Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Team...

By Billycorn2002

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Evie wakes up on a beach with no memory but she's somehow become a Pokemon. To regain her memories she'll nee... More

Prologue: A Little Hope
Chapter 1: New Kin
Chapter 2: School Daze
Chapter 3: Violence and Vagabonds
Chapter 4: Confessions of Kin
Chapter 5: I'm Right Here
Chapter 6: Vows of kin
Chapter 7: Interference
Chapter 8: Excursion
Chapter 9: Harbringer
Chapter 10: Ashes
Chapter 11: Master of a Monster
Chapter 12: Forest Fire
Chapter 13: Evie's Pet
Chapter 14: Stray kin
Chapter 15: Stay with Me
Chapter 16: Eve of an Era
Chapter 17: Hide and Seek
Chapter 18: Family
Chapter 19: Treasure
Chapter 20: Slipping Away
Chapter 21: Stronger
Chapter 22: Warriors
Chapter 23: Searching
Chapter 24: Shattered
Chapter 25: Birthday Break
Chapter 26: Perilous Peace
Chapter 27: Reunion
Chapter 28: Hero Stuff
Chapter 29: Spelunking
Chapter 30: Mystery
Chapter 31: Soul's Heart
Chapter 32: Evie
Chapter 33: His Sacrifice

Chapter 34: Graduation

453 11 9
By Billycorn2002

"Alright, according to the guild-master at the end of this dungeon lies a chest. In the chest there's a treasure. The test ends the second one of us gets it. Ready?"

"So ready!"


"Well team, lets rock and roll."

"Like a Geodude."

Kin looked at Evie with a raised brow. "What?"

"A Geodude, it's a rock and it rolls. Rock and roll, like a Geodude."

Kin sighed and gestured vaguely. "Let's just go."

Evie rolled her eyes as they entered the dungeon. It was hidden behind the waterfalls near Mistveil city; none of them had known it existed until Gardevoir told them.

Pools of water made the dungeon difficult to navigate and the slick rock underfoot was slippery. They slowly made their way through the dungeon, battling water-types and the occasional rock or ground type too.

A Poliwrath loomed over Kin. He looked at it curiously before punching it between the eyes. Poliwrath flew backwards into a wall. Kin smiled as he flexed his paw. He hadn't realised it before but after all they'd been through, he'd gotten a lot stronger. Kin turned to share his discovery with Evie only to see her deliver a brutal smackdown to a Kingler.

Kin groaned as several more Pokémon entered the room, but they were quickly defeated; Soul's Leaf Tornado made sure of that.

Kin grinned at her. "I'm so glad you didn't forget how to fight."

Soul smiled. "Yes, if there is something I remember it's that I... am awesome."

Evie chuckled. "You tell him sister."

"Wait, are we sisters?"

Evie sighed. "May as well be."

Soul smiled. "Oh. Okay, let's keep going."

They continued further on through the dungeon, easily defeating opponents as they went. Finally, they arrived at the end. The floor was a long corridor, water dripped from slick rock walls and puddled at the cave's edges. The tunnel was dimly lit but a soft light emanated from somewhere deeper in. They marched silently through the ominous corridor.

Kin froze. "We're not alone," he whispered.

Evie's ears immediately went up, swivelling as she listened intently. There, something, a noise. It sounded like a claw or talon tapping, dragging, scraping across the ground. Kin closed his eyes and reached out with his Aura. There were two shapes, they were blurry at first but quickly came into focus. Kin grit his teeth and cast out his aura, so that Evie and Soul could see their opponents through the impenetrable darkness.

Kin ran forwards. He jumped and lashed out with a kick, but it was effortlessly blocked. Kin was swatted aside. Evie charged in, she stayed low and swept for the legs with an Iron Tail. A fist sent her flying across the room.

Soul shot her Leaf Tornado. The two figures endured the storm and charged forwards. A foot became alight with fire before kicking Soul in the gut. She grunted as she was flung backwards.

"Is that all you can do?" A mocking voice rang out.

Kin smiled as he stood. "I was about to ask you the same."

