I love you( Exo sehun and oc...

By xoxosweetdreams16

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When the popular guy in school start to court you and u start to fall in love with him due to his cuteness. Y... More

I love you( A sehun and oc fanfic)
Kim Jieun
SM High
The argument
Dance class + Jealousy
Injured and Yooin and kai's breakup
Chapter 7: Sehun's love
Sehun and Jieun helping kai
The date
Holiday part 1
Happy Birthday Sehunnie!
Holiday Part 2
Holiday part 3
With you
Dance practice
Dara's back
Sehun's sweetness
Happy with you.
Too sweet.
Birthday Party.
Bullied? Not that easy.
don't scare me


3.4K 77 7
By xoxosweetdreams16

Jieun's POV

I wanted to go home so Kris oppa sent me home. He informed the teachers and they allowed.I don't want to see that sehun and Daeun.

"Jieun ah kwenchana?" Kris oppa asked while driving.

"Ah..neh oppa." I said

"Don't lie.Tell me." He said.

"Oppa.I...I...should i.." I mumbled.

"Should you what?" He asked.

"Should i break up with Sehun?" I asked,on the brim of crying.

"What? Jieun breaking up wouldn't solve the problem. Talk to him nicely. He will listen. Because Daeun is his childhood friend and they lost contact so he's being like that." Kris oppa said. What? Daeun was Sehun's childhood friend?

"Kris oppa i don't want to get hurt again i don't want to be like oppa." I said and a tear slipped out.

Kris oppa stopped the car at one side and turned to look at me.

"Don't cry please Jieun." He said and cupped my cheeks. He wiped off my tears with his thumb.

"Just give yourself some time before making the final descision Jieun ah. If you break up with Sehun,he'll be so heartbroken too.

"You are right oppa. Let's go. I'm tired." I said and laid back down on the seat. Should we give each other time? I sighed. I went home and umma was shocked.

"Omo Jieun ah why are you back so early. OH MY GOSH WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR FACE?!"Umma asked while touching my wounds. I winced. She brought me to the sofa.

"OMO WHAT THE SHIT HAPPENED TO MY BABY SISTER?!" Oppa,who just got out from the kitchen,asked me.

"Oppa are you okay? Why did you skip school today?"

"I should be the one asking you that Kim Jieun." He said.

"Now tell me."

"I fell down from the stairs." I lied to them.

"You sure you okay?" They asked and i nodded my head.

"Now go get some rest you are tired." Umma said and i nodded my head. I went back to my room and shut the door behind me. I fell to the ground and cried my lungs out.

I walked to my bed,dragging my feet and let my body fall onto my bed. I fell asleep after crying. I was too tired.

Suho's POV

After Jieun walked into her room and closed her door, i took out my phone and mesaged Sehun.

From: suho
Sehun ah what happened to my baby sister??

'Brrrr' My phone vibrated.

I'll explain to you later hyung. Is Jieun okay?

I think so...she said she fell from the stairs. You better explain to me later.

I sighed. Jieun is lying i can tell. I'm her brother,how can i not know?

Sehun's POV

I'm so gonna be in deep trouble. I put my phone in my pocket and Daeun saw me sighing.

"Are you okay?" She asked. I ignored her.


"What." I ask her rudely and coldly.

"I'm sorry..."

I turned and looked at her. She was crying.

"Hey don't cry. Fine,i forgive you." I said and went back to the lesson.

I hated seeing people crying because of me. I hated to see Jieun cry. After the class ended i rushed out of school.

"Yah Oh Sehun!" Luhan hyung called me. I turned around.

"Are you going to Jieun's house?" He asked and i nodded.

"Okay then help me tell her get well soon." He said.

"It depends hyung. She might not want to talk or see me." I said.

"Haish. She will Sehun. Talk to her nicely." He said and patted my shoulder.

"See you later! I have to go Minseok's house to do a project!" He said and i waved to him. I drove to her house.

"This is it oh sehun you can do it." I said to myself and pressed the doorbell. Her mother opened the door.

"Annyeonghaeseyo eomeoni" i said politely and bow.

