drugin' shadows


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Book #1 of the Love & Trauma series. More

drugin' shadows
drugin' | foreword.
drugin' | two.
drugin' | three.
drugin' | four.
drugin' | five.
drugin' | six.
drugin' | seven.
drugin' | eight.
drugin' | nine.
drugin' | ten.
drugin' | eleven.
drugin' | twelve.
drugin' | thirteen.
drugin' | fourteen.
drugin' | fifteen.
drugin' | sixteen.
drugin' | seventeen.
drugin' | eighteen.
drugin' | nineteen.
drugin' | twenty.
drugin' | twenty one.
drugin' | twenty two.
drugin' | twenty three.
drugin' | twenty four.
drugin' | twenty five.
drugin' | twenty six.
drugin' | twenty seven.
drugin' | twenty eight.
drugin' | twenty nine.
drugin' | thirty.
drugin' | thirty one.
drugin' | thirty two.
drugin' | thirty three.
drugin' | thirty four.
drugin' | thirty five.
drugin' | thirty six.
drugin' | thirty seven.
drugin' | thirty eight.
drugin' | thirty nine.
drugin' | forty.
drugin' | forty one.
drugin' | forty two.
drugin' | forty three.
drugin' | forty four.
drugin' | forty five.
drugin' | forty five.
drugin' | forty six.
drugin' | forty seven.
drugin' | forty eight.
drugin' | forty nine.
drugin' | fifty.
drugin' | fifty one.
drugin' | fifty two.
drugin' | fifty three.
drugin' | fifty four.
drugin' | fifty five.
K.R. note

drugin' | one.

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A hotel room at Ace Hotel was already booked for Shantey by Anissa when they left the gym in Long Beach. She had showered quickly when she got there and decided to nap. Her slumber lasted a few hours before Sino woke her to go over Tavon's to see her son. She as nervous and excited to see her eleven year old. Shantey and Tavon were both young when their son was conceived. She was sixteen while he was eighteen. Her becoming pregnant was the reason her mother put her out and sent her to live with her aunt in Long Beach.

Shantey never regretted her son because he only made her push harder in life and go after what she wanted.

Sino drove through the gated community of Woodland Hills while Shantey sat in the passenger seat, waiting patiently to reach Tavon's house. He finally pulled into the circular driveway of the three-car garage cul-de-sac residence. The barely was in park for a second before Shantey excitedly hopped out of the car. Shaking the his head, Sino grinned at her excitement and cut off the ignition before stepping out of his lifted Jeep himself.

Not wanting to wait for anyone to answer the door, Shantey found her way on side of the house. Her heart thumped in excitement. She spotted Tavon and her son the basketball court, heading in that direction. The basketball court rested a level below the house, having to take stairs on side of the pool. She kicked off her sandals to get there faster.

Tavon caught the ball Romeo shot into the hoop from the three-point line. "You ready for yo Moms to get home?" He asked, passing him the ball back.

The eleven year old nodded his head while catching the ball. His long hair curly and in a bun, he dressed down in a white tee and Nike shorts. He shared the same golden brown skin as Shantey. "Yeah... I miss her. Why the blogs say she coming home but she isn't?"

"Well, son, I actually–"


Father and son spotted Shantey making it down the bottom of the stairs. Romeo quickly released the basketball from his hands and bolted towards his mother. They engulfed into a tight embrace.

"Gotta surprise for you. ." Tavon finished his sentence. He chuckled and walked over to them.

"Aww," Shantey cooed over her son as she looked him over. "You're taller than me! You sure I was only gone three months? How you grow taller than me?"

"Becoming a man," Romeo smiled at his mother. He wrapped his arms around his once more. Three months to him felt like long year. He felt no judgement towards his mother nor anger about her being in rehab. The eleven year old is only glad his mother was home and alive.

"You are, oh my goodness."

"Where yo shoes at, country-ass guh?" Tavon asked noticing her barefoot.

"Kicked em off," she shrugged, "I had to run to my baby boy-- excuse me, my growing man."

"You fucked up the surprise. You was supposed to wait inside. Not run yo small ass outside."

"I couldn't wait on allat. Come on, let's catch up, Papa."

Shantey and Romeo sat on the nearby bench as Sino walked onto the basketball court, bouncing the ball around with Tavon.

"Oh my God, I missed you," she crossed her legs, facing her eleven year old. "How's middle school, Papa?"

"It's nice. It's a lot of older and cute girls."

"Of course you've checked out girls," they cracked a small laughter. "Just keep your Johnson in your pants. All girls have crabs and STDs, even girls in middle school."

Romeo chuckled. "Mom, I'm not in elementary anymore. I don't believe every girl has cooties anymore."

"Elementary was easy. My son is handsome as hell. Girls will be after you. Your Dad talk to you about the birds and the bees yet?"

"Yeah, don't smash the hoes."

Shantey laughed and shook her head, "that sounds like dumb stuff your Dad would say. These days hoes aren't easily spotted. They undercover now. Remember that. We can talk about the birds and the bees. See what happens-"

"Mom, please," he cut her off laughing, "I'm not having sex. I will come to you and Dad when I feel it's time."