The figure cloaked in darkness smiled. "You want to see what I can do?"

"Bring it old man," challenged Kin.

Kin fired an Aura Sphere. It was hit back at him with a Bone Rush. Kin threw a Bonemerang and charged with a Bone Rush of his own. They exchanged blows, both struggling to attain the upper hand. The Bonemerang came back around after its initial miss and hit Kin's foe. Kin dropped his onslaught and switched to Force Palm. His foe grunted as he was slammed into a wall. Kin followed up with a flurry of rapid Aura Spheres.

Meanwhile, Soul ran at her opponent again. This time she used her Vine Whips, lashing brutally at her foe. Unfortunately, Soul was at a severe disadvantage. Soul's opponent's wrists flared with fire. Soul slipped on the wet ground and fell, leaving herself wide open. Her opponent charged. Soul grinned as they took the bait.

Evie leapt from the ground and slammed the Pokémon. Soul quickly righted herself and unleashed a devastating Aerial Ace. The attack was too much; the fire went out. The Pokémon dropped and didn't get up.

Kin grinned at Soul and Evie. They walked the rest of the way down the tunnel. The closer they got to the end the brighter it got. All three of them blinked and waited for their eyes to adjust. When they opened their eyes again, they saw crystals of every colour shining brilliantly. The gemstones stuck out from the floor, walls and even the ceiling. It was beautiful. Directly ahead of them was the chest they'd come for, but guarding it was Delis.

Kin chuckled. "You might want to go help my mum and dad, they're pretty beat up back there."

Delis laughed. "You really did a number on them hey? I'm sure they'll be fine, they may be rusty but they're tough."

Kin, Evie and Soul assumed battle-stances. Delis chuckled.

"I should warn you, unlike your parents, I won't be holding back."

"Hm... I can take him," said Soul, relaxing her stance.

Delis laughed and prepared for battle. "Can you now?"

Delis leapt forwards. His sword-like arms shone as he prepared a brutal attack. Suddenly, he dropped to the floor, landing in a kneeling position before Soul.

Evie looked at him curiously. "Uh, Soul, what did you do?"

Soul smiled. "New move I learned: Attract."

Evie grinned. "Ooh, can you teach me? Kin paralysed me once and I want revenge."

"I didn't really peg you as the revenge type but sure, I can teach you."

"Okay that's not happening," Kin said as he pushed his way past the females.

He walked around Delis to get to the chest. He didn't hesitate to open it. Inside lay some old parchment. Confused, Kin grabbed it carefully and pulled it out. He undid the red ribbon binding and it rolled out into a magnificent map.


Sarah laughed as she entered the room. "Well done. Very impressive. What you have there is called a Wonder Map. It's a rare item that details the existence of all known Mystery Dungeons. It even changes as new dungeons appear or old ones disappear."

Kin frowned. "A dungeon disappearing? That can happen?"

"Oh yes. No one really knows how dungeons work, but they do appear and disappear; it's really very fascinating. Anyways, now that you have obtained the Wonder Map, I would like to congratulate you on passing your graduation test. You all did fabulously."

Azure chuckled as he walked in. "Good show. I'm proud of you three."

Ember squealed in excitement. "Group hug!"

The large fire chicken easily picked up all three smaller Pokémon and embraced them tightly.

Azure chuckled as he prodded the lovestruck Delis. "It's so peaceful. Can we leave him like this?"

"Azure!" Scolded Ember.

"A joke! I was joking! Bbbbut?"

"No!" Ember sighed and rubbed her temples. "How about you leave Delis alone and we just show them already?"

Azure suddenly seemed excited. "Yes! I've been waiting so long for this.

"It's only been a few hours."

"Come on, let's go, we're burning daylight! Come on, hurry up!"

Ember sighed again. "Please humour him."

They walked from the dungeon and found themselves by the base of the waterfalls. After waking Delis, Sarah took him and they returned to the guild, but Azure led the way up a path beside the falls. The path was beautiful. It lay between the forest and the falls. It was well hidden but surprisingly smooth and well-worn. They continued climbing until they reached the top.

