the king and his bride |

By x_linn_

275K 15.6K 8.1K

[discontinued] "He must be quite fond of you if he's calling for you even in the middle of the day." "I don't... More

TKAHB universe


5.2K 332 160
By x_linn_


Biting back a chuckle I pushed him by his shoulders gently, making him detach himself from my neck with a frown.

"Shouldn't you go back to work?" I asked, glancing at the scattered papers all around the table I was currently sitting on.

"But I'm still not finished here," he muttered, placing another soft peck just under my ear, causing me to chuckle silently at his playfulness.

"It looks like you still have a lot to do," I noted, looking through the mess on the table in distaste. I really wasn't envious of all the work he had to get done. It looked like a lot, no wonder he looked so exhausted these days. Bureaucracy is obviously no fun.

"It's not my fault you're so distracting." I flushed at his smooth words, looking aside. The king chuckled at my reaction and placed another sweet peck under my ear, running his hands up and down my sides slowly.

"W-well if I'm distracting then maybe I shouldn't bother you an-" my attempt in acting cool about it was soon interrupted as he brought me closer by my waist, taking me off guard.

"I don't think so," he smirked before latching his lips with mine in a kiss. I returned it softly, clutching his shirt with my fists.

"But your work," I muttered into the kiss breathily, causing him to chuckle.

I just really didn't want to be the reason he's ditching his responsibilities for.

"If you're so concerned about my work," he muttered, smiling softly as he placed his hand on the crown of my head, stroking it "why don't you help me with it?" I widened my eyes in shock, watching silently as he tried to bite back a laugh.

"M-me? Oh, trusts me I'm not the right person to help you with-" I looked down at the countless piles of papers, scowling "-this. Politics are not my thing." I chuckled awkwardly, scratching the back of my head.

"Hm?" he raised one of his eyebrows amusedly, "than what's your thing?" I narrowed my eyes at his question suspiciously.

Is he genuinely curious or is this a part of his smooth talk?

Pondering, I looked up at the ceiling with a frown.

"My thing?" I muttered to myself, thinking. Suddenly I smiled in realization, looking back down at him. The king was awaiting my answer patiently, tilting his head to the side. "Medicine." I piped up with a grin. The king lifted his eyebrows in a slight surprise.

"Medicine?" I nodded excitedly, feeling his arms wrapping themselves around my whole middle tightly. "How so? Did you study medicine?"

"Oh no, I didn't have enough money to actually study but," I smiled softly as all the memories of my childhood returned, "my mom used to own a pharmacy back in Clawsen. I helped her out a lot ever since I was a kid. I guess it stuck with me." I explained, shrugging.

The king watched me silently with an unreadable expression before chuckling softly, causing my heart to skip a beat at the- dare I say- adorable action.

"So we have a little promising doctor here, hm?" he mused softly, booping my nose with his finger. I blushed, looking down at my lap shyly.

It really warmed up my heart how close he was acting with me these last days. He was a totally different person than he was back then at the beginning.

Glancing back up at him, I grinned, lifting up my hand to trace his scratched cheek that Jin left behind.

"And not to brag or anything but I'm not doing that bad actually." I joked with a chuckle, cupping his cheek, "your cheek is healing quickly." I muttered, giving him a warm smile.

The king watched me silently before leaning in, his firm hand cupping mine which was laying on top of his cheek.

"Thanks to you," he whispered, his lips softly tracing mine before he kissed me passionately.

Melting into the kiss I brought my other hand to the nape of his neck, pulling him closer. He pushed his tongue into my mouth gently, the warmth of the heated kiss clouding my mind entirely. It was incredible how gentle but passionate at the same time his kisses could be. They were driving me mad. He was driving me mad.

Pulling back a little I tried to catch my breath as he leaned his forehead against mine, also breathing heavily with his eyes still closed.

"Your Majesty," I muttered, causing him to look at me with eyes glazed in longing. "your work," I said with a chuckle, motioning towards the messy table I was sitting on.

He groaned quietly, leaning his forehead against my shoulder with a sigh.

I smiled, combing his hair slowly.

We were on a good path, definitely.

