Unexpected | Calum Hood

By SavSOS_

740K 12.5K 4.8K

A night out. A conversation that led to more. Now their lives are forever intertwined and they must find a w... More



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By SavSOS_


Today is the day. After seven weeks, in which I saw Calum for only two days, the band is finally giving me my boyfriend back. His flight is due to LAX at 8 PM, a mere eight hours from now. My whole body is alive with excitement. I can't wait to feel his touch and taste his kiss. Paisley had managed to preoccupy most of my time while he was away but nighttime had been the hardest. In the whole two months I'd never managed to force myself to sleep in our bed. Without Calum it didn't feel right, so I'd taken up residence in one of the guest rooms and our master sat in waiting for his return.

"I'm picking your outfit. You haven't seen him in two months you will look hot as fuck at the airport if it's the last thing I do."

"No protest here. Curl my hair and do my makeup too while you're at it?" She laughs but agrees.

I know she wants to do it anyway it's always been her way of showing she cares about me. I've always sucked at doing myself up anyways and it makes her happy, so I humor her. I don't have to get ready anytime soon though so we make ourselves comfy on the couch. I pop PK into her swing, her new favorite activity, and we scroll through Netflix selecting a rom-com. We get about halfway through the movie before Paisley whines and wants to be fed. She's literally a dream baby, almost sleeping through the night now and rarely fussy. She's completely chill, a trait she definitely got from Calum.

With the baby fed and napping and the movie ended, I decide to start preparing for Cal's arrival. I bring the baby monitor with me after putting PK in her crib and pulling the door shut. Duke follows me around the house like he can tell that since I'm cleaning, Daddy must be coming home. He does his little happy walk, his paws tapping against the hardwoods in our kitchen.

"I know buddy. I'm excited to see him too!"

I bend down to scratch behind his ears and he reaches up to lick my face. I giggle and stand back up grabbing his food and putting it in his bowl. With my dog baby settled as well I return to straightening up the house. Thankfully with the housekeeper Calum hired I've been able to stay pretty on top of the house work but I want everything spotless for Cal's return. The work is mindless and it keeps me busy until it's finally time for me to get ready.

"Lenny! You find me anything to wear yet?"

She doesn't respond so I wander upstairs and into the guest room she's been staying in. Lena is sitting on her bed staring down at her phone. When she hears me enter she looks up at me and her complexion is obviously paled.

"What? What is it?" I ask, my heart beating slightly faster.

"Jes, sit down."

"Lenny you're scaring me. What the fuck is it?"

She doesn't reply just handing me her phone.


I take in a deep breath as I step out of the airport and into the Los Angeles night. The warm summer air kills the chill from the plane. My eyes scan the area looking for Jes' car. I look back to my phone staring at the unread text message. Did she get her days mixed up? Did she get stuck in traffic? Has something happened? Just as I'm really starting to worry I hear Ashton call my name.

"Ride with us buddy. Something's come up and Jes said she can't make it."

"She texted you?" I ask a hint of annoyance in my voice.

He nods and I feel it build a little in my chest. Why would she talk to Ash and not me?

I make my way over to his car, a scowl on my face as the others reunite with their girlfriends and fiancée. She was supposed to be here. For once I was supposed to have someone waiting on me too. I feel the anger grow the more I think about the fact that she promised she'd be waiting for me, and now she's nowhere to be found.

I seethe the whole ride home and by the time they drop me off in front of my house I'm fuming. I throw my bags across my shoulder and storm up the steps. I'm fully ready to explode when I enter. Until I'm met with Jes' face. She hasn't been crying but she's definitely upset. I feel the confusion contort my face as I stare at her and then everything makes sense.

She knows.

Lena disappears up the stairs with Paisley. She seems to know tensions are high and we don't need an audience.

"Jes, let me explain." I start.

"Make it fast Calum. I'm trying really hard not to jump to conclusions but it's proving very difficult."

"You know I couldn't get a flight out until today?" I ask and she nods so I continue. "Okay, so some friends from back home who've actually stuck around for me since I left invited me to go to a music festival with them. It was very casual, just a bunch of friends hanging out. We went to the bar after, I had a few drinks. You know I'm affectionate with my mates? That's all it was Jes. I swear."