Azure jumped around excitedly. "Happy graduation you three!" He gestured grandly at the scene in front of them.

Kin's jaw dropped. "It's beautiful, but I don't understand. What's with...?"

Ember chuckled. "Well you see, the rooms at the guild are for apprentices. Once you graduate you move out, so we thought you'd need a house."

"Mum, Dad, it's... it's too much. We couldn't, ow!"

Kin yelped as Azure swatted him upside the head. "Now you listen here. Your mother and I are going on a vacation, reckon we've earned it. This old house, it's too big for us now and no ones used it in sixteen years. Why don't you show the old girl some love?"

Kin's open mouth eventually changed to a smile. He hugged his parents. "Thank you."

They laughed and hugged him back. After a moment they broke the hug and Azure clapped his paws together.

"Right, as of this second we're on vacation. We're heading off son, see ya... whenever we get back! Bye Evie. Ciao Soul."

"Take care Kin. Girls look after my boy," called Ember.

"He's a handful!" Answered Soul.

"No promises!" Replied Evie.

Ember and Azure walked back down the path towards town. Kin joined Soul and Evie as they looked around. The large wooden house was situated at the top of the falls. The river was nearby, only a yard or two from the house. The house itself was beautiful; it was old and had a large porch. Inside, plush couches sat around a grand stone fireplace. An expansive kitchen was accompanied by a large dining room which was surrounded by floor to ceiling windows. Soft grey curtains blended nicely with the brown-red wood. Vibrant greens seemed to bounce off plants that grew around the house.

Kin laughed. "Woah."

"Agreed," said Evie. "This place must've cost a fortune. It's awesome, don't you think, Soul?"

Soul smiled sadly. "Yeah, it's pretty great. I'm sure you'll enjoy living here."

Evie tilted her head. "What do you mean?"

"I mean... I'm not staying. I want to thank you guys. You've done so much for me, but I still haven't remembered anything, and I feel like, there's something, something I'm missing..."

"And you wanna go find it," finished Kin.

Soul nodded. "I'm sorry but-"

Kin stalled her by raising his paw. "The day you joined our rescue team you said you had to join us; you had to become stronger. To this day I still don't know why you said that, and now you've forgotten the reason too, but whatever it is you're looking for, I hope you find it."

Soul started crying. She hugged them both. "Thank you so much. I may not remember anything, but this I'm sure of, I love you both. The two of you... you're my family."

Evie hugged her friend. "That's right, we're family and if you ever need us just give the word, we'll be there, and we'll carry you back home."

Soul hugged them tighter. "Thank you... my sister."

They broke the hug.

"Take care Soul," said Kin.

"Be safe," begged Evie.

Soul chuckled. "While I'm gone you two build our reputation. I want to hear tales of the incredible Team Eve."

Evie laughed. "You will. At least, tales of the incredible Evie and her sidekick."

"Her sidekick?!" Kin exclaimed indignantly.

"Her Kin," Evie said, nuzzling his side.

He tried not to smile but couldn't help himself, he gently rubbed her back and she purred.

Soul laughed. "Don't ever change."

"Never," Evie answered.

Soul opened the door and stepped out. She smiled at them and began to close the door but stopped when Kin called out.

"Soul! We'll see you on the eve."

Soul smiled. With tears in her eyes she nodded, closed the door and walked away from all she knew.


Goodbye my partner! Goodbye my pal! You have been the one! You have been the one for me!

Soul: Dude, chill.

Me: There was a time when you would've laughed at that.

Soul: Not anymore. I'm the new and improved Soul! And I'm ready for my feature Arc!

Me: Uh... about that...

Soul: What do you mean 'about that'?

Me: *Whistles innocently*

Soul: Big Grr

Me: Relax, have some patience

Ty: Yeah Soul! You don't get a feature arc but you do get me!

Soul: *Screams*

Me: Ty! Get outta here!

Ty: I love you Soulllllll!!!!!!!!

Me: Outro time! Bye everyone! Have a good week! Read, Review, etc. Byeeeeeeee!

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