Pokemon: The Lost Quest

By violetflame90

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Meowth has been separated from Jessie and James in the Kalos region and is looking to rejoin them. Lost and a... More

Lost and Found
A Separate Situation
School Days
Catch me, Catch you
Rocky Trails: Part I
Rocky Trails: Part II
Bread Crumbs and Shattered Paths
Strange Encounters
Strange Hunting
Strange Beginnings
Prepare for Flare!
The Amazing Forest!
Amazing Discoveries!
The Amazing Rivers!
The Amazing Mountains and their Restless Quarrels!
Following the Flow leads to Amazing Secrets
The Amazing Mask of Secrets
The Amazing Caves and their Secrets
It's Amazing Meowth! Part I
It's Amazing Meowth! Part III
The Anbero Trail
The New Moon Approaches
The New Moon of Truths
The Trio Together Forever

It's Amazing Meowth! Part II

194 2 0
By violetflame90

Chapter 21: It's Amazing Meowth! Part II


Since Meowth's hiding spot was discovered, Dr. Pan came in asking if he could study the trinkets Meowth has been carrying. Meowth told him that it no longer had them. Dr. Pan tried to press it for more details but Meowth quickly dismissed him causing Dr. Pan to leave in a dampened state. It was relaxing in the tearoom once again until it heard a stampede running through the halls. Not wanting to stick around Meowth ran outside to hide on the rooftop since the tearoom was clearly no longer safe.

Ash almost forgot about that little detail as he slammed the doors open. His anger was in full bloom blinding him to what was in front of him as he stomped into the room.

"I've had it with you! Let Dr. Pan see them! They don't even belong to you!" "Pika!" He shouted not realizing that the room was empty. The other voices were muffled but Meowth could hear Dr. Idiot pleading with the twerp to not make a fuss.

The half-moon was shining brightly as Meowth enjoyed the night breezes. Suddenly, the wind started to feel oddly cold as some of the lights that lit the sidewalks started to flicker. The grey fog grew thick as the young woman from last night reappeared. She looked at him sadly with big ghostly bluish-grey eyes as she placed a hand over her heart and reached out with her other hand, before turning her attention away. Meowth's body was shot with a strong vibration that was intoxicating as it watched.

"Who are you?" She turned her full attention back onto him at the question and motioned for him to come down. Feeling a strong energy as if it were pulling him, Meowth did just that, this time as he reached her she was still there.

"Who are you?" Meowth tried to ask but its voice failed as if the sensation blocked its ability to talk normally.

(I'm worried.) She said as Meowth looked up at her filled with concern over its inability to speak fluidly.

(My name is Rinora, I'm so worried about the Pokémon and children.) She walked away into the fog and without hesitation, Meowth followed her.


It was morning as Ash and the gang woke up and had breakfast. They were out most of the night but came back with nothing. Milo expressed his gratitude and reassured them that all will be fine and that they can leave by taking the ferry today.

"Diggory will be back soon to help me take care of the matter." He said. "You are under no obligation to help us. I'm sure that your travels through the mountains were a tiresome feat. It must have been a struggle spending all those days when you could have been completing your journey for the league." The gang couldn't help but feel like Milo was trying to push them out the door as nicely as possible.

"But we don't mind staying here to help," Clemont spoke up as they all nodded. "Do you think Meowth may have went missing? I haven't seen it around since yesterday."

The last time anyone has seen it was Dr. Pan asking for the medallion and mask. After he returned to the group all depressed Ash stomped his way into the tearoom ready to give it a friendly reminder of what happens to thieves. But unfortunately Meowth wasn't there and everyone begged him not pursue it any further, for they didn't think it stole those items. Meowth did say it got the medallion during its scavenger hunt and the mask was just being returned. To the best of their knowledge, it may have already returned those items...hopefully. They couldn't find it anywhere in the inn nor did they see it anywhere in town. To have Pokémon and children go missing in the night without a trace was a frightening case. Luckily, none of their own Pokémon went missing. Even though Meowth may not belong to any of them, to know that it was safe would making leaving this town easier.