"It looks like more Calum."

"I know what it looks like but I swear we all just talked and hung out. She's got a boyfriend."

"And you've got a girlfriend and baby. That doesn't change the fact that you're all over her in that picture and your friends are commenting on your Instagram to 'post a pic with Jessica'." She pauses and I suddenly realize that pissed off and angry Jes is a lot more scary than upset and crying Jes. "Cute, our names are basically the same." I don't think she finds it cute at all.

"Jes, come on you know I'd never do anything like that to you."

"I thought so Calum. But now, I don't know."

"Jes you can't be fucking serious." I say my voice rising as I become more upset with each passing moment. "After all we've been through? You think I'd cheat on you?"

"I don't know what to think Calum. That picture is certainly not putting you in a good light though. That's for damn sure."

I hate that she keeps using my full name. It's a small thing, but it signifies how deep her anger really is at the moment that she's refusing to call me Cal.

"Jes please, I love you. You and Paisley are the most important people in the world to me. I wouldn't jeopardize this."

I can tell she wants to believe me. She wants to be right about me. I'm going to fucking kill Brendan for posting that picture.

I'm telling the truth though. I am overly affectionate with my friends I guess but that's never been a problem before because I didn't really do the serious girlfriend thing. I wasn't used to having to mind my behavior when I was drinking and in the moment it hadn't seemed wrong. Looking back now though I'd done some things that obviously weren't very respectful to Jes and I was in the wrong.

"I'm sorry that I wasn't thinking about how it would look while I was out. I haven't seen those guys in ages nor had a night out. I wasn't thinking babe and I'm sorry that the pictures make it look so disrespectful to you and our relationship. I promise I'll be more thoughtful in the future."

"It was just a bar with friends? This pictures the worst of it?" She questions.

I nod my head as my eyes search hers hoping for forgiveness and understanding. I find it there in her blue pools, because she's a fucking angel, and I am just the lucky fool in love with her.

Once we've both had a chance to settle down and a proper hello I head upstairs to check on my baby girl. Lena is rocking her in the glider but quickly stands and offers her to me. She says her goodbyes before disappearing down the stairs. I hear the front door close behind her as she heads home to give us some privacy. Paisley's grown so much in just the past few weeks it's hard to believe she's the same baby I left behind. My heart aches as she smiles at me, knowing I'd missed the very first time she'd done it for real. How many other things would I miss?

I lean back against the cushion and Jes plops herself onto the pouf cushion beside me. I move Paisley so she's laying against my chest, drooling on my shoulder. She puts her hands out and grasps my shirt in her hands like she's holding on for dear life, afraid to let me go.

"I've missed this." Jes says softly. "Just us, in our house."

"I missed you Jes." I say turning to look at her. "I missed you too little one" I say as I lift PK up and blow a raspberry against her tummy. She babbles and smiles. I feel my face light up at the sound of her joy.

"It's getting late, I should feed her and we can put her to bed."

"I'll change her while you get ready." I say standing and walking over to her changing table. "There we go bub."

I change her diaper and rifle through her drawers for a sleeper. I find one I'd bought for her not long after I'd found out about her existence. It was pale purple and covered in flowers. We hadn't even known she was a girl yet, but I'd been so sure. The memory makes me long to keep her little forever. I've already missed so much of her life and it's barely begun.

"Aw, look at you. You're a cutie aren't ya. You're gonna give daddy a heart attack when you're older for sure."

God I can't even imagine when she's old enough to date. Jes thought I was joking when I said not until 30 but I fucking meant it.

"Let's go find your mummy so you can eat and go to sleep. Mummy says you sleep through the night now and Daddy would really appreciate it if you could help me out and sleep good tonight."

She lets out one of her sweet sounds like she's agreeing with me.

"That's my girl."

AN: so I guess I've changed my mind and there's going to be a sequel to this book. Just promise me you'll stay with me! I'll add it to my library the day this one wraps so you guys can put it on your lists! I promise to keep the updates as frequent as they've been for this one.

I also promise that the sequel is action packed and you won't any to miss it 😌

What did you think about Cal's night out? Did Jes overreact or go too easy on him?

Sav 🖤

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