
De jensen_got_da_boooty

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(Destiel/Sabriel/Micifer/JAsh/more) Castiel Novak is a punk kid with that I-don't-give-a-fuck kind of attitu... Mais

A/N: Important
New Story!


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De jensen_got_da_boooty

As soon as the Winchester boys walked through the door, they threw their bags on the ground and groaned rubbing their sore backs from the weight of every book they had to take home with them as homework. Sam didn't mind as much but Dean found that it should be illegal to make kids do that much work in one day at school, let alone the piles and hours of homework to be done before the next morning or school day; and to believe it's only Monday.

"Long day?" John asked, wiping grease from his forehead, only resulting in spreading it.

Sam and Dean both nodded, flopping down on the couch with a thud. John chuckled and grabbed a glass from the cabinet.

"Dammit..." John cursed, looking at the grease on the side of the glass cup and then his filthy hands.

"Mom always tells you to wash then drink." Dean says from the large living room, head leaning back on the couch but his back not fully resting.

"Shut up, she never tells me that." John said, smiling. Sam's phone went off that scared each of them from the loud vibration on the table.

Sam reluctantly got up and grabbed his phone, thumb sliding across the screen and then a smile running across his face.

"Girlfriend?" John asked, his back leaning against the granite countertops and his, now clean, glass of water hanging from his dry lips.

Sam shook his head and began typing a message back. "No, friend I met at school today."

"Gabriel?" Dean asked, smirking.

Sam rolled his eyes but nodded, shutting his phone off after sending the message. Not expecting a reply, Sam ran upstairs and Dean and John scroll through the messages.

My brothers a jackass, I swear.

Steal your lollipop?

Yes! Two of them! That's two less!

I can do math stupid.

You're the stupid one.

I wouldn't be too sure about that, Gabe(;

Dean awed and John laughed, completely hunched over and clutching his stomach.

"Oh my god, they're flirting!" John said, trying to catch his breath. Dean nodded, suppressing a laughing fit of his own.

Sam came downstairs, a completely shocked look on his face and panic. John made kiss-y lips and Dean finally let out the laugh he was holding in.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Dad?! Gabe is just a friend!" Sam yelled, snatching his phone away and it vibrated.

"Better...text your...boyfriend back!" Dean said, trying to catch his breath but John's laughing made him laugh more.

Sam rolled his eyes and huffed, exiting the room and mumbling "immature" texting Gabriel back.

Dean calmed himself enough to start working on his tons of homework. Ms. Scott assigned the most then Naomi. Crowley didn't assign anything since he didn't make them do anything during class, only talk.

That reminded him of Castiel.

For being a punk, I-don't-care kind of kid, he does have a heart. Dean thought for sure that he'd punch him or at least call him stupid but the only words coming out of his mouth were kind. He even made an effort to talk to Dean when he wouldn't speak to him, only shrugs and nods. Something about Castiel Novak makes Dean feel safe and tingly, kind of like a school girl when she has a crush.

But like Castiel said, he doesn't swing that way. And with all of the looks girls were giving him, like they wanted to devour the man, Castiel surely wouldn't even look at Dean once like that. After all, Dean is a nerd and he thinks no one wants him. What he thinks is what it is apparently.

But Dean had a good chance with plenty of the girls, lots were swooning over him. Winchester knows he should attempt to talk to them nicely but they all looked mean, rude and judgmental, like Lisa. Surely Lisa has already spread the word about Dean and his ignorance, soon the whole school would know and that would result in bullying...again.

The word bullying alone makes Dean squirm in fear. Just for being quiet, he gets punched and kicked and knocked out of consciousness to wake up in the janitors closet. Multiple people, including some of the females (he learned to be afraid of high-heels), would pick on Dean non-stop. Just because he's gay and quiet.

Maybe Lawrence High-School is his best chance at a new start, like Mary said. A chance to makes friends, maybe find a girlfriend or boyfriend, whatever comes his way. But friends...that's something Dean isn't use to. He's use to sitting in the corner or the classroom and cafeteria alone. Working on the project alone and giving his unwilling partner the credit. Talking is just hard, especially when you're not use to communicating with other humans normally.

Castiel Novak made talking easier. After rubbing off on him, Dean would speak more than one word, wouldn't hold anything back. And speaking to Lisa like that, that alone was not on purpose, just anger being voiced. No matter how offended she looked, Dean didn't feel bad about what he said, the girl deserved it anyway.

Although the depression isn't gone, Dean feels genuinely happy.


"Hey, Cassie. How was school?" Anna asked, licking frosting from her index finger.

Castiel shrugged, "Boring, as usual. There's was a new kid though, nerdy."

"Nerdy is better than what you are, Cassie."

Castiel glared at his older sister. "I'm badass, there's nothing wrong with it. And quit calling me Cassie!"

Anna giggled and continued frosting cookies. "So...was he cute?"

"Oh god no, he's one of those nerdy sweater kinda guys. Plus, he's straight, unlike me."

