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BOOK ONE: Xiao Zhan is a man on his late twenties who decided to move from a small town to a big city. Havin... More

One For The Money, Two For The Show
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I could feel the darkness pulling me under as power surged through my whole body; I couldn't control it.

Fighting the darkness to regain control over my body was nearly impossible,
but I had to do it.

If I let the darkness engulf me, I would die;
I knew it.

I had to fight it; not just for me but for
mom, Han and my whole family. I had to fight it for Mari, for Zela...for Yibo.

Yibo; my one true love my reason for being. I had to overcome this for him; my death would kill him.

I started regaining my senses, I could feel,
smell and hear everything around me but I still couldn't make my
body move.

Even as I heard Yibo's anguished screams for me to wake up, I couldn't make anything move to let him know I was
okay. My body was completely incapacitated.

The amount of power I transferred onto Jun and his men was too much for me to sustain myself. I couldn't stop myself, watching him shoot Yibo sent me
over the edge. I cared about nothing but making him suffer worse pain than he inflicted on the man I loved.

Even as I felt the power draining out of me; that's it! What if I reversed the process? Instead of transferring it I should convert it inwardly, to give myself
strength. If instead of inflicting pain, I use the energy to heal;

I could save my own life, either way I had to try. I tried to focus my energy within myself, I.didn't know what I was doing but I was trying to remember what I
did to Jun and try to reverse it.
It seemed to work because I could feel and move my hands and legs now; I focused harder so I could have full
control over myself.

I gasped opening my eyes, to see Yibo and
Mari hovering over me

"Zhan? Can you hear me?" he asked

"Yibo?" I asked, relieved that nothing felt
out of place in me,

His expression turned to disbelief and then pure joy and relief

"Thank heavens" he said kissing my forehead

"Don't do that to me" He said.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't control it..." I started.

"Shh, its okay Zhan, as long as you're okay" he said, wrapping me in his arms.

I smiled "You told me you loved me" I said
realising that it was actually true,

He looked at me

"Of course I love you, I've loved you since day one. I felt pain like no other when I thought I lost you" he shook his head

"I can't live without you Zhan" he said.

"I'm glad, because I can't live without you
too" I said and he let out a low chuckle.
I turned to see Mari and Zela both looking
like they too were in hell at the thought of me dying. I tried to stand up.

"Careful Zhan" Yibo cautioned, but I
shook my head at him

"I'm fine"

I went to Mari hugging her

"Oh Zhan" she cried

"I'm sorry Mari" I said, she nodded touching my face.

"I'm glad you're okay. That's all that
matters," she said,

I hugged Zela too

"You're in so much trouble for that" she hiccuped.

"I'm sorry my friend" I said ducking my head,

she nodded kissing my cheek

I noticed Yibo's leg

"Yibo, are you okay?" I rushed back to him.

"Its fine, the medics will take care of it,"
he said, and then I noticed the men were gone.

"Where is Jun?" I asked

"Liu's men took him and his cronies away,
its over," he said.

"But you're in pain" I said frowning.

He chuckled

"I'm a big boy, I can handle it" he said

I remembered again, if I was able to sustain myself couldn't I heal Yibo's leg?

"Wait, sit down" I instructed and he complied with confusion on his face

"I'm going to try and heal your leg" I said.

"I don't know about that Zhan..." he said then I stopped him with my hand
I grabbed his leg with both my hands and
tried to focus like I did earlier, it was harder trying to pull out
the bullet and heal the wound.

I heard Yibo groan in pain and then the
bullet came out and the wound closed.

"Are you okay?" I asked not sure if I did the
right thing.

"Yes" he said incredulously, moving his leg
back and forth

"Its completely healed, wow" he said looking at me

"How did you do that?"

"The same thing I did earlier" I said smiling that I removed his pain.

He chuckled uneasily

"Remind me never to mess with you," he said

Everyone in the room laughed and we walked outside.

Three black SUV's and an ambulance was parked in the driveway,

The man I recognized as Liu walked up to us.

"I'm so sorry guys, Jun tricked us; that son of a bitch, were going to lock him away for good"

"How is he?" I asked feeling guilty, I didn't know what came over me, I just saw him shoot Yibo and something in me just snapped.

"He and a couple of his men will be alright,
just minor fractures here and there" he said

"I wouldn't feel so sorry if I was you"
He gave Zhan a hug

"Good to see you both in one piece, we'll go now. I'll talk to you later" He said

"Sure" Yibo said but his voice sounded
strained, I looked at him and he smiled at me but it didn't look right.

We sat on a bench as some people worked to clean off some of the mess that Jun caused, I was glad to see
Lee and most of the other guards were okay as the medics treated their minor injuries.

"What happened in there?" I asked, turning my gaze back to Yibo.

He shuddered

"I'm not sure exactly, your
bracelet started glowing and your eyes turned charcoal black."

"Black? Like all over?" I asked shocked,
nothing felt abnormal except the power that surged through my body.

He nodded

"You looked like you were in a
trance or something, which is weird because when you healed me none
of those things happened only your bracelet made the same glow" he

"Huh, so black eyes signify trouble" I nodded to myself and he chuckled and then his demeanor turned solemn.

"I'm going to miss you," he whispered to
himself, touching my cheek

"What?" I asked; why would he need to miss me? I was here; I was not going anywhere. He shook his head.
Just then a young man probably in his early twenties approached us

"The car is ready sir" he said to Yibo.
He nodded

"Just give us a minute" he said, sadness in his voice

He turned to look at me "You have to go with them Zhan" he said.

