Smosh Winter Games (Damien Ha...

By GoddessOfCrazy

15K 253 131

You've been friends with Shayne Topp since birth, well not really but sometimes it feels like it. After movi... More

Chapter 1; Introductions
Chapter 2; Journey to Big Bear
Chapter 3; Shayne was right
Chapter 4; Evil Plan at Work
Chapter 6; What Happens In The Bean Bag Room
Chapter 7; Singular Brain Cell
Chapter 8; All My Broken Pieces (sad)
Chapter 9; Life's a Party, You're a Boy
Chapter 10; Kiss it Better
Chapter 11; Somewhere To Belong
Chapter 12; They love us
Chapter 13; Macaroni Tension

Chapter 5; Snow Blob of Victory

1.1K 21 11
By GoddessOfCrazy

Smosh Winter Games (Damien Haas x Reader)
Chapter 5; Snow Blob of Victory
Word Count; 6388

WARNING: MENTIONS OF PAST ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP...THE PLOT THICKENS - Bold Italics means flashback can skip that if it's a trigger.

Also Joven/Joshua is such a cutie...he is definitely the type of person to call someone sweetheart and of course Damien is such a soft!boi

------------Y/N's POV------------

The sound of a door being shut woke me from my deep sleep. I was encased in warmness and very, very comfortable. I just shifted closer to the heat source, turning my head further into it. The lights being turned on is what made me squint my eyes open.

"Dami-oh! Sorry!" Shayne shouted before flipping the lights back off. Damien groaned and pulled me closer to him not fully waking up.

"Sorry," Shayne whispered again while trying to navigate his way across the room in the dark.

"Just use your phone flashlight you idiot," I softly said, watching his shadowy figure pause. Sticking his hand in his pocket he pulled out his phone, switching on the flashlight which caused a dull white glow to light up the room.

He turned back to the bed looking at me, "I didn't know you would be in here. I thought I would be walking into a room with Damien just watching some anime on his phone." Walking towards his own bed Shayne loudly threw himself onto it loosing grip on his phone, sending it flying into the side table. It hit a leg of the table causing a loud 'thump' to echo through the room before falling to the carpet. Damien jumped at the noise, his eyes snapping open. Shayne's phone landed on it's screen, the flashlight now pointed straight up.

"At this point you might as well have just kept the light on," I chuckled, watching Damien rub at his eyes.

"What the hell is going on? Why did I wake up to the sound of and elephant falling through the ceiling?" Damien asked, his voice still thick with sleep. I smiled at the sound of his deep, scratchy voice.

I pointed towards Shayne, "he happened." Shayne was just laying on his bed using his arm to prop his head up to look at us making no move to pick up his phone.

Huffing Damien softly tapped at my arms, "I have to get up." I made a show of pulling away from him, flailing my arms in the air before dropping them at my sides. Chuckling softly he pushed himself out of bed. Bending down he scooped Shayne's phone up off the floor.

"Thanks, buddy," Shayne smiled holding his hand out only for Damien to completely ignore him, passing him and headed for the bathroom.

"This is mine now, you asshat," Damien said waving the phone in the air above his head as he closed the door behind him.

Laughing I rolled onto my back and kicked at the blankets beneath me, Damien and I had fallen asleep without the covers and now that he's gone I'm cold. Once I had gotten the blankets out from underneath me I used my feet to find the top of the blanket. Leaning down I grabbed it and pulled it up with me as I laid back down. I heard Shayne moving around in the bed beside me, sighing loudly.

"You know, for two people who met not even three days ago you and him sure act like a married couple," Shayne said, followed by another sigh and more moving around.

I was glad that Damien had taken the phone with him, the dark hiding my flushing cheeks, "I don't know, there's just something about him. It kinda feels like I already know him, you know? Like, usually I'm really awkward around new people but, it never felt like that with him. I mean, yeah it was a little awkward at first but he's almost all I think about. I seriously can't get his stupid handsome face out of my head." I could feel my face burning with color as I admitted this out loud.I hope the bathroom walls are thick enough that this conversation just sounds like mumbles through the wall.

"I haven't seen you smile and laugh this much since you dated Rom-"

"Don't you dare!" I interrupted him, "You promised me we would never talk about him again."

Shayne was quiet for a moment, "sorry." His voice was much quieter this time.

