Chapter 17

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Chapter 17:

With Charlie and Greyson:
Charlie and Greyson are backstage hanging out together, Greyson said to me.

Greyson: so... I hear your brother is making it big huh?
Charlie: yep! He sure is. It's our first tour
Greyson: you must be proud of his success
Charlie: *smiles* I really am! It's been rough for him. He had to give up his music just for me after our parents died
Greyson: oh... I'm sorry
Charlie: it's okay, he has been let down by a lot of record label many times. Until one day Hollywood Records signed him. Then we had to move out here a year ago, so Nick can finished the album release and go on tour
Greyson: that's good, but tell me more about you, and your feelings
Charlie: well... its hard traveling, especially leaving all your good friends behind
Greyson: I know the feeling, I knew that taking this route would lead to me leaving my family behind
Charlie: yea, I had to leave my childhood friend who I knew since we been neighbors together. I know we are keeping in contact, but it's just not the same
Greyson: yea, I get what you mean. But you did met some new friends in LA right, what's that girl name we me at the party... uh Aly?
Charlie: yeah that's her, she's doing okay. She's coming next weekend because she wants to talk to me about her exciting news she got me
Greyson: really, what is it?
Charlie: I don't know, she hasn't told me. That's why it's a surprise
Greyson: pff... right... I knew that
Charlie: *giggles* sure you did
Greyson: I love that giggle of your
Charlie: *blushes and looks away* oh stop
Greyson: no, I'm very serious. You're really cute when you blush
Charlie: *smiles* really?
Greyson: really, and you also have a cute smile as well
Charlie: okay, now you're just being cheesy
Greyson: hey... what can I say, I like making girls more comfortable around me

Charlie smiles at him but than looks away, Greyson looks at her and Charlie looks back at him to see him starring at him. Greyson starts to lean in more on her but Charlie quickly got up and started acting nervous. (It was her first kissed.)

Charlie: Greyson... I think you should stop
Greyson: oh right, I'm sorry. I guest I just got hypnotized by those beautiful eyes of yours
Charlie: *blush* if you're trying to flirt with me, it's working... a little bit
Greyson: *smiles* good

Charlie stares at him and Greyson stares back. Charlie couldn't take it any more. She grabs a hold of him and pull him into a kiss passionate kissed before breaking away.

Charlie: I'm sorry I just got caught in the moment and I-*gets cut off*
Greyson: don't worry, I kind of like it *smiles*

Charlie smiles and they kiss again, right when they were licking lips. Nick walked through the door and he founds them kissing and his face went from happy to furious.

Nick: Charlotte May Jonas!

Charlie gasp for air as she broke away from Greyson and he fell on the couch and her eyes widen when she spots Nick watching at the door looking angry.

Charlie: Nicky I- *gets cut off*
Nick: I don't want to here it! You're  grounded! Greyson get out!

Nick shoves Greyson out the door and once he did that Charlie started to yell at Nick.

Charlie: I can't believe you did that!
Nick: I can't believe you would kiss him!
Charlie: it was only one kiss!
Nick: looks to me like you two were in a make out session. Tell me the truth Charlie did he kiss you?

Charlie looks down and Nick started to get impatient.

Nick: Charlotte answer me young lady
Charlie: *frowns* n-no...
Nick: so you kiss him?

She just nodded and look down, afraid to look her brother in the eye.

Nick: Charlie, look at me
Charlie: *looks at him*
Nick: Charlie... I want you to go get security that works here and tell him to go with you on the bus. You will be grounded until end of tour
Charlie: you can't do that to me!
Nick: oh? But I just did. You know you're to young to be kissing boys, especially when your alone with him. I knew I should of let a body guard watch the two of you
Charlie: I hate this! You're are always treating me like a child. When are you gonna realize that I'm not a little girl anymore!
Nick: because you however are still acting like one!

That's when Joe and Kevin walk through the door and they found a not so happy Charlie and a furious looking Nick.

Joe: what's going on here?
Nick: go on Charlie, and don't you even think about going anywhere but that bus, until I say so...

Charlie rolled her eyes and stomp past Joe and Kevin before slamming the tour bus door.

Kevin: alright... what is her problem?
Nick: me, I caught her and Greyson kissing
Joe/Kevin: what?!
Nick: yeah and she told me that she kissed him. I grounded her until end of tour
Joe: good, she deserve to be grounded. I mean how could she do something like that?
Kevin: she's a teenage girl Joe
Joe: so? She can learn to control herself, that came out wrong did it
Nick: yes, but never mind that! I'm so mad at what I just witnessed. I don't even think I can do this anymore
Kevin: Nick, you're overreacting it was just one kiss
Nick: you two are about to have a brother or sister soon right?
Joe/Kevin: yeah?
Nick: so... if you found out that one of them was kissing a boy or girl would you have reacted like I did
Joe: he's got a point their Kevin
Kevin: look... will talk about this when we get back on the bus, but right now you need to check your levels and go cool off
Nick: *annoyed* fine

Nick walks away and Joe said to Kevin.

Joe: I'm gonna go check on Charlie to see how she's holding up
Kevin: okay, and make sure she checks her levels to
Joe: gotcha

Kevin walks off and Joe went off to the bus to go check on Charlie.

Chapter End Notes:
Uh-Oh drama between Nick and Charlie do you think it will get worst between the two them.

Do You think Nick will trust Charlie more?

What do you guys think will happened between Charlie and Greyson?

Do You Like them as a couple?

If so what would be some cute celebrity name?

Who I Am: Charlotte May Jonas حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن