Magcon Preferences

By austinXnash

1.8M 26.5K 7.8K

All these boys are different in their own ways and I love each and every one of them!! More

Magcon Preferences
Favorite thing to do together
Favorite fast food resturant
His Surprise To You
Diggin On you
The voicemail he leaves you
Little Thing He Loves About You
His Good Morning Text To You
So Good
His Nickname For You
How He Ask For You To Be His Girlfriend
His Name In Your Phone
Not A Bad Thing
Car He Buys You
What Type Of Movie You Watch Together
What sport you play together
Gone, Gone, Gone
On His Birthday. .
When You're Insecure...
No Faith In Brooklyn
What He Likes To See On You
The Concert He Takes You To
Baby I
T.V Show He Watches With You
Cute Moment
Pick-up Lines
How Fans Find Out Your Together
First Kiss (Part 1)
First Kiss (Part 2)
Life Of The Party
100K, WHAT?
Your Jason Derulo Song
Vans He Buys You
All I Ever Need
Youtubers You Watch
He Tweets You While He's Away
When You're Sick...
Thinking Out Loud
Viners You Watch
Your Celebrity Crush
His Celebrity Crush
A Pet Peeve He Has About You
His Phone Wallpaper
Favorite Old Disney Show
Shake It Off
Favorite Video Game
First Argument (Part 1)
First Argument (Part 2)
Apologies (Part 1)
Your Dog
The Heart Wants What It Wants
Favorite New Artist
His Good Night Text To You
Youtube Challenges
Night Changes
First Meal He Cooks You
Favorite From the Reflection Album
Favorite Quote
Imagine #1
His First "I Love You" (Part 1)
His First "I Love You" (Part 2)
imagine #2
Your Favorite Store
Imagine #3
Hairstyle He Likes On You..
Imagine #4
His Favorite Place To Kiss You
Talking Body
Imagine #5
What You Want To Name Your Son
What You Want To Name Your Daughter
Slow Motion
Type Of House You Want
Imagine #6
Favorite Old Movie
Imagine #7
Favorite Actress
Favorite Actor
Can't Feel My Face
Imagine #8
Your Chris Brown Song
Jordans He Buys You
Good Thing
imagine #9
Favorite Nickelodeon Show
Halloween Costumes
Locked Away
Imagine #10
Dirty Pick-up Lines
Favorite Disney Movie
Santa Tell Me
Imagine #11
The Break-up (Part 1)
The Break-up (Part 2)

Apologies (Part 2)

14.1K 232 22
By austinXnash

Jack J: Opening your eyes, you felt a sharp pain in your head. Then you remembered Jack hung up on you last night which made you fall asleep in tears. Hanging up on you didn't provoke your feelings it was Jack lying to you that set everything off. Why was he at a party instead of working? And the bad part was he wasn't coming back for another week, so there was no time where you could take to him about this. Without energy in your body, there was no way you could get up so you grabbed your phone, pulled the covers over you and checked twitter. There was not much going on so therefore you moved on to instagram. The second post you saw was from Jack and the comment read "Next Tuesday be ready for out new song "No Time." But until then you listen to this snippet." The sing sounded so good abd almost like it was written for you. Now you had no choice but to call Jack so you could find out what's going on. But you stopped to see you had a voicemail from Jack who called you at 3:42am. He explained that he was sorry for hanging up but when he was working the guys visited him and Jack, ready to party but he was trying to tell them he couldn't join and that he has a surprise for you. You called him back.

"Hey (Y/N) how have you been? We haven't talked in a free days and I was getting kind of worried." Jack said.

"Hey, I'm a little sick but I got your voicemail."

"Yeah well I kind of ruined the surprise because I gave it away in instagram."

"So that song was for me?"

"Of course love. Your my one and only obviously. No one else can make me write out my feelings like that. Now I gotta go again and I'm sorry but I'll see you soon ok?"


Carter: For about an hour Carter was taking to you and the guys like nothing he said mattered so you had to do something and talk to him.