"All I ask," she smiled at her son. It fades when she says, "I know you have questions for me after what happened. I know I owe you one hell of an apologize for putting you through that. I never in my life want you to feel like you're gonna have to bury me again."

"Did I have anything to do with you doing it?" Romeo questioned, "I read online that your kids caused you to overdose."

Shantey exhaled deeply. She really hated the internet, especially when they makeup lies. "Listen," she grabbed his hand, "this had nothing to do with you or your brother. Not even a little bit. Mommy was just going through her own personal issues within herself that drove me to do that myself. You or Cruz had nothing to do with my mistake. I will say, I should've thought smarter about doing something stupid like that. I'm promise you right now, Papa, I'm never doing it again. Okay?"

Romeo held eye contact with his mother, nodding his head. "I believe you, Mom. I forgive you, too. I know you're okay now and that's what is mostly important."

Shantey smiled softly, "exactly and your forgiveness was important."

"Does this mean I can see my brother now?" Romeo asked. He haven't saw his little brother since his own father had gotten full custody of him and moved him to the East coast.

"Um... honestly, Papa, that's gonna be something I have to go to court for. He's not in my custody anymore. He's with his Dad on another side of the coast."

"But you're his Mom, you should have some visitation, right?"

"Well... right now, I don't. I have to talk to my own attorney. I promise I'll do everything I can to get him back so you can see your brother. I know you miss him."

"I do," he reassured his mother.

"Me too," she touched his hair, "who been doing your hair?"

"Dad would take me down to barbershop and get it braided. I just took it down."

She nodded, "how you like living with your Dad full-time?"

"I like it, especially since my other brother stays here now and Uncle Toby's sons."

Shantey brows furrowed. "Really? Toby's boys stay here?"

"Yeah, since he went to prison two  months ago and Dad has sole custody."

Shantey start to wonder how Tae was handling being full-time Dad to his sons and four of his nephews while also playing in the NBA.

"How is he doing full-time Daddy and basketball?"

"Good. When he leaves, Grandma stays over and watch us. He's retiring."

"Retiring?" A look of shock took over her face. "Your Dad loves basketball to much to retire this early."

"That's what him and his agent was talking about. He's finishing this season and he's officially done with the NBA. His contract up with the Lakers after this season anyway."

Wow. . .

"Did he say why?"

Romeo shook his head no.

Shantey looked at Tae, who was shooting a layup on the hoop.

               Shantey spent the whole day with her son before it was getting close for him to lay down for school in the morning. Romeo walked his mother to Sino's vehicle, giving her more love before heading inside to bathe. Shantey stood by the car with Tavon, watching her son shut the door behind him. Tavon looked down at her and says, "You can kick it wit him longer if you want to."

"I'll be back tomorrow. I don't wanna mess up his whole sleep schedule." Shantey breathes out as she looked up at him. "I heard you're raising Toby son's and yours with ole girl. You big Daddy over here ain't you?"

"Sumthin like dat," he popped his collar, causing them to crack laughter. "They asses should be here in a minute."

"How did you get full custody, though? I know how of the oldest two since their Mother never wanted to be a mother but the youngest two?"

"Like a year ago, Toby had some paperwork saying if anything happened to him rather it was death or him getting locked up, I would have full custody. I agreed since them my li'l niggas. I wasn't finna let em go to foster care. Kimberly signed over her rights quickly and so did Doris, but she still agrees to getting them on the weekends. My other son live with me for good since his Maria saying she getting herself together or whatever. I got my son and let her do her."

Shantey nodded. She definitely wasn't one to judge with her recent situation, but she wasn't one to give up rights to her children. "As long as they taken care of. They got you. I also heard you retiring after this season."

"You sho' hearing a lot," Tavon cracked laughter. "Nah, I'm playin'. I am retiring doe. The game just ain't the same wit out my brotha there. Toby was the only nigga who believed I can make it. I'm used to makin' a bomb-ass shot and seeing my brotha on the sidelines goin' crazy for me. Since he locked up, I don't see it no more and shit ain't the same. I got my 40 mill for this season, a shoe deal, clothing brand, allat. Money gone always come my way but the game... I can't do it no more. It's dead."

"I understand," she nodded, "Toby definitely was your biggest fan."

"Yeah. ." he looked away from her. Shantey could tell he didn't want to get deep into the conversation.

"I'ma get outta here."

"Aight, gimme love, Mini."

Shantey frowned. "I hate that name."

"So what," he pulled her into a hug; his toned arms around her shoulders while hers went around his torso. It lasted a minute before they separated and he pressed a kiss on her forehead. "Let me know when you make it there."

"Okay," she nodded and got into Sino's vehicle. Tavon shut the door for her before they pulled out of the driveway of his luxurious home. .


