More Than Love-A Hardzello AU

By Hardzzello_queenfan

10K 290 229

An AU about Joe Mazzello and Ben Hardy in high school. Ben is the school's football quarterback and is Joe's... More

1 - I Was Made For Lovin' You
2 - It's A Long, Hard Life
3 - P.S. I Love You
4 - I Can't Help Falling In Love With You
5 - You Don't Know What It Means To Me
6 - Life Goes On . . . Without You
7 - Things Are Better If You Stay
8 - I Still Love You
9 - Someone Still Loves You
11 - My Gift Is My Chapter And This One's For You
12 - Faster Than My Bullet
13 - When I Ruled The World
14 - We Can Work It Out
15 - Lemon Boy
16 - Take Me To Church
17 - Ho, Ho, Ho
18 - All Of Me
19 - Nobody Said It Was Easy
20 - Saturday Night's Alright
21 - I Want To Hold Your Hand
22 - Under Pressure
23 - Close Your Eyes
24 - I'm Gonna Love Me Again
25 - Once I Was 7 Years Old
26 - For You To Be Here
Ending, thank you, and the sequel

10 - I Got A Taste Of Love In A Simple Way

315 10 17
By Hardzzello_queenfan

Hi, my gorgeous humans! I'm back from my road trip to somewhere over the rainbow! Okay, I'm kidding. But If I'm being honest, I don't know where my family and I went because my stupid ass never bothered to ask my dad where we were. But anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!!!

I can't believe Dustin and Malcolm would do that. They put fucking holes in my condom so now Joe is pregnant! Why would they do that? It wouldn't be funny if I did that to one of their condoms and cause their girlfriends to get pregnant. Did they think it was funny? Did they get dared to do it? Did they do it because they wanted Joe to get pregnant? 

God, I'm so mad right n-

Ring. Ring. Ring.

Someone was calling me again. I read who was on the other line and saw that it was Malcolm. Even though I was pissed at him and Dustin, I still picked it up to talk to him about the condom thing. I pressed the 'answer' button and put it to my ear. 

"Hello?" I angrily said to the dickhead on the other line. "Hey, Ben! Today I saw that you got into a fight with Jason. Was it because he outed you to the whole team?" He asked me, acting as if he was innocent. 

"It's none of your business, asshole," I said to him, furiously 

"Woah, what the hell has gotten into you?" 

"What do you mean 'what has gotten into me'? Weren't you the one that poked holes in my condom?" 

"Wait, what? How the hell did you find out?" 

"Max told me." 

"Oh my god! Max is such a fucking snitch!" He said, annoyed.

"No! Don't go calling him a snitch when you were the one who poked holes into my condom." 

"Why are you so angry? Did something happened to your boyfriend?" 

"Yes, Joe's pregnant now," I said to him without thinking it through. I covered my mouth with my hand right after I said that to him. "What? Did you just say Joe is pregnant?" He asked me with shock and confusion in his voice. "Um . . . no," I tried to make it seem like I didn't say that but he already heard me as clear as day. 

"You got Joe pregnant!? Out of all people, you decided to pick him?" That infuriated me. "Hey, don't say that about Joe! I love him!" 

"Whatever. Burn in hell, fags!" Then he hung up. I was complete and utterly furious by now. I put my phone back in my pocket and went back into the living room.

"You took a long time," Joe's mum said to me when I came back into the room. Joe was nowhere in sight. "Where's Joe?" I asked her. "He's up in his room. While you were taking that call, he went up in his room." 

I went up the stairs and into his room. "Hey, babe," he said to me when I came through the door. He was on his bed and he was going through the ultrasound pictures. "Hey, babe. I have something to tell you." He put the pictures down. 

"Are you breaking up with me?" 

"No, absolutely not. And if I did, that would be a complete dick move since right now is a terrible time to break up with you," I explained to him. "Why do you say that?" He asked me. "Joe, you're pregnant." 

"Oh," he said with relief. "Anyway, what I was going to say is that my friend, Max just called and he told me the reason you're pregnant." Then a confused look on his face appeared. 

"What do you mean?" 

"He told me that two people on the football team poked holes in the condom I used." Then the confused look turned into an angry one. "So that's why I'm pregnant?" He asked and I simply nodded. "How fucked up are your teammates? They're just pieces of shit." I nodded again. 

"I know." 