As they walked through town with Milo as their guide, they couldn't help but feel onlookers glaring at them. Once they reached the docks to where the ferry would be, they saw Meowth sitting at the far end of the pier gazing at the water's horizon.

***Stomp, Stomp***

Meowth heard two thundering stomps behind him and slowly turned to see a very disapproving twerp.

"You better have a good explanation for yesterday!" "Pikachu!" Meowth didn't respond as it looked up at the twerp with its hallow expression, it then turned its attention back onto the water's surface that was blanketed by the fog. It was impossible to see through the clouds of fog but Meowth was able to hear the sounds of the waterfall in the distance. A crowd started to form as Milo acted quickly as he placed a friendly hand on Ash's free shoulder.

"Please Ash, don't make a scene here. The ferry will be here any minute. Instead of arguing maybe it would be best if you left on nicer terms."

"I will not leave until everyone who is missing is found." Ash declared.

"We don't want your help, Xenos!" Someone in the crowd shouted.

"Leave our town!" Another barked.

"Xenos?" Ash questioned as he and his friends listened to the crowd chanting for them to leave. The crowd was filled with animosity as they glared and shouted their insensitive slurs. Ash was so confused as to why this was happening. He then turned his attention back onto the scratch cat itself who was still in a daze looking at what appeared to be the waterfall. It was gone again. To briefly see the emptiness in its eyes clouded Ash's mind with uncertainties. The idea of Team Rocket being behind it quickly crossed his mind but was dismissed just as quickly with the fact that kids were missing too. Meowth wouldn't be acting like this if that were true. It's always like this...distant, melancholy and never speaking a word about anything.

"Here watch this," Bonnie said slyly as she approached it carefully and poked its cheek.

"Meowth start!" It flinched at the sudden touch, it turned to her wide eyed then leaned away slightly.

"Do you have any ideas?" She asked. Meowth looked at her with its blank stare then returned its attention to the water.

"No fair, it worked last time and I had more time." She sadly whined as her friends watched. Normally it would have snapped, it was as if its mind was put on auto pilot mode even for social interactions. An utter of a simple one-worded answer would have been better, but now there's nothing. Did it just give up? Why? Why is it like this?

"Everyone, please calm down," Milo spoke to the crowd of agitated townspeople. "I assure you we will get to the bottom of this crisis."

"Those brats must be in on it! They must be looking for more than just our Pokémon!"

"We are not behind it! We would never do anything like that!" Ash shouted back defensively. "Pika!"

"Then what are you doing with the Rocketeer!?" Someone in the crowd questioned.

"What?" The gang gasped. Before anyone had a chance to respond Meowth walked passed them and stood in between the twerps and the Team Solaris crowd.

"Rinora told me that there will be an attack tomorrow night." It informed them monotonously.

"Did you say Rinora?" Dr. Pan questioned.

"Meowth how do you know this? Who's Rinora?" Serena inquired, puzzled by what the little feline was saying as the townspeople were letting its warning sink in. Meowth side glanced her with its melancholy blank expression but then quickly averted its eyes.

"Please, you can tell us." She begged.

"Meowth," Ash spoke softly.

"My Fellow Comrades," Milo spoke up regaining everyone's attention.

"Let us all return to our daily schedules. The sun will always shine its light onto us and Rinora has always protected our town, we have nothing but the utmost gratitude for our blessed skies. Please leave everything to me, our Pokémon and children will return home." He then turned to the gang who remained perplexed.

"Look the ferry is almost here." He pointed out as Meowth turned to see the ferry making its way to the docks with its hallow expression. Without saying anything it started to walk back to Helmos Inn.

"Stop!" Ash huffed in a shallow tone.

"I'm so tired of all the secrets. Just tell me what's going on with you." His feelings of rage restarted its battle with his feelings of concern. He can't stand Meowth but he also can't help but feel worried, why was it acting like this? It's so far removed from this world that it's almost robotic. Meowth didn't stop as it kept going at a slow pace so Ash ran in front of it, blocking its way.

"I told you to stop." His demand was hoarse as he kneeled in his place, not knowing where he stands in all of this. "I want some answers."

He helped it so many times before, why must this time be any different? Where are Jessie and James? Who could have taken them? Why should it matter if it was just in his conscience to do so?

