Pokemon: The Lost Quest

By violetflame90

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Meowth has been separated from Jessie and James in the Kalos region and is looking to rejoin them. Lost and a... More

Lost and Found
A Separate Situation
School Days
Catch me, Catch you
Rocky Trails: Part I
Rocky Trails: Part II
Bread Crumbs and Shattered Paths
Strange Encounters
Strange Hunting
Strange Beginnings
Prepare for Flare!
The Amazing Forest!
Amazing Discoveries!
The Amazing Rivers!
The Amazing Mountains and their Restless Quarrels!
Following the Flow leads to Amazing Secrets
The Amazing Mask of Secrets
The Amazing Caves and their Secrets
It's Amazing Meowth! Part I
It's Amazing Meowth! Part II
The Anbero Trail
The New Moon Approaches
The New Moon of Truths
The Trio Together Forever

It's Amazing Meowth! Part III

194 4 5
By violetflame90

Author Notes:

Panacea: is the Greek goddess of universal remedy. The original spelling was different and the word "Panacea" is how we say/spell it today and I preferred it over the original. The original spelling just didn't look right in my warped mind.

Elena: Based on Epione the Greek goddess of soothing the pain and was the mother of Panacea.

Chapter 22: It's Amazing Meowth! Part III


Ash came storming back into the tearoom and grabbed Meowth by the scruff.

"Hey, hey, what do you think you're doing?" It hollered.

"Ash, what's gotten into you?" Serena asked, worried about how things were only going to escalate worse. Despite its weak struggle to get away, Ash tightened his grip on the scruff of its neck while ignoring her concerns. Pikachu and the other Pokémon watched in awe as the astonishing scene unfolded.

"I'm guessing Diggory told you about our facilities." Milo sighed.

"He's such a big mouth." He thought.

"Well since that's where you're going, Espurr can lead you to it."

"Es!" It shouted unhappily.

"Its time for you to go home now little one." He said sweetly as he patted it on the head, to which Espurr growled and batted his hand away gently.

"Ess-Purr!" It harrumphed as it folded its arms in front of its chest annoyingly.


"I can walk on my own! Just let me go!" It continued it's whining.

"Why? So you can space out and be oblivious to what's going on around you? Forget it!"

"I didn't mean to back there, it was just a lot to take in. I've heard many legends of all kinds but never about Baltoy and Meowth specifically working together. I was just curious, I was thinking that maybe I will end up running into Baltoy again one day. Please, just let me go, your starting hurt me." It whined even louder. Ash stopped and placed it down gently as he bent down to meet it at its level.

"You know what? That has been the most you've ever said to me. I just want you to feel that you can talk to me freely about anything. I didn't want you to feel that you needed to keep everything inside. I didn't want you to feel alone or that you had to keep on fighting for yourself because you thought that no one else would. When that bridge collapsed..." He paused, as he thought about it.

"That's when you got hurt." His hat covered his eyes as he looked down at the ground feeling his emotions were getting the better of him.

"You could have waited, I would have helped you."

"He's crying?" Meowth gasped as the scent of saltwater entered its sinuses.

"I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU ALL!" The image of it trembling in angst, shouting its harsh rhetoric flooded Ash's mind.

"I was wrong, I pushed you into a corner." A little cream-colored paw made its way into his peripherals as he was just about to lift his head up.

"Stop it," Meowth mumbled softly as it pawed his nose.

To see the twerp in this light was new, he's a human that's always headstrong and arrogant. From what Meowth can recall, the twerp has an unhealthy passion for Pokémon in general. However, regardless of whatever may have happened in the past, this time was filled with uncertainties. Ash was surprised by its interaction at first but quickly got over it as he watched it lose focus. Ash then gently poked its cheek.

"Meowth start!" He softly repeated Bonnie's phrase.

"Huh?" It flinched.

"You were doing it again."

"Oh." It sounded slightly ashamed of itself as it may be the first time for Meowth to realize how fast it goes away. Suddenly, its sorrowful eyes sparkled, blue eyes filled with determination stared at him directly. It was that mysterious look again, vivid blue eyes filled with purpose and various emotions. Was that a twinkle in its eyes? Ash wasn't sure if he was seeing things. It was quick like a flicker of light, maybe it was the reflection from the lights on the streets.

"I'm not going to want to talk about it, probably not ever." Meowth started by confirming Ash's theory.

"It's not that I believe you won't help me it's that I don't want things to change." Glowing violet eyes got into Ash's face. Startled by the sudden encounter it was easy for Espurr to push him down.

"Hey!" He yelled.

"Es, Es!" She harrumphed. She then got behind Meowth and started pushing him away from the annoying human.

"Es, Es!" She said as she gestured to the human to go away.

"Huh...hey...stop...wait." Now it was Espurr that Meowth was trying to struggle away from.


"Did you have fun, Espurr?" A soft woman's voice answered the ringing bell at the door. She looked up from her magazine to see it was Espurr walking in with a struggling Meowth and right behind them was a new face.

"Oh," She said somewhat surprised to see him, "I don't think I've ever seen you around here before. Who are you?"

"I'm Ash Ketchum and I come from Pallet Town." He greeted her.

"I was told to come here for medical needs for Pokémon." He said as he nudged Meowth further into the store.

"Oh, I see...it's the shoulder." She said as she eyed it without moving away from her post behind the counter.