I just turned over in bed, not wanting to even face in Shayne's direction anymore. His name brought up so many bad memories...memories I have tried so hard to forget or at least lock in a box at the back of my mind. Not everything was bad, in fact the beginning of our relationship was was everything that happened after that made me never want to even hear his name again. I heard the sink running in the bathroom along with the sounds of Damien brushing his teeth.

"I'm going to get some water," I mumbled, pushing the blankets off me and standing up.

"Wait, Y/N, I didn't mean just came out! Don't leave."

"I need to get a drink." I shut the bedroom door behind me, ignoring Shayne as I made my way down the hallway. Every step was a chore as I tried to think about happier things.

Damien's smile. The sound of his laugh.


Sighing I shook my head, trying again. Okay, the smell of Damien's body wash. The feeling of falling asleep in his arms. The feeling of safety in his arms as he squeezes me tighter to him.

The smell of cigarette smoke and stale liquor clinging to his breath. Cringing at the stench as he stepped closer to me, his large hands dragging my reluctant form towards him. Trying to push myself out of his grasp only for the sudden sound of his hand hitting my face and the sharp pain to stop my protests. The feeling of his cold lips pressing into my neck, sending disgusted shivers down my spine. Pleading with him to let me go. My begging only being met with gruff laughter and a callused hand being shoved up the back of my shirt.

A hand on my shoulder made me jump, trying to get as far away from the touch as I could.

"Woah! Woah!" Joven held his hands up in surrender, his eyes filled with concern. Sighing in relief I wrapped my arms around Joven, resting my head on his shoulder. "What's going on, sweetheart? What happened?"

"Nothing," I said, but I couldn't help the way my voice came out wobbly or how I couldn't stop the tears from running down my face and soaking the front of his sweater, "just a bad dream." Joven just hummed and wrapped his arms around my back, sliding his palms in wide circles while trying to soothe me. He started to gently sway us back in forth.

"It's okay," Joven whispered, "it wasn't real. You're safe."

"I know," I sobbed into his shoulder, "but I wasn't back then."

Joven tensed for a second before he continued swaying us and rubbing my back. I heard a door open at the end of the hall and knew it was either Damien or Shayne. Joven just turned us so that my back was to the hallway and he was the one facing whoever it was. I just pulled myself closer to him when I felt him shake his head 'no'.

"Y/N?" Damien's voice was soft and gentle. Joven dropped one of his hands from my back and I felt him using that arm to motion something.

I could picture how Damien must look right now, his eyes filled with worry, his brow probably furrowed as he watched Joven hold me. The last he saw I was smiling up at him as he left the bed.

"Y/N," Damien said again very softly, Joven just sighed from above me, "I'm right here if you need someone."

I couldn't help the sob that tore through me at the sadness in his voice. I slowly let go of Joven and turned to Damien. Not a mili-second after I had turned to him did he have me wrapped in his arms, one hand holding the back of my head and the other around my back squeezing me to him.

"I-I didn't w-w-"

"Shhh," Damien shushed me, "you don't have to talk about it right now."

Nodding I just wrapped my arms around him and buried my face into the side of his neck, "just hold me, please."


Damien's arms tightened around me, both of his arms now wrapped tightly around my waist. He rested his head against mine, each one of his breaths tickling the side of my neck. Clinging on to the Damien I faintly heard the sound of Joven returning to his room.

"It's you and me. The stars and moon will keep us company," he softly sang, his voice a welcome sound, "They'll watch over us as we fall asleep and I will hold you close. So, lay your head down on the pillowcase. Close your eyes and feel my warm embrace cause in my arms you know you will be safe and I won't let you go.So baby, let my heart beat be the rhythm that puts you to sleep. My smile will be the first thing you see when you wake up."

I couldn't help smiling through my tears as I listened to him sing to me, his voice the most beautiful sound in the universe...his laugh a close second. It was in this moment I decided that I had to do everything in my power to keep this wonderful, kind, funny, beautiful man in my life. Focusing on the sound of his voice instead of the memories rattling around in my brain like wild birds helped calm me.

I had no idea how long we had been standing in the hallway but, my feet were starting to ache and I could no longer keep my eyes open.

"Damien," I said, my voice scratchy the noise making me cringe. He pulled back just enough to look me in the eyes, smiling, "can we go back to bed now?"

Chuckling he nodded, "together?" Too tired to use my voice again I just nodded and pulled myself back into him.


------------Time Skip------------

Everyone's eyes were on me as I entered the kitchen that morning, I paused and scanned everyone's faces.