"No!" He heard a scream deep within. It's a lie! He doesn't help anyone for pity's sake. Hypnotized or not, Meowth is alone. It's a lost Pokémon and it needs his help no matter how hard it tries to push him away. He looked into the emptiness of its eyes; Meowth was just standing there staring off into space with its aimless expression. The shadows within his own heart were fighting to take control as he stared into its ghostly blue eyes.

"You deserve this!" The darkness echoed, Ash gasp at himself for thinking such a thing and he even said it out loud too. How could he? How could he let such dark desires win?

"You should leave." Meowth's monotonous voice broke Ash out of his internal conflicts.

"There's nothing for you to gain here. There's nothing for me to say for you already know. Jessie and James are missing and I'm trying to find them. That's all there is. You may have helped me in the past and I'm thankful for that, but this is different. Those were quick fixes but this..." It paused as its eyes sturred.

"I need to be in Team Rocket but you're such a condescending twerp that you will never understand my wish for something that you hate. You're insufferable...this journey with you was insufferable. Leave this town twerp. You are obviously not wanted by anyone." It spoke monotonously. It didn't whine nor did it cry, it didn't even sound sad. It sounded done as if it were defeated while it stared at him emotionlessly with ghostly eyes. Meowth then slowly walked around him, leaving a bewildered group behind.

"I'm Not Leaving!" Ash shouted breaking their overwhelming silence but Meowth didn't stop to acknowledge him, it just kept walking as its mind drifted even further away.


Upon returning to Helmos Inn Meowth walked into the tearoom and closed the shoji behind him. Ready to plop himself onto an inviting zabuton, he heard a commotion outside in the garden. He walked outside to see Smeargle enjoying its break by painting on a huge canvas that was against the wooden fence that bordered the garden. An Espurr was watching it paint and it seemed rather bored. It perked up once it saw Meowth come out to join them. Ecstatic by the new face it ran up to him.

"Espurr! Espurr!" (It's you! It's you!)

"Uh...yes?" Meowth was taken out of its daze by the sudden cheerfulness of Espurr.

"Espurr! Espurr! Es, Es, Purr!" (Oh my! Oh my! You're a Rocketeer!) Espurr continued to ecstatically ramble.

"Espurr, Espurr, Purr, Purr, Es, Es, Esp, Espurr, Es, Espurr, Purr, Purr." (I'm a Solateer and I work for Team Solaris. Are you here to help us with the disappearances? Please say yes, I've always wanted to work with a Pokéteer from another team. We are always working with those blockheads from Team Oyama, doing the same thing over and over again. I tell you if I see another rare stone or jewel I'm going to explode. I really want to help with the disappearances too, but they say its too dangerous for a Pokéteer but then I said 'Dangerous? Ha, I'll give you dangerous!' And then I blasted the room with a little psyshock! Ha, Ha!) She laughed it off sadistically; Meowth couldn't help but think there was something wrong with her. Espurr's demeanor quickly changed as it glared at what was approaching Meowth from behind.

"Espurr, I see you found your way into our garden again," Milo said kindly. Espurr didn't respond as it continued to glare at all the humans with a pouty expression.

"Does it belong to someone?" Clemont asked.

"You can say that, ha, ha." He laughed softly.

Milo quickly lifted his hand and caught a small pebble that was thrown towards his face. Everyone was in awe by his incredible reflexes but couldn't help but look in Meowth and Espurr's direction. Espurr pretended as if nothing happened while Meowth just watched the scene unfold filled with concern for its own safety due to the erratic psycho.

"Don't look at me like that." He thought nervously.

"It's so cute!" Bonnie exclaimed as she was about to hug it senselessly but Espurr made sure that didn't happen by scratching her.

"OW!" Bonnie cried at the pain she received on her arm as Espurr stood proud of its actions. Clemont rushed to his sister's aid, reminding her about respecting a Pokémon's space while their friends asked if she was all right.

"Pika!" "De, De!" They shouted ready to attack.

"Es, Es Purr!" (Bring it on!) Espurr said motioning for them to come at her.