And that's about how the last three days went. Besides calling for me every night, the king and I started to see each other in the daylight as well. The girls would always joke around, saying I got myself a full-time job, and I, of course, always laughed it away. But in all honesty, I didn't consider it as a part of my job at all.

Because when he called for me in the middle of the day, we would mostly just talk about this and that, kiss here and there and that was it. It was more like hanging out while he had a little break from work.

And I didn't complain since we got to know one another a bit better. Only a bit, but it still was an improvement.

It also seemed like both of us almost forgot about what happened that night. The fact that the unpleasant bruise on my neck finally disappeared seemed to make us both relieved as well.

I sighed, glancing at Yeonjun with a simple nod.

"Alright, I'll be there shortly," I said and looked back down at the bowl in my hands, proceeding to mix the cream for a cake.

Shortly after Yeonjun left the kitchen, Jimin who was leaning against the counter next to me whistled, causing me to look at him with a raised eyebrow.

"You are living your best life right now, aren't you?" he mused with a snicker. I gave him an unimpressed glare as an answer, punching him in his shoulder lightly.

"Stop saying nonsense and finish this up for me," I said, pushing the bowl with cream into his hands. Startled, he glanced at me with widened eyes, confusion written all over his face.

"W-what? But how do I-" snickering I threw my apron at him, already walking off towards the door.

"Why don't you ask Jennie to help? I'm sure she's free right now." I turned to him with a grin, chuckling as his cheeks noticeably turned pink at the mention of the girl.

"Bye! I'm off to live my best life!" I announced with a giggle before walking out of the kitchen, leaving the confused Jimin by himself.

Sitting silently with my face in my palms, I watched as the king next to me worked in silence.

Observing his face, I smiled as I noticed the little mole adorning the tip of his nose. I was well aware it was there, but only now I noticed how adorable it actually was. It made me want to boop his nose here and now but in the end, I decided against it. Wouldn't want to distract him from his work once again, right?

Seeing him glance up at me I quickly looked away, blushing.

I should seriously stop checking him out so obviously like that.

Sighing I ran my eyes over the papers on the table out of boredom.

These all looked pretty confidential, should I be even seeing this?

I tilted my head a bit to read one of the papers, raising my eyebrow.

The monitoring of the kingdom of Stella

Spy forces in Haran: 10

-force no. 84 in lead

-force no. 59 located in the palace

Spy forces in Solime: 5

-force no. 37 in lead

Spy forces in Hwan: 8

-force no. 29 in lead

Woah, that's so many. Why do they have so many spy forces in the neighboring kingdom? As far as I know, we aren't in a war or even in disagreement with the Stella kingdom. Or maybe we are, but the people don't know about it yet? I sure hope that's not the case. I could feel trembles running up my back already, only at the mention of a war. And with such a powerful kingdom at that.

"Sweetheart?" his raspy voice made me snap my head in his direction immediately. But the king didn't spare a single glance my way, still focusing on the papers in front of him. "Could you please pass me a glass of water?" I widened my eyes, nodding.

"Of course."

I stood up and jogged towards the small table in the corner with refreshments. I came back with a glass of clear water, looking at him in concern as he took it from me to gulp down one half of it in one take.

"Are you feeling alright?" I muttered, sitting down next to him as I observed his pale face and exhausted expression. "Maybe you should get a little break," I said, ducking my head down to get him to look at me.

It was worrisome how overly engaged he was with his work. He was clearly overworking himself. I understood that he was the king and he was just doing his job and it was his responsibility, but that didn't mean he had to overwork himself to such extends.

At this rate, he'll get sick soon too.

"I'm fine, I just need to finish these up and I'm done," he muttered with a sigh before flipping the papers.

I bit my lip, looking down at my hands in my lap. There was no going through him unless I wanted to risk him getting annoyed with me. And I didn't want to risk that, more so when he was in the state he was in now.

An idea popped in my head, making me look up at him with a smile.

"Let me at least tell the cooks to prepare something for you. You could use something to eat." I said hopefully, wishing for him to agree.

The last thing I needed right now was him fainting on me.

The king finally glanced at me from behind his messy fringe, sighing.

