Living with the Midoriyas

By famulan07

150K 2.7K 3.3K

Izuku, Ochako, and Eri have been happily living as a family for the past 5 years, but when they encounter an... More

Part 1: All Grown Up
Part 2: A New Friend
Part 3: The Beginning
Part 5: What Matters Most
Part 6: Secrets
Part 7: Surprise!
Part 8: Promotions
Part 9: Encounters
Part 10: Tenjin Matsuri (Part 1)
Part 11: Tenjin Matsuri (Part 2)
Part 12: Confessions
Part 13: Announcement
Part 14: What'll It Be?
Part 15: Reveal
Part 16: Freedom
Part 17: A Birthday to Remember
Part 18: Plans
Part 19: Darkness
Part 20: Valentine's Day
Part 21: Miracles
Part 22: Illusions
Part 23: Rescue (Part 1)
Part 24: Rescue (Part 2)
Part 25: Rescue (Part 3)
Part 26: Arrival
Part 27: Prayers
Part 28: Company
Part 29: Completion
Part 30: Happily Ever After

Part 4: Home

6.7K 136 242
By famulan07

"What did you guys talk about, momma?"

Eri asked as her mother began to fill the dumplings with filling.

"Oh, we just talked about how adorable you were. We discussed some rules that we wanted to enforce in order to make sure you had the best time at U.A."

"I did, momma. It was the best day though when you and papa adopted me as my official momma and papa."

Eri reflected on her adoption day. She will never forget the words her parents said to her.

"We love you, Eri. We always will. We promise to protect you and to give you the best life we can."

The couple said as they hugged their new daughter.

Many happy tears were shed that day. Even recalling it would make Eri's heart squeeze.

"Momma?" Eri asked, now remembering another day. "Can you tell me how papa proposed?"

She looked up at Eri who was smiling widely, her eyes twinkling under the kitchen light. Ochako's lips formed into a soft smile as a rosy blush began to cover her face.

"Don't you remember, Eri? You were there." Eri put a finger to her lip as she looked up at the ceiling to remember the day.

"Your papa told us that he wanted to take us on a walk at the beach. It was also the first time you had ever been at the beach. The sun felt so warm and I remember you splashing in the ocean."

"Oh, yeah! I had so much fun. Can we go back someday, momma?"

Ochako laughed.

"Sure. Someday. Your dad got down on one knee and asked me on that same beach he had cleaned back when he was younger. It held a lot of memories for us as well since that's where our first date was. He cried almost as much as I did." She said with a laugh.

Eri held back her giggles. "Papa can be a little sensitive sometimes." She thought to herself.

"Then papa gave me a ring too!" Eri exclaimed excitedly. To this day, she still wore it on her right ring finger. Her ring had a thin silver band and a blue butterfly in the center since he knew how much she loved them.

"Eri, I promise to be the best dad that I can. It might take some learning since I never really had a dad, but I promise you, I'll protect you and your mom as long as I live, and I'll love you both unconditionally. Will you accept this ring and me as your papa?"

Eri remembered her father's words as she looked down at her custom butterfly ring.

Just then, she heard the door open.

"Papa!" She cried as she ran to the door.

"Hi, sweetheart." He replied while giving her a kiss on the head.

"We were talking about the day you proposed to me and momma. Well, really just momma but I count too." She gleamed.

"Of course you do. I asked your mom to be my wife and you to be my daughter, so I proposed to both of you."

He smiled as he rubbed her cheek softly. He smelled the homemade dumplings that his wife was making.

"Let's go talk to your momma." He said as he took Eri's hand.

"Hi, honey." Ochako smiled sweetly at her husband as he and their daughter entered the kitchen.

"Are you two going to kiss again?" Eri grimaced.

"Maybe." Izuku smirked at his wife.

"Bleh! I'm going then!" Eri stated as she began to run out of the kitchen.

Izuku leaned in to kiss his wife but was interrupted by the sound of the doorbell ringing.

"I'll get it!"

He heard Eri call out from the hallway. She opened the door to reveal an unusually not raging Bakugo.