Anna sighed and put down the vanilla frosting covered knife. "So? You could be the one to turn him gay, Cassi -- Castiel. It doesn't take much. Just shove your mouth on his and BOOM! He's hooked."

Castiel laughed at his sisters enthusiasm. "Yeah, sure. I'm not interested. He was making out with Lisa earlier though in Crowley's room during lunch. He completely turned her down and to be honest, I think he's crazy for doing that. Lisa's gonna send the jocks to beat him up now."

"Did you warn him?" Anna asked.

"Uh...I told him it was probably not such a good idea but I didn't tell him about getting bullied for it..."

"Cassie! Remember what happened last time something like that happened?! The guy was in the hospital!"

"Dean can handle it! The guys bigger than all of the jocks for gods sake! And the jocks will probably turn gay for him the second they see him!"

Anna giggled and kissed her brothers cheek. "You're so gay for him, Cass. Don't make it more obvious, sweetheart."

"I'm not gay for Dean and he's not gay for me. Period."

I'm so gay for him...

"We wouldn't even look good as a couple, dipstick."

"Take a picture tomorrow and I'll be the judge of that."

Castiel sat down on the couch. "Yes, because a guy who's shy to speak to me will let me take a picture of him."

"Secretly do it. And get a good one of his ass, I wanna see what it looks like."

Castiel laughed, "You're so queer."

"Technically, you're the queer one here."


"You're gay, not me!"

Castiel rolled his eyes and traveled up two flights of stairs to his bedroom. Homework sadly has to be done...and lots of it. Castiel thought that maybe he could get a nerd to do it for him...maybe Dean.

But Dean Winchester doesn't deserve crap like that...doing another persons homework? He's probably square Castiel on the nose if he even mentioned it.

Another part of Dean told Castiel that he probably would do it for him. He gets unbelievably scared of everything, which is ironic because of his size and muscles and those gorgeous eyes that can turn the straightest man gay and damn those biceps, even through his sweater, and his bowlegs with his skinny jeans...

Castiel shook his head to erase the thoughts.

Dean's straight...

Another part of Castiel (and all the fangirls) kept saying,

Mhm, keep telling yourself that.


Tuesday rolled around and the school is packed again. Just the same as yesterday, kids smoking and getting all of the alcohol they can get in them. Dean spotted Castiel walking through the crowd, but he looked really pissed off at everything. Like if you accidentally coughed you'd be dead on the floor in a millisecond. That gave Dean his reminder to stay away from him for the day.

"Hey Sammy, meet me at lunch, okay?"

Sam gave Dean a worried and questioning look but nodded, saving his questions for later.

Once inside the door and away from ninety-five percent of the students, Dean and Sam parted to go to first period early.

Dean sat down in the same spot as yesterday in Ms. Scott's room, the very back in the corner.

She rambled about random crap that Dean didn't pay any attention to, only thoughts about what he would be like if he was different, a jock more specifically. Plenty of questions stuck in his head like, would I be a bitch to everyone and would people still bully me.

Of course his thoughts had to be interrupted as a person sat down with a thud and grunted as Ms. Scott asked why they were late.

"Because I have more important things to do than sit in here and learn nothing."

"Like what Mr. Novak?" Ms. Scott asked, annoyance filling her normally sweet tone.

"My brother, Ms. Scott."

She nodded and turned back to the board, picking up where she left off. Something about that sentence shut her up about the whole subject the rest of the class. Castiel looked more sullen as the class went on, keeping his eyes locked on his desk that had cusses written all over it, like Dean's in grammar.

Dean wanted so badly to ask what's wrong but the thought of being punched because of his concern didn't sound good. Castiel might not be that kind of person but his look says otherwise, and the way his jaw flexes whenever he's deep in thought and his bright blue eyes go a dark blue, almost navy.

Dean hadn't known he was starring until the bell rang, signaling for class to be over. He jumped and got out of his seat, taking a quick glance at Castiel who hadn't moved, still intently starring at the desk. Ms. Smith walked over to him, rubbing her hand on his back and that's the last Dean saw before he was out the door and bumping into someone.

"Oh...uh, s-sorry."

Apparently sorry wasn't good enough as the guy huffed and pushed Dean's chest. "Watch where you're going, bitch."

Part of Dean wanted to say I'm not a bitch, bitches are female dogs dipstick, but he decided against it.

"R-Right..." Dean mumbled, picking up the last of his papers.

"Scared?" The guy asked, making himself look taller.

Dean shook his head and started walking away but the man yanked on the back of Dean's jacket.

"You should be, I'll pound you're baby ass into the ground buddy."

Dean nodded and tried to get out of the guys grip but he was shoved up against a locker, yelping as the metal hit his still-sore back.

"What's the matter? Are you hurt? Poor little baby..." He raised his fist and squared Dean in the jaw, letting go of him and kicking the air out of his lungs. Next was his nose, then cheekbone, chest, kicking him in the groin, and then the face again. Then everything went black.


Dean woke up in an unfamiliar room, more like car. He groaned when he sat up and felt pain shoot through everywhere, specifically his back. He looked around the car; its several models newer than his and the interior is gray with black, pretty modern.

