Chapter 12

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Chapter 12:

Charlie's POV
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday flew by quickly and later on Nick and I will be heading to the Yankee game soon.

I wasn't going to go because of what happened these couple of days but Nick suddenly change his mind about it because he want me to have fun for a bit before we go on tour soon.

Now here's a couple of reason why. Tuesday Nick found out from my tutor that I havent been doing any of her assignment. Wednesday my blood sugar was low and I sort of bad mouth to him a lot and I was really having a bad day that day.

Thursday, I was a little sick but end up feeling better the next day. Friday, I was grounded in my room because Nick said he had it with my bad attitude and disrespect.

Well that's pretty much sums up what happened all this week. You may think I'm being a brat, but I'm not. I'm just a teenager growing up and this is what most teenagers do.

I put my hair up in a pony tail before putting a yankee cap on top of my head. I was wearing a yankees t-shit and jeans. I put on my sneakers and grab my other things I need before running out of my room.

I ran down the stairs to the kitchen to find Nick packing some stuff in the cooler. He also had a baseball cap and yankess T-shirt. He see me and I walk over to him and help him put some snacks in that we might need and Nick was also bringing a couple of friends with him from work so I get to meet them.

Nick invited his band, Selena, Demi and Miley and even Noah and Frankie came along. Yes Noah and Frankie are here their sister Miley got sign from Hollywood record as well.

We went to the game and I had blast with Frankie and Noah. It was great seeing the two of them again. The yankees were playing against the Giants and it was 3-4 and so far the Yankees were winning because only one of the NY teams can go to the finals.

The game soon ended and we got to meet some of the players Derek Jeter one of my Nick and I favorite player. He gave me a base ball and sign my name on it! He met my brother and Nick had a smile on his face the whole time. I planned on keeping it that way because I like seeing Nick happy than mad.

We left the baseball stadium and headed back home and had a mini BBQ and play in the pool as well. We had so much but was so sad that the day was ending.

When everyone left I change out of my baiting suit and dried up before going downstairs to watch a movie with Nick. We watch a few movies together before heading to bed.

I feed twinkles and change out of pajamas, and ran across to Nick's room. I  ask if I can sleep with him tonight, and he agree with it. We both fell asleep together peacefully and I was finally happy than I was in a long time.

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