"You can tell just by looking?" The soft-spoken woman pushed her thin-framed glasses up the bridge of her nose and seemed ready to make a remark that may not be wise as Meowth eyed her cautiously.

"I see...so you're just visiting." Taking Meowth's hint, which calmed its nerves greatly.

"I'm sure you don't have just the one Pokémon if you like you can bring the others in for a general check-up as well."

"You mean like what we would get at a Pokémon Center?"

"Well, this is a Panacea." Ash looked at her confusingly, not entirely sure what she meant by that.

"Panacea means 'all healing' twerp, it's like a Pokémon Center but they only use natural healing remedies," Meowth informed him.

"Really? I'll be right back then! I have friends with Pokémon too, can you take care of them as well?" She nodded politely, without further to do Ash was off on a new mission of his own.


Meowth was taken into the back and was alone with the soft-spoken woman and Espurr. She pulled her light brown hair into a low ponytail as she rummaged through one of the cabinets.

"So it looks like Espurr made its way to the inn again." She started with some small talk as Espurr acted like it was nothing.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I forgot to tell you that my name is Elena. I was taken off guard by that boy trainer. I heard there were a few outsiders here but I didn't believe the rumors. So I guess it's true that they're here to stay till our little problem is taken care of."

"They like being heroes, their addicted to the praise they get."

"Well, he seems like the typical Xenos to me. He doesn't see what's beyond his nose. He will only be in our way." She then proceeded to push Meowth onto its back as her violet eyes were focused on its tender shoulder. She placed her small delicate hands to apply pressure, rubbing a natural cream that heats up to soothe the pain. Meowth relaxed as it felt the warm light that was released from her hands exterminating the pain. It wasn't long till she was done and asked it to stretch it out. It was a miracle! Its shoulder felt like it was brand new.

The wind chime that signaled guests have entered rung its calming sound causing Elena to leave Espurr and Meowth alone. They were able to hear that it was the twerp along with his friends who brought their Pokémon in for a check-up.

"What to do? Is there a place to hide?" Meowth really wasn't in the mood to be dealing with the twerps' Pokémon again. As if Espurr read his mind, tapped him on the shoulder and motioned for him to follow her.

The Panacea had a garden of its own with hot springs, yellow cabanas, and a fountain to complete the tranquil energy this healing center had to offer. Luckily, the thick steam from the hot springs was no longer bothering Meowth anymore since it was no longer operating on an empty stomach. A nice warm soak in some hot water sounded inviting but the likelihood of it being alone was slim since unwanted company were bound to show up any minute. It then turned its attention upwards at the night sky and saw that the roof was easily accessible just like it was at the inn. Meowth jumped up and proceeded to its new hiding place.

"Es, Es, Es." Espurr tried her best to follow but had a really tough time. Meowth saw her struggling and came back to lift her up by the paw. Espurr blushed slightly but it quickly vanished as Meowth stopped holding her. The blush went unnoticed as Meowth knew Espurr didn't like the humans and the Pokémon belonging to them. It would be rough for the Solateer to face them on her own. They sat on the rooftop together looking at the night sky as the wind started to feel oddly cold while some of the lights that lit the sidewalks started to flicker. Amidst the thick fog, a womanly figure appeared. It was her...it was Rinora.

"Es!, Es!" (It's her! Its her!)

"Espurr, Es, Es?" (You see her too, right?) She bounced up and down as she energetically shook him.

Meowth remained silent unsure if he should admit that he can see her. Is he supposed to or is he just crazy? She looked up at them sadly with big ghostly bluish-grey eyes as she placed a hand over her heart and reached out with her other hand. Meowth's body was shot with a strong vibration that was intoxicating as he watched.

"Espurr, Purr, Espurr." (She's calling for us.) Espurr pulled Meowth with her as she dragged him to the melancholy woman.

(I'm worried.) She said as they walked up to her.

(Please come with me, we must hurry.)


She led them to the waterfall, the same place she led Meowth to last night. Must he endure this again?

(I'm sorry, I know you don't have enough energy, but I really do need your help. Please go inside the cave, they're inside right now. We must stop them from carrying out their attack for tomorrow.) She said pointing to the waterfall.

"Es, Espurr, Purr. Espurr, Espurr, Purr, Es, Espurr" (This is great! I've been waiting for something like this!) Espurr exclaimed.

"Espurr, Purr, Espurr, Purr." (Let's split up, I'll go inside and you can go get Milo.)

(I think it would be best if it were the other way around Espurr.) Rinora said kindly.

(There are children inside, Meowth would be able to explain the dangers they are in.) Espurr pouted but sighed in agreement, within seconds it was gone leaving Meowth alone with the mysterious woman.

(I will still be with you even when you can't see me.) She reassured him as Meowth turned to her to see that she was gone.

(You must hurry.) He heard her say as he moved forward.


Meowth was all alone as it walked through the dark tunnels, it wasn't long till it entered into a great big hall that had multiple skylights lighting up the very large statue in front of it. It was of a woman wearing a long heavy dress with her head down. One hand was over the heart while the other was caring a bundle of wheat. A veil covered her hair and around her neck was a necklace of the moon and a shape of the sun on her forehead.

(I was a priestess for the moon.) Rinora suddenly appeared again. Meowth looked up at her then back at the statue.

(The sun shines its light onto everyone. However, it is the moon that shines the brightest. With their light combined, we can protect those we care for with the guidance of the stars and all of those who came before us. Go through that tunnel, please they need to be protected.) She disappeared as she pointed towards one of the few tunnels surrounding them.

