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I said goodbye to Biyu; glad the grilling was over. I told her whatever I could, and sometimes agreeing with the conclusions she drew herself. I couldn't exactly tell her that I'd been kidnapped into this 'dream life' she said I was now living.

I looked for Yibo but he was gone; I sighed. I hated being away from him like a lovesick and needy pathetic lover I thought. I'd be surprised if he didn't leave me.

I felt a sharp stab of pain at the thought; and there it was, the thing I tried to avoid from the beginning. Yibo leaving me would annihilate me.I saw Han almost run towards me, fury evident in her expression

"Zhan, look around you bro. Where is your man?" she asked. I didn't understand why she was saying that.

"I don't know, probably somewhere around here" I said puzzled

"No, I'll tell you where he is. He's in the lounge and guess who's making the moves on him right this instant...that bitch of a friend Mei" she said disgusted.

Somehow I knew; I could feel it when someone threatened my happiness.

"I trust Yibo," I said blankly. What did she expect me to do?She threw her hands up

"Damn it Zhan, this isn't just about Yibo. I know you trust him. This is about you and her, how many times must this happen for you to finally see that she's a poison. How many times must she stab you in the back for you to finally kick her ass out of your life...for good this time" she mildly shouted at me

"Or you want me to do it? I'll be more than happy to..." I put my hand on her shoulder stopping her

"Allow me" I said icily, and charged towards the castle.

I thought I heard Han say, "That's my brother"

I couldn't believe she still had the nerve to come here, make up a fake apology and jump on my man the second I look away. No more.

"That's enough Mei, for the last time I'm not interested, now go away" I heard Yibo say clearly irritated now.

"You heard the man Mei, now get your filthy paws off him" I spat walking in

"What's that saying again? A tiger never loses its stripes right? You are still the same old slutty Mei you were few years ago"Mei got up laughing darkly, anger registering in her eyes too

"Poor little bunny, ran away from home to Beijing. People shouldn't be so sympathetic with you, because in the end you always get what you want" she hissed pointing at Yibo

"And what about me huh?" he asked.

"Maybe if you stopped contaminating other people's lives you could actually make something out of your own,"I shouted at her.

DREAMING WITH EYES OPEN (YiZhan FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now