Only Time Can Tell

By ShaunaRoberts304

133 0 4

Sally-Ann Neil had been working in Paris as a top paying model for 5yrs and was now making her way back to h... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter four
Chapter Five...
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven. ...
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen. ..
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen...
Chapter Sixteen. ..
Chapter Seventeen. .
Chapter 18
Chapter Nineteen. .
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one...
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-Four.
Chapter Twenty-five.
Chapter Twenty-six
Chapter twenty-seven
Chapter twenty-eight
Chapter twenty-nine.
Chapter Thirty.

Chapter Three.

9 0 0
By ShaunaRoberts304

Morning came quickly and today was a whole new start for Sally-Ann.
She had risen out of be.d feeling really refreshed, strenched her legs, then quickly got changed into a floral beach dress and headed out to the kitchen to join Luke and Karen.

Karen was already up cooking some bacon and eggs qnd Luke was at the end of the table reading the morning paper when she walked in.
"Morning, sleep well?" Luke asked placing his paper down in front of him. " Slept like a baby," she answered, as she took a seat next to him. " That's good.... coffee?"he asked picking up the fresh pot on the table. " I won't say no," she smiled at him.

" Mmm, something smells really good." " Bacon and egss - would you like some?"Karen offered. " Very much so, I'm starving,"Sally-Ann told her. " Here you go then and don't worry, Skyanne already had hers and flew outside to play," Karen told her, as she handed her a plate. "Thank-you very much Karen, this is the best meal I've had in days," she said taking a sip of her coffee.

"So what's the master plan of attack today?" Luke asked. "Not really sure... I thought Karen and I could head into town and check the shops out, as Skyanne and myself need a few thing's. Plus while I'm in town, I thought I'd check out some vans,"Sally-Ann answered.
" About that - Karen and I were talking earlier on and we would really like it if you would stay here with us until you find yourself your dream home." "Oh I couldn't do that, I'd feel like I was putting you guys out," she said. " Don't be silly, we wouldn't have it any other way and besides.... it would be so much better living here than in a crappy caravan park with a young child. At least here, Skyanne will have a yard to play in and it gives Karen the chance to get to know her niece better. Also, it would make us feel more at ease knowing your okay and safe,"Luke added.

" Well I guess if you put that way, then consider me your new roomie,"Sally-Ann smiled.
"Welcome to your new place roomie, it's going to be great having you both here," Karen said giving her a bear hug.

Half an hour later, the girl's had finally found a parking spot at the Reitman Bay's shopping centre, parked up and headed towards the main entrance of the building.

Sally-Ann went into a variety of shops grabbing new clothes, shoes, pj', some dolls for Skyanne to play with and grabbed a few things for herself that she needed. In " La-Sandras fashion," both girls brought themselves a new dress to wear to dinner with a matching handbag and shoes. Oncevthey paid for everything, they went and grabbed a coffee.

"Wow girl, you sure do know how to shop. Look at all these packages! " " I did say both Skyanne and myself needed a few thing's, "Sally-Ann told her. "A few thing's, that's an understatement if I ever heard one, " Karen laughed.
Twenty minutes later, they were heading home.

"My, what's all this? "Luke asked as he watched the girls carrying all the bags in and placing them down on the coffee table.
" Just a few things Skyanne and I needed." "Well if that's a few things, I'd hate to see what a lot is,"Luke said teasing her.
"Oh ha,ha,ha,Luke made a funny,"Sally-Ann said taking a seat.
"Phew, I'm beat. Never realized until now just how bloody big Reitman Bay shopping centre is..... my poor fucken feet hurt!"Karen statted as she threw herself down in the closet chair. " Oh your so dramatic Karen," Sally-Ann teased.

"How a cold about a cold drink anyone while I'm up?" Luke asked. " Love one thanks." "Make that two thanks, " Sally-Ann called out to him. " Here you go, "he said handing them both a cola. "Okay, so what's the plan now?"he added.
"I'm thinking maybe we could watch a couple of movies to fill in the time before we have to take Skyanne to Bettys, and then get ourselves ready for tonight.," Karen suggested. " Not a bad idea, I'll go grab us some chips, then we're all set to go," Luke said as he went to the kitchen, grabbed the chips and started emptying them into the bowl.
"Right to go now,"he said placing the bowl down on the coffee table as he took a seat.

