Assassin's Creed imagines

By KetamiTakahashi

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Assassins and Templar imagines I do not own any Assassin's creed characters More

Jacob Frye X Reader
Edward Kenway X Reader
Edward Kenway X Reader part 2
Haytham Kenway X Reader (AU)
Edward Kenway X Reader
Altaïr Ibn La'Ahad X Reader
Edward Kenway X Reader Part 2
Edward Kenway X Reader part 3
Jacob Frye X Reader
Haytham Kenway X Reader
Shay Cormac X Reader
Arno Dorian X Reader AU
Bayek X Reader
Ezio Auditore X Reader AU
Jacob Fyre X Reader part 2
Altaïr Ibn La'Ahad X Reader part 2
Desmond Miles X Reader
Connor Kenway X Reader
Desmond Miles X Reader
Jacob Frye X Reader
Altaïr Ibn La'Ahad X Reader
Edward Kenway X Reader

Connor Kenway X Reader

1K 9 0
By KetamiTakahashi

This is a continuation from Bayek. Inspired by @user36811464 😘

You were back at school for  another term walking down the hallways to get to your locker. You needed to offload some of the textbooks since today you were going on a school trip. You would pounder now and again of the events that happened to you during your vacation. Surely something like that could not be real, it is possible that you were having a very vivid dream that much is not unheard of but how could you explain the scar on your leg where the arrow in Bayek's time had pierced you. Even the stuff has not turned up. You closed your locker then walked down the hallways through the door outside and got on the school bus. You sat with your friends towards the back of the bus just having idle chatter to pass the time as the bus drove to the museum. Upon reaching the museum you all got out and headed in the museum where you were split into three groups. It was just a basic tour around the museum. Your guide led you around the museum, you felt a shiver run down your spine when you were over at the Egyptian exhibit. Thankfully you did not spend a lengthy time there cause you were pretty sure you were going to faint. The next exhibit was the depiction of the American revolution, you had your pencil out jotting a few notes which you thought were important, your guide went on explaining some of the major events that happened in that time period. Then you were all led to another exhibit, as you rounded the corner away from where you just came from some of the students were too much in a hurry that they pushed against you causing your pencil to get knocked out of your hand. They kept moving as if nothing happened. 'Seriously', you thought. So you went to find your pencil it was your favorite, it had rolled back towards the exhibit you just came from. You saw it just after the corner so you went to pick it up. As soon as you did you heard gun shots, startled you looked to where the shots could possible be coming from only to hear some more shots zipping past you. That's when you stood, turned tailed and ran. The shots kept on coming and you could hear people shouting for you to stop and the sound of their feet thundering as they kept chasing you. Soon the shots stopped but your pursuers kept on running after you. You ran like the devil was on your tail having no idea why they were after you. You kept on running even as your legs began to burn and you felt like your lungs would give out at any moment. Your pursuers did not sound to be as close as they were but they still gave chase. 'What's happening I only wanted to get my pencil'
Just then you were pushed down on the other side a hand covered your mouth as you heard a voice telling you to be quiet. You wanted to panic but stopped yourself as you heard the sound of running feet pass by your head, after a while you did not hear them. That is when your mind registered the weight on top of you. The figure removed their hand from your mouth and stood up. You watched this figure noting the white robes they wore, the various weapons upon their person and the hood that concealed their face from you. 'Where have I seen that before'
They stood with their hand extended to you. You took it as they helped you up. As soon as you were on your feet you went to dust yourself stopping when you saw what you were wearing, you lifted your head slowly observing your surroundings. Your jaw hit the floor at what you saw. You were surrounded by trees, lots and lots of trees, where the stranger had pushed you was a pile of leaves, 'That must be why, whoever they were, did not see you. But wh-'
You were roughly shaken, "I am speaking to you. Why were the soldiers chasing you", the robed stranger demanded.
"I don't know, why don't you go ask them because I sure would like to know", you sassed. 'What's with the demanding attitude'
He seemed to be frustrated at your answer, clenching his fist. When you looked at him more closely you saw that what he wore was actually a hooded dress uniform with blue lining, as well as a thin red sash fastened with some kind of hat symbol, you guessed, and brown boots with leggings that extended past his knees. But your eyes travelled back to the symbol on the sash, remembering that you saw it on Bayek's robes. The robed man caught on to your staring, shifting his stance to be ready for any possible attack as your eyes widen.
"That...", you pointed at it, "I've seen it before, from Bayek. He said it's a symbol of their brotherhood or something like that. What did he called them...", you trailed off, pacing back and fourth in front of the man. He just stood there thinking over the name 'Bayek' which he did not recognize but you spoke of the brotherhood so you must know of them. He watched you pace some more not sure if you were an ally or enemy. He jumped back when you suddenly sprung forward to him with a snap of your figures. "Aha! He said they were the Hidden ones. Working in the shadows to save people from...uhm...", you tapped your chin in thought, "...I forgot about the-".
"Templars", the man said cutting your rambling off. You looked at him surprised, "Excuse me what?!".
"Templars...and we are called Assassins".
The both of you just stood there an awkward silence settling over.
'I suppose that works too'
You cleared your throat, "We didn't properly introduce ourselves, I'm (Y/n)", you extended your hand to him. He looked at your hand then back at you, "I'm Connor". You stood there awkwardly with your extended hand. Connor turned and began walking on a path away from you. "Wait", you ran after him and when you caught up to him you asked, "Where are you going". Connor kept on walking not saying anything to you so you followed him having no idea where he was headed.

