RWBY Volume 1 The Start Of Th...

By fatalgreen11

14.1K 112 6

Team RWBY well soon exist but others will be joining they're journey each of them forming some kind of specia... More

Red Brazil Trailer
Violet Scarlet Trailer
Blue Swordsmen Trailer
Yellow Drago Trailer
Begining Of A Journey
Welcome To Beacon Academy
All in the same room
Taken The First Steps
Taken The First Steps 2
Found...chess pieces?
Double Trouble
Valetines Special
The Fith Brother
White Spartan Trailer
First Day Of Class
Good Leader?
A Moment With Each Other
A Moment With Each Other Part 2
A Moment With Each Another part 3
Falls Arrest
A Family Fight
Challenging Conflicts
Facing In The Forever Fall
Facing In The Forever Fall Part 2
Finishing the conflict
Finishing The Conflict part 2
A Easy Break
The Family Intentions
Red Stands For Love
A Faunus Romance
The Knight And The Princess
Judgement 2
A lost Cat
Catching them in the act
White Forgives Black
Red Stratos Vs White Spartan
Red Stratos vs White Spartan part 2

A Run Away Cat

73 0 0
By fatalgreen11

Nero: As me and my siblings are walking down the hall's to our dorm room we thought about how we are gonna stop Neon without killing him or to be specific what the right thing to do. Except for Orleans she just doing what any other little sister will do

Orleans: As I was walking with my brother's I kept pulling out some of the thing's I bought from the shop's I went to"Look a Violet Sparkle Lipstick! I been wanting to get this for ages." I look back at my brother's all cheerful and happy"Thanks for letting me buy stuff big brother's!" I wrap my arm's around three of my brother's neck being grateful for them to offer me money to go shopping

Snow: I smile gently to seeing Orleans this happy"I'm glad you feel that way Orleans."

Orlando: I roll my eye's as I smile for Orleans giving us a silly hug but at the same time I'm happy to make her happy"Your welcome Orleans."

Nero: I chuckle to Orleans happy mood truth be told I'm always happy to see her this way even when I didn't show my epression in the past"Any time little sister." Once Orleans let us go I look at her with a wondering look"By the way. Do you have that little note you found back in the citie."

Orleans: I look at Nero silghtly confuse"Uh...sure." I handed him the note"What you trying to look for?"

Nero: I starting to read the note"Neon..."

Orleans: I nodded no as I took the note out of his hands"Nope. We had a long day and we are gonna take it easy."

Nero: I felt confuse"Wait. Shouldn't we think about this for a moment atlest?"

Orlando: I wrap my arm's around his neck"Even a leader needs a break. Pluse I am DYING to hear about your flight with Ruby." I give him a flirty look after I wink at him

Orleans: I quickly place my over Orlando mouth to stop him from speaking"Oh no your not! No questions about that pervy boy."

Orlando: I made a relax face aa I pull Orleans hand off my mouth"Aww! Come on atlest just this once baby sister."

Orleans: I grab him by the ear giving him a glare"I'm defiantly not a baby sister. You will call me a young lady until I hit the age of eighteen, then you'll call me a adult!"

Orlando: I struggle to get out of Orleans grip"Ow! Ow!"

Snow: I try to gently separate them both"Orleans. You being alittle ruf."

Nero: I giggle to the sight of my siblings. I've always wonder how we became a family like this to begin with though why do I care. I have a family that I'll always appreciate"Alright boy's and girl's." I started walking towards them"I'll take a break from all this leader ship for now. To be honest I'm quit tire already." After I yawn we heard screaming coming from Team RWBY dorm room

Weiss: "I don't understand why this is causing such a problen."

Blake: "That 'is' the problem!"

Orlando: I look back at the other's"I think we better hurry into the dorm room."

Nero: I roll my eye's again"I had enough of hearing racism right about now." I open the door

Snow: As we all walk on I put on a concern face"Don't you think there a reason why she'll talk like that?"

Orleans: I started hanging my new cloths I bought"I honestly don't care what reason it is. Unless it something she grew up in, I'll think other wise."

Snow: I rub the back of my head feeling alittle upset"W-well. Then let not jump to conclusions."