"How was the couch?" Olivia asked, a smirk on her face as she speared a forkful of eggs.


Taking the empty chair next to Damien I just smiled back at her, "fine. A lot more comfortable than last night for some reason." Damien chuckled from beside me, smiling at me as he passed me a bowl of cooked eggs. Spooning some onto my plate I reached for a piece of toast only to have Courtney swat at my hand.

"Ow! What was that for?" I asked rubbing at the back of my hand.

She just squinted at me, "liars don't get toast."

I raised my eyebrows at her, "liars! Courtney are you calling me a liar?" I just smiled at her in amusement, everyone else laughing in confusion.

"Yes, I am. You liar!" she pointed at me, standing up from her chair, "I know for a fact that you didn't sleep on the couch last night."

A collective 'ooohhh' followed her words making me look at everyone else. They were all glancing between Courtney and I.

I shook my head, "oh yeah? What's your proof?"

Smiling she pulled her phone out of her pocket, I watched as she unlocked her phone and began to scroll through something before looking back up at me, "this. This is my proof."

She slid her phone across the table at me, the screen filled with a picture of Damien and I cuddled up in his bed. The time stamp reading 6:37am.

"You sneaky little-why were you walking into people's rooms before anyone was awake? What if someone slept naked!"

"Trust me, you would be the first to know if someone," her eyes darted to Damien, "was sleeping naked." Damien picked the phone up from the table, looking closer at the photo. Smiling down at the picture I watched him send the photo to himself before deleting it from Courtney's phone.

Looking over at me I raised my eyebrow at him, he just shrugged, "it's a cute photo." He locked the phone again before sliding it back across the table.

"So, on a different note. Who was singing in the hallway last night?" Ian asked.

"I heard that too!" Wes agreed, nodding to Ian. A chorus of agreements went all around the table. Damien widened his eyes at me before turning to Joven.

Laughing I just shrugged, "depends...what song did you hear? If it was Tori Kelly it was me." I smiled at Damien quickly before stealing a piece of toast off the plate in the middle.

"I don't think it was Tori Kelly but, okay." Ian shook his head at me, shoveling more eggs into his mouth.

"Come on! Dear No One! Either you knew I was singing Tori Kelly or it wasn't me. Who else sings in the hallway on their way to get some cuddles?" Damien burst out laughing next to me causing everyone to laugh and stare at him weirdly.

"Are you implying that you always sing when you are on a mission to cuddle someone? Or am I just special?" he asked, still laughing.

"Oh, baby boy," I rested my palm on his cheek, "of course you're special...but no, I always sing when I know I'm going to get to squeeze someone to sleep."

"Maybe don't phrase it like that," Shayne laughed.

"Yeah," Noah agreed, a wide smile on his face, "sounds like your happily singing through the hallway on the way to choke-hold someone."

I shrugged, "you say choke-hold, I say cuddle. Pa-tay-toe, pa-tah-toe."

"Brings a whole new meaning to loving someone to death," Damien said.

"Oh, no," I patted his arm, "not to death...only until you pass out."

"Okay! Although I love hearing you talk about your weird kinks, I think it's time we talked about todays challenge," Joe shouted from his seat on the island counter. "Today we will be filming outside!" A few loud groans rang out.

"We're shooting on the hill behind the cabin!" Matt yelled over everyones groans. "Two hours until shoot time."

"I'm going to need more than two hours to mentally prepare to die of hypothermia," Lasercorn laughed from the head of the table, piling his plate up with another serving of eggs and bacon. Chuckling I just turned my attention back to eating my toast.

"Hey!" Courtney shouted, "You deleted it?" She was staring at Damien.

He just shrugged, "What were going to do with it, because the only thing I can think of for you needing that picture is blackmail."

Courtney pouted, "I thought it was cute!"

I shook my head at her, "maybe next time just show us from the other side of the table instead of handing us it."

Damien lightly nudged me with his arm, "don't encourage her!" His mouth was hanging open at me and his eyebrows were furrowed. Smiling, I raised my hand and stuck the remaining piece of my toast in his open mouth.

"You're gonna catch flies," I winked and turned back to my eggs. I heard surprised laughter around the table followed by a deep inhale from Damien.

"I would 'awe' but it's too damn early to even think about being awake," Noah groaned and rested his head on his folded arms. His seat was in between Wes and Mari, both of them looking down at him with confusion and slight amusement. The kitchen door was suddenly flung open, slamming against the wall making everyone go quiet.

