
By quietandshylives

261 35 2

A group of girls that banded together for nothing more than fun find themselves in the whirlpool of hate and... More

Courage is Hidden
No Promises
Demands of The Masses
Growing Strong
Family Comes First
Laughter, Desire and Truth
For Our Girls
One Last Time
Night Time Confessions
A Change of Heart
Idols Turned to Heros
Dance With Pride
Midnight Mysteries
Worry Free
Sands of Time
Final Goodbyes...
Apart, Yet Forever Together
Night Wings
Together At Last
Fuck Destiny, Fuck Fate
Final Showdown: Night Wings Reunited
Final Showdown: You're Not My Family

International Views

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By quietandshylives

"It's almost time," I sighed, pacing back and forth. 

"Jos, calm down. We can do this we practiced for for weeks and weeks. We've got this." Euca spoke and walked up to me. She grabbed me by my shoulders and looked down at me," We can do this. You can do this."

I took a deep breath and wrung my hands as we waited for our turn on the stage. 

"Hey there idols," A deep voice spoke.

We all turned to see Archer, our sound and light specialist. Since the school wasn't able to provide this many hands off mics we had to find someone. Euca had brought him over to help us out.

"Really Archer?" She sighed and placed her hands on her hips.

Archer smiled and shrugged as his friend, Jayden helped him bring in his equipment," Well, it's almost time for you girls to give us a show."

I felt my breathing pick up and I started pacing again.

Euca's eyes darted from me and to Archer, not knowing which to go to.

Ang, seeing the stress from her came to me and gave her a quick nod.

"Hey, it's going to be okay. You know that," Ang spoke and hugged me.

I took a deep breath and nodded as I hugged her back," I'm just nervous. It's not just kids out there this time, there are adults too. Little kids, probably ARMY's-"

"So what?" Euca spoke and hugged me as well.

"Alright girls, let's get these mics on you and set up." Archer spoke and smiled.

We all nodded as he handed us our mics, each member with nervous hearts put their mics on and listened as Archer talked about how they worked and how to handle them.

My elders we right, the other members needed me to be strong. I need to support them just like they support me, that is what we are have each other for. 

"Alright, and don't forget, if you drop it, it's alright but you need to put it back on you as soon as you can." Archer finished as he sat down at his sound board that stood beside the stage. Just so that he could see us as we performed.

We nodded and we huddled together, we calmed each other's fears and hugged each other. This was our first large performance, and our first time that we will be taking an hour break before our next song. The first time that we are going to have a dress change. The girls are all nervous but excited to show off what we had done. They were ready to prove everyone wrong, and ready to show everyone what they were capable of.

I smiled," Okay guys, let's get out there and show them what we've got."

They all cheered and after a few more moments and the feedback of the speakers a loud and proud voice spoke.

"Hello everyone! Welcome to the first annual Winter Show where kids from West Mesa High School will show off their talents to all of you, and we get your money."

They crowd clapped and laughed.

"Depending on which performance you like is the one you can donate to. Now our first performance is from the Asian Culture Club and their Dance line, the Night Wings. They will be giving us two performances this evening, so without further ado I give you the Night Wings!"

The applause was loud as the stage went dark and we quickly went on and in our entrance formation, a V formation.

I was in front, at my right was Euca, at my left was Ale. Behind them were Ang and Daisy. And behind them were Karyme and Naomi.

I could feel my heart beating against my chest as the lights came back on. I took a deep breath as a small round of applause came from the crowd.

"하나,둘,세..." I spoke loud and we all bowed at the same time. (1, 2, 3)

"안녕하세요, 우리는 나이트 윙스입니다." We all spoke simultaneously and looked out at the crowd,"Hello, we are the Night Wings."

"내가 지도자,세습니다," I bowed and took a step back. (I am the leader, Josephine. )

"나는 장남,Eucariz," Hyung bowed. (I am the eldest, Eucariz)

"나는 비밀 병기, Alejandra," Ale bowed. (I am the Secret Weapon, Alejandra)

Daisy and Ang rushed up to the front, and making a heart together they introduced themselves.