Orlando: I sigh"No point in worrying about it I guess." Soon we started hearing Weiss and Blake screaming again"Here comes the hell storm."

Weiss: I stood up from my bed as I look towards Blake"You do realize you're defending an organization that hates humanity don't you? The faunus of the White Fang are pure evil." I then cross my arm's

Blake: I stood up from my bed getting more furious with Weiss"There's no such thing as "pure evil"! Why do you think they hate humanity so much? It's because of people like Cardin, people like 'you' that force the White Fang to take such drastic measures!"

Weiss: I gotton shock to Blake comparing me to the people she is discrabing"People like me???"

Blake: I look at Weiss as if she was being a idiot to question what I'm trying to say"You're discriminatory!"

Weiss: I stomp out of frustration"I'm a victim!" This cause the whole room to go silent until I started to speak up"You want to know 'why' I despise the White Fang? Why I don't particularly trust the Faunus?" I started walking towards the window, then stood infront of it looking out the window"It's because they've been in war with my family for years. War. As actual bloodshed. My grandfather's company has had a target painted across it's back for as long as I can remember. And ever since I was a child, I've watched my family friends disapper, board members excuted, an entire train car full of Dust... Stolen. And every day my father will come home furious, and that almost made a very difficult childhood. The only person I have ever had was Snow... My only friend that never once truly disapper until after I've found out about his parent's death. At times it will be hard just to...look at him without thinking about how much it affected him..."

Ruby: I started to walk up to Weiss, then place my hand on her shoulder"Weiss I-"

Weiss: I move my shoulder to get Ruby hands off of my shoulder"No!" I walk back where I stood, then look back at Blake full of rage"You want to know why I despise the White Fang?! It's because they're a bunch of liars! Thieves and murders!" I gotten closer into Blake face

Blake: At the end I got tire of my buttons being push"Well maybe we just got tire of being push around!!" When Weiss started walking back from me I realize I've told the truth that I'm a Faunus"...I--" I use my sembalance to quickly leave through the door but accidently ran into Orlando in then process causing us to fall together

Orlando: "Ow!" I look back at Blake with feeling concern to what I had heard"Blake..."

Blake: I gotten scare thinking he heard what I said, then I quickly use my sembalance to get away again but this time faster

Orlando: I quickly got up giving a chase to Blake"Wait, Blake!"

Weiss: When Snow came infront of the door I look surpise"You heard...?" I gently rub my shoulders avoiding his eyes

Snow: I nodded gently as I just smile arkwardly to the situation"Wanna walk together?"

Weiss: I now held my arm tightly to his sudden question"Yea..." I sigh as I started walking out the room and leaving with Snow

Nero: Me and Orleans didn't really left our dorm room but we did heard everything from what Weiss has said

Orleans: I felt sad to hearing Weiss story even about her friends and family"I never guess Weiss had a rough life and lost a family aswell..."

Nero: I sat down on my bed looking up to my little sister"Goes to show everyone is always having rough life. Not just us."

Orleans: I nodded in agreement with him"Yea I guess you know that better."

Blake: when I've reach outside I kept on running none stop even when I started to get tire I kept on running. Till eventually I've stop infront of the Academy statue staring at with a upset face, then I slowly took off my ribbon to reveal my cat ear's. I held my ribbon tightly as I wipe a tear from my cheek

Orlando: I manage to catch up to Blake breathing heavily"W-wow!...Y-your fast. Just, just wow!" Once I caught my breathe I look up to see Blake cat ear's which cause me to stare"Wow..."

Blake: I held my arm nervously to what he will say"Go on and say it..." I look down sadden to the thought of Orlando judging me for what I am or worst

Orlando: I made a aww face seeing the sight of her fluffy cat ears"They so cuuuuute! They look so fluffy and soft I might just wanna touch them." I started to reach out to touch her cat ear's

Blake: I quickly smack his hands out of the way, then I cover my cat ear's with my hands"D-don't touch them!" I start blushing abit to what he was going to do or think inside that pervy mind

Orlando: I cross my arm's chuckling to her reaction"You know. It was kinda of pointlesses for you to hide your identity when other's are open with themselves as being faunus."

Blake: I look confuse for a moment to what he was saying"What you mean?"

