Alpha's Little Luna

By reddenedroses

5.1M 129K 28.2K

"Tell me girl, why did you and your worthless self waltz into my territory?" An unfamiliar voice booms just b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77

Chapter 56

29.1K 851 116
By reddenedroses

Willa's POV~

"Pst," I roll my eyes while turning over in bed. "You don't need to watch me sleep." I look up to Grey who, loosens his grip on me with my words.

He sighs rubbing his tired eyes.

He hasn't slept lately, all because of the fear of me walking.

"Grey," I sigh setting my hands on his face softly. Running my thumbs over the bags under his eyes, I frown. "Your mom gave me a trick on how to wake myself up when I am sleep walking. I know how to handle it."

"But, you haven't slept walked for the past few nights. You have never tried out this trick, Willa." He groans closing his eyes slowly. "What if the one time I fall asleep, you leave and something bad happens, and I'm still sleeping?"

"You don't have anything to worry about, I know I can do this."

He peeks through his eyes for a second before they fall closed again.

I hum quietly, pushing his hair away from his face. Which then makes his head fall deeper into the pillow out of exhaustion.

So the only sensible thing to do is to continue playing with his hair.

He doesn't have an option to not sleep. He's an Alpha. He has things to do, places to go, people to greet. If he won't do it on his own, that just means I have to give him the little push off the ledge to get him to sleep.

"Stop," He whispers. His eye lashes twitch, but his eyes never open. "Willa-" he whispers breathily making me smirk. Soon after his head lawls back to the pillow and his breathing becomes regulated.

As soon as I hear the steady beating of his heart, my smirk quickly changes into a frown.

I sigh laying my head back on the pillow. My eyes open as wide as they can be. Just because I know a trick to snap me out of sleep walking, doesn't mean I'm not afraid.

Greyson holding me tight isn't helping my tired state. The warmness of his skin against my own. His breath fanning softly against the base of my neck. The soft pounding of his heart, beating against my own.

Before I know it my eyes start slipping closed. "Stay awake, Willa," I whisper to myself readjusting my position to try and keep awake. Staring up at the ceiling, my eyes start becoming blurry.

Just go to sleep, it's not that big of a deal. It's been days since the time it's happened.

Slowly I feel my eyes slipping closed, even when I try my best efforts to keep them open. My cheek falls against Greyson's forehead, and my vision turns black.

Suddenly I'm surrounded by coldness. My lungs feeling compressed and frigid.

It's almost like I can't breathe. Like there's no air anymore.

My eyes open and I find myself underwater. Instinctively my arms thrash around the water, I need to get to the top. I need to breathe.

As much as I paddle to the top, my head won't break the surface. I can't get air, I can't breathe.

Blinking once, blinking twice, I pause the struggle.

This isn't real. This can't be real.

Defy your dream. I can hear Penelope telling me. This is how I get out of here.

Closing my eyes, I prepare myself. Without wasting a second, I take a deep breathe in of the water. Yet instead of choking on the fluid, I feel air run into my lungs.

Only for my eyes to shoot open a second later, my body coming to a halt as I inhale a deep breath of air.

Glancing around with wide eyes, I shake my head. Of course I slept walked.

Shaking my head being disappointed at myself, I slump my body against the wall in the hallway. That's where I walked to apparently. Just three feet or so outside my own bedroom door.

After rubbing my eyes clean of sleep, I open them back up. Only I notice a low blue glow coming from downstairs.

My eyebrows crease with the confusion washing over me.

I glance back at the bedroom door before I make my way downstairs.

Stepping on the tips of my toes, I make as little noise as possible. Skipping over every known creek that I have memorized.

Peeking around the corner, I find the glow resonating from Greyson's office.

I pause my steps feeling an uncomfortable chill run down my spine. Who would be in Greyson's office at this time?

Swallowing my breath I take the rest of my steps to the room. My hands feel clammy as I hide behind the wall. But as I sniff the air trying to catch a scent, my heart soon decreases in speed. My worrisome state subsiding.

Walking around the corner into the office, I tuck my hair behind my ears. "Isaac what're you doing in here so late?" I whisper.

He jumps from my sudden appearance, looking up to me after clicking a couple times.  "Sorry, I didn't know you'd be awake." He whispers back. "I'm just looking at the lead Greyson gave me about my pack. He only gave me until the spring to stay here, so I'm trying to get a head start on trying to find them."

Nodding my head I slump in one of the chairs Grey has scattered in the room.

Grey told Isaac that he can only stay until winter is over, it took a lot of convincing on my part to get him to agree.

It's not a surprise when I say that Greyson still very much dislikes him, little does he trust him.

"Have you found anything?" I ask resting my cheek on my hand. I watch as his eyes flick around the screen rapidly.

"Not entirely," he sighs. His eyes connect with mine for a second. "All I've found is death reports from some of my pack members."

"Death reports?" I sit up quickly once I see him nod.

"Like I said, my Alpha and Luna don't exactly run their pack like you and Greyson." He smiles but there is definitely no humor in his expression. "Starvation, poverty, violence, the list goes on."

"Why do you want to go back?"

"I don't," he tells me quickly looking up from his screen. "I mean," he sighs falling back in the chair. "I want to go back to my family, but not the pack life."

Biting my lip, running a hand down my face. 

I open my mouth to further question him, but then I hear quick and heavy steps running around upstairs. My head whips around quickly when a worried voice calls, "Willa!" 

Standing up, my heart thundering from the hurt and scared voice exclaim from Grey.

"Grey, where could she have gone?" Koda then asks quickly.

Oh no.

"I-the pond. She must ha-"

Running out from the office, I stop at the end of the stairs. Which by then, Greyson was about to come down. "I'm right here, I didn't leave the house."