"What?" I asked, what was he saying? He
wanted me to leave?

"You should go with them, they'll keep you
safe, its not safe for you to be with me," he
said, shaking his head sadly

"My world is too dangerous for you, Zhan"

"No, Yibo you're not doing this to me again" I said grabbing his arm

"I don't care about being safe, I care
about being with you. Now stop this madness," I said, panicked. He looked at me.

"I cannot risk your life for you Zhan, you
heard Jun today; bastards like him are going to want to kill you, just because I love you. I could never forgive myself if something happened to you" he said squeezing my hand.

"Yibo please, I love you. We can't be apart,
I can't be without you," I whispered desperately.

I couldn't believe I was losing him all over again. He smiled comfortingly

"You wont have to my dear, you will be just fine. Trust Me," he said softly kissing my forehead.

I shook my head stubbornly

"Don't I have a choice? I chose you" I said tears stinging my eyes.

He grabbed both sides of my face

"You deserve a happy, normal stress free life, I want that for you which is why
I have to let you go. Put yourself in my shoes, if you knew for sure that I was going to be okay without you, would you try to hold me back for your own selfish reasons?" he asked.

"No, not if you chose it. Not if you knew you wouldn't be able to survive a day without me," I said shaking my

"Keep yourself safe, for me?" he asked, he
hit me on my weakest spot.

I would do anything for him even if that
thing hurt me in the process, if its what he really wants I would leave.
I've been looking for Yibo's weakness for years.. Jun's voice came to me.

That was it, I was a weakness to Yibo; I
would be the one holding him back from doing what he loved. If I stayed with him, he would always need to look over his shoulder for me, always protecting me. And if got hurt he would blame himself.

If he had the strength and unselfishness to let me go, then I would to.
I slowly nodded tears streaming down my face

"I will always love you My Zhan, I just didn't want you to go without knowing that" he said, kissing my hair.

I buried my face in his neck inhaling him;
memorizing his scent, he always smelled amazing to me. The thought
that I could never see him again was breaking my heart into a million pieces.

I looked up over his shoulder to see Mari,
Zela and Lee wave sadly at me behind us, they too have decided to let me go.

I got up with Yibo; somehow him letting me go knowing that he loved me was better than when I thought he
didn't. Maybe that will help me do this.
He kissed me fervently, I wanted to remember this kiss forever; it would get me through many lonely nights to
come. I already knew that I wasn't capable of loving anyone else; my heart would always belong to him.

"Go on" he said letting me go; I stared into
his beautiful eyes and let them mesmerize me one last time.

I touched his cheek

"Bye" I said, my voice shaking slightly.

I walked over to the young man that was
waiting patiently for me

"I'm ready" I told him; he nodded and
opened the passenger door to the black SUV.

I turned to look at Yibo, who was watching
me with sad and resolved eyes.

"Why did the chicken cross the road?" I asked through my tears, remembering all the silly jokes he used to tell me.

He smiled "Why?"

"Because it's loved one was on the other
side" I said, and it didn't matter weather or not the chicken turned into road kill in the process.

"The loved one will be waiting" he said, his
eyes full of love and sadness

I nodded and climbed into the car and the man closed the door; I would take that with me, the fact that Yibo was
here thinking of me too.

I didn't even realize there were three other
people in the car until it moved and we were out of the estate in an instant, for a moment I let sorrow overtake me. I couldn't even cry; the only thing that reminded me of what I was doing was the
pain in my chest.

How could Yibo be so sure that I was going to be okay without him? I would never. And then I remembered his
words; you won't have to my dear, you will be just fine I felt as though I was missing something vitally important. I wouldn't have to? What did he mean? I thought about all the CIA movies I've watched in the past; what did they do the
victims who were too traumatized? And then it hit me.

They were going to erase my memory; I covered my mouth to stop myself from screaming. Not at what they would do
to me, but what that would mean.

I wont miss Yibo because I wouldn't remember ever meeting him; I wont feel pain because I wouldn't remember ever
falling in love with him. WANG YIBO wouldn't even be a distant dream. And he knew that.

You deserve a happy, normal
stress free life I would also forget about the power I possessed, because to me it would just be an ordinary bracelet my
grandma gave me; nothing more to it.

Somehow I thought about Dad, I never needed him more than I did at that moment. I looked around the car and saw
nothing; everyone was completely gone.

"Hello my son" a voice came through out of nowhere, and then I saw him; my Dad was sitting across from me smiling at me, was I going crazy?

"No you are not, I'm really here," he said, I
looked at him shocked.

"Dad? Is that you?" I asked not believing

"But how?"

"That doesn't matter Zhan, I don't know
how much time we have together. I saw that you really needed me; I had to come" he said.

"What I'm I supposed to do dad?" I sobbed
"You already know, you love him and you want to be with him don't you?" he asked, I nodded

"Then go be with him, what's stopping you?"

"But..." I said and he stopped me.

"But nothing, Zhan all your life you've
lived up to what other people always expected, you've always put
everyone above yourself and your own happiness. You have my blessing to be selfish for once," he said chuckling.

I smiled

"But how am I supposed to get out of
here? They won't let me go"

"You have powers don't you? Use them and fight for what you want," he said,

"Oh and you were right, I do like him a lot," he added, smiling.

I chuckled fresh tears coming down my face

"Thank you Dad" I said, wiping them away "I can let you go now" I said, meaning it.

He smiled

"I love you Zhan"

"I love you too Dad" I said, and he
disappeared, grateful that I got to see him one last time. He would forever live in my heart from now on.

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