4pm both the girls took Skyanne to Bettys. "Now you be a good girl for Mrs Logan, Skyanne and I'll see you tomorrow afternoon, " Sally-Ann said giving her daughter a kiss and a cuddle goodbye. "Okay Mummy. .. I love you,"she said cuddling her mother. "Thanks once again Betty, much appreciated, " Karen said as she climbed back into the corvette.

"I hope she's okay, as this is the first time I've ever left Skyanne with anyone over night, "Sally-Ann said starting to feel guilty.
"She will be fine. Bettys great with kids and it just so happens that Skyanne will have a playmate to play with while she's there, as Betty has her Grandaughter staying with her tonight. And if I remember correctly, she is around the same age as young Skyanne. She will love it!"Karen asured her.

Dead on 5pm, Sally-Ann went had a shower and slipped little a little black silk dress with a low scoop back, put on a pair of black heels and a necklace with matching earrings. She then applied her make-up, did her long blonde hair up, then changed her mind and decided to wear it down for once, then she sprayed herself with some Red Door perfume, grabbed her clutch purse and headed out to the lounge-room to join the other's.

"Oh my God Sally-Ann, you look amazing in that dress, it really does wonders for slim figure. Just like I said it would when you picked it out and your eye make-up really makes your blue eyes stand out," Karen told her.
"Thanks Karen, and you don't look too bad yourself. Gorgeous choice you made picking that baby blue cocktail dress,"Sally-Ann told her. "You both look stunning,"Luke told them both..... " But as for me,I feel like a flamming monkey in this suit." Oh but a very cute monkey I might add," Sally-Ann teased. " Ha,ha,ha,your sooo funny Sally-Ann,"Luke said tugging on his tie.
"Here monkey-boy, would you like a banana to go with that?"Karen burst out laughing. " Thats it, I'm changing my clothes," he said slapping his leg. " Never mind her Luke, she's just tormenting you. You look fine too me,"Sally-Ann asured him.

"How about a group photo? "Karen asked setting up her camera. " Not a bad idea...",Sally-Ann smiled.
"I hate to be a burden, but we really should get going if we're to be there by 6pm and find a parking spot. Asthe Sundowner is a very popular place and is known to be packed out normally on a friday night," Karen urged everyone. " She's right - we should get moving."

Arriving at the Sundowner dead on 6pm, they found a parking spot right out the front, locked it up and headed.
Placing Sally-Ann at the end of the table with her back turned away from the main entrance so she couldn't see when Steven finally arrived with Amanda.
Leaning over and whispering to Luke, Karen said, " So far, so good. " Giving her that look fo disapproval, Luke took his seat next to Sally-Ann. ' You guys weren't lying about this place, it's beautiful. I must say now that I love the oil painting of the young couple in the boat on the lake they have hanging over near the main entrance of the building. ... it's gorgeous. And I love how they have done this place up in a warm timber style, mixed with a dash of old verse new. It is absolutely stunning!", Sally-Ann said taking it all in.
'If your impressed with what your seeing, wait til you try their food..... it's too die,"Karen said as she picked up the menu to have a look.

A young waiter walked up to their table and asked if they were ready to order and Luke ordered the Roma's baby ribs with a side dish of green salad and two Carrabba chicken Marasalua dishes and a bottle of their most finest quality wine. " Will that be all Sir?" "That's all thanks," Luke said handing the menu back to the young waiter.
The waiter soon returned with 3 glasses, a ice- bucket and a bottle of their finest wine, placed them down on the table and said," Here you are Sir, if there's anything else that you need, please feel free to let me know," he told him, as he turned to leave.

