Hospital for Souls

By horrorlover666

5.3K 378 140

When people fall to sleep and into the land of dreams, they access the gateway to the subconcious mind. Howev... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Authors Notes
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 Part 2
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22 Part 3
Chapter 23
Chapter 24


766 28 8
By horrorlover666

I lay here in my bed, thinking to myself how fucked up life is. I am completely broken. I cannot be fixed. I've been this way since I was eight years old. At this age, I lived in a bad neighborhood where the cops would come every week, crime would happen, and worst of all, I was the victim. At such a young age I had to watch people fight and even kill. A gang in the neighborhood would come to my house everyday, asking for me. My mother simply let them, thinking that they were just nice people who loved hanging out with me, even though they were much older.

Once they took me, they would beat, molest, even rape me. I never told my parents in fear of what would happen. Luckily, once I got to the age of twelve, my parents finally got better jobs and we moved out of that ghetto neighborhood. We now live in a nice neighborhood, but the torture doesn't just stop here.

My whole family hates me. I'm into weird things like death metal and vampires and my family just doesn't approve of it. I'm the one looked down upon. I'm the least favorite of them all. If that isn't bad enough, my whole family judges everything I do. I eat too much food, they call me fat. I don't want to go to church, they make comments on how it isn't good. I dress in black, they think I'm a freak. This may be bad, but there's worse things in my life besides that.

At school I get bullied all the time. I've been called every name in the book: fat, ugly, slut, whore, bitch, lesbian (even though I'm straight), hoe, and even a cunt. To make things worse, some of the guys at school poke me where I don't want to be and just laugh. When I'm alone in the locker rooms at gym, some girls decide to jump me and vandilize my stuff.

On top of all of that, my parents don't even notice me. I'd rather they didn't though. It's sometimes better to have parents that don't care than to have parents that do. The only bright side to all of this is I do have a few friends that are broken just like me. Except, unlike me people at school don't hate on them. But what is it that I did wrong?

With all these thoughts on my life in my head, I slowly drift off to sleep.

Sleep gets weird. Usually when I fall asleep, I have some weird dream about either people abusing me or a good dream where I'm in control and I can do whatever I want. This dream feels different. It feels as if I'm awake. There's a long building, two stories high. Grey bricks create it. It's floating in mid air on clouds in a greyish purple pink nighttime sky. More importantly, I'm floating as well as it. I look above me to see a black archway. There's words at the top. They say Hospital for Souls. Souls? Even though it confuses me, I decide to find out more about it. I follow the path of clouds and walk in.

Getting inside, it looks like some sort of building you'd see in the Roman Times. There's an archway to enter. Once you get in, it looks nothing like it did on the outside. There's tall archways, marble colums all around. Way high up there's diamond chandiliers. I can't see a floor, foggy clouds take the place of it. There's only the one door to get in, and then a long hallway. On both sides where it ends, there's a dim nighttime sky full of clouds and stars. I look ahead of me to see a front desk. It's made of marble and it's pretty high up. There's a nurse sitting there. I walk over to it. I look at the nurse. She's wearing a regular white nurse outfit and has a bright smile.

"Excuse me?" I ask her in a polite voice. "Where am I?" The nurse stands up and begins to examine me. She then sits back down.

"You're in the hospital for souls." She says in a very polite voice.

"The what?" I ask confused. That's definitely an odd name for a hospital. Why souls?

"The hospital for souls. This is where all those broken and destroyed souls come and we fix them."

"Fix them? Alright this is confusing. How did I even get here?"

"Why don't you come with me Raven." She even knew my name. How could she possibly even know my name? The lady gets up and I follow her. She walks out of the semi-circle area where her desk is. I follow her to the wall outside but behind her desk. She knocks on the wall and a giant door opens. She gestures for me to walk in. I do as she gestures and she follows behind me.

At first everything is pitch black. But then, with the clap of her hands candle lights begin to flicker on.

I look around the room. It looks like some sort of ancient office behind a wall.

"This room," The kind nurse said. "Is the room where we basically get to know you and enroll you as a patient in here. Now, back there was the welcome room. After this first night of sleep you won't be going there or even seeing me again. Anyways, in this room we basically just check a few things and find out where to place you."

The room is dimly lit, with stone walls and a desk with a door on the side of it that looks like it belongs to a dragon. In the middle of the room there are two couches with a coffee table made of mahogony in the middle of them. Far on the wall behind this area is a bookshelf. Next to the bookshelf and about the room are green plants.

