Who I Am: Charlotte May Jonas

By justsochelsea

5K 119 12

It's been 2 years since Nick and Charlie moved to LA. Charlie is still adjusting to new life style. She met a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 20

113 3 0
By justsochelsea

(Chapter Twenty)

2 weeks later: Jan 18, 2011

Nick's POV
It's been 2 weeks since everything happened and where now on our 12 stop and we have like 10 more stops left before the end of tour. I just left off Charlie's punishment today which was a bad thing to do because she has been giving me attitude all day and it's not her levels I know that for sure because it was normal this morning, unless... I have to give her a new omni pod because it's been a while since I changed hers. I told Selena and she said she will be by today since I'm off today, and I was gonna get her at the airport.

Nick: come on Charlie, let's go Kevin and Joe are waiting in the car

Charlie came out of the bunk area looking terrible and she said.

Charlie: *pouts* I don't want to go!
Nick: why not?
Charlie: I'm in pain
Nick: where?
Charlie: around this area
Nick: alright, fine... I'll leave you with Joe and give you some pain killers okay?
Charlie: can I sit back down now?
Nick: sure

Charlie carefully goes over to the table and sits down. I grab my phone pocket and texted Joe admittedly telling him the change of plans. I grab the pain killers and a glass of water and gave her some and she took it when Joe came through the door.

Joe: hey, is everything okay?
Nick: no Charlie, not feeling well. Do you mind staying with her on the bus when Kevin and I get Sel at the airport?

Joe: sure, will be in the back room watching a movie together
Nick: okay thanks Joe, don't worry baby I'll be right back okay?

She nods and Joe pick her up carefully and said to me.

Joe: she'll be fine, don't worry you just go a head
Nick: thanks Joe, I oue you big time
Joe: you have no idea

I rolled my eyes at him and he carried Charlie to the back room. I left the bus to meet Kevin by the car.

Kevin and I arrived at the airport and we went to the gate where Sel will be arriving. We spot her sitting down with her bags reading magazine. She see us and we walk over to her and welcome her with open arm and I gave her a quick kiss.

Nick: hey you made it

Selena: yeah I did, thanks for coming to pick me up. Where's the other two?
Nick: Charlie's not feeling well, so I told Joe to stay with her
Selena: Awe poor thing, what happened?
Nick: she said she has a pain around this area

I said showing her what Charlie did to me and her eyes widen and look at her confused.

Nick: what's wrong?
Selena: Nick, don't you realize, it's so obvious
Nick: I'm a guy, not a girl so I don't understand what woman are going through
Selena: Charlie has become a women
Nick: you're kidding right?
Selena: I'm serious, Nick... she has her period
Nick: *covers ears* lalalalala
Selena: *roll eyes* stop being so dramatic Nick, it's part of women-hood
Nick: so... is that the reason why she been giving me attitude and stuff?
Selena: that's part of it, it's mostly part of her mood swings
Nick: what do I do I mean? I don't know all these things and Charlie doesn't know who to talk to about it. This is stuff she would talk to our mom about.
Selena: that's what I'm here for isn't it? I'm obviously a women, Charlie loves having me around and I practically know what she's going through
Nick: so... can you help me?
Selena: sure, mind dropping me off at the drug store first? Before we head back to the bus?
Nick: sure

Kevin and I help her with the bags, and carried them out to the car before heading to the store.

Charlie's POV
A few hours flew by quickly and Kevin and Nick are still not back with Selena. Joe and I were alone on the bus together in the back room of the bus. I burried my face into him as we watch a movie when I felt another one go through me. Joe just rub my shoulder when he sees how uncomfortable I was.

Joe: hey relax Charlie, everything gonna be okay
Charlie: but it hurts
Joe: I know, but Nick will be back soon and he's gonna make it all better alright

I just nodded my head and buried my face into him ignoring the movie that was playing. The front of the bus door that I just heard opened and in came by nosy foot steps coming by here.

Nick: hey Joe, how she feeling?
Joe: why dont you ask her that yourself?

Nick grab me from Joe and put me on his lap. I wrapped my arms around his wasite before I laid my head by the crock of his neck.

Nick: hey baby girl, how are you feeling?
Charlie: hurts bad
Nick: I know Selena's here now and she gonna want to be with you alone to talk to you about what your body is going through right now
Charlie: its fine with me
Nick: good, I'll go get Sel and Joe and I will leave you alone

Joe turn off the Dvd set and both of them kiss my forehead before leaving to get Selena and I laid in bed and tried to get comfortable.

Selena walk into the room with some bags Im not aware of she sits down next to me and says.

Selena: hey, how are you feeling?
Charlie: in pain
Selena:  oh I know, Im gonna teach you how to put pads on then your gonna go into the bathroom and put some on by yourself. Nick told me you already had pain killers, so you will just lay on bed rest and when you wake up the pain will be gone.

I nodded and Selena taught everything I needed to do and know about my period that I didn't already know.

After Selena taught me, I did it myself in the bathroom. When I came back, I found Nick waiting for me in the room. I go over to him and crawled onto his lap and he wrap his arms around me and kiss my forehead and I smile a bit andd look at him and he move a piece of hair out of my face and said.

Nick: how you feeling baby girl ?
Charlie: a bit better, Nicky, can you please sing to me?
Nick: *smiles* sure baby girl

Nick started singing "A Little Bit Longer" softly into my ear before I finally fell fast asleep in his arms.

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