Opening the bottle of wine and pouring 3 glasses, Luke then raised his glass andcsaid,"Here's to a bloody good night, hope it turns out to be an excellent night." " I'll drink too that," Karen said rasing her glass and clicking it against Luke's and Sally-Ann's .
"Mmm, not a bad drop," Karen said taking another sip of her drink."And I'd like to say - welcome home roomie," Karen added.
"Ease up there Karen, anyone would think your a damn camel the way your just downing these drinks," Luke teased her.

By 6:45pm the waiter returned with there meal's and asked if therecwas anything else they wanted. "No that should be all thanks,"Luke told him. "Lets eat shall we," he added. "Don't mind if I do,"Karen said picking up her knife and fork and getting stuck into her meal.. " Mmm, now this is heaven, " she added.

At the very moment Steven and Amanda happened to walked in and he walked right up to their table, stood directly behind Sally-Ann's chair and said,"Glad to see you guys made it, and I see you brought a friend along as your date Luke. Hi, my name is...."
" I know who you are," Sally-Ann said cutting him short. "Sa, Sal, Sally-Ann, what are you doing here?" " I could ask you the same
question Steven, but there's no need to for me to do that, as it's just dawned on me that this was a set up. Now I know why these two here were in such a hurry to get me here. How could I have been so dumb not to work it out. ... Thanks for the invite, but I've suddenly lost my appetite, " she said getting up and grabbing her bag.

" Where are you going Sally-Ann? " Luke asked her. "I'm leaving, that's whatI'm doing.... enjoy your evening,"she told him as she
walked over to the phone to call herself a cab.
"Come on Sally-Ann, don't be like that. Come back and finished your meal."
" You've got to be kidding me. You actually want me to go back over there, be polite and act like everything is a bed of rose's, after the little stunt you both pulled on me,"she glared at him in disbelief.
" Look, wheter you wish to believe me or not, you must know now that I had nothing to do with this set up. This is all the handy work of Karen's little master scheme, not mine. I didn't want any part of it and I told her that, but like always - Karen does her own thing. And now this is the outcome of it all. Yes, okay I'll admit I was wrong by not telling you, but please don't be mad at me. Why don't you come back to the table, finish your meal and try to enjoy your night out. I swear if Steven bothers you in anyway or you wish to leave....we'll leave. But please, just come back, finish your meal and show them all that your above all this shit. Don't let the win. .. your so much stronger than that Sally-Ann, " Luke told her.

"Fair enough than Luke, but if Steven should hassel me while I'm here, I'm leaving. Deal!"she told him. "Done deal,"he shaked her hand. "Now let's go back inside and try to enjoy this night out shall we,"he said taking hold of her hand as they headed back inside.

Once they had finished there meal, Luke looked at Sally-Ann and asked her for a dance.
They had danced too two slow dances when Luke said," Don't look now, but your being watched... How about when this song ends, I'll go ask the band and ask if they play a more upbeat number and we step it up a notch or two and do the Tango. Really give them something to talk about. What do you reckon?" " Oh your evil Luke, but hell... why not!,"she answered liking the idea.
"You do remember that little number you showed me when we were kids?"he asked. "How could I forget," she giggled. "Okay, lets do it,"she smiled.

When the music started playing, they dnced the Tango with ease. Luke glided her over the floor, lifting and twirling her around the floor. On the last twirl, he then lent Sally-Ann back in his arm's and made it out like he was about to kiss her. Glancing up quickly, he saw Steven slap his hand on the table.
"Well that did it, there all talking now and I think you might have gotten to Steven,"
"Thanks for the dance Luke, that was fun," she said placing a kiss on his check.

"Wow, that was amazing Sally-Ann, where on earth did you learn how to move like that?"Karen asked. "I did dancing lessons as a child and I taught Luke how to do that little number when we were kids."
"Well like I said, that was amazing and Luke you were bloody amazing too.... Don't you think so Steven!"she asked her brother. "Hello, I'm speaking to you," she waved her hand in front of his face to get his attention.
"What, oh yeah....good. So who's up for a drink?"he asked changing the sudject. "Never mind him...he's an idiot, " Karen call out at.