Keith stood in the doorway, still in his dark blue power ranger pajama pants and a dark gray tank top I swore I had seen Noah wear before. Keith was rubbing at his eyes as he crossed the kitchen heading for coffee. All eyes were on him. We all continued to watch as he padded over to the coffee pot, poured himself a cup and then turned towards us.

"What?" he asked, his voice almost as drowsy as the rest of him looked. Bringing his mug to his mouth he took a long sip.

"Why the dramatic entrance?" Ian smiled at him.

Keith just waked towards the table, his eyes finding Noah first. A disappointed look quickly passed over his face at the fact that both chairs next to him were taken. Sighing he just walked over to the far end on the table and sat in the end chair next to Joven and Lasercorn.

Lasercorn frowned at him, "Keith, are you okay?" Keith just shrugged and took another long drink of his coffee before snatching a piece of toast and taking a large bite out of it. I couldn't help the ball of concern that was growing in the pit of my stomach. He looked awful, like he hadn't slept in days. He also looked irritated, his eyes never landing on someone for more than a few seconds before his looked away.

I looked at Damien next to me and gently tapped his arm. Looking back at me I could see the concern in his eyes as well. I nodded my head to Keith only for Damien to shrug at me.

"Fight with someone?" I whispered, leaning closer to him so no one else heard. People had now started to question Keith and talk to him. Well, it was more like talk at him...seeing as he wasn't talking or offering any clues as to what we could do to help.

Again, Damien shrugged looking back at Keith for a second. Noah was now at Keith's side, kneeling down next to him. Noah cradled Keith's face in his hands making Keith look at him. Smiling Noah whispered something that made Keith smirk.

It felt wrong to be watching I was intruding on a private moment. Pushing myself away from the table quietly, I grabbed my glass of water before making my way out of the kitchen. I heard others following me out of the kitchen seeming to have come to the same conclusion I had.

Throwing myself on the couch I laid out and watched as they started to exit the kitchen in an almost single file line. Just like sheep they continued to follow me into the living room, everyone finding an empty seat. Damien and Shayne exited the kitchen together, their heads close together as they whispered to each other. They slowly walked over to the living room keeping their conversation quiet the whole time.

"Who gave you the power to have the couch to yourself?" Olivia laughed, looking down at me.

"I did," I smiled and made a show of getting comfortable. I heard Damien chuckle before he too was standing next to the couch.

"You just have to go in with a little force," he smiled and lifted my feet up and sitting down, resting my feet in his lap. Looking back up at Olivia she just smiled and shook her head before turning and deciding to squish herself in between Ian and Wes on the love seat. Neither of the men said anything about the intrusion, just carrying on with their conversation.

Shayne plopped down on the ground, resting his back against the couch Damien and I were on. He tilted his head back looking at me, "Why do I always end up on the ground?"

Damien leaned over just a tad to pet the top of his head, "because good pets stay off the furniture." I laughed and watched as Shayne swatted at Damien's hand, glaring at him. Shayne successfully whacked Damien on the top of his hand which only made their little cat fight intensify. They swatted at each other, their hands flying in rapid circles as they tried to hit the other without being hit.

"Girls! Girls! Calm down or I'll get the spray bottle!" Ian shouted at them. Everyone chuckled and watched as the threat had no effect on the two. Shayne pushed himself up onto his knees giving himself more room to move his arms. Damien just started flailing his arms faster.

Laughter and sound of them slapping each others arms were the only two sounds coming from the living room. I just chuckled as I watched the two of them fight. Damien was biting his lower lip, concentration etched into his face while Shayne was just laughing. As their play fight got more and more intense the wider their arms circles got. I saw it coming before I felt the harsh slap to my calf.

Damien immediately looked down at me, "are you-," Shayne landed a punch to his right shoulder, "ow!" He turned back to Shayne, cupping his shoulder.

"I win!" Shayne said in a sing-song voice. He stood up from the floor and started doing a weird jig that included some awful disco moves. Damien was scowling at him now, his hand still rubbing at his shoulder.

"Cheater," Damien grumbled under his breath and turned to look at me again.

Smiling I sat up, resting my hand on his uninjured shoulder, "are you okay?"

Jutting his lower lip out he shook his head, "no, I think he broke something."