"Just a small meal. Hm?" I pushed, offering him a soft smile. He watched me silently for a few seconds before heaving another heavy sigh, nodding.

"Okay." I grinned widely, clapping for myself internally.

Nice job, Chae!

I stood up to leave the room when he caught my wrist, causing me to turn around and look at him in confusion.

"Chaeyoung." raising my eyebrow, I tilted my head seeing as he smiled tiredly.

"Thank you," muttering he brought my hand to his lips, leaving a soft peck on my knuckles.

I widened my eyes at his action, blushing furiously as I tried to contain myself. With my cheeks still dusted in pink, I nodded shyly with a smile.

"Don't mention it."


"Jin!" the mentioned man turned around, smiling immediately as he watched the girl dressed in all white running his way. "Where have you been? I was looking for you everywhere." pouted Jisoo, causing the male to chuckle before taking her face in his palms, squeezing her cheeks.

"I had a meeting. Why? You missed your handsome friend?"

"Yah!" she slapped his hands away from her face, hiding her redden cheeks with her palms instead. "Handsome? Who?" she asked with a raised eyebrow, looking around, "No, I was looking for you." Jin narrowed his eyes at the giggling girl before his face lit up, a victorious grin adorning his face.

"Ah, but you didn't deny that you missed me." Jisoo blushed once again, looking aside.

"W-well, I haven't seen you a lot these days since you're still wor-woah!" she shrieked as Seokjin wrapped his arms around her waist to spin her around in the air.

"Well, now I'm here and I'm free for the rest of the day," he laughed before placing the still shocked and flushed girl back down on the ground. "So let's go to the city and hang out." he wrapped his arm around her shoulder to bring her closer, causing not only the girl but himself to blush madly.

"O-okay, but don't do that anymore!" she mumbled, glancing down to her feet.

Seokjin smiled at her adorable antics, nodding.

"Alright, let's go."

And that's how they would spend most of the days when Jin had some free time in his hands. Hanging out in the city or just goofing around in the palace. They simply enjoyed each other's presence and that was enough for them. But that didn't mean their friendship was all rainbows and butterflies.

"Jichu-ah, he was clearly asking you for your time. He was selling his artworks, silly." Seokjin couldn't stop laughing while Jisoo stomped her way into the palace by his side, visibly embarrassed.

"No! I could hear him clearly asking for my sign so that's what I gave him!" she defended herself, her sulky voice causing the male to chuckle. Stepping behind her, he wrapped his arms around her thin frame bringing her close as they proceeded on walking like two penguins, causing everybody around to turn their heads in the direction of the weird couple.

The two waddled around the corridors of the palace, laughing while Seokjin tired to get Jisoo to stop sulking.

However, a voice coming from behind them interrupted their sweet moment, making them both turn around.

"Jisoo," Yeonjun stepped closer, Seokjin's heart shattering a little at the sight of the familiar boy. "The king demands you to come to his room at 10 PM tonight."

After the boy walked away, the two were left standing silent with Jisoo still wrapped in Seokjin's warm embrace.

After some time Jin finally let go of her, afraid he'll squish her due to the frustruation slowly building up inside him. Jisoo turned around to face him with sorrow clearly written all over her face. However, just like always, she also gave him that anticipating look he feared so much. He knew. He knew she wanted him to do something. To say something. Her eyes were pleading him to finally take a step forward. To man up and fight for her.

And he wanted to do so. He wanted so much to take her in his embrace and tell her he won't let her go anywhere, not anymore.

But he couldn't. He hated himself for being such a coward but he couldn't bring himself to fight for their relationship. He didn't know what to do.

What would Taehyung say? He wouldn't let her go to be with him so easily, would he? Who knew what could happen to Jisoo once he asked Taehyung to let her resign from his harem. And Jin didn't want to cause even more troubles, but damn, he wanted this to end so fucking much. He wanted things to be different, but what could he do?

"I'll see you later then. You need to get ready anyway." and with that he left, just like he always did, leaving the shattered girl alone.

That was the moment he always hated himself so much and even more. The moment he always left her by herself. But he promised himself that one day, things will be different. One day he'll finally have the courage to face her and face his feelings. The day when he'll finally make her his.