Orlando:"Well for starters. There a girl name Velvet and she open about her Faunus identity, then there her friend Fox Alistair, and of course me and my sister." I then point my finger towards her"So since many people here are out and open with it you shouldn't have any reason to be scare of what other's might think of you."

Blake: I look down towards the ground avoding his face"Well my situation is a more...complicates..."

Orlando: I lifted her head up by her chin gently to meet with her eyes"Maybe, maybe not either way you shouldn't hide them regardless. You might have more things to tell then the fluffy part, plus you were willing to speak out your thoughts like you did with Weiss. So there nothing to worry." I gave her a simple smirk

Blake: I sigh as I gently push his hand away"You don't understand..."

Orlando: I sigh to hear what she said, I then place my hand in my pocket nodding displease"You worry too much."

???: "I knew you look better without the Bow."

Orlando: Me and Blake turn around to the voice we heard

Snow: As me and Weiss are walking outside things were alittle awakward, considering what I heard from her"Sooo...Did you had fun at the citie?"

Weiss: I snap at him with frustration"Of course not you dunce!"

Snow: I felt alittle upset for making her frustrated as I rise my hands un defense "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you upset."

Weiss: I cover my mouth for accidently speaking to him in bad manner"S-Snow! I didn't mean to..." I sigh"I'm so sorry. It justI couldn't believe Blake will lie to us like that. Of all things!" I cross my arm's with a disgusting look

Snow: I look at her confuse"You can't honestly blame her for."

Weiss: I look at him angry"What you saying! She a Faunus and defended the White Fang." I look away from him with disappointment"I thought you will understand since we both lost a family in our lives."

Snow: I smile gently as I grab her hand"Your family were also the ones who kill mine, but I still look inside your heart and accept for what happen in the past. I also have to understand that what happen had nothing to do with you. Your a different person and so is Blake."

Weiss: I look back at him"That different."

Snow: I felt confuse"How is that different?"

Weiss: I pull my hand out of his"Because you had people to grow up with during your child hood. I didn't!" I point at myself as I started to feel upset

Snow: I look at her shock"Weiss you know that not true. You had me-"

Weiss: I started shouting at him"Before you left! I couldn't stop thinking on why you left! I kept on feeling you hated me after you found out who kill your parent's!"

Snow: I stay silent for a moment, then I look at her a little sad"How can I hate a person that I care so much Weiss...?"

Weiss: My heart stop in it motion as if time froze around us I then held my arm tightly"Snow...I..." Out of no where I felt arm's wrapping around my body"Snow...?"

Snow: I held her head onto my chest"Weiss. We all have a rough life. Some rougher then others, but that still doesn't change the fact that you shouldn't treat Blake for something she didn't cause in your life. Those people weren't her not by heart and soul."

Weiss: Hearing his heart beat put me relax for some reason so I just clinch him tightly"Oh Snow...Sometimes your just too nice."

Snow: I gotten nervous hearing her say that"Uhh. W-will that be a problem?" I laugh nervously abit

Weiss: I chuckle"Snow you dunce... That what I like about you. Always so nice to people even me."

Snow: I smile happy hearing her feel that way around me"I'm glad to hear it." I rest my head ontop of hers to embrace each other and enjoy the moment

Nero: As I was standing beside our dorm room window watching Snow and Weiss I look back at Orleans with a smirk"Not gonna get upset at this sight sister?"

Orleans: I blush out of embarrsment"W-Weiss had a rough time with her family. S-so I'll let s-slide. Just for tonight!"

Nero: I smile to her embarrassment so I giggle"What a sweet heart."

Orleans: I threw a book at his head"Don't push it big bro!"

Nero: I rub my head hoping the pain will go away"Ow, haha." I pull out the note, then started to read it

"Hey there family. Hope you all are enjoying yourselves. Haha of course you are who wouldn't. Though what I'm doing today is to let you know on alittle secret. If one of you, just one of you who will come face me at our little stand off...I'll explain every question you ask about my disappearance. You'll have till friday night I'll be in forever fall waiting. Remeber! If I don't see I'll be taken some of your ladie friends lives that you care about."

Nero: Once I put the note away I look out the window with thoughts running through my head about this note Neon left us. I just hope I'll figure something out till then...or what I decide is right.

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