"Came to see Jieun and Junmyeon?" She asked. I nodded my head.


"Come in." She said and i went in.

"Oh! Sehun you are here! Help me this girl doesn't want to open her door." Suho hyung said,preventing his mother to listen to what we will say later.

"I'll go back to the kitchen." Eomeoni said and we nodded. Suho hyung brought me to his room and i sat on his bed.

"Yah what the hell happened to Jieun?" He asked.

"It's because of me hyung...Daeun is back." I told him. He knew about Daeun,not only him,the whole exo in fact. I told them about her. She was my childhood friend and she would defend me if i get bullied but things got different when she moved.

"She changed..she asked Yookwon to hurt Jieun." I said,mumbling but loud enough for Suho hyung to hear.

I looked down.

"Those bitches. Ugh how can they hurt Jieun?" He was angry. There's anger in his tone.

"Hyung mianhe. Cheongmal mianhe. I don't deserve Jieun." I said.

"It's okay Sehun,you got carried away because she's your long lost childhood friend. But wait,how do she know my dongsaeng and she's your girlfriend?" He asked. This hyung is too smart.

"Oh yeah!" I flicked my fingers.

"Number 1. She could have found you and follow you like some saesaeng fan.

Number 2. She could have track you down." He said calmly while walking around his room.

"Oh why are you so stupid Oh Sehun. Daeun she's really good in tracking people down." I said and hit my head.

"Hmmm." He said and i looked at him.

"Sehun let's put out an act." He said.

"What?" I said.

"Make Daeun believe you. Get rid of her from Jieun and your life." He said.

"How?" I asked. He sighed and took out his phone.

"Kris ah. Are you with EXO?"

What's he doing now?

Suho's POV

"Yeap except for Sehun,Minseok,Jongin and Luhan." Kris said.

"Can you help me call Minseok,Jongin  Luhan? Sehun is with me. Come with EXO and meet us at the dance studio later." I said.

"Okay but for what?" He asked.

"Aish you will know later. I'm hanging up bye." I said.

"Yah Kim Joon-" he said and i hung up the phone.

"Let's go." I said.

"Go where?" He asked.

"Just follow me. We are meeting EXO." I said and we went out of the house.

"Hyung." He said.


" what are you going to do if you see Baekhyun hyung later..." he mumbled but loud enough for me to hear.

"I already forgive him. Love can't be forced right?" I asked and he nodded.

We walked to the dance studio and went to the studio we always use. This studio belongs to SM entertainment and we are allowed to enter because We are in SM high.

I sat down on the couch.

"YAH HYUNG YOU DISTURBED MY TIME WITH YOOIN!" Jongin shouted at me when they reached.

"Shuddup Kim Jongin and listen to me." I said calmly and they sat on the floor.

"Guys we need a plan." I said.

"What plan?" Kyungsoo asked.

"Making Daeun close to Sehun then make her leave Sehun and Jieun alone.

"Ohh." They said.

"So plan..?" Sehun asked.

"Hmmm" they said and i shook my head.This guys aish.

"Ah i know! Trick her. Tell her you broke up with Jieun and then tell her that you love her only. Make her believe you." Luhan told us. I clapped.

"Great idea Luhan but we have to tell Jieun about this. Before she misunderstand it. But Sehun you have to apologise to her now. Like now!" Minseok hyung said. I looked at him weirdly he just looked down.

"Haish." I sighed.

"I'll go back with you." I said and we stood up.

"Talk to her nicely Sehun don't dissapoint her again." I said and patted his shoulder. He nodded and we went back. EXO was going to stay at the studio and wait for me and Sehun and Jieun to return.

Sehun's POV

Joonmyun hyung brought me to his house and he opened the door. Eomeoni was still at the kitchen,cooking.

"Joonmyun ah go and call your sister. She has been inside for the past 1 hour." She told Joonmyun hyung and he walked to Jieun's room.

"Jieun ah. It's me,oppa. Open the door will ya?" He asked and knocked on the door. No reply.He knocked on it again.

"Jieun. Sehun is here!" He shouted and i glared at him.