Scoffing, he gulped down another shot of the fierce alcohol, closing his eyes shut at the burning feeling in his throat.

Opening his eyes, he automatically looked outside of the window only to spot the girl immediately. She was sitting with Jennie on the grass by the fountain, chatting and laughing away. And Seokjin could do nothing but watch and drown his sorrow in the expensive alcohol.

He couldn't help but scowl, noticing his pitiful reflection in the window in front of him.

"Dude, you're acting just like Tae already," he shook his head at himself in amusement before pouring himself another shot. He raised the little glass in the air, laughing to himself.

"Cheers on us, Jisoo," he snorted, before catching another glimpse of the beautiful girl outside, "and on the damned promise I never kept." with a scowl he downed the alcohol, his mind and heart in a complete mess. Scrunching his nose he gulped it down.

"Taehyung was right, wasn't he?" he whispered to himself, looking at the girl behind the glass longingly, "I'm just a coward."

Taehyung groaned loudly, finally finishing up the last paper on the stack in front him. Sighing he leaned back in his chair, closing his eyes. He was exhausted to the point his whole body felt sore. His head was throbbing madly and his whole being felt like blowing up with pressure. To put it simply, he felt like shit.

He sent Chaeyoung away right after she brought him his meal in the afternoon, not wanting her to get even more worried since he still had a lot to finish up.

Thinking about Chaeyoung he groaned loudly once again, remembering he forgot to call for her for tonight. And Yeonjun was already who knows where. After all, it was almost 11 PM.

Sighing he slowly stood up from the chair and left the forsaken meeting hall.

What was he going to do now? He knew for a fucking fact he wouldn't get a single minute of sleep if Chaeyoung wasn't going to be by his side.

It was annoying, but lately, he wasn't able to fall asleep without her laying next to him. That only confirmed itself once he attacked her that night. The week that followed after that was nothing but pure torture. Insomnia was nothing new to him but every time he slept with any of the girls it would be fine.

So why did he stay up all night while laying next to Jisoo the other night?

On the other hand, it was a really long time since he had as satisfying sleep as he gets whenever he's with Chaeyoung. She had the same effect on him lullabies have on little children. It was confusing to him, but he didn't mind it that much anymore.

Without him knowing and being aware of his surroundings, he found himself standing in front of Chaeyoung's door.

Looking blankly ahead, he suddenly remembered her concern earlier that day. The way she seemed so genuinely worried for him, made him all soft and giddy inside. It was a long time since someone besides Seokjin showed a genuine concern for him.

Knocking twice, he waited patiently for her to open the door. He heard a soft shuffling before a silent 'I'm coming' echoed on the other side of the door.

Opening the door she looked at him with widened eyes, surprised at his sudden visit.

And Taehyung couldn't help but watch her in a silent awe. She was wearing a white nightgown that reached the middle of her thighs. Her hair was damp, meaning she probably took a shower just a while ago.

Without all those expensive dresses, accessories and with her hair in its natural mess, she looked so sweet to Taehyung and raw and just perfect.

He would replace the red nightgown with this adorable one anytime.

"Y-your Majesty? Wh-" she was about to ask him about his reasons for his visit but once she noticed how tired and dead he looked, she took a sharp breath, deciding against it. She can ask him later.

"Please, come in." she ushered him inside quickly, afraid he'll faint if he stands on his legs for a little more.

He walked in and she quickly led him to her already undone bed, sitting him down. She poured some water into a glass and gave it to him to drink.

"What brings you here?" she asked quietly, taking the glass from him once he gulped down its whole content.

He was still wearing the clothes from that afternoon and he looked even more exhausted than he did then, which made her think, did he finish his work just now? That thought only, concerned her to no end.

"I didn't know where else to go," he said, looking at her with droopy eyes and Chaeyoung could feel her heart breaking out of her ribcage. Ignoring the giddiness inside she looked at him with a frown, confused.

"Your room? You look really tired, you should get some sleep." she muttered, wiping the single drop of sweat running down his temple. Watching her he snickered quietly, causing Chaeyoung to raise her eyebrow.

"You're trying to get rid of me for tonight, aren't you?" he mused with an exhausted grin. Chaeyoung widened her eyes before frowning once again.

