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I watched Zhan take off his shoes and climb onto the bed motioning for me to join him; he nuzzled onto my chest and sighed.

"Alone at last" he said, I chuckled inhaling his hair

"You didn't even have your cake," I teased;he turned his head towards me.

"Nah, I would rather have you," he said,kissing me.

I was caught off guard by the sudden passionate way he kissed me; then again we hardly did premeditate our lovemaking.

He ran his fingers through my hair as I kissed him back, cupping his face with both my hands. He unbuttoned my shirt and took it off as I moved my mouth up and down his soft neck and nape; I heard his softly moan.

He ran his hands over my torso; I grabbed his waist and laid him on his back to stop him from going further. I chuckled inwardly at how he's grown into such a seductive vixen in bed. It was unfair how he could easily paralyze me.

I pulled away but he wouldn't let me go,

"Um Zhan, I want you too but you don't really want to do this with your mother down the hallway do you?" I asked and he froze.

"Oh crap," he said throwing his head onto the pillows

"I totally forgot about that" he chuckled chagrined.

"Well I do have that effect on people" I teased, he laid his head back on my chest

"You're so egotistical" he giggled

"And you're totally exploiting the power you have over me" he added.

"Are you sure we're still talking about me here?" I asked; how many times did he use his 'power' on me to do his bidding?

"Shut up" he said and I chuckled

"Thank you for that, I had fun" he said softly

"Whatever makes you happy my dear" I replied.

We lay like that silent for a long time, I checked and he had fallen asleep. I pulled the covers over him and got in with him, he unconsciously snuggled closer to me, I kissed his forehead.

I don't know what I did to ever deserve him, to deserve this heaven he's brought me. He and I were polar opposites, but yet our relationship worked so well; you'd think we were made for each other. But I had to be honest with myself; we were not.

If Zhan was destined to be with me then someone up there made a mistake, I may love him but that doesn't mean I'm supposed to be with him.

I thought about what Mei said when we met in the lounge;Zhan is that good guy, he gets what he wants and find the person to be with , but you Yibo; you are not that person.Mei had said a whole lot of bull, but here I had to give it to him, he was spot on.There's a reason why I've been alone for so long, why I avoided attachment to anyone. I had no power overfalling in love with him, but I did have power in what I chose to do about it. I was selfish by being with him, knowing very well the dangers of my actions. He's risking his life and well being by being with me and he didn't even know it.

DREAMING WITH EYES OPEN (YiZhan FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now