"I just ordered you both a drink, thought you might need it after that hot little number you both did."
"Lifesaver, as I really need that, " Luke thanked her. "Me too, as that sure does take a lot out of you, "Sally-Ann told Karen.

"Well if you'll excuse me for one moment, I have to go powder my nose,"Sally-Ann jests as she made her way to the ladies room.
On the way coming out of the ladies room, she came face to face with Steven.
"Hi there Sally-Ann, must say that was quite a interesting little performance you put on out there. Where did you learn to move like that? ? He inquired. " That would be none of your damn business. Now if you don't mind - just leave me alone," she said moving past him."Oh don't be like that, I was only asking you a question, there's no need for you to be so rude," he berates.
"Here's rude for you", she extended her middle finger towards him.

"There you are, I thought you'd falling in or something. Was about to send out a search party," karen joked.
" O.M.G, I really love this song... come dance with me Sally-Ann," Karen urged. "I must admit this band tonight is bloody awesome, " she yelled out over the top of the music.

They danced away too two more song's and when the band stopped playing, Sally-Ann went over to the bar to get herself another drink.
"Ahh, alone at last,"Steven said walking up to her. "What do you want Steven? " " I would like you to dance with me, "
"I'd rather dance with the dead, than the likes of you," she threw back at him. " Gee's, what's your problem? AlI I asked you for was a dance - it's not like I'm asking you to come to bed with me, as I've already done that and to be frank with you. It wasn't all that crash hot,"he said. "You son-of-a-bitch, how bloody dare you!" She said slapping his face hard and then ran outside inot the beer garden.
He followed her outside.

"Hey, what's your caper with slapping me?" "Are you seious, your going to stand there and ask me why I slapped you, after what you just said to me. You've got be shitting me? You really got some nerve, I'll tell you that now. Just leave me alone,"she said turning to walk away. "I don't think so,"he told her, as he grabbed her by the arm, pulled her in towards him and planted a kiss on her.
"Let go off me Steven!"she yelled, as she tried to pull away from him. "Not happening sweetheart, "he chides as he pulled hervin even tighter and kissed her again.

Sally-Ann stomped on his foot on his foot, broke free from his grip and slapped him again, ascshe shouted at him, "I hate you Steven Young.!" "I don't believe that for one second Angel-face..... for I know deep down in your heart, you still love me, as I still very much to this day love you,"he told her. " Dont flatter yourself Mr Young, as I don't feel a thing for you." " Keep telling yourself that honey - but we both know it's not true." " Get over yourself Steven..... cause I most certainly am. Now if you don't mind - please leave me the hell alone," she told him, as she started to walk away, then stopped and added,"Oh and another thing - say happy 30th to that thing you call a girlfriend." "She's 25 Sally-Ann, " he correct her. "Is she?" Sally-Ann laughed as she headed back inside.

"There you are, I ws begaining to think you had left," Luke said walking up to Sally-Ann. "" No, but Iam now. Can we just leave?"
"Sure, I'll just go let Karen know." "Not a problem, " she answered.

Within half an hour, they had pulled up in the driveway, parked the car and went inside. "So did you have a good night out?"Luke asked . "I did until what's his face started hassling me..... wait till I catch up with Karen tomorrow. Iam really going to let her have it
for doing this too me, " Sally-Ann statted.
"And so you should, don't let her get away with this. I told Karen that you wouldn't be pleased with what she's done, but like always...
she never listens, " Luke told her shaking his head. " I'm so sorry about all of this, I truly am. I just hope your not angry with me, " Luke added. "You don't need to apologize, for you did nothing wrong. But as for Miss Karen Young. .... well that's a different story," she remarks.

After there little chat, they both called it a night.

Laying in her bed, Sally-Ann thought about what Steven had said to her and she knew he was right, she just didn't want to admit it to herself - but she still deeply loved Steven. And then she thought about the kiss.
"Stop it, just stop it now; remember what he did to you.... do you wish to go through that crap again? " she asked herself as she shut her eyes and tried to sleep.

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