(Do not worry the moon will always protect you.) It heard but didn't see anyone as it took the tunnel that had a soft glow.


It was clear to the gang that Meowth and Espurr were no longer at the center. Elena suggested they may have gone back to the inn. She told them that Espurr likes to hang out there.

"It gets bored here easily. I think it prefers a more adventurous life versus a life stuck in a small, remote town." She said.


They walked back with their happily healed Pokémon taking in how amazingly well the Pokémon received her peculiar treatments. They were all relaxed as if they were completely renewed. Dr. Pan, Milo and Diggory were missing when they got back. They figured since Dr. Pan was entranced by this town's connection to the Statue of Rina that maybe he was out with them and some other townspeople.

"ESPURR! ESPURR!" They heard a scream coming from the front entrance. They ran out to see what the problem was as they saw Espurr frantically calling out for someone.

"Espurr, what's wrong?" Bonnie asked troubled by its hysterical screams. It glared at her then ignored her.

"ESPURR! ESPURR!" Pikachu jumped off of Ash's shoulder and ran up to it.

"Pikachu, Pika, Pikachu, Pi, Pi, Pikachu." Espurr ignored Pikachu and kept on calling out for someone. Smeargle then appeared and Espurr quickly calmed down.

"Espurr, Espurr, Espurr, Es, Es, Espurr, Purr, Purr, Espurr, Espurr." It explain itself.

"Smear? Smeargle, Smeargle."

"Pika? Pikachu." Espurr glared at Pikachu then pushed him out of the way.

"Pika!" "Hey!" Ash and Pikachu shouted as Ash came closer to the three Pokémon. Smeargle quickly got in front of Espurr and pushed her back.

"Smeargle, Smear." It gestured to Pikachu to calm down and motioned for Ash to back away.

"Ess, Espurr, Purr, Purr, Espurr!" She shouted as Smeargle sighed to itself as it heard the wind outside pick up. It tapped her head gently as it shook its head.

"Smeargle." It said to her. She growled as she pierced her lips. "Smear, Smeargle." It said as it blocked her view of the humans and Pikachu.

"Es, Es, Purr, Purr, Espurr."

"Smeargle, Smear, Smear."

The humans listened to them converse as Pikachu slowly approached the two once more.

"Pika? Pikachu, Pikachu, Pi, Pika Pi, Pikachu." Smeargle nodded as it held Espurr back.

"Pika, Pikachu, Pi, Pi, Chu, Chu." It said to the glaring Espurr. She folded her arms as she puffed up her cheeks then averted her eyes. Pikachu ran back to the gang and started to make weird gestures.

"Pika, Pikachu, Pi, Pi, Pikachu, Chu." It said as its gestures sort of came off as if it were trying to mimic Meowth.

"Where is Meowth in times like this?" Bonnie whined.

"Pika!" It shouted at her as if she guest it right.

"I think that's what they're trying to tell us." Serena chimed in as the Pokémon nodded. Impatient to wait any longer Espurr ran out with the gang right behind it.


Espurr led them to the basin of the waterfall. Looking around the banks and the surrounding forest, they were unsure as to why Espurr brought them here since there was no sign of Meowth anywhere. Scanning his surroundings, Ash felt a light tug on his pants. He looks down and sees Espurr pointing towards the waterfall.

"Espurr, Espurr." It said shyly. Pikachu jumps off of his shoulder to talk as Espurr glared at it while backing away slowly.

"Pikachu, Chu, Chu." He spoke in a friendly tone.

"Espurr." She mumbled.

"Pika Pi." It said as they both ran towards the base of the waterfall.

"Hey wait!" Ash shouted at them.

Espurr showed them a path of boulders conveniently making their way to the waterfall. Espurr and Pikachu hopped across as the humans followed them. Espurr then jumped through the falling water as Pikachu did the same. Not sure what to expect, they all jumped through as well. As the cold water splashed violently against their skin and were now soaking wet, they took in their surroundings of a cave that was behind the waterfall. With torches lighting their way they continued to follow Espurr. It turned left then right, it seemed to know where it was going. It felt like sooner or later they will run into Meowth. Espurr picked up the pace and led them into a wide-open space with a large statue of a woman in the middle as the starlight from above gave her a celestial glow.

"That's the Statue of Rina!" Clemont exclaimed.

"But Milo said the artifacts in the mountains were destroyed," Serena stated out loud.

***Thud, Thud***

The cave shook as it felt like something heavy banging against the wall. It felt like it was coming from above, they weren't sure as the ground continued to shake.

(Espurr!) Rinora appeared.

(They're coming your way. Hurry you must get everyone out before it's too late.) She insisted. She disappeared as the sound of a stampede echoed through the halls as a group of Pokémon with small children ran out into the opening.

"Espurr!" It shouted, motioning for them to follow it quickly.

"It's all the missing Pokémon and children!" Clemont exclaimed.

"Where is Meowth?" Ash asked as he looked amongst them but couldn't find it. The children trembled as they all pointed in the direction that they came from. Ash ran for it with Pikachu running by his side.

"Espurr! Espurr!" It shouted as it pulled Clemont by his pants urging him to follow it.

"What's wrong Espurr?" Clemont asked.

"Espurr! Espurr!" It shouted.

"Groooo" The Pokémon caused an uproar as they urgently tried to push the gang and the children out.