"No, No please don't start a fight," Milo said trying to calm Espurr down as did Smeargle who was pulling Espurr away while Ash and the others calmed Pikachu and Dedenne down. After he dealt with Pikachu, Ash then bent down to face Meowth at its level.

"Meowth," Ash sighed. "Please, I want to talk to you."

Espurr forcibly pulled Meowth to her side as she stood behind Meowth.

"Es, Es." It said as it shooed him away with her paw. Espurr proceeded to pull Meowth away from the humans but Milo stopped it from leaving.

"I know what we need, let's go inside and have some tea." He suggested calmly.


They all gathered around the chabudai in the tearoom with Espurr sitting relatively close to Meowth on one side and on the other Smeargle at the request or rather demand of Espurr. A teapot filled with green tea was placed in the middle surrounded by an assortment of sweet treats and Meowth wanted them all but reminded itself to have a little self-control. Smeargle happily served Meowth and Espurr giving them some pieces of chocolate and...is that a lemon square? Meowth was in heaven as it happily picked up its fork beside its plate and began to eat the square as if it were a human. It was in total bliss, happily eating its tarty sweet treat completely unaware of the various soft glances of relief.

As the teapot gradually became empty and the pastries disappeared, the energetic Espurr talked up a storm while Meowth simply listened and Smeargle sighed every so often. Espurr eyed the strange human that observed them quietly, seeing that he wanted to interrupt their good fun as he scooted closer to Smeargle. Espurr threw daggers at him for such a daring move as she quickly pulled the two Pokémon up to their feet with the intention of returning outside. Milo shook his head as he sighed to himself while watching the sassy Solateer drag the two out to the garden with a confused outsider slowly trying to follow.

"Ash," He called out calmly to stop him from going any further as he placed a comforting hand onto his free shoulder.

"I was once told that the healing energy within tea can resonate within the room itself. Why don't you let all your Pokémon enjoy this space?" He suggested as Ash's expression lit up at the idea.

As Milo left the room to return to his other duties Ash quickly released all the Pokémon. The many Pokémon spread out on their own as the garden started to become livelier.

"Its Nomia Inn all over again!" Meowth grimaced. "Is he seriously still trying to get us to like each other?"

Meowth groaned inwardly as he saw all their carefree faces filling up the once peaceful garden. Espurr started to growl loudly as she too was growing annoyed by all the commotion.

"Es, Es, Espurr, Purr, Purr." (What's with all these pets!?) She whined loudly. "Espurr, Espurr, Purr, Es, Espurr, Purr." (I can't smell any of the flowers with all of this human stench in the air.)

The few surrounding Pokemon overheard as they narrowed their glares towards Meowth and the new Pokemon. Pancham walked up closer as it focused on Meowth's shoulder while Meowth nervously backed away. It heard Espurr emanate another growl as it looked up to see the twerp walk towards them.

"Pancham, Pancham." It said as it pointed towards Meowth's shoulder.

"Pika?" It tilted its head.

"What's it saying?" Ash asked as he observed Meowth place a paw over its shoulder. Hawlucha landed on the wooden fence behind Meowth as it eyed the scratch cat carefully. It shook its feathers then stretched out its wings. Hawlucha then spotted Noivern relaxing on the roof of the inn and decided to join him. They briefly glanced at each other then down at the scratch cat. The two continued to watch him from a distance as they stood in the spot Meowth used as a hiding spot when the tearoom was ineffective.

"Meowth," the twerp said as Meowth started to feel strong gusts of wind.

"Can we talk?" He calmly asked as he took another step forward while Greninja stood behind him. The wind got stronger as Meowth glowered then turned away from him.

"About what I said yesterday," Ash continued despite the cold shoulder he was receiving. "I want to say...Woah!" He felt a strong gust of wind interrupt him by pushing his hat off. He quickly caught it and held it against his head as the wind continued to blow roughly.

"Espurrrrr." She continued to growl as the plants swayed with the wind. The debris and loose petals danced in the wind as Meowth covered its eyes. Smeargle sighed as it plucked a small purple flower and handed it to Espurr. Her eyes sparkled and gladly accepted it as she started to smell its sweet scent.