"Ah," I laughed, "do I need to kiss it better?" I used my best baby-talk voice which only made Damien's pout intensify.

"I don't know...maybe a kiss would help," he tried to keep himself from smiling but, the corners of his mouth tipped upwards slightly. I raised my eyebrows at him and slid my hand from the top of his shoulder to the back of his neck, my cold fingers making him shiver as they rested on his warm skin.

"Yeah? I think that's something I can do," I couldn't help the way my cheeks heated up as he continued to hold my eye contact, his eyes swimming with happiness. The problem was I don't think either of us are talking about me kissing his injured shoulder anymore.

A loud wolf whistle came from the love seat behind us making Damien's eyes shift to them. He shook his head at whoever it was. Ian was saying something but I didn't pay him any mind, Damien's proximity to me being a greater distraction. Once again, I was close enough to see his freckles. They were everywhere, circular dots scattered across his nose and cheeks, running across his forehead and down his jawline. Darker freckles resting on the high points of either cheek. His hair was resting on his forehead, the early morning rush to breakfast winning out priority over styling his hair. Gliding my hand up his neck I ran my finger through the short hairs on the back of his head. Without product in his hair it was very soft, the strands smoothly sliding through my fingers.

Damien smiled and grabbed my hand, pulling it from his neck to hold it in his two hands, "we should probably go and get ready for the challenge." I watched as he nodded towards the stairs.

"Oh, yeah. Okay."

Instead of dropping my hand he just used it to gently pull me off the couch and guide me up the stairs. His hand was almost too hot against my frigid fingers, his body somehow always radiating heat.

Reaching his room he paused outside the door, turning to me, "your stuff is still in Courtney and Olivia's room."

"Oh!" I turned back to face down the hallway, "I almost forgot."

He let go of my hand making me turn back to him, "Um, no hard feelings if you don't but you could...uh," he nervously scratched at the back of his neck.

"Bring my stuff in here?" I asked pointing to the door to his and Shayne's room.

Dropping his eyes to the floor he smiled, "yeah. If you want to, I mean, if you want to stay in here instead of the couch." I just smiled at him as the blush on his face became a darker shade of red the more he continued to talk.

"Well, come on then," I grabbed onto the sleeve of his shirt and pulled him with me back down the hall. I heard him chuckle before letting me pull him the rest of the way down the hall, stopping at Courtney and Olivia's room.

Pushing open the door I stepped in and grabbed my suit case that rested just behind the door. Next, I turned and grabbed my duffle bag throwing it over my shoulder before heading into the bathroom. I grabbed the small amount of things I had left on the vanity and tossing them into the duffle bag. A brush, a bag of hair pins, hair ties, and my straightener  which I had yet to use. Heading back out I shut the bathroom door behind me and when I looked back up Damien was still standing in the doorway.

"What's wrong?" he looked very awkward as he stood very stiff, his eyes darting around the room.

He sighed, looking at me, "I don't know, it just feels wrong to just walk into their room. I grew up with a sister and I know she hated whenever I went into her room without her knowing."

I smiled at him and walked over to him, grabbing the handle of my suit case dragging it behind me, "you are too cute."

------------Time Skip------------

The snow had started again by the time we were all outside and ready to film. Both teams were standing on either side of Matt, Joe, and Sunny. While everyone was bundled up we had all come up with ways to showcase our team shirts, whether that be hanging the shirt off their necks or tying it around their head. I had managed to pull my shirt over my heavy sweatshirt, the shirt being a little big without all the layers and it was now pulled tight over everything else. I was grateful that we were stood behind the cabin, the wind being lessened slightly from the structure.

"Today, our teams will be building snowmen!" Matt shouted, a huge smile on his face as he excitedly clapped his hands.

"But," Joe chuckled, shaking his head at Matt, "as always there is a twist! As you can see, we built a model snowman." The three men stepped away, showing off a small snowman. The middle section being slightly larger than the bottom making him look wonky. Someone had also placed a bright green beanie on his head and wrapped a scarf around his neck. They had also stuck sticks into each side of his body and had found rocks to stick in the face to act as the eyes and mouth.

"You see, our teams here," he gestured to both teams, "in order to win are going to have to try to replicate our snowman. Though, they will only have five minutes per person to build it. Only one person will be able to work on it at a time."

Sunny stepped forward, "you aren't allowed to use more than one hand at a time and each time you do your team captain has to remove a piece of clothing!" I groaned, throwing my head back looking up at the sky.