"De, De!" Dedenne joined Espurr's side as it too started to urge the humans to follow them. The children continued to hurdle together as the gang didn't understand why the Pokémon were all in a panic but soon found out for themselves as boulders started to fall.

"The cave is collapsing!" Clemont shouted.

"But Ash is still inside!" Serena cried.

"Ash will find a way! Come on we must hurry!" Clemont said confidently as he pulled them away as they all ran out to safety along with the children and Pokémon.


With Rinora's guidance through the intricate maze, Meowth was able to find the Pokémon and children. They were all laying on the ground past out. It woke up the children first, some were surprised that it could talk while others remembered hearing about it from relatives that are agents. It told them that they had to get out quickly as it proceeded to wake up the Pokémon. Out of curiosity, it had to ask them how they wounded up here and why didn't they return home. If they were out like this they could have left at any time, there's no way that all of them were sleeping this whole time.

They couldn't remember...none of them knew how they got there or why they were there in the first place. It listened to them recollect their thoughts as they slowly realized that they were in the cave near home. Meowth couldn't help but think that was how it felt when it woke up. It decided not to dwell on it any further. They needed to start making their way out. The Pokémon seemed to have a better understanding of their surroundings as they offered to lead the way out. As their headaches started to cease, the children started to remember their way as their memories were starting to come back while still not able to recall how they got there in the first place. It seemed all too familiar to Meowth. Who could have done this?


They walked into a small open area with a few tunnels to choose from as Meowth picked up the sound of footsteps coming from behind them. It stopped in its tracks as the footsteps became silent, turning around to see the three men covered in black from head to toe. Their silence was as intimating as their black shades covering their eyes. Their black-gloved hands reached for their poke balls that contained their Pokémon. They released; Exeggutor, Leafeon and Abomasnow. There were no commands from the humans, it seemed as if the Pokémon were acting on their own. Exeggutor used physic on the Pokémon and children to prevent them from escaping as Leafeon and Abomasnow surrounded Meowth as their number one target. Meowth acted quickly as it used double team to multiple itself with all its copies using flash to blind its adversaries. Out of confusion, Abomasnow used earthquake by slamming its fists into the ground causing the caves to shake as well as creating a big hole in the ground revealing the hidden river flowing rapidly underneath. However, Meowth was able to blind the two long enough to keep them distracted. Meowth jumped high in the air as it slashed through Exeggutor's psychic glare causing it to break its concentration.

"Hurry!" It yelled to the Pokémon. They wasted no time as they pushed the children out. The cave started to collapse due to Abomasnow's assault. The Pokémon and children ran away as well as the men and their Pokémon, all except for one. As Meowth proceeded to run out himself, he couldn't help but stop as the one man walked up to him slowly. Each step the man took made it harder for Meowth to move, its mind was racing as its dreams of the dark shadow appeared in the man's place. Is this the same man that separated them? What does he intend to do? What does he want? The man was standing over it as he reached out his black-gloved hand as if he were about to grab it, but as luck would have it...

"Pi, Pi, Pi...Pikachuuuu!" Pikachu used electro ball on the mysterious man as the twerp entered the scene as well. The man bounced back to his feet quickly and was ready to fight.

(Meowth!) Rinora appeared as the cave started to shake even more.

(You must hurry! It's too dangerous to stay!) She hollered as she pointed the way out. Meowth didn't hesitate and started to follow the warm light she provided.

"Pika Pi!" Pikachu shouted as they both saw Meowth run away as did the man covered in all black. He started to run after it but was stopped as Ash order Pikachu to use thunderbolt.


"Meowth! Wait up!" He shouted with Pikachu safely on his shoulder as he ran after it. Meowth stopped for Ash to catch up then quickly started to run again. Rocks were falling everywhere as the cave walls shook intensely. Meowth suddenly turned to run in an adjacent tunnel.

"We came this way!" Ash shouted.

"She said that way is blocked!" Meowth responded.



They entered the hall that was the home for the Statue of Rina. The ceilings were crumbling as boulders continued to fall.

"We came through this way." Ash motioned to the tunnel they came in through.

(You mustn't go that way, here go through here.) Rinora reappeared to Meowth as she pointed to a wall, (It's an old path that will take you to the labyrinth above. It will lead you to safety, hurry he's coming!) She then disappeared

"She says that we need to go this way." Meowth said pointing to a wall.

"It's a hidden passage, just break down that wall." Ash walks towards it as he briefly held a blank stare. Meowth held a blank stare of its own as it looked up at him.

"I'm telling you the truth, she said this way is best." It spoke honestly.

Ash's warm smile brightened his features as he said. "I believe you, I was just wondering what you would have done if I wasn't here."

"It's hollow, I'm sure I would have managed just fine without you." It smirked as it responded snidely.

"Ha, Ha" "Pikachu" The two laughed and smiled as Meowth's little smile started to grow as it chuckled slightly to itself. Ash ordered one of his Pokémon to break down the wall. Footsteps echoed as someone entered the hall as they turned around to see the man covered in black walking up to them.


Meowth heard a voice as a big boulder crashed into the statue causing it to block the man's path. Meowth ran up the stairs that were hidden behind the wall quickly with Ash right behind it. They exited the caves and were above the waterfall once again. The waterfall was becoming weaker as the vibrations from within the caves continued. Suddenly the ledges started to collapse as Meowth began to fall along with the rubble. Ash jumped after it and grabbed ahold of Meowth as he called out Noivern to catch them. He held onto Pikachu and Meowth tightly in his arms as they watched the beautiful waterfall disappear along with the labyrinths that were inside the caves. It was all gone, the high mountainside was in shambles. Noivern then brought them down to the ground safely.