As the strong winds died down, Meowth uncovered his eyes as he saw a few blades of grass fly past him. He gasped as he swallowed the air within his lungs as he watched them float. As Ash lifted his hat to its normal position he watched Meowth stare off into the distance. He doubled blinked as he thought he saw a fleeting light sparkle in its eyes. He watched colorful blue eyes slowly lose their liveliness as it stared up aimlessly towards a small tree next to him.

Hawlucha continued to watch from afar while most of the Pokémon walked around the garden. The scratch cat was looking straight at him but wasn't seeing him for its vacant expression was clear to see. He felt a soft gust of wind blow by as he turned his attention to the Espurr that was now content with smelling a flower as the Smeargle next to her shook its head. He watched as Ash started to bend to the scratch cat's level but stopped himself. Slowly, Ash started to back away as he would sometimes tightly squeeze his fists. It watched his shoulders rise as his chest filled itself with air then returning to normal as he turned to walk back inside the inn with the lid of his hat preventing Hawlucha from seeing his expression.


The garden became a buffet of all sorts of entrees for dinner as Meowth growled bitterly when it found out that Milo has given his blessing to the twerps that they can move their party into the tearoom. Smeargle was kind enough to bring Meowth and Espurr those amazing dumplings and what made it even better was that the three of them were the only ones to have them.

"Where did you get those? I didn't see any dumplings out there." The mini twerp said as she came back from the little buffet. Meowth continued ignoring the twerps as it happily enjoyed its delicious dumplings. Some of the Pokémon started to take notice too and were also wondering the same thing. The way Meowth and Espurr were enjoying their exclusive treat was making them want to try some too.

"Pika, Pika Pikachu?"

"De, De, Dedenne?"

"Pan, Pan?"

"Chespin!" It reached to grab one but Espurr slapped its paw away from her plate.

"Es, Es, Espurr!" She said snidely.

"Meowth, That's Riiight!" He chimed in.

Ash watched from afar before going outside himself. Annoyed by the displayed behavior, he started to move forward but then felt a gentle hand place itself on his shoulder. He turned to Serena who smiles warmly at him as she began to whisper.

"It's finally starting to have a normal appetite, we can always fix its bad manners tomorrow." Ash sighed, as he had to agree with her, who knows how long it has been since it had a full stomach. Meowth was actually smiling for once as it enjoyed itself. Ash released another deep breath as he felt a small smirk grow.


The twerp and his friends were joined by Dr. Idiot and Milo at the chabudai enjoying their dinner together. Espurr gave Smeargle a demanding look causing Smeargle to leave Meowth's side briefly then returned with pieces of that heavenly lemon cheesecake with chocolate shavings and raspberries sprinkled on top for the three of them to enjoy. As Smeargle placed Meowth's plate in front of him, the twerp quickly intervened and took his cake away.

"Hey get your own!"

"Where were you last night?" Ash demanded. His friends grew tense as the calming aura in the room started to shift.

"I'll give it back but I want some answers first." It was definitely a risky move but if a bag of cookies can get it to pretend to belong to someone for a day then the promise of some cake should work too.

"Es, Es." Espurr shyly pushed her plate in between them so they can share her piece and glared at Smeargle to do the same.

"Es, Es." She said sheepishly.

"Really?" They both nodded.

"Thank you, it's been so long since I had someone on my side for once!" Meowth exclaimed with glee. It then glared at the twerp with a cunning smirk.

"Looks like you lose, you Stupid Twerp!"

Ash slammed his fist hard onto the table then pushed himself up to his feet as his anger fueled his urge to pounce. Everyone flinched to the shaking of the table and the sounds of chiming utensils as some remained focused on their plates not willing to look up.

"I will go make us a pot of tea," Milo suggested. "I'm sure you all have room for dessert as well."

"Yay!" "De!" Bonnie cheered.

"How about it Ash?" Ash's scowl softened as he became aware of the rising tension in the room. His friends eyed him worryingly while Meowth was enjoying itself as it ate a raspberry.

"I want answers!" He shouted as he stomped his foot.