Instantly, he sprints down the stairs. It only takes a second for him to pick me off my feet capturing my body in his arms.

Wrapping my legs around his waist, I hold onto him tight letting him calm down. 

I guess it wasn't wise of me to leave and not come back.

"Don't do that," he whispers into my neck.

I nod combing my fingers through his hair. Opening my eyes, I see Koda with Silas hanging off his arm. Silas's eyes slipping closed every so often, though Koda just holds him tighter against him.  "I didn't mean to worry you guys."

"Yeah, you made me fall off my fucking bed," perking my head up I see Seb rubbing the back of his head walking towards us.

"Shut up," Koda retorts. "We're just glad you're safe.

"But, don't scare me like that again." Silas says letting out a yawn. 

"What were you doing with him?" Seb asks out of the blue. Everyone's eyes turn to the small boy standing quietly in the back. 

Silas narrows his eyebrows at him, before looking up to me. He waits for my response along with everyone else. "He was awake, I was awake. so we just talked for a little bit."

"I don't care what you guys we're doing. Let's just go back to bed." Grey sighs, before carrying me away from everyone else, and up the stairs. I can't help but notice how Silas stares at him. How he grasps onto Koda tighter when Isaac looks at him. 

"Silas, is there something you're not telling me about Isaac?" I link to him, watching his eyes connect with mine before Greyson turns the corner.

"He just gives me a weird vibe, but I don't know him as much as you do. If you like him, then I should too."

"What makes you have bad vibes?"

Theres silence for a second as Grey sits me down on the bed. Him standing in front of me.

I stare blankly at his stomach as I wait for Silas to respond. Like he's thinking through his next response. Grey catches on as he tilts my head up with the tip of his finger.

"Are you sure he's telling the truth over everything he's told you?" He asks quietly.

Sighing, I lean into Greyson's touch as he places his hand on my cheek. 

I wanted to give Silas a whole hearted answer, to tell him 'yes I'm sure he's telling the truth.' But I can't seem to get the unsure tone in his voice out of my head, when he was telling me if he wanted to go back or not. Almost like he was lying.

If he didn't want to go back to his pack, why is he looking so hard for them? 

He said his family, but he still didn't seem sure when he stated it. 

What all is he lying about?

"Lay down, I'll make sure you don't sleep walk," Grey sighs tiredly drawing my mind from the current situation suddenly.

"You need to sleep too," I grab his wrist pulling his hand from my face.

"I will once I know you won't start walking."

Groaning I tuck my hair behind my ears, not liking his answer. He won't go to sleep. I'll be able to tell in his dark circles, and blood shot eyes once the morning rolls around.

"I'm not sleeping until you go to sleep." I stubbornly tell him. He needs to stop mistreating himself for me. Especially when I know how to stop myself from traveling anywhere. 

I cross my arms, as he bends down. He sets his hands on my knees as he levels his head with my own. "Willa-"

"Greyson, you need to sleep."

He smile, shaking his head. I watch him carefully as he rubs my knees . "If only you weren't so stubborn."  His eyes flick up to my eyes, since they were resting at my lips before.

My own eyes search his own, as he tucks a fallen stand of hair behind my ear. "Sleep, little one." 

Though before I open my mouth to refuse, I large amount of exhaustion washes over me. My eyes blink rapidly as I try to keep them open. 

No he didn't, he didn't just do what I think he did. 

I feel my body fall backwards, not being able to hold myself up anymore. Though Grey catches the back of my neck, lowering me down to the bed slowly. "You-You used y-your alpha voic-ce."

I stutter out as my breathing gets deeper, and more steady.

"I'll go to sleep once I know you won't get up, I promise." 

I try to keep my eyes open, but it's seemingly impossible. My mind might not want to comply, but my body does. I can't fight it. When my eyes slip closed, I feel a soft kiss plant on my forehead. Then my body goes numb.

It seems as if my vision went black for a second, before my eyes shoot open. My body raising from the bed quickly out of instinct.

Looking to my left and right rapidly, I see Greyson sit up with me hurriedly. "Hey, it's morning. You're not dreaming, or sleep walking. It's morning." He rubs my shoulder tenderly, as my breath calms down.

It feels like I didn't sleep at all. Like I closed my eyes for a mere second before they were opening back up. 

Taking a deep breath, I let it fall from my mouth before making eye contact with Grey. "Did you keep your promise?" I whisper while turning my full body to him.

He nods, sliding his hand to the back of my neck. "Eventually I fell asleep."

He pulls my head towards them, kissing my forehead once again. "Im still pissed you used your voice on me.

Grey's shoulders shake with laughter as he pulls away. "I knew you'd be," he smiles showing me his dimples.

God, I missed those things.

When I smirk back to him, he leans forwards placing his lips on mine. 

Grey gets impossibly closer to me, until finally he has to pull me onto his lap, to get even closer. 

I plant my fingers into his hair, pulling at the tips of the strands. I smile onto his lips when he gives me a low growl. 

Slowly I feel his hands retreat inside my shirt feeling his cold fingers scan across my cold back. I bite my lip as I start to moan. But I cut myself short when I hear the door handle jingle.

Okay, we need our own place.

Scrambling from his lap, I watch the door open. I try to ignore Greyson's dazed self, his hair and shirt all screwed.

Though when I see Isaac pant, coming in. My attention is quickly drawn away from Grey.

"Sorry to barge in, but I think I found where my pack could be," he pants holding up papers in his hands.

He what?


Hello! Finally, I got another update out. The next few chapters will be a sort of filler updates. It'll be the calm before the storm, if you would put it. I have a lot of plans for the upcoming plenty, and I don't think you guys are ready. 

Hope you guys like the update, I'll be back soon with another one. Thank you for the support.


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