"What if I use both my hands?" Lasercorn questioned, pulling his beanie lower down on his head.

"Then everyone else on your team loses a piece of clothing," Joe explained, smiling when we all groaned at this.

"You're trying to kill us!" Shayne screamed.

Sunny laughed and started rubbing his gloved hands together, "yes, it's our evil plan. Watch all of you die from hypothermia while building a snowman."

I shook my head and crossed my arms across my chest, "can we just get this over with, please? I want to get back inside."

"Yes, alright. Let's get this started. First off, you need to figure out which order you are going to build your snowman in." I turned and faced my team, Courtney and Olivia had their arms wrapped around each other. Keith threw his arm around Courtney and pulled me closer to him.

"Team huddle?" Damien laughed and stepped closer, his arm sliding across my waist and tugged me into his side. Joven joined the circle, standing in between Damien and Olivia. It was significantly warmer huddled up to everyone than standing on my own, I could understand why penguins did this now.

"I want to go first," Keith said, "How mad would you be if I purposely used both my hands?"

I looked over at him, surprised, "what?"

"It's smart," Damien said, making me quickly look over at him, "I mean, he would be able to work faster if he uses both hands. He'll be able to give us a small head start."

"I made plenty of snowmen when I was younger. I think I can make a least the bottom two sections if I use both of them." Keith explained, dropping his arm from my shoulder.

I sighed, "I hate to say it but, it makes sense."

Keith smiled at me, "Taking one for the team, I like it. I promise I'll make it up to you later."

"So, who wants to go next then?" I asked.

"I think we just go around. Keith, Courtney, Olivia, Joven, me, Y/N," Damien said. We all nodded.

"Everyone ready?" Matt shouted. Damien tucked me further into his side and turned us back around. I smiled and clutched the back of his sweater, resting my head on his shoulder briefly.

Keith stepped forward along with Shayne, both had a look of determination on their face as they stared as each other. Shayne's face was flush from the cold, his cheeks and nose a bright pink. He had a large, puffy snow coat on, the hood lined with fur and being zipped all the way up to his chin. He looked like a small child. Similarly, Keith also had on a winter coat, the jacket swallowing his small frame. It hung down to his knees, it looked awkward to see his thin legs sticking out from the jacket. Although Keith wasn't wearing a beanie, choosing instead to pull his hood up over his head.

"Alright, guys! On my mark. Get set..." Sunny raised both his hands.

"Go!" Joe screamed making both Keith and Shayne bend down and start to shovel snow with their hands. Shayne started with one hand.

"Y/N! You lose a piece of clothing!" Matt pointed to Keith who was quickly rolling a ball of snow, making the ball grow quickly.

Sighing I nodded and pulled my beanie off my head, placing it into Joe's outstretched hand. The wind blew my hair into my face, obscuring my view. Running my hands through my hair I pulled it back to the nape of my neck and pulled my hood up. Joe turned and threw my beanie to a girl standing directly out of camera view. I stepped back and instantly had Damien's arm wrapped around my waist once more.

It was shocking how fast Keith was working. It hadn't been three minutes and he had already finished with both the bottom and middle sections. He was now working on the head.

"Wow, he really wasn't joking about being good at this," Damien said, surprise laced in his voice. Looking up at him I nodded and just looked back to Keith.

"Time!" Sunny shouted, looking up from his watch. He laughed as he looked down at the two snow blobs Shayne had managed to stack on top of each other, both of them lumpy and awkwardly shaped. He paused when he saw Keith's work, his eyes widening. "Okay...I didn't know Keith was some kind of snowman prodigy."

Keith laughed as he stood up, shaking the snow off him, "you never asked." He shrugged and switched places with Courtney.

I grabbed her wrist gently and leaned in to whisper in her ear, "use both of your hands."

"What? Are you sure?"

I nodded, "we're ahead but, lets blow them completely our of the water."

She smiled and nodded, turning back to our snow masterpiece.

"Round two, ready?"


By the time that it was Joven's turn I had lost my team t-shirt, gloves, and sweatshirt. The only thing the needed to be placed on our snowman was the rocks for the eyes and mouth. The other team, the 'Brrrrrrring it on's', had almost caught up to us. They had all three sections done and sticks for the arms.