"That's not it!" she denied abruptly which made Taehyung's smile drop, "You need some sleep Your Majesty, you have been working so much these days and I'm concerned. Even the strongest and toughest people need some rest, don't they?" she said, her voice turning into a soft whisper by the end of her rant.

Taehyung widened his eyes slightly, mesmerized by the care dripping from her voice and eyes. It felt so unfamiliar, but at the same time, he couldn't help but find her so lovely right now.

The intense feeling he got staring into her eyes made him take a sharp breath as he stood up from the bed, not being able to stare at her any longer. He felt like he wouldn't be able to contain himself if he did.

"Being someone who's in charge of leading the whole kingdom," he halted, turning towards her who was still sitting on her bed, "it's my responsibility to work hard." he pursed his lips, tucking his hands into his pockets, "It's only expected of me, so there's no need to pity me. It's my duty and I'm just accomplishing it." he muttered, looking away from her.

Sure, the care she showed him was making him finally feel like he was worth something. He felt so cared about. He felt like someone finally wanted for him to be happy and healthy as well.

But there was no reason for her to worry about him like that. It was his duty to be like this. He was predestined to work hard for his entire life. It was who he was and he wasn't going to run away from it.

"There's a difference between working hard and overworking yourself," she whispered from the bed, causing him to snap his head in her direction, surprised. "I understand you can't ditch your responsibilities. You're carrying the weight of the whole kingdom on your back, you're making sure that the people living in your kingdom live happy lives. And trust me, we're all really grateful to you for what you've done for us. But in the end," she faltered, searching his eyes, "you're also just a human. And just like everyone else, you have the right to think of yourself first. You have the right to rest, to have a break, heck even to be lazy if you feel like it." Chaeyoung sighed, looking down at her lap.

It saddened her how strict he was with himself. He didn't deserve that.

"You have all the rights to do as you wish even before satisfying and accomplishing other people's wishes and demands, whether you're a king or not. You're your own person before you're anyone else's." she finished, pursing her lips.

She couldn't help the small blush on her cheeks as she was clearly aware that she was lecturing the king himself, but that was her last concern right now.

He needed to hear this, of course he did. He wasn't going to degrade himself anymore, not on her watch.

"I'll pour you some more water," she muttered and stood up, walking to the small coffee table by her window to get him some water.

There was an undefinable silence in the room as no one dared to say anything, making Chaeyoung think if she really didn't overdo it with her lectures. He wasn't in his greatest state after all.

Biting her lip she closed her eyes shut, praying.

'Please God, tell me I didn't mess up.'

"There is something," Taehyung started, causing her to look around at him in slight surprise, "I wanted to do for some time now," he said, causing Chaeyoung to sigh in relief.

It looked like he wasn't angry after all.

She stood up from the ground and approached him again, smiling softly.

"Really? That's great! What is it?" she piped, placing the glass of water on her nightstand.

Taehyung stayed silent for a moment, not giving her a single sign of his answer. Chaeyoung widened her eyes in realization, shaking her hands in the air with an embarrassed chuckle.

"Of course you don't have to tell me if it's too personal," she reassured, looking at him hesitatingly.

Taehyung opened his mouth a little to speak, but it seemed like nothing wanted to come out, making Chaeyoung confused.

"I wanted us to sleep together," he said finally after some time. Chaeyoung stayed silent, looking at him weirdly.

Poor thing, is he so exhausted he talks nonsense?

"What?" she chuckled awkwardly, "but we do that al-"

"No," he interrupted quietly, causing her to tilt her head in confusion, "I meant to just sleep." her eyes widened as she finally started to understand what he meant, "Without making out or all the other fuss around it," he said with a soft sigh, his droopy eyes giving away how utterly tired he was.

Chaeyoung searched his eyes, trying to find at least a bit of a sign that he was joking, trying to find that little mischievous grin that would give away his intentions. But all she saw was his exhausted, serious and even pleading expression.

"Would you let me sleep with you for tonight?"


I'm starting school on Monday and I feel like crying

also, I haven't mentioned this before but we've reached 20K reads on this what?!


anyway, hope you liked the chapter! <3

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