"Can I see you in the kitchen real quick?" You whispered to Carter.

He got up and you followed. He got a soda out of the fridge and laid against the counter.

"So are you going to apologize or am I gonna have to pretend like nothing happened?" You asked.

"You should be apologizing for showing up like that." He smirked.

"Ok your obviously in jerk mode so I'm leaving."

"Hold on, wait a second. Ok your right, you right. You can dress how you want. I'm not the boss of you. I just think you look awesome when your all dressed up and sexy."

"And I understand that. But do you understand how much effort that takes. I don't just wake up like that. What you're looking at right now is how I wake up and I thought I looked beautiful to you no matter what I'm wearing."

Carter passionately kissed you. "Yes, you do look beautiful in anything. And I'm sorry for pressuring you and embarrassing you. Just don't leave. The guys and I love you hanging out with us."

"I'll stay if I get to embarrass you."

He sighed, "Ugh! Fine, but make it quick!"

You ran out to the living and yelled, "HEY WHO WANTS TO SEE AN UGLY PICTURE OF CARTER WHEN HE WAS A BABY?"

Matt: "Matthew I just saw your snapchat. You're not taking care of anyone but yourself. You lied to me when you could've just told me you couldn't or didn't want to hang out."

"But (Y/N) I-"

You cut him off, "You know if it's easy to lie to me I can't imagine all the other times when you told me you couldn't hang out with me. Oh my gosh. Have you been lying to me this whole time?"

"No wait! Ok, the only reason I told you I couldn't hang out with you is because I'm planning something and I didn't want you to know about it."

"And why not?"

"Well just come open the door and you'll see."

Not know what Matthew was taking about, you cautiously walked towards the door and you'll see."

Not know what Matt was about to pull, you cautiously walked towards the door. When you put your head outside Matt, Nash, Cameron, and Carter were dressed up as hula girls. Then Cameron yelled, "1,2,3,4!" And everyone started singing Humanumanukakuwah the from High School Musical and moving to a choreographed dance. At the end the boss held up a sign that read, "(Y/N), will you go to Hawii?" in big bubble letters. Then Matt yelled "How about it love? You wanna go?"

"OF COURSE I'LL GO WITH YOU MATT!" You yelled I'm excitement.

Aaron: While Aaron was driving you home after the unexpected party he the at your parents house, you fish by look at him one time. The anger built inside if you was too strong.

"Babe, you have to say something." Aaron said, trying to break the silence.

You didn't reply.

Aaron dropped you off at the house and said he would be right back. You had no interest in where he was going at this point so when you got home you went straight to sleep.

When you woke up, the air was filled with a savory smell. You walked downstairs and out of shock you walked in on Aaron making breakfast. "What's going on here?" You asked.

"This is the first step in me saying I'm sorry. So just sit back and relax because today I'm going to take car of you."

After you grabbed some coffee your phone rang and you saw it was your dad. You didn't make it to the phone but you listened to the voicemail. You heard your dad say, "Hey, just wanted to call and say your mother and I appreciate Aaron coming back and cleaning up and apologizing. Tell he has my blessing. Love you." You turned around to see Aaron and you ran to give him a big hug.

Shawn: I'm your head you weren't she what to say after that. Is Shawn implying that he just made out with another girl other than you? Even if they are fans there are boundaries. She's lips are for your lips only.

"So are you saying you just got to make out with multiple girls other than me?" You said in an angrier tone than you expected.

"I mean I hardly touched their lips but yeah it was kind of a kiss."

"Well if you knew your thumbs weren't covering your lips then why did you continue to kiss them?"

"I don't know. I just wanted to make them happy. They all do so much for me and I didn't want to let them down. If the stage kissing bothers you I can stop. But just know I love kissing you the most."

"Well I don't know you maybe can keep doing the stage kissing but, we are going to do some thumb exercises so those thumbs can get bigger!"

"Whatever makes you happy." He said while smiling.

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