"Why did they think this was such a good idea?" I whined and waited for Damien to finish retying his boot. I watched Lasercorn's team jumping around and encouraging Mari on as she quickly began to harshly wrap their snowman with a large scarf. Everyone of them still had all of their clothing on, none of them taking the opportunity of using two hands at once.

Joven was carefully placing the rocks, making the smile in an almost perfect 'u' shape, "you'll watch this back later and laugh." Damien chuckled. Standing back up he wrapped both his arms around my waist and pulled me into his chest, hugging me tightly to his body. I just smiled and tucked my hands into my chest and laid my head underneath his chin. His jacket was soft, his body warmth radiating into his jacket and in turn providing me with just enough heat to keep me from shivering. Stepping closer to him I tipped my head upwards to press the side of my face against his neck.

He jumped, "cold! Geez, your nose is freezing!"

I chuckled, "my whole body is freezing."

"Time!" Sunny's voice broke through the screams of Lasercorn's team and the encouraging chanting song from Keith and Courtney.

"Looks like we have a winner!" Reluctantly, I pulled away from Damien to face Matt.

Joven was sagging his head and Mari looked ecstatic.

I looked down at our snowman. Joven had finished with the mouth but, had not even placed the eyes. Mari had finished the whole snowman, standing proudly next to the small thing.

Sighing I looked up at Damien, "I lost clothing for nothing." He smiled sadly at me and grabbed my hand, lacing my fingers with his. Despite the cold I could feel my cheeks flushing. I squeezed his hand and stepped closer, pressing my shoulder into his.

"Brrrrrrring it on's are our winners!" they burst into screams of joy after Matt's announcement.

"It's okay guys," Courtney smiled, patting Joven on the back as he passed by her. He nodded at her and kept his head down.

Keith stepped over, setting his hand on my shoulder, "I'm sorry. I owe you big time."

"Yeah," I agreed, "you do." I chuckled and just shrugged his hand off my shoulder. I was more than ready to be back inside the heating of the cabin.

"It's 1-1 here on Smosh Winter Games!" Sunny shouted.

Matt stepped in front of Sunny, "Next time we test our teams movie knowledge in a fan favorite." Great...we won't be outside yet we will still be subject to the cold.

"Smosh Winter Games!" Everyone yelled, pointing at the camera and posing in a position as the camera's panned over everyone before being shut off.

"Last one back to the cabin is a rotten egg!" I shouted, letting go of Damien's hand and sprinting back to the cabin. I heard a chorus of laughter as well as people following me up the small hill on the path to the back door. Keith passed me in a burst of laughter pulling Noah behind him by his wrist. Noah had a mixture of excitement and confusion on his face.

I heard someone gaining on me and pushed myself to run faster, reaching the back door just after Noah was harshly pulled inside. Once my right foot hit the wooden flooring the snow on the bottom of my shoes had me slipping. I lost my footing and ended up falling backwards, putting my hands out I ended up catching myself before I landed completely on my back.

Laughter rang out both in front of me and behind me. I just smiled and gently laid on my back, on the floor. Embarrassment knotted in my stomach as the laughter continued to echo throughout the kitchen.

I watched Damien walk into the kitchen, him and Shayne both having ignored my challenge and walked back. Damien kneeled down next to me, "okay?"

"Yeah, you know, just having a quick lie down," I smiled and patted the floor with my hands.

"Yeah? You ready to get up and maybe, I don't know...lie in a real bed?"

"Please," I raised my hand up, watching him stand back up and grab onto me. Gently pulling me up from the floor I tried to place my slippery shoes on the floor again. Not knowing just how slippery my shoes were he ended up tugging me just a tad too hard, sending my crashing into him.

"Hey," he laughed, looking down at me, "maybe you should kick those off." He nudged his foot into the side of my boot. I nodded and looked down, stepping on the back of my left boot I pulled my foot free and sent the shoe flying backwards toward the back door. Repeating this with my right foot I also kicked it back to land on top of the other next to the back door.

"Come on," he lead me towards the stairs. He paused at the foot of the stairs and turned to me with his eyebrows raised.


"Aren't you forgetting something?"


He just chuckled, "what happened to 'I always sing when I know I'm gonna get to squeeze someone."

"Oh!" I smiled, "Okay, um. I came in like a wrecking ball!" I screamed at the top of lungs only for Damien to slap his hand over my mouth.

"Okay, maybe no singing this time."

"You don't like Miley Cyrus?"

"I'd rather be forced to listen to constant Katy Perry," he smirked at his old Smosh quote.

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