"나의 천사가 그룹," (I am the Angel of the group)

"나는 선샤인," ( And I am the Sunshine)

They rushed back to their place as Karyme and Naomi stepped out.

"나의 막내,Karyme," ( I am the Maknae, Karyme)

"나는 성령,나오미," ( And I am the Ghost, Naomi)

"하자!" I smiled and we all got into place for Baepsae. (Let's do this!)

As the music played, my world became nothing but my own. I could see the crowd, I could see my friends, but nothing mattered except my friends. My other family, the people that had stayed beside me through it all, through thick and thin. Nothing else mattered but them, I couldn't care less about this performance, or how it was performed, this is for us. This is for them, I trust them, and they trust me. We are a family, though no one else can see it. We are a group of girls with the hearts of Idols, with the minds of sisters, with the souls of saints. We got here together, we came here not knowing each other. Shy and confused, and when we met, we didn't know what to do. Yet, here we are, standing strong, dancing side by side without a worry, here we are through it all, through the hate and the prejudice, through the stress and the doubt. Here we stand together, because we aren't just a dance line anymore, we are a family.

I looked at each member as they danced.

Euca, a strong dancer. A hard life to live and a heart bigger than most other's that I've met. Practices until she can't anymore and then still gets up to dance.

Angie, a hard worker. A loving and caring nature and the mindset of a mother. She never got tired of our whining.

Ale, my best friend. A shy girl who was afraid to perform and tempted to back out of the dance line, yet stayed beside us all.

Daisy, an amazing dancer. A strong person, dance is her passion and you can see it.

Karyme, our youngest member. Introverted, doesn't talk much but practices as much as she is able to.

Naomi, another shy member. She is small but strong, she is odd but she is our sister.

And me, I am just their leader. Their president, and their sister. The person they look to when there are decisions to make. Yet each one stands beside me in whatever I choose without argument, each member always protecting me from the world when it dared to threaten me. Always helping me up when I fall, and that... that is something I love about these girls.

The last notes of the song played and we stood in our last positions. After a few seconds the lights died down and we all walked off the stage, breathing slightly faster than what we had. Behind the stage stood Mimi and Rin-Hyung, both standing with plates of food.

The others smiled and said hello as they got food to eat, I was the last in the line as I watched my heart pace. It was throbbing against my hand as I felt it. I closed my eyes in an attempt to slow it. Though I wasn't breathing hard, my heart was pounding fast against my chest.

"You girls did amazing!" Rin laughed and sat with us at a table," I recorded you guys and I'm going to post it on every account that I have.

We all smiled at her as we ate and shared small stories with each other.

"So you guys are going to do another performance?" Mimi spoke and leaned against the table.

I nodded," Since we perfected Baepsae within the month, we all decided to do another song. And we got that one down faster than the last one."

Mimi smiled and nodded," I'm proud of you guys. You really showed them who's boss."

The others laughed and continued talking. I stayed silent and watched them have their fun. I'm glad that they're so happy, especially since moments earlier we all were so stressed and filled with anxiety. Though not an odd thing to see with these guys they're resistant against a lot of things and, that is something I can say that we all gained through working with each other, and trusting in the other person.

"Come on girls, let's have some fun," Rin smiled and stood.

The others stood and followed except three.

Ale, Euca, Angie...

I smiled at them and they returned it.

I walked up to them and we all walked out into the festival, hundreds of thousands of people walked and played the games, eating and having fun as performers were up on the stage. I smiled as we walked around, Rin and Mimi paying for us along the way, though none of us have asked them to. We all stuck close together, although that wasn't odd at all... just nine girls walking in multiple formations, nothing weird about that at all.

"How are you feeling Jos?" Euca asked and fell back to my side.

I nodded and looked at her," I'm alright, just nervous about our next performance."

She smiled and shook her head," Hey now, don't fret about those kinds of things. We all are here just like you, all feeling the same thing, side by side. There is no reason for you to feel so anxious, you need to trust us. Okay?"

I took a deep breath and felt an enormous weight being lifted from my shoulders," Thanks Euca."