"Ash!" The twerp's friends came running towards them. Meowth quickly jumped out of the twerp's grip and ran to the edge of the water. The dust from the damage started to diminish as it saw up in the distance far away high in the sky three figures flying away. Suddenly, its legs gave way as its body became too heavy. Its body was going numb as it collapsed to its knees as its exhaustion started to consume its entire being. It's what happened last night, it was stuck lying here all night in unbearable pain until it was too much to handle and passed out.

"Meowth, are you alright?" The twerp moved to its side as everyone gathered around, unsure why it collapsed.

Meowth felt a gentle wind as a gentle hand placed itself on his head. He saw it was Rinora standing beside him.

(I'm sorry, it's because of me. If you weren't so lethargic you wouldn't be feeling this way, at least not to this extent.) She moved in front of him to stand on the water's surface.

(There's always the bigger picture to everything we see.) She said.

(The energy maybe to much for you now but I'm sure you'll be able to rekindle your balance as change sweeps over your world.) She then placed a gentle hand onto its koban causing Meowth to stiffen at the touch. The koban sparkled its unique light, surprising everyone that it was doing it on its own.

(We will always protect you as long as you keep your heart open.) She said as she started to fade away. A few stars and the sliver of the moon seemed to shine even brighter as she disappeared.

Meowth suddenly felt the sharp pain enter its body as if it were being electrocuted internally. Meowth slowly moved its paw to its forehead.

"Everything is spinning. I feel like my whole body might explode. What is this feeling? My body feels so heavy, I can't move." Meowth was trying to calm himself down as the strong sensation felt like it was pulsating throughout his entire body.

"You're trembling," Ash mumbled at the unforeseen sight as everyone stared in bewilderment.

"This happened before." They all thought as they recalled that terrible moment in the forest. Pikachu jumped off of Ash's shoulder as Dedenne jumped away from Bonnie as they both joined its side, looking at it worryingly as they acknowledged it was in dire distress.

"Pi, Pikachu, Pika Pi, Pikachuuu." "De, De."

Ash proceeded to pick it up but Meowth softly batted him away with what little energy it had left.

"Do...n't" It huffed as it continued to look down. Ash squeezed his hands into fists as he watched it tremble in whatever pain it was bearing on its own. He's had it! He turned his cap backward and despite Meowth's best effort to push him away, it couldn't stop him from picking it up.


"No...stop...put me down!" Meowth protested but to no avail as Ash ran into town with it in his arms. It wasn't long till Ash rushed inside the Panacea as Meowth continued to tremble in his arms. It kept trying to get out of his grip but it felt so weak. It felt lighter than Pikachu. There was no feeling of force as Meowth kept trying to push him away. It was as if all of its energy was completely drained and yet it kept fighting as if its pride refused to submit in such away. No one was around as the wind chime rang, but it wasn't long till Elena rushed in to see what was all the commotion.

"Espurr, you know better than to be out this late," She started chastising only to see it wasn't Espurr.

"Oh, what are you doing back here?" She then noticed the feeble Meowth in his arms trembling in pain. Ash tightened his grip around it as Meowth continued to struggle to be put down. Elena acted fast as she went behind the counter and grabbed an unfamiliar packet. She then rushed over to them.


Something popped in her hands as dust sprinkled onto Meowth. Within seconds Meowth past out while its body continued to tremble slightly.

"What did you do?" He asked. She didn't answer him as she showed him the small coin-shaped pouch. It was aluminum blue with gold letters saying 'Snapping Sand,'

"What is it?"

"Sleeping powder." She answered.

Elena took Meowth into her arms as she took it into the back with Ash right behind her. He followed her out into the garden. She walked to the back of the garden where there was a light yellow cabana. She pushed the light yellow curtains to the side revealing a small pool in the ground. The pool was very small as she gently sat Meowth down letting the water reach its shoulders as she rested its head to the side. She walked over to a small cabinet and opened its doors revealing gems, stones, potions and other items that were unfamiliar. She took a shiny black stone along with a light green stone. She placed the piece of jade into the pool as she took the black stone and smashed it into dust mixing it with other ingredients that were also unfamiliar to Ash.

"What are you doing?" He repeated himself, "What is that?"

"This is Hematite, this along with the Jade will help calm its mind, body, and spirit. I knocked it out because it's best for it to sleep it off."

"What's wrong with it?" He asked as she poured the dust into the water creating a beautiful dark blue hue, then she lit a small leave that released a soothing smell and placed it near its head as the smoke drifted around it.

"Its body is exhausted while its mind is running laps. It's just overstimulated with little to no energy. It should be back to normal within a few hours. You can come back for it tomorrow."

"But I want to stay." He whined, Elena sighed as she looked at Meowth's sleeping form, observing that the convulsing has stopped.

"I guess there would be no harm in that."

"Do you know why it happened?" He asked. Elena turned away to start putting things back in their place.

"Please, it happened before. We were in a forest near some ruins. I know its wrong of me to ask someone else and if I want to become a true Pokémon master than I should be able to figure it out myself but I don't know what I'm missing."