We both just sighed. Then I told him, "You know what? I'm actually extremely happy that they poked holes in the condom, because now we have a human that belongs to us," I said to him, walking towards him and getting on the bed with him. I got in between his legs and I put my head on his stomach. "Ben, what are you doing?" He asked me while laughing. "I'm talking to my baby." He just laughed again. I put my head in a position to where I was now only looking at his stomach and I started talking to my baby that's in Joe's belly. 

"Hey, Baby Mazzello. I'm your dad, by the way." Joe laughed at that and started running a hand through my hair. I continued talking to my baby. "I just wanted to say that I'm so beyond happy and grateful that I have you. And I don't care if you're a boy or a girl, all I care about is that you're happy and healthy, and that's all that matters to me." I then kissed his stomach. "I love you." I looked up at him to see that he had the biggest smile on his face. "What?" I asked him. "Nothing, I'm just so happy that our baby has a dad like you." We both smiled at each other. I leaned up from his stomach and gave him a passionate kiss on the lips. He made it deeper by putting his hands on my face. I truly do love him.

Baby Mazzello's/Mozzarella's pov (And yes, it's now going to have a pov in chapters from now on.) 

Where the fuck am I? Am I swimming? It's kind of cold in here! What's that? 

I then saw a hand pressing on my tent. (Baby Mazzello only thinks that Joe's stomach is a tent so yeah. If you were wondering, that's what it is.) Then I heard someone from outside speak. 

"Ben, what are you doing?"

It sounded like whoever said that was laughing. Whenever I hear people laugh from outside it makes me jealous because I've been trying to learn how to laugh but I just can't master it right now. Then I heard someone reply, "I'm talking to my baby." Then it looked like someone put their head on my tent. I heard whoever was on my tent and they said, "Hey, Baby Mazzello. I'm your dad, by the way." I heard another laugh from outside of my tent. Okay, whatever that guy says, he's my dad. He continued with what he had to say. "I just wanted to say that I'm so beyond happy and grateful that I have you."  . . . What does 'grateful' mean? "And I don't care if you're a boy or a girl, all I care about is that you're happy and healthy, and that's all that matters to me." I then saw a pair of lips kiss my tent. The person, or 'my dad' then told me, "I love you." . . .Well, I guess I love you, too.

Joe's pov 

Ben and I were both shirtless and making out on the bed. I went for the zipper on his pants and he went for mine. We were going to go further but then my mom came into the room. "Hey, honey, your fr- oh! I'm sorry. I didn't know you guys were doing . . . that." She was covering her eyes once she saw what we were doing. 

"Oh, hey Ms. Mazzello. We were just-" Ben tried to explain but my mom interrupted. "It's okay Ben, I was just going to tell Joe that his friend, Gwil is here." I then told her that I'll be down in a minute and she left.  

Ben and I put our shirts on and I went to the door. I noticed Ben following behind me and Gwil still doesn't know that him and I are together so if Gwil sees him here, he'll definitely raise some suspicions. "Ben, you can't follow me to the door. Gwil still doesn't know about us and he kinda hates you so he would be confused to see you here," I explained to Ben. He walked back to my room and I continued going downstairs and to open the front door. 

I opened it and saw Gwil jumping up and down. "What are you so happy about?" He stopped jumping. "No reason. Just come to my house tomorrow night, and bring a friend if you want to." I was really confused. "Why?" I asked him, he responded a bit too quickly. "Just be there at 9:00 PM, okay?" 


"Great! See you then!" He told me, then he left by running down the block. 

I closed the door in pure confusion. 

That was weird. 

I just brushed the thought off and went back upstairs to my room. I opened the door and saw Ben on my bed. "Hey, are you okay?" He asked me once I shut the door. "I'm fine, but where were we?" I asked him in a devilish/sexy voice as I got back on the bed. He smiled, putting his arms around my waist, and pulling me into a kiss.  

You know what we did after that.

Hi, everyone! I'm back! So yeah, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Also for some reason, this didn't take me as long as normal to write because I typed this chapter really fast and I don't know how. Also, I already know that the title has nothing to do with the chapter, but I had to think of something. And the next chapter is going to be spicy! Also, please tell me what you think about Baby Mazzello's/Mazzarella's pov. But yeah! I'm gonna go! I love you guys to death and I'll talk to you in the next chapter! Tootles! 

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