"Hey there, Squirt." He grinned as he rubbed the top of Eri's head.

"Hi, Uncle Kacchan!"

Eri smiled as she hugged him around the waist.

"Is Deku around?" He asked as he peeked his head through the front door.

"Papa!" She called.

"What is it, Eri?"

Izuku as he made his way to the front door. "Kacchan? What are you doing here?" He smiled.

"So-I-um.. I was passing through when my car broke down, and I needed somewhere to stay. Just for the night."

He hated to admit defeat. He probably would have been more irritable if Eri had not been present.

"Can't you just use your explosions like a rocket to get where you're going, Uncle Kacchan?" Eri giggled.

"Ha ha. Very funny."

"Of course you can stay, Kacchan. Please. Come in. Ochako has dinner cooking." Izuku gestured for him to come in.

"Mama! Mama! Uncle Kacchan is staying with us tonight!" Eri said happily as she skipped into the kitchen.

"Is he now? Well then. You and I need to prepare the spare bedroom, don't we?" Eri nodded as she followed her mother upstairs.


After about half an hour, the bedroom was prepared for their guest and the dumplings finished steaming. Izuku carefully removed the lid to reveal delicious, hot, fresh dumplings ready to be served.

"Eri, would you set the table, please?" Ochako asked as she began scoop the dumplings onto a plate.

Eri happily obliged and set out four plates, sets of silverware, napkins, and glasses.

Once everyone was situated, they ate dinner and began to discuss how life had changed since Ochako and Izuku married and adopted Eri.

"You were super mean in high school, Uncle Kacchan." Eri said with a pout. "But it's okay because you're nicer now."

"No, he's still mean." Izuku teased. Bakugo annoyingly glanced at him.

"Hey, Squirt. You should have seen your dad and I fight back then. He was such a loser."

Eri pouted once more. "Papa's a great fighter, Uncle Kacchan. I bet if you two fought right now , then he'd kick your butt."

Bakugo knew she was right. Since they've graduated from U.A. three years ago, Izuku raised his limit to 90%. If he went over that for too long, he caused horrible damage to his body.

"But if you really want to prove it, fight." She said proudly as she crossed her arms.

"R-right now?" Izuku asked to which she nodded.

Ochako stood up immediately. "Oh, NO you don't." She stood up faster than Izuku and Bakugo could fully arise from their seats. She touched both their heads and pushed them back down into their chairs.

"This is dinner time. You're both adults now. If you're going to act childish, then you can both sleep outside." She said sternly. "I see that you're both finished with your food, so if you don't mind, please clean up the table while I go change into pajamas."

Bakugo and Izuku looked at each other with confused looks.

"Momma's been more crabby lately." Eri whispered.

"Dang. You sure you two aren't about to have another little rascal?" Bakugo asked, partially teasing.

Izuku choked on his water.

"Papa! Are you okay??"

Eri asked as she rushed over to his side. He held up his hand to signal he was fine. After coughing multiple times, he inhaled deeply.

"I-I'm sure." He said in between breaths.

Eri didn't register Bakugo's words. She was too busy worrying about her father choking. 

"Papa, I'm gonna go change into my pajamas and then do you, momma, and Uncle Kacchan want to watch a movie?"

"Sure, Eri." Izuku agreed whereas Bakugo passed on the offer.

After about 20 minutes, both Eri and Ochako came downstairs and into the living room. They waited for Izuku to change into his pajamas as well.

"What do you want to watch, Eri?" Ochako asked.

"Hmmm. How about Frozen?" She replied.

Ochako gave Izuku a look as she knew they'd be having "Let it Go" stuck in their heads for the next few days.


Towards the end of the movie, all three of them had fallen asleep. Bakugo wanted a drink, so he made his way into the kitchen to grab one but stopped at the sight of the family asleep on the couch. Eri had laid down in her parents' laps with a blanket over them as her parents rested their heads on each other's.

"What the?" Bakugo asked himself.

He wasn't about all the "mushy" stuff.

"Deku seems so happy. I wonder if there's a chance I could be like him too."

• • • • •

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