The Clan (Jooheon x Reader)

By mmiidmc

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✔️COMPLETE✔️ A land ruined by war. A group known to survivors as "Monsta X" or "The Clan" set out to restore... More

You really are them
Minhyuk and Shownu
Changkyun and Hyungwon
A dream?
Soldier 47
Authors note
A way to say thanks
Run from death...again
A night together
Authors note
A capture, A plan
A capture, A plan (pt.2)
THE Plan
Authors Note
An inside job
Authors note (plz read)
Lets do this
A True Hero


404 25 8
By mmiidmc

Three years to the day, the city was prospering. Houses rebuilt, families remade. And the tale of The Clan is a house hold story.

Shownu, now the governor of the city he renamed "City X", makes sure everyone is happy, safe and following the rules stated to insure the past would not come around again. He is looked up to by everyone in the city for leading the stand against Sector 17 three years prior. He does not take his position lightly, however he still makes time to visit those who are in need. The wounded, the sick. And of course, his old friends.

Minhyuk runs the hospital, he trained new recruits to become nurses and doctors to care for those who managed to escape the city while it was under attack. Again, he was looked up to by many. Everyone trusted him, and trusted the ones who he trained. Everyone knew that if they got sick, they would be in capable hands.

Hyungwon and Wonho, head of the military and border force. No one got past them with out checking. Thanks to them, the city would be safe from any outside intrusion. The city was in safe hands with those two and their army patrolling the streets days and night.

Changkyun followed in his parents footsteps. Despite Seungcheol saying that the memories they held were fake, Changkyun firmly believed had his were real. He became a writer. Write poetry books and books about their adventures as The Clan, Monsta X. His books were best sellers every time. You were guaranteed to find at least one of his books in every household. That book was usually "The Clan:The True Hero" a book he dedicated to Kihyun. It spoke of his final hours and the hours leading up to them. His first meeting with the clan and every event since. It was a truly incredible story.

Soonyoung came back with the clan and was the warden at the maximum security prison. The Clan has rounded up all those who worked for Seungcheol. The prisoner were all too scared to try and escape, they were terrified of what would happen if they did. It made his job a lot easier.

As for (Y/N) and Jooheon, well the spent most their time at home together. She felt that Jooheon needed someone to be his. After everything he and the others had been through, they deserved someone to rely on. She was happy to be his. They lived in a small house on the outside of the main city centre. It was a beautiful house.

Currently Jooheon stood at the memorial for Kihyun. He often found himself coming here. He wanted to forget what had happened in the past but without all his friends with him, he knew that would never be possible.

"You'll be happy to know," he began as he put his hands into his jacket pockets "the city is doing well. So is everyone. Well, as well as they can be without the whole team. I uh..I asked (Y/N) to marry me, she said yes. So we're getting married in a few months" he looked down and scratched the back of his neck "I really miss you buddy. We all do. I know we didn't get along all the time but...somehow I always felt closer to you. I know I say this every time I come to visit but...I just wish I could've told you how much you really meant to me when you were here. I guess that's a regret I'll have to live with for the rest of my life. But other than that...everyone's pretty much the same"

(Y/N) came up behind him, hearing his words went straight to her heart. She knew how much he missed Kihyun, she missed him too. Everyone missed him, but she knew that he missed his the most. She stood next to him and wrapped her arms around Jooheon's waist. "You okay?" She asked quietly as she looked at the stone memorial in front of the pair.

"Yeah..." he spoke quietly as he put his arm around her. He smiled and looked up to the sky "I think I will be"

Three years to the day, everything is well. As well as it can be. No one can forget the past. But from the past they can grow and insure that no one has to face the same fate as they did.

Three years to the day, The Clan are the hero's of the city.

For now...

-A/N: well, this is it guys. The end. I really REALLY hope you enjoyed my story, and I hope it didn't cause you to much emotional stress....thank you for your support and I really hope that if/when I write another story, you guys are here to support me even more!
Until we meet again, I wish you all the best <3-

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