There was an unread text message on his phone too, reading:

Castiel :
Come into the house once you're awake...I couldn't carry your heavy ass in. And I won't kill you, I know you're thinking that right now.

Dean grunted and opened the backseat door, climbing out and looking at the giant house in front of him. It was more like a castle; three floors and a fenced in pool, and treehouse. After finishing his quick observation, Dean went up the front door to be greeted by a redhead.

"Dean?" She asked, opening the door wider and motioning for him to come in but he didn't.

"Y-Yeah, can you tell Castiel that I'm leaving?"

She laughed and grabbed his arm, tugging him inside. "He told me you'd do that. He's upstairs, just go right on up, third floor on your left."

"I really have to-"

"Go upstairs, he saved your ass."

Dean sighed and obeyed, starting his climb up two set of stairs, one twirly so he almost threw up from his headache. Finding the door with a '☠' on it, Dean hesitantly knocked.

Castiel pulled him inside and slammed the door shut, taking Dean's face in his hands and moving his head around to look for any damage.

"How many times did he punch you? Is something broken? Do you feel dizzy? Did you throw up in my car?! Answer me!"

Dean stepped back, Castiel's hands falling to his sides.

"F-Five punches and two k-kicks that I was awake for. No, and I'm fine..."

"No, you're not. Your lip's spilt and you have a cut across your left cheekbone and went unconscious in the hallway on the floor. Tell me that's alright again."

"It really doesn't matter --"

Castiel sighed and looked into Dean's pleading emerald green eyes, "You're hurt, it matters. Now tell me what happened. I've heard different stories so I want yours."

"I-I bumped into him."

Castiel laughed and straightened himself out. "Seriously? That's all you did?"


"That's stupid. Why didn't you punch back?"

Dean shrugged, "I learned its best t-to just let it happen."

"You've been bullied?" Castiel asked, a little bit of shock trying to be disguised.

"Yeah...for a c-couple years now."

"Shit man, that's not right. You should at least try punching back, I mean, you're bigger than all of them."

Dean quietly chuckled and Castiel raised an eyebrow, then figuring it out.

"Oh you're nasty! I didn't mean it like that, I don't even know how big you...I'm going to shut up now."

"Probably best, and yeah, my brother says I am too."

"I'm sorry for him, his life must be miserable."

"He says it is."

Castiel smiled at Dean and looked at his lap, the silence could cut through ice like butter.

"You have really pretty eyes..." Castiel covered his mouth like he just said the worst swear to his parents.

Dean looked up, "What?"


Dean leaned over and kissed Castiel's cheek, who blushed furiously. "Thanks."

"Um...uh, no problem."

Dean grinned and scooted closer to Castiel, who also moved closer so their legs touched.

"So Cass, what's your story?" Dean asked, playing with the sleeves of his jacket.


"Sorry, I didn't mean to --"

Castiel smiled, "Na, it's fine. But uh, I guess I don't really have a story. I got screwed up at fifteen and it all turned from there. I won't say that I took a good road but I had fun so what the hell."

"What was the turning point?"

Castiel locked his eyes with Dean, the blue becoming navy again and pleading for him to drop it.

"I moved from Idaho."

Castiel let out an internal sigh and peeled his eyes away from Dean's beautiful green irises.

"I came from Illinois five years ago."

"I liked Illinois best, the people were nice."

Castiel nodded and scratched the back of his neck, getting off of the bed. "I should probably get you some ice and do something about that split lip."

Yes, kiss it for damn sake...

Dean erased the thought and nodded, getting up with Castiel and out the door, going down two sets of stairs and going to the bathroom, Dean waiting outside the open door.

"I'll be in the kitchen in a second if you want to grab a seat at the counter." Castiel said, rummaging through a couple drawers.

Dean found his way to the kitchen, picking out a seat and waiting for he blue-eyed boy to return.

"Shirt," Cass said, a couple different things in hand. Dean looked panicked so Castiel laughed. "Take it off, I need to see if anything else is cut up."

Dean visibly relaxed and took off his jacket and pulling the bottom of his sweater up. Castiel couldn't help but sneak glances as Dean's muscles moved underneath the rather loose fabric.

Only a few bruises were visible, most around his ribs, nothing too serious. Dean blushed when Castiel touched one bruise, already purple, and squirmed underneath the touch.

"I'm not gonna hurt you..." Castiel said, placing his whole hand on the bruise.

"I just...uh, normally..."

"You're not use to accepting help?"

Dean slowly melted into the touch and nodded. Castiel pulled back his hand and grabbed the wet washcloth, carefully wiping the blood from Dean's cheekbone.

"Do you want me to take you home?"

No, please let me sleep in the same bed as you and kiss you until we both fall asleep.


I want to run away so fucking bad. 99% of me will go in a heartbeat but 1% just needs a push. I already have the whole thing planned out. Mom got mad that I cut myself again and that I threw up to throw up. My life fucking sucks.
Adios, pandas ☠ ♥ ☠

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