He lowered his head in defeat as he felt the tears well up. Elena eyed the pool filled with cold water and what appeared to be a Meowth in a peaceful slumber. She then eyed the boy that pressed the lid of his hat closer to cover his tearful expression. She softly sighed to herself as she walked over to him. She then rested a comforting hand on one of his trembling shoulders.

"Meowth are notorious at hiding things even the wisest of Pokémon masters have a hard time." She stated, "Meowth are also playful creatures filled with pride, making them one of the most stubborn of all Pokémon. I'm sure that this Meowth sees that you truly care. Be patient, see beyond what you can see and keep your heart open."


After some time, Elena removed Meowth from the small pool and placed it on a silk bed to the side while still having some sage and another incense burn. She wrapped it gently and then proceeded to push Ash out of the cabana.

"But you said I can stay."

"You can, just not in here. Clean energy is now circulating within this cabana to cleanse its entire being. Now is the time to walk away so this healing space doesn't become tainted. You can sleep outside beside the cabana if you want but only if you promise not to go inside till I say so."

Ash agreed to her terms and was given some blankets and pillows so he can stand by. He wanted to stay awake, to wait and see if it was truly okay, but sleep soon won him over.


The sun hasn't even started to rise as Ash woke up to the sound of the curtains from the cabana move. He jumped up to his feet only to run into Diggory.

"Tch, well look who decided to wake up." He said snidely. Ash was in no mood for this as he tried to move towards the cabana but was stopped by Diggory blocking his way.

"It's not in there anymore."

"What do you mean? Where could it have gone?" He demanded.

"Relax kid, it couldn't have gone far. The only way to get out was through the mountains and due to your little run in last night that way is gone leaving us with only the ferry."

Ash didn't want to waste any time as he ran off, not willing to stay and chat any longer with someone like him. His feet instinctively carried him to the docks with a gut feeling that it could be there. As luck would have it, it was there. Sitting at the edge like it did yesterday. Meowth was staring at the water in the direction of where the waterfall once was. As he approached it, Meowth didn't move. It didn't give him a glance or any form of recognition that it was aware of his presence. It was gone again, he knew it was just by looking at its back. He approached it slowly and bent down beside it as he gently poked its cheek.

"Meowth start." He spoke softly, causing Meowth to flinch as it looked up at him with its blank stare but then returned its attention to the missing waterfall. It was yesterday all over again as if its mind was on autopilot even for social interactions. Is this the end result after something like that? Or maybe everything is truly just too much for it and it's weighing it all down. The fact that it persevered this long is truly amazing...it's amazing. In silence, he sat beside Meowth as they watched the sun slowly rise together.


The welcoming sunlight was so inviting as they peacefully watched the sun rising above the surrounding mountain peaks. The heavy fog that blanketed the water's surface slowly lessened as the sun forced its way to make the water shimmer in its light. The wind blew gently against Meowth's whiskers as its ears twitched slightly. He was thinking about it...the pain he felt. He sort of wanted to know why but he also just wanted to pretend like it never happened. So many thoughts were racing through his mind. All in all, he just wanted this whole thing to end. Vigorous footsteps filled his ears as the two of them looked back to see it was the spiky dark blonde-haired man strutting his way to them.

"Why the heck are you wasting your time out here? Quit moping around! You should go back to the Panacea." He ordered arrogantly.

"You will do no such thing!" A stern voice filled the air, it sounded old and bitter. A reluctant Milo was following an old man with short grey hair and was wearing a grey yukata as he used a wooden cane to hold his balance. His demeanor was bitter as he held a strict gaze upon Ash.

"Milo! Diggory! What is the meaning of all this?"

"Sir, I can explain." Diggory quickly spoke up.

"No Diggory, it's because of me." Milo said. The angry old man quickly silenced them by slapping their sides with his cane. He then pushed them out of his way for something else caught his eye. He walked up to Meowth, then eyed the damage that was further in the distance behind them.

"Oh, please don't tell me he's the leader of Team Solaris." Meowth thought nervously. The man's strict eyes fell onto Ash with a sharp glare that could stun even the bravest of heroes.

"I think you and your friends have done enough damage, leave Vosche Town immediately. Diggory! You have a boat, there's no need for them to wait for the ferry. Take them to Anbero City now!" He ordered.

"But it wasn't us!" Ash said defensively. "It was those men, they attacked us before..."

"Enough!" He demanded as the man raised a hand to silence him.

"I'm well aware that you and your friends weren't behind the disappearances. My eyesight may not be as grand as it once was but I can see far better than you. I can also see that a Rocketeer has been separated from its guardians and is now somehow traveling with the likes of you." Ash gasped.

"It's not hard to tell." He answered Ash's internal question.

"A Pokéteer is different from the average Pokémon. They have a will that is unlimited, they can't be contained no matter how strong the nets try to trap them. This one," He pointed his cane at Meowth's eyes.

"While its unique ability gives it away, it is the eyes that truly speak to me." He stared at it as Meowth held its blank stare despite the questions circling its mind.

"You were taught well," the man continued.

"But no matter how hard you try to hide it, your eyes of water will always give you away." Meowth shyly averted its gaze.

"Where are the others? I heard there were more."

"They're back at the inn Osamu," Milo answered.

"Well then what are you waiting for, go get them!" He demanded, "I want those Xenos out of my town now!"

"Xenos?" Ash breathed.

"Just wait a minute, Meowth told me 'Xenos' meant 'outsider' but an outsider from what? Ever since we left Cularo Town I have been hearing that. Just what in the world is going on here?" He demanded.

