I said arrogantly.
"What's wrong with your foot?" He asked completely straight faced.
"I got trapped earlier and I hurt my foot."
He brought me back to Eren and put me down. "Keep her away from all of that and do not let her out of your sight? Understand" he said. Eren nodded and yet again Levi left.
"Just ignore him. He's not actually that mean."
Someone swooshed in again. "Eren...we need you to patch up the wall before anymore titans manage to get through." A scout shouted. Eren handed me to the girl. "Mikasa, protect her like you life depends on it" he said before disappearing. I went to get down but she wouldn't let me.
"He wants me to protect you." She said walking away. The blonde haired boy appeared. "Titans are everywhere we have to leave now!" He shouted. "Where's eren" he asked just as something shouted. "What's he doing?"
"Patching up the wall" I said jumping out of the girls arms and pushing her away. "why are you all so scared of Levi?!" I shouted.
I had my back turned to the wall when Mikasa and The boy looked horrified. I turned around.
"The colossal titan" I said in shock.
"He's gonna try and get through!" Mikasa shouted. The Titan hit the top of the wall sending all of us off it. Now things weren't too bad for Mikasa or that boy as they had their 3dmg, I on the other hand plummeted to me death, well at least that's what I thought until Mikasa caught me with one of her ropes. "Hold on" she shouted.
"I was planning on it" I shouted back. I looked down and a smaller Titan appeared. "Oh shit" I said to myself. He was going to try and pull me off, along with Mikasa. I grabbed a knife out of my pocket and began to saw at the rope. I finally had my foot free and dropped on to the Titan. "What are you doing?" They shouted. I climbed round to the titans neck and kept slashing at it until the Titan fell.
I lay in top of the Titan and waited for Mikasa to come get me. "What were you thinking?" She asked looking at my foot.
"I was thinking if he pulled me down, you would've gone down too then both of us would've died. I knew I could have gotten it and I did." I said climbing of the Titan that was slowly vaporising.
"Pretty heroic" the boy said looking at Mikasa.
"I'm Armin. Are you new"
"Actually, I just converted here from military police. I'm naomi"
"You can convert"
"In bias positions like mine yes."
"Your position is?"
"I'm Levi's sister and with him being as skilled as he is they thought they could use me"
"Well seems like you take after him. I mean you did just take down a Titan with a knife."
I looked at my swollen ankle. "It could be broken" Mikasa said holding me up. She could hear Eren squealing in Titan form. She put me on the ground as dashed off, followed by Armin. I just sat here all by myself for a minute before I realised I needed to stop being so pathetic and help out, I had hurt my foot, I was still alive. I grabbed the 3dmg off of a corpse lying on the ground and shot of towards the commotion.

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