Chapter 19

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Chapter 19:

Charlie's POV
The next few days went by so quickly! We are in NYC. Nick has a show here tonight so I get to hang out with Greyson.

Nick wanted to give him a chance, and also apologize to him for his behavior. He said I can hang with him but I must be with a body guard for protection.

I didn't like the whole idea of it, but Nick refuses to let me go anywhere with him or a security guard.

So Greyson and I spent the whole day together, we went shopping but got spotted fans and paparazzi. We went to the movies also but got spotted by fans and paparazzi, so we had to leave because we had so many complaints. Ugh I wish I can go to a public movie without getting mobbed!

We went to get some frozen yogurts also and got spotted by fans and paparazzi again! But our last stop was ice skating and I havent been here in a while since my dad took me when Nick and I were younger.

Ice skating was my favorite thing to do as a kid before skateboarding because that the type of thing my dad and I enjoy and he's also taught me himself.

I put on my skates and shiver a bit when I forgot how cold it was at the ice rink.

Greyson put his coat around me and I said to him.

Charlie: you dont have to do that, you'll freeze
Greyson: I know, but I wanted to keep you warm. Don't worry about me.
Charlie: *smiles* you know this is the only place where paparazzi and fan wont bug us. Everyone around us seems to be less interested in us which is good
Greyson: great than we should skate here more often
Charlie: come on to the rink with me
Greyson: I dont know...
Charlie: why are you scared?
Greyson: please scared of ice no way, Charlie: come on

Greyson grab onto my hand and I pulled him gently into the ice rink as he hang on to the wall afraid to fall.
Charlie: I thought you told me you knew how to skate?
Greyson: I do its just so hard to keep my balance on ice
Charlie: here I'll help

I grab a hold of both his hands and pulled him onto the ice. He tried to keep his balance but... we both fell on our bottoms and started laughing together. I stopped when I notice a paparrazi video taping us behind the wall.

Charlie: uh... Greyson maybe we should get going
Greyson: why?
Charlie: theirs a paparrazi out their
Greyson: how did it get into the building?
Charlie: who knows let's get out of here!
Greyson: okay, I'll tell your security guard
Charlie: no let's leave the security guard and have some fun time on our own. I know a place in NYC where no one will find us
Greyson: are you sure?
Charlie: positive, now on the count of 3, we are gonna try to get over their and make a run for it, ready?

He nods and took a breath, when I counted to three I help him skate to the other exit, I look back to find the security guard looking for us, he's see me and yelled.

Security guard: hey come back here you two!
Charlie: hurry!

We got out of the ice and took off our skates, we hurried and return them and didnt bother to put on our shoes.

We ran out of the building and finally lost them when we caught a cab. I told it to drive! To take us to a private beach where no one can spot us. As we looked behind us at the security who looked frustrated.

Nick's POV
I was rehearshing with the Administration band, when I got a phone call.

Nick: hello... what do you mean you lost them?!.... How can you lose two teenage kids?! Look I want you to go out their and  look for them immediately!... I don't care if it takes all night! You should have been watching them!... Don't stop searching until you find them.

Who I Am: Charlotte May Jonas Where stories live. Discover now