"You've got a lot of nerve." The old man's stern voice bellowed softly.

"I don't care if you were only here to help. It's the fact that you're here in our beloved town that's putting everyone on edge. We owe you nothing, Now Get Out!." He then turned to Milo and Diggory.

"Diggory! Get your boat ready, Now! And as for you," He returned his attention onto Meowth.

"The shadows that linger here in Kalos are dangerous. You will be returned to where you truly belong."

"But sir,"

"Silence!" He cuts Milo off.

"You know where Jessie and James are?" Meowth asked filled with hope but the man's stern gaze didn't falter.

"Of course not, we will send you back to Kanto."

"I'm not leaving!" Meowth's demeanor was as strict as Osamu's.

"How dare you suggest I turn back now when I came this far!" It was those eyes again, Ash observed. In a fleeting moment, it felt like it was someone else.

"I want to go to Anbero City. Team Rocket will be there. I know I'll find them there."

"And if you don't?" He questioned as if his aim was to tear apart Meowth's blind faith. "What if you run into those men instead? Do you honestly think once you leave these mountains that would be the end of them?"

"I want to go to Anbero City!" Meowth said it with even more force as the fire of passion burned brightly inside its radiant sapphire eyes. It was full of untapped confidence as it stood there determined, ready to fight for what it believes in as if nothing had the power to stand in its way.

"I'm well aware of your intelligence and I'm sure you have reached the conclusion that they are indeed behind your mishap. They found you and they will come after you in ways that you cannot imagine." He was tapping into a few of Meowth's darkest fears. The doubt...even in times when it felt confident its doubt in itself always lingered waiting to come back. The fire that was burning so brightly started to dimmer as its confidence and self-doubt continued on with their never ending rivalry.

"Just let them try!" The twerp interjected, snapping Meowth out of its internal conflict. Shocked at first, Meowth looked up at him as the twerp gave it his optimistic smirk while placing a comforting hand on top of its head.

"We'll find Jessie and James together." He said confidently. Meowth didn't know what to say.

The bright sunlight felt warm as it was peaking from behind the twerp. He certainly is an unique human that has an undying love for Pokémon. He would do anything and everything in his power to help any Pokémon in need. Meowth always knew this as it gently pushed his hand off of its head. Meowth didn't smile back as it held a blank stare while withholding any form of acknowledgment or appreciation.

"What was that?" Meowth thought it saw something white furred scurry off in the distance behind the old man. It was quick but Meowth could have sworn he saw it.

"I want to go to Anbero City." It repeated. Osamu studied Ash for a moment before turning his attention onto the scratch cat, noting the fire in its eyes that was fighting to stay alive. He turned around without saying a word. He eyed Milo and Diggory as if he were telling them their orders telepathically before he walked away from the young bunch.


Back at the inn, Ash told Dr. Pan and his friends that they will have to leave earlier than planned.

"That's a real shame he won't let you kids stay." Dr. Pan stated.

"I ran into Osamu last night. I told him everything and showed him all the research I've done. He was very impressed so impressed he said I could stay a little longer to continue my studies. There's just so much to explore here, I just can't possibly leave now and I couldn't have found this exquisite town without that remarkable little Meowth." He exclaimed as he looked around.

"Where is it?" He asked as they too started to look around for it. They figured it was in the tearoom but instead they found it at the entrance of the inn talking to Smeargle.

"Smeargle, Smear." Smeargle gave Meowth a little box.


"Smear, Smear."

"And chocolate too?" Smeargle nodded. Meowth clapped as it was ecstatic to hear the wonderful news.

"Thank you!" Meowth said happily as he accepted his gift.

"I guess sweet treats really is all it takes." Ash thought amusingly.

"It looks like we'll be parting ways little Meowth." Dr. Pan interjected.

"Why must he keep calling me that!?" Meowth thought aggravatedly. "I know I'm short but seriously layoff my height!"

"I'm so thankful for all that you did. I sure hope we meet again someday." He said very kindly.

"Whatever!" It responded rudely so it could maintain its cold-hearted stance. Meowth was relatively thankful to be parting ways with the annoying man. It then felt a twinge of guilt as it acknowledged that it is being a little harsh to someone who has been genuinely kind. Maybe if it were under different circumstances Meowth wouldn't have hated the man so much.

"Ha, Ha, My you sure know how to make things entertaining." Dr. Pan laughed it off as his upbeat nature prevented anyone from scolding it.


Milo guided them to the pier one last time as Diggory did as he was ordered to do and had his off white shanty boat ready to go.

"I'm truly sorry that you must leave like this, he means well but is a very strict man." Milo said as he gave them his farewell. He then looked at Meowth but they suddenly heard loud cries.

"ESPURR! ESPURR!" It was Espurr running towards them waving its paws frantically hoping to gain their attention.

"ES, ES, ESPURR!" It shouted. After reaching Meowth and the gang it stopped to catch its breath quickly before handing Meowth a little yellow box with a tiny blue ribbon tied on top of it.

"Es, Es." It said happily.

"For me?" Espurr nodded.

Meowth looked at the tiny box and lifted the lid. Inside was a tiny silver charm of a rocket with a star by its wing dangling from a silver chain. Meowth lifted it out of the box as it looked to Espurr but then it saw something white-furred in the distance dash away again.

"Was that..."

"Interesting, silver has the ability to help you feel more balanced," Milo stated as he looked to Meowth.

