Of Witches and Ghosts

By 1WhiteWitch

1.1K 64 25

*AU After a horrific incident in New Orleans, young witch, Samantha Manson, finds herself being moved to a sm... More

Changes of the Wicked Kind
Memory Lane
Midnight Rendezvous With The Dead
Comparisons and Déjà vu
Academic Battleground
Hot to Touch
The Market
Fainting Spells
Dog Days
Urban Blight
Savage Daughter
Secrets and Cats?
Local Crones
Eye of Newt
Mr. Mayor

Buy an Enigma

63 4 2
By 1WhiteWitch

*Happy Birthday AdrMariLove2!!!

The giant tent where she found him was of rather extravagant design and the sweet smell of dried dates was strong.

Sam pushed the curtain entrance opening. Exquisite large rugs covered the ground, along with the softest looking cushions. Fantastic artifacts and antiques laid strewn across the room as if they were toys in a child's playroom.

"Hello, Kalush." Sam greeted simply as she sat down on one of the cushions. Her violet eyes remained stoic and in control.

"Hello, Vivasha." Kalush, dressed in black silk with his long white hair tied back, sent a rather flirtatious grin her way.

Sam remained unfazed. She always had been with him. "I was attacked by a Heat fiend yesterday. In a town called Amity Park. Know anything?"

"Straight to the point today, Ivy? You haven't changed. Alright, I'll see what I..." Kalush began before Sam cut him off.

"There's definitely a rift, no doubt about it. What I wanna know is how and why?"

Kalush sighed lightly, shifting on his cushion.

"I was afraid of this, Ivy. If this is the Amity Park I've been hearing rumors about, then I shouldn't be surprised." Kalush rose from his seat to retrieve a scroll from his bag. He sat back down and laid it out for her to see. It was an odd map. It could zero in on any location the reader wished to see and inspect the strength of the veiling between the mortal realm and the one of magick.

"Here," he said. "This is the last Map of the Veil. I have it zeroed over Amity park. The veil there is weak. It seems old Amity Park has had a long history of supernatural activity. Predominantly from a portal between the human world and another world that is known as the Ghost Zone. Demons generally have nothing to do with ghosts, but, recently this area has had increasing ghostly and demonic activity."

Sam frowned at the map as it quickly changed from Amity Park to what appeared to be Louisiana. In the very heart of the city was a small glimmering line.

"What's that?" Sam asked as she pointed to the location.

"That is the rift you and your coven closed. According to the map, it's healing quite well. Exceptionally well, in fact. If I didn't know any better..." Kalush trailed off again, probably pausing to think.

Sam reached across the gap separating them and poked him in the shoulder, trying to get him to continue.

Kalush looked at her mischievously. "Poking a Daemon lord? Not a wise life choice, Vivasha." Sam shot Kalush an unimpressed look. She never fell for the whole "tough Daemon guy" act. Kalush just rolled his silver eyes and continued with his theory.

"It's possible that the rift in New Orleans is healing so well because all the demons have turned their attention elsewhere, instead of trying to reopen it."

"The weakened area in Amity Park?"

"The weakened area in Amity Park." Kalush's confirmation sent chills down Sam's spine. She hadn't been able to fight the Heat Fiend alone. How could she possibly defeat anything else that came through the new rift?

"Sam," he said suddenly.

She glanced up, completely startled. Kalush had never used her human name before.

"Hmm, comes off the tongue easier than Poison Ivy or Vivasha. Still, kinda weird," he chuckled humorlessly. "I've heard that you've wanted to quit the magic biz. If you quit, who will defend the people of Amity Park? These friends of yours may have experience with ghost attacks, but you know and I know that demons are a whole other ballgame. They need you."

Kalush gently took Sam's hands in his.

"The fight which killed Zantana was the final catalyst. Things are going to start changing soon, they're snowballing; the changes have been going slowly, but soon...soon it will be an avalanche. I want to be there for you but... when I kissed you, I already knew that I couldn't ever keep you," he said with a somber smile. "You belong to someone else. I'm okay with that, even I can't fight fate. But...I still wish you could be mine; you're still one of the few people I would ever consider as a friend. If you need help, I will be there for you. Just call for me and I will come."

Kalush smiled at Sam, blushing slightly. She smiled back.

Gramm always told me I would be a heartbreaker.

Then Kalush gave a short laugh as he sat back. "How did you do it, Ivy? Not long ago, I was one of the most feared Daemons in existence, how the Hell did you tame me like a common dog?"

"My witty charm?" Sam shrugged still smiling. "I should get going; it'll be late when I get back, it was...interesting to see you again, Kalush."

Sam left the tent, not waiting to hear if the reformed Daemon had anything else to say. He usually never did.


As Sam stepped out of the portal and back into the park, the early evening air whipped around her.

Her gut became twisted with the same sense of dread she felt the day of the Heat Fiend attack. Without stopping to even think, she threw her hood over her head and took off with her intuition as her guide.

Within minutes, Sam came across a hulking, yellow-eyed demon attacking two little boys at a playground.

Her violet eyes glowed in the dimming daylight as she scanned the area. The poor playset had been demolished and smoking scorched marks littered the ground and trees.

It wasn't the amber-eyed beast in front of her that frightened her, but the motionless Phantom lying in a pool of faintly glowing green liquid. He was completely out cold.

Sam felt the magick within her roil and bubble, a familiar sensation. What was unfamiliar was when she reached out with her hand, and, from ten meters away, "grabbed" the demon with a blue beam of power and flung him all the way across the playground and out of the park. Not grasping the gravity of what she had just done, Sam ran over to the boys

"Are you two okay?" she asked in a firm tone. The poor things nodded, too shaken to speak.

"What are you kids even doing out this late?" Sam scolded. "Go home, both of you, before you get caught in the crossfire!"

"Y-yes, ma'am!" one the boys stuttered. They both took off running and Sam turned her attention back to the recovering demon on the road.

"Damn," Sam muttered to herself realizing it was a weaker middle level demon known as a Kojack. It almost looked like a giant 15 foot tall gorilla, but with deep, blood-red fur,  and razor-sharp claws and fangs. This particular species relied on their brute strength and not much else. They were easy enough to kill, especially with the potions in her satchel that sapped both demonic strength and power, but Sam was starting to worry about Phantom. He hadn't moved once since she'd gotten there.

Taking a steadying breath, Sam pulled a potion from her satchel as she dropped into a defensive pose. She took a quick glance to make sure it was the right potion before she charged at the demon. The terrifying beast prepared for the assault by dropping to one knee and crossing its arms in front of its face, a common tactic for this demon that her coven often exploited. When she got close to the demon she shifted her pace slightly and, using the crouching demon like a vault, leaped over the demon smashing the potion vial against its head as she went.

She could hear the potion burn and sizzle against the Kojack's skin, as well as the ape-like beast screech and howl.

Landing on her feet, as she had done so many times before, Sam was quick in putting some distance between herself and the demon. The Kojack let out a low grumble as its power and strength began to ebb. It stood up with shaky legs. Sam took advantage of the moment and charged, landing a powerful roundhouse kick to the demon's head, followed up by a quick blow to its knees. The demon fell down in a heap, letting out a pitiful moan.

"It's good to be back," Sam said, a familiar smirk of victory stretching out on her face.

As the demon surged to its feet again, Sam launched herself towards it, that same energy as before surging through her, propelling the Kojack through the air after a hefting kick and onto the stump of a nearby broken tree.

Without a pause, Sam reached for the more familiar power of her plant manipulation; she sent it pulsing through the ground and up to the stump, creating new shoots of powered roots from the damaged tree, entangling and piercing the demon's now paralyzed body.

Sam backed up to avoid the inevitable explosion that came when any middle-level demon croaks. It came quickly, a rolling wave of flame and a howling scream. All that was left was a huge scorch mark on the tree.

A moan of pain caused Sam to let out a surprised gasp. She looked towards Phantom to see that he was regaining consciousness.

Relieved to see Phantom was alright, Sam released the breath of air she had been holding under her hood and darted out of the park. What she didn't notice however was a figure dressed in a red battlesuit, riding an impressively built hoverboard, observing the mysterious hooded figure for the entirety of the battle.


It didn't take long for Sam to get back to her Gramm's place. She rushed through the front door and quickly closed the door, pressing her back against it in pure confusion and even a little fear. It was quiet in the large mansion; her Gramm was probably asleep.

Nyx was perched atop the large baluster of the staircase. Her green eyes landing on her mistress' distressed form. Sam ran up the stairs and went straight to her room with the said cat right behind her.

Sam glanced quickly at her vanity and growled when she saw her hair; green powers streaks illuminated in her hair which had lightened to a viable purple, as opposed to its normal tinted black.

Replaying the fight over in her mind, Sam realized what she had done; the moment she had reached for that demon, energy coursing through her, fling the Kojack with just a simple kick or probably without even touching it...

"Zoey's power..." Sam collapsed on her bed and stared at her hands, hands which had channeled a power that was not hers. An echo of her conversation with Kalush floated its way through her consciousness.

"Meow..." Nyx jumped up on the bed, the little ivy leaf charm ringing from the tied cloth around her neck. The black feline lovingly rubbed against Sam's hipbone as she got her head scratched.

The fight which killed Zantana was the final catalyst. Things are going to start changing soon, they're snowballing; the changes have been going slowly, but soon...soon it will be an avalanche...

Was this what he meant? Was this the change he had spoken about?

No, changes, plural. If this was the start then, where would this end?

In a flurry of motion, Sam snatched the cloth wrapped book of shadows she thought she would never read again.


By morning, Sam's hair had resumed its normal color, not a hint of purple or green to be seen. Her eyes, however, were now bloodshot from a night of reading all pages of the Grimoire.

Nothing new had revealed itself, no magical flicking to a page to explain this power alteration. One page had spoke of the prophecy of her coven. It gave very little hints.

The world be threatened with darkness and hate.

Five sisters in the beginning,

Only one can withhold this fate.

Take her rightful place, she must

Before it is too late.

She, the Queen,

Must join hands with her King.