"Where would you like to sit Raven?" The kind nurse asks me. I point to the couch. I take a seat on one, while she has a seat on the other one. "Now before I begin, do you have any questions to ask me?"

"Yes. One, what's your name? Two, how do you know my name? And three, how did I end up here?" The nurse just simply chuckles.

"Well first, my name is Sarah. Second, here in the hospital for souls we have files of every single person on this planet. We have a large room where people watch over everyone and when someone is detected to be officially broken then we allow them to come here. You can only enter this place in your dreams, never in the real world. The only way a person can ever end up here is once they sleep and we detect they are broken and we need to fix them, their souls are released from their bodies and sent here where we try to help them out and let this place be a real escape from the regular world. Now, once you enroll yourself in here, this is where you will come every time you sleep. When you come here, we have a certain amount of time with you and will help you out through that time. Once you are fully recovered, we will then allow you to leave and you can go back to your regular life and your regular sleep."

It's a lot to take in, but this place seems like some sort of Heaven. I can actually get help here and become better. I can finally have the escape that I always wanted.

"Now then," Sarah says to me. "Let's talk about you for a little bit, and then we'll have you sign something and we can get you into your proper wing."

I nod my head. For some reason, I begin shaking. I always would shake when people began to ask me questions. I'm fifteen years old. When I was twelve, two years of cutting I finally got caught and I was searched. Along with that, I had to answer a series of questions I didn't want to answer. I remember how that day ended, when I got home, I was hoping my parents would ignore me like they always did, but instead they sat me down an talked to me for two hours. The talking, it didn't even seem like real talking, it was yelling. They yelled at me and told me what a disgrace I was to the family and how I'm a burden and don't even belong in this world. If that wasn't bad enough, they grounded me for a whole month an beat me with a belt to teach me not to do it again. Of course, that didn't even stop me. Now, I feel the anxiety coming back over me all over again. Hopefully this won't end the way it did before.

"Don't worry Raven, we've been watching over you for a very long time. We know most of your background, so we won't be asking any difficult questions. Now what forms of self harm do you do exactly?"

"I cut myself with anything I can find. If it has an edge it works for me. Along with that I burn and starve myself along with beating myself up and even pulling my hair out." Sarah begins writing things down on some clip board.

"Next question, how long have you been doing this?"

"Since I was ten. Maybe even nine."

"And you're parents ignore you along with you being bullied by many people in school?"


"You were molested, beaten, and raped at a very young age." This question I nod my head, I just couldn't answer it, so many painful memories from it all. "Alright, I think we have enough information here. Now all I need you to do is sign this contract basically stating that you will remain here for a year and will let us help you out."

Sarah hands me a pen, along with a sheet of paper. I quickly look it over. I can finally be happy. I can finally have some peace. I can finally gain my sanity back. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. When I open them, I place the paper on the coffee table and give it my signature.

"Excellent." Sarah smiles and takes the paper back. "Now before I bring you to your wing, there's something you need to see." Sarah gets up and walks me over to a corner of the room. It's a mirror. I look in it and realize that I don't look like my human self. This body I'm in now is actually blue! I am actually blue! This doesn't make that much sense though because Sarah is perfectly normal yet I'm blue. I still look the same appearance wise, you can tell who I am, it's just a strange thing that I'm blue. Along with that, there's whisps of blue around my feet. I look like a floating ghost, except I'm a floating soul.

"Just wanted you to see how you looked so that way when you see the other souls you don't freak out." Sarah tells me. "Now lets get you into your wing."
I follow Sarah behind the desk where the door is. She knocks on it three times and then it creaks open. She puts her arms out, gesturing me to walk in.

"Well, it was nice meeting you Raven but I must get back to my desk. Welcome to this place to reach your goals. Now enter the hospital for souls."


Hey guys! Alright this story I promise you I will not delete it! I actually have stuff written for this story! I was debating whether or not to put this story up but I am deciding that I want to do it! Let me know what you think! On the side I put the link to the ACTUAL song "Hospital for Souls" by Bring me the Horizon! Such an amazing band and that song is my fav! It inspired me for this story! Please give me constructive critisism (not negative, but things to improve on) and I really hope you all like this story! Ok that's all so BYE!!!!!!!

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