Chapter 13

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Remember we are back to random uploading! But if you have saved, commented or voted for my stories those are the ones I'm gonna be working on this week I promise!

Chapter 13:

Charlie's POV
A few weeks past by, and we made it through another month. It's a brand new year which means... it's finally 2010!

Nick's tour will start tomorrow, and Nick said he was going to surprise me when we reach our first stop. I hate when he does this to me, he knows I'm not a patient person.

Will be flying tomorrow,  then we will be meeting our bus because we will be traveling all across the United State until we reached to our destention.

Although we can't leave until we got everything pack and someone to look after our pets.

While we were gone, Aly and Jake agreed to looked after our pets. Aly will be taking twinkles while Jake will be taking Elvis since of course he's trying to learn how to take care of a dog, so he can show his mom that he can be responsible about the dog.

I have told him that taking care of pets is hard work, and also told him everything he must do, same goes with Aly. I finished the finishing touches on my baggage, and put it under my bed for tomorrow. I lay out the clothes I was gonna wear tomorrow on the side of my bed.

Just then their was a knock on my door and I told the person to come in, even though I knew it was just only Nick since we rarely get visitors here beside my friends, even tho they just left here.

Nick: hey kiddo, just came to see how your doing with packing?
Charlie: good, I'm all done

Nick looks into my closet then look at me and said.

Nick: Charlie... when I said bring some clothes with you I didn't mean bring your whole closet
Charlie: sorry... but you know me, it takes forever for me to choose one outfit. I do not like wearing the same clothes over, and over again especially when I have to take pictures on Instagram. I do not want people seeing me wear the same close over and over again
Nick: okay... but don't come complaining to me when we get back from tour and have to put everything away
Charlie: *roll eyes* I don't do that
Nick: you do too *kiss top of forehead* go get ready for dinner, I'm making our favorite steak
Charlie: oh... yummy!
Nick: *chuckles* now you remind me of Joe
Charlie: yeah he loves eating our food when they cover *sighs* you miss them uh?
Nick: I sure do kiddo
Charlie: hmm...
Nick: hmm? What's on your mind Charlie?
Charlie: oh nothing you need to know, now I got a secret I'm not telling you as well
Nick: wow Charlie just wow
Charlie: hey you wanted to play the hard ball, well that's exactly what I'm gonna do to you
Nick: *roll eyes* you got 5 minutes before dinner

Nick said before saying goodbye to me and closing the door as he left my room. I grab the phone in my room and dial Kevin and Joe's house. Someone pick up and it was only Kevin.

Kevin: hello?
Charlie: hey Kevin, it's me Charlie, put Joe on the phone as well
Kevin: okay, hold on

I waited until I heard Joe's voice on the other line.

Joe: hello, Charles...
Charlie) ugh... that's a boy name, I hate that name, don't call me that
Joe: alright fine Charles

I could tell that he was smirking even though I couldn't see it but I know him very well then you do. I rolled my eyes and said.

Charlie: anyways, I need you guys to do me a huge favor
Kevin: why?
Charlie: because... Nick can't know it's a secret
Joe: what did you do this time?
Charlie: I didn't do anything, I want to make a surpise for him. How would you and Kevin both like to come on tour with us!
Joe:  that would be awesome!
Kevin: but just one problem, we can't!
Charlie: why not, it would make Nick really happy

Kevin: 1) We already told Nick we couldn't go. 2) Money is tight right now and we can't afford LA tickets. 3) You know our mother is pregant and can go into labor anytime soon, what if we are not home back in time?
Charlie: guys it's not your job to look after your mother and your new born sibling it's your dad. Plus didn't you promise Nick when he became famous you would be attending his very first tour
Joe: yeah we did but that was before we made the promise to mom
Charlie: I have an idea, how about you guys get someone to look out for her, and I'll handle everything else
Joe: and how are you gonna do that with out Nick knowing?
Charlie: easy I'll just borrow his credit card and pay for the tickets and he will never know
Joe: wow you're an evil little girl
Charlie: *smile and flips hair* I know, so are guys in?
Kevin: I don't know about this Charlie... stealing from Nick is wrong
Charlie: Kevin, think of this as an adventure that you can't past up. Beside, you need to learn how to live a little, like for Joe for example
Joe: why do you also put me as an example?
Charlie: because you're an easy target, so what do you say?
Kevin: fine... I guess we can have our Aunt Jenna look after my mom, but I'm gonna still think about this credit card situation before we get back at you
Charlie: great call me when you change your mind about it, I have to go dinners almost ready
Kevin/Joe: bye

I said goodbye back before hunging up. I sneak into Nick's bedroom and looked for his wallet. I found it on the ground and pick it up and pulled out his credit card, just then the door open to his room and I quickly put it behind my back. I look up to see that it was just Nick and I gulped nervously and said.

Charlie: *smiles inncoently at him* hi Nick

Nick *folds arm* what are you doing in here Charlotte?

Charlie: uh... I was just looking for my text book in here to get started on my assignment
Nick: did you try the study room where it should be, I don't think you will find it in my room
Charlie: oh right! I thought I left it in here when you were helping me with my assignment, sometimes I just lose my mind. Thanks Nick you always keep me on track of things
Nick: *gives her suspicious look* uh-huh... now go hurry up and get what you need, dinners ready and if you're not done when I call you, you and I will have a long discussion about being on time, understand?
Charlie: *gulps* yes sir
Nick: alright, you may proceed

I put his wallet in my back pocket with out him noticing and left the room quickly thinking to myself 'that was a close one'.

Who I Am: Charlotte May Jonas Where stories live. Discover now