Chapter 5

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Chapter 5:

Charlie's POV
When we arrive at Joe and Kevin's house, I look next door to my house to see that somebody already move in.

Charlie: um... who live at my old house?
Kevin: uh... some women and his son
Joe: and by the way, the women is hot!
Charlie: *roll eyes* she's probably to old for you Joe
Joe: Who cares?! She's still hot!
Kevin: and a single mother Joe! She will never go out with you—trust me...
Joe:  *roll eyes* whatever
Charlie: so... whose at home?
Kevin: our mom is on bedrest, while our step-dad is at work
Charlie: oh okay

We got into the house with my bags, the house still looks the same since the last time I have visited here.

We went to the guest room, to where I will be staying at, and I put my stuff down on my bed.

Kevin: hey!  Nick said for you to call him once you're settle in

I nodded and both of them kissed the top of my forehead and smiled and Joe said.

Joe: great to have you back kiddo. If you want, you can go across the street to see Taylor and Natalie. I'm sure Natalie will be excited to see you
Charlie: okay, I will!

They left the guest room and I got settle in. When I finish getting settle in, instead of calling Nick I decide to make a two way phone call with Jake and Aly.

Charlie: hey guys, you two are on a three way phone call
Jake/Aly: ok, hey!
Aly: so... are you there in Dallas yet?
Charlie: yep, just got settle in Joe and Kevin's guest room. How's thing going in LA?
Aly: terrible... my mom grounded me when my brother told on me. I'm not even suppose to be on my phone anyways
Charlie: okay, what about you Jake?
Jake: you know nothing new just hanging out with my older brother Austin
Charlie: oh okay. I miss you guys already, I'm gonna go visit my old friends, so I'll video chat you guys tonight
Jake: okay, have fun over their! But don't miss us too much
Charlie: *giggles* I won't... bye
Jake/Aly: bye

I hung up my phone and grab my things before running down the stairs. I found the guys in the family room and said.

Charlie: hey guys I'm going across the street!
Kevin: alright, did you call Nick?
Charlie: *lies* um... yeah sure
Kevin: alright kid, be home by dinner and make sure you call us if you're going anywhere else

I nodded my head and said goodbye to them and headed out the door. I look both ways before running acorss the street—but making sure I looked both ways of course. I rang their door bell once I reach their and Taylor answered it and said.

Taylor: oh my god Charlie!

Taylor picked me up and twirled me around I giggle and he put me down.

Taylor: what are you doing here? You didn't run away from home did you
Charlie: no... Nick send me here!
Taylor: alright... what did you do?
Charlie: all I did was piss him off... and he just send me here (think: that wasn't a a total lie...)
Taylor: *confuse* that's not like Nick?
Charlie: I know! That's what I thought, so... where's Natalie?
Taylor: she's not here... she went to the mall with her friends, she won't be out long you could stay here and wait if you want?
Charlie: no that's okay, I just came here to stop by and tell you I'm back for a while you know
Taylor: alright... I'll stop by later to see you again
Charlie: okay...

I left the door and started walking to the mall to see if I can go find her. A few minutes have past and I finally made it their. I looked around the mall and finally spot her with a group of friends.

I wanted to go over to her but then I thought... what if she forgotten about me? I went to turn away... but then stop my self and said to myself.

Charlie: you could do this Charlie...

I took a deep breath and walk over to the group, her friends look at me with a weird stare— they look a bit like those popular  girls who looked stuck up because I could tell how they were dress.

Natalie turns to see who were they looking at and she scream and ran over to me and hug me tight. I smile and hugged her back as well enjoying the hugged. I'm so glad she didn't forget about me.

Natalie: Charlie... what are you doing here? Why didn't you tell me you were coming?
Charlie: I wanted this to be a surprise
Natalie: how did you find me?
Charlie: Taylor, I just got back today
Natalie: cool... wanna hang out with me my friends?
Charlie: I don't I don't want to intrude...
Natalie: trust me your not

Natalie introduce me to her friends, they didn't like me at first until Natalie told them I live in LA and that I have a famous brother. They heard about my brother and wanted me to hang out with them. So... they invited me to shop with them and I accepted.

With Joe and Kevin:
Joe and Kevin were playing a video game in the living room. The phone rang, and Kevin pause the tv. and answered it and said.

Kevin: hello?

Kevin: yeah this his him?


Kevin: she did what?! alright we are on our way

Kevin hangs up and turns off the TV.

Joe: dude! We were in a middle of a game! What the hell was that for?
Kevin: not anymore, we have to go pick up Taylor, and bail Natalie and Charlie out
Joe: bail them out of what?
Kevin: stop asking question, and I'll explain everything in the car

Kevin and Joe told their mom that they were going out before running acorss the street to Taylor's. They told Taylor everything and he also got the call about Natalie and they got into Taylor's car and drove to the mall.

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