'What' he mouthed. We heard the opening of the  door. Jieun glared at me with her cold eyes. It gave me shivers.

"What are you doing here." She asked with her cold tone.

"Look Jieun Sehun's sorry,forgive him will ya?" Joonmyun hyung said and she glared at hyung.

"Oppa why are you helping him? You." She pointed at me.

"Come with me." She said and sighed. She walked out and i followed her behind. Joonmyun hyung gave me a reassueing pat on my shoulder. She opened the door and took her jacket. We walked to the park. It was cold and i saw Jieun shivering. I took out my coat and place it over her.

"What are you doing?" She asked with her innocent eyes. Her eyes widened. She's so cute. The cold wind blew and i shivered.

"Look sehun you are cold!" She said and returned me my coat.

"You need it more." I said to her and she shook her head.

"Don't be stubborn Oh Sehun." She said and covered me with me coat. I blushed and smiled brightly.

"So you forgive me?" I asked.

"No of course not..wh..why woul..why would i?!" She shouted and crossed her arms. She walked away.

Jieun's POV

Oh god why did i stutter. Why did you stutter Kim Jieun. I mentally cursed myself and crossed my arms i stormed away angrily. Someone backhugged me.

"Se....sehun what..what are..are you doing?" I stuttered.

"Keeping you warm can't you see it?" He asked sheepishly.

"Yah!" I hit his arms. He's too cute. I can't resist it. I held his arms and flung it away.

"Don't do that..." i said and looked down.

"Hey look at me." He said and lifted up my chin lightly.

"I love you and i always do. I promise i won't hurt you,My beloved girlfriend,Kim Jieun again. And i promise that. But.." he said.

"But what?" I asked.

"We have a plan." He said and i tilted my head. We sat at a bench and he told me all their plans. EXO's plan. And of course,it was Oppa's thinking huh.

"I know it's sudden but i really have to do this for you-" he didn't manage tp complete his sentences. I kissed him on the lips. I broke it.

"For my safety. This might the last time i forgive you. And this may be our last time seeing each other and it might be the last time kissing you before the plan. You have to kiss her.." i mumbled.

"No i won't. But if she really force it i can't do anything."

"You like it?" I said,with tears in my eyes.

"ANIYO! Obviously not Jieun! Just don't misunderstand."
"I know." I said and pulled him closer to me. I kissed him and i closed my eyes. We shared a long and passionate kiss. Luckily nobody was at the park except the both of us.

"Saranghae." He said while breaking the kiss.

"Nado." I said and i hugged him. I love his scent so much.

~the next day~

I woke up and i felt better. My bruise was recovering. I hope nothing happen in school today. Oh yeah..the plan.. i don't wish to do this but if we don't..i would get hurt again.

I stretched and got off my bed. I went to the bathroom and changed into my school uniform.

"Good morning appa,umma and oppa." I said and sat down.

"What's with that face?" Oppa asked and poked my cheeks.

"Nothing.." i mumbled and ate my breakfast quietly. They looked at me weirdly.

"Yah kwenchanayo?" Appa asked and i nodded.

"Are you sick?" Oppa asked and place his hand on my forehead.

"Aniya!" I said and slap his hands away.i ate finish my breakfast and went out with oppa.

"Yah jieun are you really okay?" He asked worriedly.

"Yeah  i'm fine. Oppa can i ask you something?"


"Why did you come up with that plan?" I asked and his eyes widened.

"Sehun told you?" He asked and i nodded lightly.

"It's for your safety Jieun." He said and i sighed.

"Arrasso." I said and walked to school without talking. When i stepped into the class i saw Sehun and Daeun sitting together. Playing and talking. Like how we did last time. I sighed.

Yooin walked to me and placed her arms around my shoulder.

"Kwenchana. Don't care about them. It's just an act right?" She said and giggled. I scoffed.

"It's so real." I said while looking at them.

What if Sehun really loves her and not me?

"An act is supposed to be real pabo yah." She said and patted my head.

"Don't worry." She said and i smiled. Our teacher came in and I went back to my seat,as well as Yooin. When i sat down, i saw a note on my table. I opened it.

