His runaway mate

By LeaneLvdb

6.5K 134 11

She is a rogue on the run from her old abusive pack and she lives for freedom. He is a possessive Alpha of th... More

Chapter 1


285 8 0
By LeaneLvdb

I woke up with the sun shining warm rays on my face. Today is a cloudless day.

Eben must be in the shower since I can hear the gentle sound of water drops hitting the shower floor.

I sit up from the soft bed and rubbed my eyes so that the brightness in the room doesn't bother my eyes too much.

I stand up from the bed and walk to the closet door. I put my hand on the icy handle and pull the doors open.

I walk to where the girl's clothes are and pick out a pink tank top and black jean shorts.

I quickly get dressed and put on some sandals I found in the bottom of the closet draws.

I leave the closet and as I do the bathroom door opens and Eben comes through it.

"Oh! You're up!" He gives me a heart melting smile. Wait no! What am I thinking!

"Yeah!" I reply looking away from him flustered from seeing him in only his towel.

"Did I wake you?" His tone was serious.

"Uh... no." I give him a short answer still looking away from him and out the window.

"Why are you avoiding looking at me?"

"What! Am I?? Didn't realize... um... I'm going to spend the day with Casey... she is helping me get ready for the festival..." He turned me around to face him after I spoke.




"Casey wants to take me shopping for a dress or something... and uh-"

"Would you like money for it?" He asked in a serious but calm voice.

"If that's okay?" I take a step back realizing we had been only inches apart.

"Yeah. Take my card I won't need it today... buy whatever you like! And if you see something you would like even if it's not for the festival, I want you to get it for yourself!" He took a step forward closing the distance I put between us.


"T-thanks." I murmured as softly as I could. He still heard me. Thanks, super hearing.

"Sure." He turned around and gave me his card.

Then he went into the closet and closed the door.

I took the chance to escape and head to Casey's room.

Casey and I spent hours in the mall looking for things to wear. Okay maybe not hours just like two but still I hated it!

Casey and I headed back to her room in the pack house and we started getting ready.

Casey put my escape outfit in a bag that looks so cute with her outfit that you wouldn't think it would hold anything bad in it...

After I got changed into the dress, we chose from this really cute store in the mall Casey put slight curls into my long dark brown hair. She added a small amount of tiny white shimmers into my hair to make it look even nicer. Then she added a bit of mascara and lip gloss.

When we finished Casey pushed me to a huge mirror on her wall so I could see my finished make-up and dress.

The dress is a flowing beige sleeveless dress with rhinestones going around my waist.

Though top part of the dress has a swirling pattern on it and the bottom reaches up to my knees.

(This is what the dress looks like)

"Wow!" Is all I managed to say.

"Wow is right!" Casey laughed at my shocked expression.

A few moments later we hear a knock and I immediately know its Eben by the way he smells. Don't judge okay! It's the link between us that allows me to know!

Casey opens the door and Eben walks in. I take a deep breath and go toward the door where I find a very shook Eben.


A very pleased Casey.

"You look-" he didn't finish his sentence instead he walked closer to me. I nervously took a step back.

"Thanks... you too." What am I saying! How stupid am I. Saying things like this isn't what I always do! This dumb link is making me say this stuff!

Suddenly I feel Eben's gentle hand picking my hand up and then he kissed the back of my hand.

I hid behind my hair to hide my blush but Eben pushed the hair behind my ear and said: "Don't hide from me!" His voices stern.

"Come! I have people for you to meet!" He turned still holding my hand and pulled me out the room.

I look back at Casey and she winks holding her bag with my get away gear in. I smiled back at her relieved and nervous about our plan.


Eben and I arrived at the venue the festival is being held. He drove us here but the car ride was dead silent.

I was afraid to say anything to him that could result in him finding out about the plan. If he does find out I have no doubt I will be locked up and beaten until I can hardly breathe.

So instead I sat squished against the car door the whole time.

"Shall we?" He looks at me with a breathtaking smile and all I could do was nod still not trusting myself to speak.

He gets out of the car and closes the door softly as if it's a small child he doesn't want to hurt.

Before I could open my own door Eben opens it for me.

"T-thank you." I almost whisper but I know he heard me because he nodded at me.

He looks at me with curiosity and then holds out his arm for me to hook onto.

After I hooked my hand around his arm we start walking to the entrance of the festival.

They made the festival and indoors event because they found out that it would rain later on and the festivals usually last longer than five hours.

As soon as we enter through the doors of the white and orange striped building the music hits us hard.

There are hundreds of dancing bodies all over the place.

Some people are at booths buying accessories or food and drinks.

Everyone's scents are mixed and I can't tell who is who. Not that I know anyone in any case. But still! It will definitely help with my escape.

"Hey! Do you want something to drink?" I talks loudly but thanks to the music I can barely hear him.

"Uh... yeah! That would be nice! Thank you." I reply with the same attempt as him to be heard.

"Okay cool! Let's go to that booth over there!" He points at a small green booth decorated with different types of drinks.

"Okay!" I nod at him for in case he didn't hear my reply.

He gently took my hand in his sending sparks down my arm and heads towards the booth. Damn mate link!

When we get to the booth a really nice guy takes our orders and then he complemented me. Eben gave a warning growl to the poor guy making him give a small jump.

"Eben it's fine he just said I look nice!"

"No one dares even look at you! You belong to me! You are mine! If another guy just thinks of you, I will tear him apart!" His eyes turned a dark shade of black.

"Hey hey hey! It's okay calm down! Don't let Xier win this just calm down and you can introduce me to some people!" I say placing my hand on his shoulder which results in him closing his eyes and taking a deep breath.

When is eyes opens again his eyes are back to the normal beautiful grey color they have been before he got angry?

"Okay." With that he turns around and walks further into the crowd.


After a long time of meeting new people and talking to a bunch of other pack alphas I found the guts to put the plan in motion.

"I need the bathroom!" I say plainly trying very hard not to give him clues about the plan.

"Okay. It's over there!" He points to the outside of the building we are in. "It's just outside to the right! I can go with you if you want!"

"No, it's okay! I'll be back soon!" I turn around not taking a second glance at Eben and go towards the bathroom.


The bathroom is decorated with roses and even smells like them. The floor is a light pink and the walls are a light shade of cream.

As I admire the cute bathroom Casey walks in.

"Are you sure about this?" She asks hesitation clearly in her voice.

"Yeah! I really just can't handle all of this!" I force a smile at her but she doesn't return it. She just hands me her bag.

I take it and head into one of the stalls. They are also a light pink.

I get dressed holding the beautiful dress in my hand. I spray loads of the perfume I wore around Eben on it and head back out of the stall.

"Here." I give Casey her bag back but I keep the dress and the perfume bottle in my hands.

"Well I guess I'll see you around." I can feel Casey's sadness in the air around us.

"I promise this isn't goodbye between us!" I give her a hug and then giving her my most reassuring smile, I am able to give her.

I turn to the door and walk through it.

Before I completely reveal myself the world outside the bathroom I peak around the corner of the entrance to the bathroom.

Luckily there aren't any people outside! All of the guests are inside the huge building.

As quick as I can I go into the woods. But I dont go in too deep. I go to a tree with red leaves and place the dress down on the floor.

I take the lid off of the perfume bottle and I spray perfume all over the dress and on the tree. I spray some perfume on the grass and in the air.

I place the bottle on the dress. And I turn into the opposite direction and...




I sprint as fast as my legs could allow me to. I run past the pack barrier. I don't even look back.

I just Run.

Too be continued...


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