"Whose Rinora?" He demanded as Meowth's blissful state was shattered. The tarty flavor became bland in its mouth as its mind traveled back to last night.

"ES, ES!" Espurr exclaimed astonishingly, which startled everyone especially Meowth.

"ES, ES!" It said again, Meowth wasn't sure what to say but decided to nod sheepishly.

"ESPURR!" It screeched its excitement as it bounced up and down on the zabuton. "Es, Es, Espurr, Espurr, Purr!"

"Pi?" "De?" They asked confusingly as the other Pokémon listened and were confused by the commotion.

"What's it saying?" Bonnie asked excitedly for Espurr's excitement was rather contagious.

"Rinora is a maiden of the moon, she protects Vosche Town." Milo explained.

"So I wasn't hearing things!" Dr. Pan exclaimed as thousands of hypothesizes flooded his mind of all the possibilities as his blood boiled with the excitement of all of what he could discover in this town.

"I'm confused," Ash stated, as the rest of them were not following.

"Rinora is the full name of the woman depicted on the Statue of Rina." Dr. Pan answered.

"But then how could Meowth have seen her?" Serena asked the question that was on everyone's mind.

"Well from what we discovered besides Meowth and Baltoy working closely together."

"Huh?" The annoying man gained Meowth's full attention at the mentioning of Baltoy. "What discoveries?"

Before he continued, Dr. Pan couldn't help but notice a pair of sapphire eyes that stirred with curiosity.

"Those eyes..." He could have sworn that he saw something sparkle inside them but decided to move along with the topic at hand.

"We found some legends that depicted Meowth being able to see things that can't normally be seen. According to some texts, it was considered good luck to have a happy Meowth guarding their shrines and temples."

"See what can't normally be seen?" Clemont questioned as they all looked skeptically at the scratch cat Pokémon.

"Legends?" Meowth mumbled to itself with its blank expression as if it were trying to comprehend it all as well. It started to slouch and its eyes turned from beautiful sapphires to tainted ghostly blues in a matter of seconds as it drifted off.

Was it bad for them to talk about it? It left them so fast as it looked at the teapot in the middle of the table with its vacant expression. Suddenly footsteps were heard storming their way through the halls. The shoji slammed open and there stood Diggory with his wicked smirk.

"Alright time for that rematch!" He shouted as his Zangoose came charging from behind and jumped onto the table's edge in front of Meowth with its claws pointing in its direction.

"ZanGoose!" It hollered.

"Your On!" Ash jumped with excitement at the sound of a challenge. "Pika!"

"Let's show them what we've got Meowth!"

"Huh?" Meowth snapped out of it only to come face to face with a Zangoose who was squatting like a sumo wrestler so it could glare at him directly.

"Gah! Where did you come from?" Meowth exclaimed as Ash felt his excitement drain out of him.

"You were gone even during all of that?"

"Back off, I know it doesn't belong to you!" Diggory said rudely which aggravated Ash. Meowth was starting to grow nervous to where this all might lead to as he watched the obnoxious spiky haired man walk towards him. Diggory crouched down quickly in front of it and grabbed it by the chin so he could look into its eyes directly. Just like the Flare from before, he was way to close for comfort.

"Essspurrrr." Espurr pouted due to the situation as it growled annoyingly. Diggory's arrogant smirk quickly faded as he pushed Meowth away.

"Tch!" He got up and started to walk out, "Forget it! I don't want to battle with a weakling like you!"

"How dare you say that!" Ash shouted, "Just give Meowth a chance...it will beat you!" He said defensively.

"Tch, boy are you stupid. I want to battle a Pokémon when it's at its best and to top it all off its injured. I refuse to battle a Pokémon when it's not at its fullest!" He stated proudly.

"Injured?" They all turned to Meowth who flinched under their gazes as if it was caught with its paw in the cookie jar.

"Don't listen to him, he's an idiot! I'm not injured." It quickly tried to recant Diggory's statement.

"Where is it?" Serena demanded which shocked Meowth slightly since she's been rather passive this whole time.

"Show us right now!" Ash added as they surrounded it with disapproving glares.

