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I kicked the scrap metal that was once my Lamborghini, how could I have not noticed that there was something wrong with it sooner.

I was driving home when I suddenly lost control of the car. I was an infallible driver but when I noticed that my brake and steering wheel were not working, I knew the car had been tampered with. Before the car could hit the rocky corner I opened the door and jumped on to the road, glad I decided to wear a leather jacket today.

I saw a black SUV come around the corner and stop, Liu got out "Yibo" he called out to me "My team informed me about you, glad to see you're still in one piece"

"You trained me well," I said.

He chuckled "I did" then his expression turned serious

"What the hell happened here?" he said, looking at the mutilated car.

"I lost control of it, someone must've tampered with it. I think Jun sent one of his cronies to do it," I said, as a matter of fact.

Liu thought about it for a second "I'll have to take a look at your parking lot's surveillance tape, we'll bring this bastard to justice" he said.

I couldn't believe how blind Liu was; didn't he see this? It was all too obvious.

"How about you bring Jun to justice, don't you see Liu ? He's on to us. He knows I have him and he will stop at nothing, he was trying to send a message here

" I shouted, pointing at the car "He's going to do whatever it takes, to get what he wants. I can't have that, what if he'd been in the damn car with me?" I said clearing my voice as the thought attacked me.

"You better find a way to bring this son of a bitch down, or else I'm going to get involved, weather you like it or not" I said with conviction.

I had never spoken to Liu like that ever, for a minute he looked shocked at my tone of voice but it was replaced by irritation and understanding.

When it came to protecting the man I loved, I wasn't going to take any prisoners.

"I understand your frustration Yibo, but trust me when I say we have this under control. I've been doing this for a very long time my boy" he said warning in his voice.

I fought the edge to argue further so I just nodded tightly

"I have to get back to the headquarters, I'll give you a ride," he offered.

My Aston Martin came around the corner at that time and stopped, it was Lee and Mari. I thought in relief. He must be home and safe.

"No, my ride just arrived" I said, Liu nodded

"Well talk soon" he said, walking towards the SUV and sped away.

Mari and Lee got out and ran to me. Mari immediately hugged me "Thank heavens, Yibo. Are you okay?" she asked, checking me

DREAMING WITH EYES OPEN (YiZhan FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now