The path led to some kind of homestead, you kept on walking with Connor who had not uttered a single word since you followed him. You both soon came to the house the was an old man with dark skin that was set on a chair next to the door on the patio. As soon as his gaze settled on you he scowled turning back to Connor, "When are you going to stop picking up strays boy", his cranky voice sounded laced with annoyance. You mentally cringed at that. Connor turned to look at you before returning his gaze at the man, "She was being chased by the red coats. I helped her and she knows about the brotherhood", Connor explained. The old man raised his brow before motioning for Connor to come closer. They whispered to each other occasionally Connor would glance your way before going back to whispering with the old man. You felt self-conscious just standing there in the dirt waiting for them to decide your fate in yet another place you had no business in being. You heard the old man grumble and your attention was back to them. The old man addressed you, "How do you know of the brotherhood".
You swallowed nervously trying to formulate your words and taking great care to not say anything that would sound crazy.

'What am I supposed to say; well you see the thing is old man I was in ancient Egypt that's how I know about the brotherhood', you thought cringing at the ridiculousness of it all.
"I saw this symbol my dreams", you pointed at the assassin insignia on Connor's clothes, "A-and I once heard of it from an old friend", you continued.
"Is this friend the Bayek you spoke of earlier", Connor curiosity asked. You nodded. The old man narrowed his eyes at you.
'Oh please don't say you remember him from some history book old man'
"Where is this Ba-".
"He's dead".
Connor nodded in understanding, he looked to the old man who just shrugged. "(Y/n) I would like to offer you to join the brotherhood", Connor proposed, your eyes slightly widen. You then remembered Bayek saying how his 'gods' showed him your path and you ended up with a stuff that got you home. You figured maybe you would see something like that here so training with the guy might not be so bad, especially if you would keep on running into bullets and arrows.

Eight months had passed and you had yet to find anything as shiny as that stuff. You learned the name of the old man 'Achilles' though you still liked 'old man' better, especially when he was being all cranky. You were trained by Connor mostly when he was not on missions but he sometimes was as cranky as Achilles. He taught you how to run, hunt, scale up a tree and a wall, to fight with the various weapons that he uses. You greatly enjoyed learning how to use the bow. Connor was very good at it but it also reminded you of Bayek and the way he had shot tree arrows at once hitting his targets perfectly. Both men were impressed at how quickly you learned. You even had your own hidden blade now but man you missed home. Your friends, school, your has been so long something had to happen by now and finding out that you were in colonised America was no fun, you really did not want to be involved in the revolution. It was well underway Connor had just come back from a mission in Boston.
Today you were to perform the 'leap of faith' more like 'the leap to your death' in your opinion. You looked at Connor like his was crazy he had his hood down, a sight you rarely saw but it had you in awe every time you saw him without his hood. He wore a barely noticeable smirk, "It really is not that bad (Y/n)", he tried to reassure you. The sight had you slightly noxious. You watched Connor pull up his hood before jumping off the edge arms spread wide like a bird soaring in the skies before turning on his back and landing perfectly on the pile of leaves below. He came out unscathed and motioned for you to do the same. Your heart was thumping so hard in your chest it felt like it would rip out of your rip cage.
'Come on (Y/n) just one little jump'
You closed your eyes to try to settle your nerves, taking in a deep breath and letting it out slowly. You opened them and for a moment you saw yourself back at the temple in Bayek's time about to fall to your untimely death, the grip you had on Alexander's stuff and the warmness radiating off of it. You blinked once the scene changing back to where you stood with Connor waiting at the bottom, you took another deep breath and you jumped. It felt just as exhilarating as the day you had gone sky diving with your friends, you turned to your back and landed perfectly in the pile of leaves. You let out a laugh 'I did it', you thought. You shot up immediately getting startled by the stern voice calling your name.
"Yes", you turned to the source only to find your teacher.
"Get back to your group"
"Yes mam I was only....", you looked at your hand finding your pencil there. Upon seeing your teacher's stern face you quickly scurried to your group brows furrowed in confusion. You were back in the museum.
'The hell...that was it'


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