All the Love: Seth Rollins an...

By alleykatstevens

36K 593 44

Love, is all Seth Rollins and Becky Lynch need to make it in life follow them in their career journey's where... More

Seth Rollins
Becky Lynch
Getting Together
Hall of Fame 2019
Wrestlmania 35
Money in the Bank 2019
2019 Stomping Grounds
2019 Summerslam
Becky's Surprise❤💎
Clash of Champions 2019
Author Note (New)
Another Author Note
Becky Finds Out
Seth Finds Out❤
1st Trimester ❤
2nd Trimester (Gender Reveal)👶
Author Note😇
Trimester 3👶❤💎
Surprise WWE Universe🖤💛
Wedding Time!!!❤💍
Sorry Guys
The Honeymoon
Becky's Secret
Surprise Everyone
Author Note
All the Love🥰😍

2019 Extreme Rules

1K 16 2
By alleykatstevens

For the past month Becky has been interrogating Seth onto what her surprise is, but he hasn't given in. He most likely won't, but they both have bigger things to worry about because today is Extreme Rules, and they have a math together which is a Winners Take All Extreme Rules Mix Tag Team match, for the Raw Women's Championship and Universal Championship against Baron Corbin and Lacey Evans. If Seth loses the match then they both lose their titles, and if Becky loses the match then they both lose their titles because of the Winners Take All Rule, also this is Baron and Lacey's last shot ever at getting either of the titles. Seth and Becky got everything done that they needed to get done. Now all they have to do is sit down in their locker room, eat, and watch all the matches because their match is the main event. 

The matches went on as follows: 
The Undertaker and Roman Reigns defeated Shane McMahon and Drew McIntyre and a no-holds-barred tag team match
 the Revival defeated the Usos to retain the raw Tag Team Championship
 Aleister black defeated Cesaro
Bayley defeated Alexa Bliss and Nikki cross in a Handicap match to retain the Smackdown Women's Championship
Braun Strowman defeated Bobby Lashley in a Last Man Standing match
The New Day defeated Daniel Bryan and Rowan and Heavy Machinery to become the new Smackdown Tag Team champions
AJ Styles defeated Ricochet for the United States Championship
Kevin Owens defeated Dolph Ziggler
Kofi Kingston defeated Samoa Joe to retain the WWE Championship

All the matches went on as they were supposed to with little to no disruptions, but everyone knows it’s WWE so something will eventually happen. The longest match out of all of the ones before Becky and Seth’s match was Braun strowman vs Bobby Lashley. Which lasted 17 minutes and 30 seconds.

Now it was time for Becky and Seth’s match. Lacey and Becky start, she taunts Becky and turns her back, but Lacey gets knocked out of the ring. She comes back to the apron and Becky yanks her in, going to work to start. Lacey gets kicked in the face, then she tags in Corbin. Seth runs in and leaps, attacking Baron. 

Corbin brings a kendo stick from under the ring, comes in and misses a kendo stick shot. Seth fires back and works him over. Lacey swings the stick at Seth but he catches it, Lacey tries to flirt with Seth, but this angers The Man. She comes in and unloads on Lacey with the stick. Seth also hits Corbin with another stick. They stop and stare at each other, then go back to work on their opponents with the sticks.

Seth and Becky run the ropes for a dive and baseball slide combo to their opponents, they do another double team move and stand tall on the floor for a pop. Seth with chops to Corbin now. He levels Corbin with a big elbow and sends him to the floor. 

Corbin has Evans bring him more chairs in, two chairs are positioned back-to-back in the middle of the ring. Corbin and Rollins tangle some more. Baron hits Rollins on the chair with a DDT, but Rollins kicks out. Becky tries to rally fans for her boyfriend, but Corbin keeps him down with another jab of the chair.
Becky and Lacey are brought in now. Becky charges with a chair but Lacey picks up one of her own, just not in time. Becky sends her into the barrier a few times. Becky goes to the top but Corbin tries to save Evans, but Seth decks Corbin from behind. 

Becky goes out to help Seth bring another table from under the ring, they carry that table and stand it up near the bottom of the ramp, near Corbin and Evans who are down. They go back and grab the other table, bringing it over to where they stood the other table up at. Seth grabs Baron, but gets pushed back into the barrier. Evans counters Becky, and sends her into the barrier. 

Evans and Corbin unload on Rollins in the middle of the ring with kendo stick shots now, Becky comes in to make the save but she can't. She gets chokeslammed at the same time Seth does. They both cover for pin attempts but the champs kick out. 

Becky gets Lacey on top of one of the tables, Seth gets Baron on top of the other table at ringside. Rollins goes to the top while Lynch goes to the apron. Lynch climbs up with him to the second turnbuckle. Lynch with a big leg drop from the second rope, putting Evans through the table. Rollins with a big Frogsplash from the top, putting Corbin through the other table.

Seth brings Corbin back into the ring while Becky and Lacey are still down in the table debris. Seth cranks up for the Stomp but Corbin catches him and turns it into a powerbomb. Seth rolls through but Corbin catches him with Deep Six, Becky runs in and breaks the pin up at 2. Baron ends up catching Becky in an End of Days out of nowhere. Rollins looks on and he's pissed. Corbin taunts Rollins and laughs.

Seth responds by unloading on Corbin with a kendo stick, with several chair shots now. Rollins has snapped. Seth with a Stomp on Corbin. Evans is shocked as she backs up the ramp, Rollins with a second Stomp to Corbin, then a third. Rollins covers Corbin to retain both titles. Seth Rollins and Becky Lynch retained their titles Becky was still at ringside. 

After the match, Seth and Becky look to celebrate, but Brock Lesnar's music hits and out he comes with Paul Heyman and the Money In the Bank briefcase and becomes the new Universal Champion

Obviously Seth is overly pissed that Brock Lesnar came out and cashed in, but he was more worried about Becky's well-being he rolled out of the ring, and went to check on Becky he lifted her up, and carried her bridal style backstage with her title to the trainer's room. The trainer checked her out, and cleared her to go to the hotel, they started their journey back to the hotel.

They got back to the hotel and Seth ran Becky a nice warm bath so she got a bath and they both laid down and cuddled up next to each other. Becky told Seth that it's not his fault that Brock cashed in, and he looked at her and told her that he knows. After a heartfelt conversation with each other, they told each other that they love them and cuddled up and went to bed. Becky was still hurting, and so was Seth, but he didn't want Becky to know.

Here it is guys the Extreme Rules chapter, one of my favorite chapters so far to write I hope you like this one I know it's just a play-by-play of the match and all the other matches but the next chapter is the last chapter that will be like this it will be SummerSlam then tomorrow I will start writing the other chapters that are not just them wrestling the first chapter tomorrow I'll be writing is Becky's big surprise then after I write that chapter I will write The Clash of Champions chapter and that's the last chapter of matches. See you next time on All the Love: Seth Rollins and Becky Lynch.”

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