Chapter 28

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Chapter 28:


Im so excited, tonight the night Selena will meet Grayson for the first time and because she's going to be family soon I want her to get to know him, and this is the first time Nick actually gets to sit down and talk with Greyson.

I want everything to be perfect tonight, this reminds me of time when I met Greyson's family. I'm so nervous and Greyson will be here any minute.

Selena already got me dress and the boys are helping Nick finish up dinner.

Selena: so... are you excited?
Charlie: totally... I havent seen Greyson since Nick proposed to you and when Nick and I got into a fight
Selena: well that's all over now

Selena said fixing my hair, I remember when my mom use to do my hair, than Nick started doing it after mom died and it felt weird so I decided to do my own hair. Selena finished up my hair and told me.

Selena: so, what do you think?
Charlie: *smiles*I love it, thanks Sel

I gave her a side hug and she returned it.

Selena: no problem sweetie
Charlie: mom always use to do my hair when I was young
Selena: oh, I hope you don't mind that I did it
Charlie: it's totally fine Selena, it just reminded me of her
Selena: you miss her huh?
Charlie: yeah, I miss the way she smelled, the sound of her voice when she sings to me at night
Selena: I'm sorry Charlie, I know I would hate to lose a mother so young
Charlie: it's okay Selena, she would have love you too, because you make both me and Nick and happy and that's what my mom would have wanted for someone for Nick. Someone to love the both of us
Selena: *smiles* thank you Charlie, you're like the little sister I always wanted (a/n: this is before Selena's sisters were born)
Charlie: I'm gonna see what the guys are up too downstairs

I ran downstairs leaving Selena behind but I know she was trying to catch up with me.

I made it to the kitchen but bump into someone making them drop something and everything fell to ground.

???: great Charlie look what you did?
Emily: I'm sorry Joe, it was an accident
Nick: see Joe I told you not to carry so many things at once
Joe: dont blame me, blame her she's the one running in the house
Nick: and didnt I warn you about this twice today? This is your third warning today and look what you did
Charlie: I'm sorry Nick, it wont happened again
Nick: your right it wont happened again, go to your room I'll be up to deal with you in a minute
Charlie: but Nick-*gets cut off*
Nick:  no buts, I don't want to here it, now go!

Nick said pointing to the  stairs. I huff and folds my arms and stomp out of the kitchen and past Selena and slammed my bedroom door and waited for Nick to come and speak with me.

With everyone else.

The gang help Joe cleaned up the mess and Selena said to Nick.

Selena: Nick don't you think you were a bit harsh on her?
Nick: no after what she did just right now I dont think so. You seen me warn her so many times today and does she listen? No.
Selena: she's a teenage girl Nick, she tends to not listen to you
Nick: well I'll make sure she listen to me after I deal with her

*Door Bell Rings*

Kevin: well you better go deal with it quick because I think that's him
Nick: *sighs* do you guys mind answering that for us and tell him Charlie and I will be down in a minute?
Kevin: okay, do what you have to do?

I left the kitchen and found Charlie by the stairs.

Nick: what are you doing?
Charlie: Greyson here...
Nick: I dont care, I told you to stay in your room until I come up there to get you
Charlie: are you actually serious about that?
Nick: Charlie your losing my patient here
Charlie: but Nick-
Nick: Charlotte May Jonas...

She huff and stomp up the stairs and I followed after her and we both enter her room and she sat down at the edge of her bed and look down at the ground as I stood in front of her.

Nick: Charlie why dont you listen to me?
Charlie: *shruggs shoulder*
Nick: *cross arm* shrugging your shoulder isn't gonna help you, so you better answer fast
Charlie: fine... it's just that... you're suppose to be my brother, but you're acting like a parent
Nick: Charlie... I am your guardian, what else am I supposed to do? I can't let you get away with anything anymore. You have to understand that their are consequences to your actions and if I don't do anything who knows how you will end
Charlie: I know... but I miss the old Nick, the one that's just their for me, not just the parental type
Nick: Charlie... I can be both for you, but you also have to realize that I'm an adult now and you have to learn to respect me, Selena, Joe and Kevin and whoever else is looking out for you when I'm not around
Charlie: I know, I'm sorry. You're just trying to look out for me, and I'm the one acting like a brat
Nick: you're not a brat, you are just in your teenage stage, it will blow over eventually
Charlie: thanks Nick, so am I still in trouble?
Nick: no, I just wanted to talk to you that's all, you're dismissed
Charlie: thanks Nicky *hugs him*
Nick: remember Charlie I don't discipline you when you make a mistake, I discipline you when you do wrong
Charlie: okay
Nick: I know you didn't mean to make a mess downstairs but I want you to be more aware of your surroundings next time okay?
Charlie: okay, thank you Nicky
Nick: no problem baby
Charlie: *groans* don't call me baby when Greyson's in the house
Nick: *chuckles* alright kiddo, I love you
Charlie: I love you too Nicky, let's go!
Nick: wait a minute, is that make up you're wearing?
Charlie: maybe...
Nick: Charlie... I said 16...
Charlie: I just wanted to look pretty for tonight
Nick: where did you get the make up from?
Charlie: Selena, she's the one that put it on me, unless you want me to tell your fiancée I have to take it off *gives him puppy eyes*
Nick: *sighs* as long as you promise me you won't wear make up out in public, I will allow Selena to help you with practice
Charlie: *smiles* o-okay! Thank you Nicky *kiss nose, skips out of room*
Nick: god, please save me from tonight

Who I Am: Charlotte May Jonas Where stories live. Discover now