March 22, 2018

Next morning. Shantey, Anissa, and Sino were finally going to her home they keeping her away from due to the condition of her house. Shantey stepped out of the vehicle dressed down in a black hoodie and yoga leggings with a dad cap covering her head, looking at the exterior of her home. Everything looked nice, but it was the inside she should be worried about. A van was already packed in the driveway since Sino paid a cleaning crew. Shantey approached the door as Anissa and Sino looked at each other.

Shantey walked in and clasped her hand over her nose due to the stench that hit her in her as soon as she walked in. Anissa and Sino had the same reaction. He leaves the door open so it can air out, but apparently didn't work since the cleaning crew had the doors in the kitchen and all of the windows open, but the strong stench still remained.

"It smell like rotten food and fucking piss." Shantey complained as she looked around her once glamorous mansion.

One of the guys on the cleaning clew approached them in a full body gear. He handed them nets to covered their shoes and a face mask to block out the smell.

"Thanks," Anissa spoke behind the mask.

"Can I know what the hell that smell is?" Shantey asked the tall male.

"When we came food was left it pots for what looked like months. It caused maggots to appear."

Hearing that, Shantey gagged in her mouth. "Ridiculous. Were they only in the kitchen?"

"That we could see. We don't know if say may have traveled under the floor boards or cabinets. It would be suggested to pull up the entire floors from the kitchen to the living room and remodel the entire kitchen because cabinets would have to be knocked down."

"As if I have a couple hundred thousand to fucking waste." Shantey groaned in annoyance. Her not having that much to spent was true. She barely made any money last year since she overdosed before her tour and every musician knows the tour is what beings in the most money.

"Thank you, man." Sino said as the man nodded and walked off.

"Look at this shit," Shantey pointed at the large hole on side of the staircase. "Did I whole body go through this mufucka? I'm not understanding."

"I told you not to trust her staying here," Anissa referred to Shantey's younger sister. "She's careless and don't give a damn about nobody's property. Not even her whole."

"I get it, Anissa, I'm dumb for trusting my sista." Shantey shook her head.

She decided to walk around the rest of the house from upstairs to downstairs. Her furniture in both living rooms were torn and molded from whatever was spill on the cushions. Her decorations for her house was gone. In her bedroom, only thing remained was her bed that was dismantled. She went to Romeo's bedroom and everything was gone along in her son Cruz bedroom belongings. She noticed every television was gone, too.

Shantey boiled with anger; her adrenaline pumping and turning a shade of red. That's when she was about to do something impulsive. She punched the wall full of anger and knocked the wooden dresser over onto the ground. Anissa flinched at the unexpected actions as Sino tried to grab her, but Shantey snatched away from him and left the room. She trusted her sister to at least keep the only roof she has for her sons clean, but instead she wiped her clean.

Stepping outside, Shantey snatched off the face mask and angrily paced back and forth. Her knuckles on her right hand were red and beginning to swole, but she felt nothing since her adrenaline was taking over her body preventing her from feeling the pain.

"Shantey, I need you to just breathe, okay?" Anissa approached her cousin.

Shantey closed her eyes, taking steady breaths to calm herself. Once she feels more mellow, she opens her eyes and says, "I'm beating that bitch up."

"No you're not," Anissa shook her head, "that's only gonna cause more issues. She shouldn't have been staying here. You know how she is. She cries wolf knowing you're gonna help her. This ain't the first time you've taken a lose due to her actions, Shantey."

"I lived it, Anissa. I know."

Sino walked up to Shantey, grabbing her hand. "C'mon, we need to get your hand looked at."

"Fuck my hand," she snatched her hand away. "I'm more worried about me not having a fucking place to stay anymore. No Judge in their right mind is gonna even consider with me not having my own roof."

"Come stay with me and Daniel." Anissa suggested.

"My own roof. Not you and Daniel's." Shantey huffed, placing her arms on top of her head.

"The label and Lawerence have been calling nonstop. You're gonna have to return calls to one of them."

"Fuck that label and fuck Lawerence. I have bigger problems then being in some fucking recording studio."

"Making music that you love to do," Anissa furrowed her brows. "You're gonna let this bullshit stop you from making hits? You didn't go on tour last year, Shantey. The money from that single went straight to the label to pay them for the loss they got. You don't release music, you don't make money. If you don't make money, you won't have another house. You don't have another house, there's no chance of you getting Cruz back."

Anissa didn't want to sound harsh about everything, but it was reality of Shantey's situation. No Judge in their right mind is returning a child back to their parent when they have no roof over their head of their own. They will continue to look at Shantey as unfit. It doesn't matter about her getting herself together. She needed money and a house.

Shantey marinated that un-sugarcoated truth. She knew her cousin was right. She needed to finally face the music with her manager and the record label.

"I'll reach out," Shantey assured her cousin. "My hand is starting to hurt now."

"Exactly. Yo' small-ass tryna be Hulk." Sino said causing them share laughter. "Get in the car. I'll drive to the hospital. It's probably just sprung."

On the way to the hospital in Calabasas, Shantey thoughts were running a mile a second. She was thinking about her son, her sister, her house, and her career. Everything was happening all at once. She only prayed keeping her promise to Romeo was more important than the pills that escaped her mind from her reality. . .

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