"I'm fine." It said defensively but then a sudden slap made contact with its shoulder. Being one of the few that paid close attention to the scratch cat's actions of always rubbing its shoulder and being extra careful to not strain it, Pancham smacked it hard on the shoulder for it was done playing along. To keep its secret out of respect had to end. Like the others, it was curious to see how far Meowth would go to hide it but enough was enough. However, while some still did not like seeing it around, they had to admit that Meowth's resilience was impressive.

"OWW!" Meowth cried in pain as the soreness spiked.

"Why I outta..." It then scratched Pancham in the face, which created a ruckus amongst the Pokémon as they were ready to aid their friend, but were quickly subdued by their trainers trying to calm them down. Meowth then felt a gentle hand land on its good shoulder, it turned to see Milo's genuine smile.

"The cat's out of the bag now, Ha, Ha." He chuckled as he spoke calmly. He proceeded to touch its wounded shoulder.

"It's tender but it's not broken or anything. Some heated bandages will do the trick, after that try stretching it out to loosen the muscle that is sore." His large hands were warm as Meowth felt his light heal its pain through his delicate hands. After he was done, Meowth's shoulder started to feel a million times better, Meowth was almost disappointed as he removed his comforting hands.

"Tch...how disappointing and I was looking forward to it too." Diggory mumbled under his breath.

"Yo Milo, I'll be staying for the night!" He declared as he walked out into the hallway.

"Yes, yes," Milo said calmly.


"Wait!" Ash stopped him from going any further as he ran in front of him in the hallway, away from the tearoom.

"What did you mean by all that? What else is wrong with it?" He asked troubled with what else he could have been missing. How did this jerk notice its injury and not any of them?

"You seriously can't tell? Boy, you're dumb! Well...I guess it can't be helped since Meowth are notorious for hiding things. I only brought up its injury because I figured it would be best for it to get it checked out. We have spas and treatment facilities in town that are much better than some wannabe Nurse Joy."

"So there really is something else? What is it? Please tell me, I keep asking it to talk to me but it refuses and shuts down like it's gone from the world. I know I have my own resentments that I need to work on but I just can't turn my back on it. I want to help please just tell me what I can do." Diggory was taken back to see such a reaction coming from a Xenos as the boy grabbed him by the sides of his muscular arms, lightly shaking him to tell him everything he knows about the Rocketeer. The Xenos lowered his head as his voice became shaken with grief. Diggory grabbed his hands to remove the Xenos off of him.

"Open your eyes, kid. A true Pokémon master wouldn't take any backdoors. Try to figure it out yourself." He then pushed the Xenos to the side and proceeded to walk away.

"A true Pokémon master?"


Author notes:

Espurr: I don't normally talk about my own characters but for the love of Espurr I loved writing her so I hope you enjoyed the little eccentric furball as much as I did. BTW...I know Espurr can't learn any rock/ground type moves so the little pebble throwing wasn't a move it was just Espurr being a brat...I felt I should mention that just in case someone cries foul.

Rinora: The name was inspired by three virgin martyrs named Menodora, Metrodora and Nymphodora.

Cats and temples

One popular breed is the Birman and was said to be the companion cat of priests. Another example is on your next google search if your interested in learning something...type in cats in temples and the first few things that pop up would be Japan's shrines to cats. And of course there is the ancient Egyptians and their goddess Bast.

When it comes to cats seeing spirits...there isn't any texts or myths that I could find (or that I can remember off hand at the moment) but I will say this: I guess it could go without saying that I do believe there are spirits, etc. and that we could connect with them in someway. (This is a personal belief.) I would always catch my cat looking up at something or meowing at something that wasn't there and she wasn't looking up at the ceiling it was as if she was looking up at a human. One time I saw her looking up as the sunlight from my bedroom window shined on her. She was so focused on something that I passed by her twice before I walk up to her and said her name for her attention. She turned around to me and it almost felt like I caught her in the middle of something...about a week later she died from natural causes. So due to my experience and of course my personal beliefs I do believe that cats have a six sense. I probably sound like a crazy cat person right now to some but on a somewhat happier note she was my childhood pet and the funny thing is I got her when I was ten and obsessed with the Pokemon anime...its ironic how things work out.

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