From: your love,sehunnie^^

Cheer up! Remember i love you not her arrasso? Love you. ♡

I smiled at the note. He still worry about me. I heaved a sigh of relief. He still cares at least. Our teacher gave us a small test and i saw Sehun scratching his head. I giggled. He didn't study again huh.This guy.

After the test,I wrote a note and placed it on Sehun's chair while Daeun was talking to Yookwon and her friends.

Sehun's POV

Jieun threw the note on my chair and i quickly took it. I read it at the side so that b*tch wouldn't see it.

From: Your one and only Jieunnie :)

Yah! Why didn't you study again huh. You should study you pabo yah! Love you too ♥

I smiled at the note and looked behind. Jieun looked at me and we smiled at each other. Jieun quickly went back to do her work.

"Sehun? Who are you smiling to?" Daeun tapped me and i got out of my senses.

"Oh nothing.." i said and she smiled.

"Kringggg!" The bell rang and i walked out of the class immediately,while holding her hand. It's so different from Jieun's one. I'm so disgusted. She's so clingy.

"Daeun go to the cafeteria first i will join you girls later." I said and faked a smile. She nodded and went with the bunch of queenkas or should i say b*tches. I walked to a secret room where only EXO,Jieun and yooin share. Yooin is the principal's daughter afterall. I placed my hand on the scanner to open the door but it refused. What the shit. They locked the door.

"Password." Tao hyung said. Oh mai gawd so childish. Hyungs are so childish.

"Open sesame" i said. What kind of Password is this? This is like so childish! They opened the door and i rolled my eyes. I sat beside Jieun and place my arms around her waist.

"How's the plan?" Kris hyung asked.

"Pretty well. I caught the bait." I said and smirked.

"Jinja? You manage to trick her?" They asked and i nodded.

"She was being clingy,even in class. Ew at her." Jongin said and i laughed.

"Yeah she was. Irritating woman." I said .

" Jieun and Sehun was passing notes in class i wonder if Daeun saw it or not." Yooin said. Jieun glared at her and place her hand on yooin's mouth.

"Askdvdjdvj" she tried to talk and Jongin cam to ger rescue.

"Let go of Yooin!" She said and pulled Jieun's hands away. I helped her to get revenge and so all of us started a pillow 'fight'.

"Yah! YAH! STOP IT GUYS!" Joonmyun hyung and Kris hyung tried to stop us. We stopped.

"You have to go now sehun. Daeun is waiting." Joonmyun hyung said and i sighed.

"Can't i stay here?" I asked,pleasing them with my puppy eyes.

"N.O. No." That's what they said. I sighed. I gave Jieun a quick peck on the cheeks and walked out of the room. I walked to the cafeteria and saw Daeun sitting with those bunch of b*tches.

"Oppa where did you go? You are so late." She said. Oppa? I'm only older than her by 1 month. Being such and whiny kid.

"Where's EXO?" She asked and linked arms with me.

"They don't want to come down." I said and smiled at her. Fake smile.

"Let's eat." She said and we started to eat. She fed me and i had to accept it. I almost puked.

"I'm full,i'll go back to class." I said and took my tray.

"I'll go with you babe." Daeun said and she stood up as well. We place our trays back and she linked arms with me. I really cannot stand her. I will soon burst out in anger. Everyone was staring at us like literally.

"Daeun you can let go of me." I said.

"Wae? I like your scent oppa." She said and i sighed. How many days must this be going on? I'm so gonna burst.

Jieun's POV

I saw Daeun being clingy to Sehun and Sehun was rolling his eyes. He even asked her to let go. I saw his mouth mkving and i could obviously understand it. I giggled. We were behind him. This silly kid.

"Oppa look at Sehun he wants to end it soon. So when are we going to end it?" I said while giggling.

"Soon,Jieun soon. Two more days." He said and i nodded.

Two days would be hell for Sehun Hahaha.

Author's NOTE:
I'M FINALLY DONE WITH A CHAPTER!!YEHET!! I'm sorry if it's short. Anyways, i hope you enjoy it!

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