She smiled and patted my back as she rushed back up ahead. I smiled and shook my head as I rushed up to the others and we all continued on our way to have some long overdue fun from all the work and stress we have had all this time. Though soon it came to a bitter ending.

"Lookie here, it's the Korean idiots." A girl snickered as we made our way back to the stage.

I clenched my jaw and turned to look at the group of girls that stood before us, I went to walk towards them but a familiar hand grasped my shoulder. I looked up to see the two I have come to know as my elders.

"Come on Jos, don't worry too much about these things. We have work to do," Euca spoke and stepped in front of me as Angie turned, steered me around and had us head back stage.

When I turned back around, Euca wasn't there. I looked at the group. They were all getting ready, and yet she wasn't here. It's not like her not to be with us, especially so close to the show time.

"Sorry I'm so late, I didn't mean to fall behind." Euca panted as she came back stage, a small cut formed on her lip and a couple of dark bruises forming on her face as she walked passed us and picked up her costume," I need to get ready, see you guys in a few moments."

"What happened?" Archer asked and stepped in front of her.

She smiled," I was standing for my sisters."

He looked down as she walked passed him and into the dressing rooms.

I knew all too well what that means. She had gotten hurt after our first month of practice, because she was defending our honor. Our honor from the Phillies. They were trying to sabotage us, telling lies to the Principals and to their coaches. She stayed behind one day during our after school get togethers. I still remember when she got back, she was bleeding and limping. We all rushed up to her and asked her what had happened and those are the words that she spoke to us, and promised us that she'd be up and running within a couple of days and not to worry. Yet after that day, many of the Phillies never stole a second glance with Euca around, they were afraid of her. And not one of us will ever know why, because she never fights in front of us, never drags us in with her, no matter how much we beg and plead, and we've tried to follow her but to no avail.

"Alright guys, let's get this party started." Euca laughed as she walked in, carrying a tray of drinks for us. We all swarmed in and stole one quick.

Angie took the tray from Euca and chopped her neck," You fucking idiot..." Turning and grabbing a drink as she walked away.

Euca rubbed her neck with a smile," What did I do?" She laughed.

We've learned not to ask questions about the fights, we've never gotten a straight answer from her anyhow.

"These are delicious Euca," Ale spoke and continued to drink.

Euca smiled as she did the same," A last hurrah before we go back to some measly Korean club again. It's going to be a while before we get together like this again. You all know as well as I do that after this is over, we go back to rarely seeing each other again."

We all gave a sad smile and nodded as we circled up and put our hands together.

"나이트 윙즈 3!," Euca smiled. (Night Wings on three)

I nodded and we all chimed in with the same.

"나이트 윙!" (Night Wings)

We laughed as we lined up once again to perform.

"And now without further adue, our closing performers. The Korean Culture Club's Dance line!" Mr. Cordova spoke and bowed out of the way.

I took a deep breath as we rushed out again, our last time as a team for a long while. Our last chance to show everyone what 나이트 윙스 are really made of. It's our last chance to be here together as a unit, a true unit of seven.

"Let's show them what we've got," Euca smiled and clasped her hand on my shoulder and headed out to her place, I nodded and rushed out after her.

With no need to do our intro again, the song started and the lights came up.

"Alright girls, good luck Night Wings." Archer spoke and that was that.

The show started and our first round as the 나이트 윙스 came to a end within the three minutes of the song, and as expected the members disbanded except the four of us.

Euca, Ale, Angie, and me.

I knew none of us wanted to disband, we had bonded so much, gone through so much. But we didn't have much choice on the matter, seeing as how, we all have our own lives to lead, our own paths to follow. But we'll still be here for eachother, always.


When the girls got to their homes, they all quickly went to their elders account to see their performance. And what they were about to see will forever change their lives and how they perceive their lives. Their performance had gone viral, across the web the videos of them dancing and singing was raging faster than was ever seen before. The view numbers increasing by the hundreds within each moment they looked at their performances, with hearts racing and minds running fast with their eyes fixed on the view numbers, watching them rise by the second. This is something they never experienced before, the viral universe.

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