"Es, Espurr, Espurr!" Meowth listened to Espurr explain the gift excitedly but couldn't help but think about the white furred being that was briefly behind Espurr.

"Oh...uh" he realized it was his turn to respond. "thank you." He spoke shyly.

"That's so cute!" Bonnie squealed.

"It looks like you have a new friend Meowth." Serena added as Meowth growled out its frustration, shaking as if it was a teapot ready to blow due to their praises.

"Ha, Ha." Milo chuckled softly, preventing such an occurrence.

"Looks like you're finally on your way to Anbero City." Meowth was really intrigued by Milo, he couldn't put his paw on it but there was something about this man's peaceful aura that Meowth really liked.

"It's the pearl of Kalos with a whole lot to discover for all of you."


Milo and Espurr waved goodbye as they watched Diggory's boat leave the harbor as Milo heard the familiar sound of a wooden cane and footsteps from behind.

"You may be a well-respected champion but we have our own quarrels to deal with as the new moon of change draws near. To soil our hands with someone like Giovanni is unwise." Osamu said.

"That was never my intention," Milo stated.

"The pillars that Team Rocket stands on are crumbling. It's the natural order of things, they failed to preserve what was important and now the consequences of their actions are at their doorsteps. We must observe from afar and take note so it will never happen to us. Your convictions for that Rocketeer may be genuine but it wishes to remain blind."

"Are you sure about that?" Milo interrupted, "You saw the fire in its eyes. It hasn't given up, it will still fight for what it wants. At first glance it seems its will of fire has little to no life but when its pushed to its limit its fire burns brightly screaming for air so it can live abundantly again. It is a Pokéteer. A Pokéteer without a path, lost with no ambitions to guide it."

"You can't teach someone to have ambition. They have to learn it themselves."

"I believe in our blessed skies that they will help it find the strength it needs in our times of great change." Osamu sighed as he looked to the skies as the sun was still in the midst of reclaiming its place. He started to walk away as Milo spoke up.

"You would have never let an outsider like Dr. Pan stay in our town before. Why the sudden change of heart?"

"His mind is open to all the unlimited possibilities in our world. We must preserve what is precious to us as everything else falls apart." With that said Osamu continued walking away leaving Milo behind who continued to watch the boat become even more distant as Espurr kept on waving goodbye oblivious to the humans' conversation.

"Secrets contain great powers of change but the change they bring all depends on you. What will you do, little Rocketeer?"


The docks were becoming distant as Meowth walked away from the waving bunch, hoping to find a place to itself on this small boat. Meowth jumped up to sit on the flat roof that the shanty boat provided as it watched Espurr wave goodbye.

"ESPURR, ES, ES, PURR, ESPURR, ES!" (LET'S DO ANOTHER MISSION TOGETHER SOMEDAY!) She shouted. Meowth looked at the tiny yellow box that held its new silver charm as a smile made its way onto its features. The distance kept growing as it watched Espurr wave goodbye as well as...

"Furfrou?" Meowth couldn't believe it as it saw Furfrou sitting further behind Espurr watching it leave.

"There you are!" The mini twerp exclaimed as she climbed up the ladder.

"Up here!" Within a matter of seconds, Meowth's secluded spot was gone as everyone sat near it.

"Nothing will change after this, you hear me?" It spoke in a shallow, defensive tone while it stared at the mountaintops surrounding the valley.

"I will rejoin Team Rocket. Things will go back to the way they were." It told them with its back towards them. "They have to." It spoke as a slight twinge of fear was lanced over its words.


"It's such a pretty view," Serena said admiringly, breaking their silence as they watched the sun continue to rise above the mountain peaks. The wind was calm as it blew against their loose clothing and their hair while it blew against the Pokémon's fur.

Meowth turned to see where he saw Furfrou, it got up nodded towards him before dashing away. In the corner of his eye he thought he saw something twinkle, Meowth turned to where the waterfall would have been as the valley became even more distant as the dense forest and mountains started to close in on them as they exited Vosche Town's valley.

"The secret of time..." Meowth smirked at itself as it looked to the tiny yellow box with the blue ribbon on top. "...Its time to move forward."


Author notes:

Snapping sand: I've been waiting for the day of this little guy's introduction. In my warped mind I've always imagined agents from Teams such as Team Rocket would have little tricks, like the Pippin bag. Snapping sand was my first idea. I always thought wouldn't it be diabolical to have sleeping power stored in tin foil in the shape of one of those chocolate coins. In other words I guess you could say I created chloroform for Pokemon...you know for kids!

What Milo and Elena are using is Reiki to heal Meowth's shoulder. I won't be able to do it justice on explaining it well but to summarize it, Reiki is the concept of using good energy to heal. When I left the series around generation III, they had a movie with Lucario and they talked about aura as if it were an energy. So basically I'm sort of expanding on that as well. Again I haven't seen the recent series, I know they brought the concept of aura a couple of times but I'm not aware how deep they went into it.

Jade brings calm and serenity energies, basiclly energies to calm the mind

Hematite is grounding and clears the mind with the power to strengthen our connection to the earth.

Silver is the metal of the moon and protects the wearer from negativity. There is more to this metal and the gems I mentioned but I'm only giving you a quick brief on it. I'm not going to give a fully detailed lesson on holistic healing practices, mythologies etc. These notes are only to help you understand why I wrote certain things in or to give you an idea of what my inspiration was. Going into it deeper is all on you.

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