Just friends | slumptacion

Von vrrevenge

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"we're just friends, who've had sex" Mehr

not a story update


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Von vrrevenge

~Jahsehs pov

Jordan and I went out to eat a little while ago then we came home to watch movies together until one of us falls asleep or something. He considered it a date but honestly I just agreed to go out to eat because I was hungry not because I wanted to go on a date

He sat there talking the whole time while I ate and day dreamed about Stokeley bending me over the sink and fucking me. Probably not the kind of thing I should think about when I'm out with my current almost boyfriend. He's my almost boyfriend because we never actually said we were dating and I'm glad because that means I didn't cheat on him by having sex with Stokeley

"This movie is boring" Jordan sighed

"No it's not you've just spent so much time on your phone you missed half of it pay attention"
Watching a movie with someone who sits on their phone the entire movie is annoying to me. Not everything is about phones all the time put it down and watch the damn movie, Jordan lives on his phone he's always on it don't matter where we are
One time while we were fucking this man was texting his mom back but told me not to feel weird about him being on his phone while we fucked but who just texts they momma while having sex? Not people who have good sex Jordan don't fuck good he never wanted to try new things that's why his ass was bored. Sex with Stokeley was never that boring

"can you At least go tell Stokeley to get his baby she's been crying for like ten minutes now how is that not bothering you"

"It's not that hard too just ignore it I'm sure he's got her, she's a baby and babies cry sometimes"

He's kind of gotten annoying, I like him but ever since we got here he's been extremely clingy
He was never like this in Orlando and now that I think there's hope for me and Stokeley I truly just do not want him. The fact that he breathes annoys me

He sighed and got up
"I'll go tell him my damn self"

"Jordan lay your ass back down Stokeley will beat your ass if you tell him how to parent kehlani I'll go see what's wrong"

If I don't Jordan's going to force it. Stokeley said Jordan told him to stay away from me I got a feeling Stokeley does not like him. I can relate
I only like him in Orlando, it's a Stokeley free zone
No one knows him and my friends only know of him because I've talked about him but none of them have memories with him or talk to him on the phone so I never have to hear about him unless I bring him up

It's easy to just be with Jordan when Stokeley isn't in the next room, when I know Stokeley's close and I can see him anytime that just makes me want to be around him even if we just watch movies in silence
At least he'd watch movies with me and not sit on his phone the whole time

"What's wrong with the baby?" I asked walking into the room

"I don't know she just won't stop crying" he said bouncing her up and down kind of fast

"Damn nigga you gone give her brain damage calm down give her too me"
I took her from him and bounced her lightly while patting her back, I grabbed the bottle and put it in her mouth which got her to finally be quiet

"Your irritated stokes, I can feel it and so can she that's probably why she wouldn't stop crying for you babies pick up on shit like that you just gotta calm down be patient baby"

"I know Sometimes she cries and it's to much coolie always helps but I need to smoke can you put her back to sleep?" He asks

"Yeah go ahead I got her"
She's already falling back to asleep Im assuming she tired herself out with all that screaming.

Stokeley grabbed his weed and rellos out of the top drawer then gave me a kiss on the forehead
"You're the best"

"I know" I smiled at him, he giggled then walked away. He hasn't giggled at me in a while someone likes me again

I laid kehlani on the bed, she isn't asleep but it'll be easier if she falls asleep on the bed so she won't wake up when I set her down. she moved herself so that she was laying sideways in the bed and on her stomach then started fussing so I laid next to her and started patting her back gently again
She stopped fussing and eventually fell asleep so I went to the living room by stokes
Hopefully Jordan just went to sleep or something

"I'm still mad at you" Stokeley mumbled

"Mad at me for what?"

"You left me in a time I needed you, you just decided to pack up and move to Orlando and I get that was something you needed but what about what I needed what about what I need now does it matter at all to you?"
I'm tired of talking about feelings and me leaving I'm tired of explaining myself and trying to make him feel better about himself. I did what I needed and I'm not apologizing. Stokeley didn't try very hard to get me to stay or to keep in contact so did he really need me that bad?

"Yes stokes what you need matters but so does what I need I'm not apologizing for leaving it doesn't even matter anymore I'm here now aren't I?"

"Six months later, and when you got here you barely even asked me how I'm doing or how kehlani is doing kinda just seems like you don't care"

Now he's starting his dramatic shit. I could clearly see that he was just fine and so was kehlani
It's not like a 10 month old has many real problems anyways she can't even really talk

"Well kehlani doesn't matter much to me right now because I barely know her and that definitely came out the wrong way I mean of course I care and I want her in my life I want the both of you so can we put this behind us already and move forward in our lives"

"Wow jah, you've always been a bad liar I'm going to sleep" he hit his blunt a few more times and then put it out

"What did I lie about?"

"You don't care about kehlani and you could care less if she was in your life unless she's crying you act like she doesn't even exist. I'm sorry but you can't be apart of my life and not hers" he rolled his eyes and walked away. I didn't mean that I don't care about her. I just don't know her I don't have an attachment to her all I really know is her name and age
If he'd stop being so complicated and just let me be apart of his life again I could grow an attachment and care about her more.

I know working on us is going to be a long process and who knows maybe it won't work out and we'll end up miserable but if that's not going to happen I refuse to let it. Stokeley just needs to stop being so damn complicated he still hasn't actually agreed to try and work things out with me
I know he's going to try still if he wasn't he wouldn't bother even talking to me and he probably wouldn't let me be around kehlani or be worried about me not wanting to be around her. It's going to take a lot of time & reassurance too get him too see that I want to be around the both of them, for the rest of my life.

*17k reads 🥰🤝

Should they get back together or should jah stay with Jordan?


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