United as one,

Only then, only this peace can bring.

Hearts to hearts to never be divided.

Not much to work with.

With a distinct lack of enthusiasm, Sam took a morning shower and threw her artifact pocket watch around her neck, a purple tank top, a comfortable loose skirt that went to her knees and a soft black cardigan. She just put on some mascara and lipgloss. She was too tired for anything else.

Just like every other morning during the week, she found Danny standing there waiting for her.

It was strange. Sam could feel waves of absolute exhaustion roll of him. And not the typical "wake up early for school", but actual exhaustion.

"What happened to you?" She asked. Her eyes scanned his unusually pale skin, noticing the underlying stress in the dark rings under his fogged blue eyes.

"I got into a fight after school yesterday," he replied, giving her a reassuring grin. And just like before, he scanned over her, seeing her drowsiness. "Are you alright? You don't look so good either." The worry was more obvious in his eyes than he probably thought it was.

"Oh," she timidly placed her hand on her reddening cheek. Maybe a little bit of makeup would've been a good idea. "I-I..."

Danny's face became red as well, feeling like he had just stuck his foot in his mouth.

"S-sorry!" He stuttered. "I didn't mean you look bad! I-I just meant..."

Sam stifled a giggle, and just rolled her eyes. "Danny, it's okay. I just couldn't sleep," she said. "I've been thinking about some...stuff and trying to figure things out, but I can't. It's easier to have a conversation with a brick wall, I guess."

And yet this conversation was even easier, somehow.

"Not if it's a brick wall named Dash." Both teens gave a laugh as they made their way to school.

Their laughter ended as their eyes locked. An uncomfortably pleasant spark was felt and realized that they had both been staring, they quickly broke the eye contact.

Sam could feel her face grow warm again as she shyly tucked her raven hair behind her ear. She didn't notice Danny nervously tug on the collar of his grey t-shirt and he let out a puff of air, his own cheeks once again going pink.

They traveled in silence for a bit, but Sam couldn't help but look over at Danny. She noticed he still didn't really have his usual dorky, cheery charm today. He truly was worn out. What kind of fight did he get into? 

Subtly, Sam twined her fingers with Danny's; he was so out of it that he didn't even notice. Doing so allowed her to share the strength and healing energy she drew from the warm morning sun.

It seemed to work. Sam watched as Danny, unknowingly, started to get some color back.

Valerie and Tucker were waiting for them at the school entrance, and just as quietly as she had entwined them, Sam detangled her fingers from Danny's.

"So, did you hear, Sam?" Valerie asked quite suddenly.

"Hear what?"

"Phantom got saved by a girl!" Tucker exclaimed. "Even more interesting was that, from what we heard, it wasn't the Red Huntress."

"The Red who?" Sam's head started whipping up in a frenzy. Was her cover blown?

"The Red Huntress. She and Phantom were rivals for a while. However, they came to a truce not too long ago." Valerie spoke rather proudly.

"Okay, backpedal a bit for me. What was Phantom attacked by?" The whirlwind in Sam's head would not subside.

"No one knows what it was," Danny replied with a shrug. "But it did some real damage to the park and Phantom."

"And this girl who saved Phantom, who was she?" Sam asked, determined to know how much they knew. How much of her features did those two boys see?

How much had Phantom seen?

"All we know is that she had purple and green hair. No one saw her face."

Thank the Fates! And just like that, a humungous weight was lifted from Sam's chest and it felt safe to breathe again.

Sam couldn't believe her luck; she'd gotten away with vanquishing a demon in a public place and no one had any solid lead on her identity.

"Maybe she's a new ghost hunter?" Danny inquired. "She seemed to know what she was doing from what I heard."

"Yeah," Tucker scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Like we need more of those."

If Sam had been paying attention, she would have noticed Valarie throw a glare in his direction.

Walking through the front entrance of the school, Sam cracked a small smile as she listened to Danny, Tucker, and Valerie swap ideas on the mysterious new heroin that had saved Amity Park's ghostly hero.

She enjoyed the feeling of being part of a group unraveling a paranormal enigma. Even if she was the enigma. It felt familiar.

They weren't her coven, though. It would be dangerous if they found out the truth. They could expose her. While ghosts were a more common and accepted occurrence, especially in this town, the rest of the magickal community preferred to lurk in the shadows. It made battling for dominion over the Earth easier when normal humans didn't butt in. Creatures that didn't stay hidden, such as all the demons that had been popping up, just created havoc.

And that was Sam's job, to keep that balance in check and keep people safe.

Suddenly, a cold wave of panic washed over Sam. An unexpected bout of anxiety rushed through her body, therefore rooting her in place. Her breathes came in short gasps and her vision blurred.

Danny stopped to see her completely frozen in place. His brow furrowed in concern.

"Sam?" He spoke gently. "Are you sure you're alright?"

She didn't hear him; the sounds of the school hallway dulled and mixed, turning into an excruciating bombardment of white noise. Her head felt like it was going to explode.

Just when Sam thought she was going to scream, it stopped. The noise cleared into identifiable sounds; her vision sharpened and the picture before her made her breathing stop altogether.

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