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I knew I pushed Zhan too far when he figured out the implications of his 'phone call' back home. No one would look for him, and no one would believe him.

He started swaying and I fought the need to reach out and still or comfort him, I knew that if I touched him it would send him over the edge.

He looked at me like he was trying to solve a math problem, then much to my horror; his eyes rolled to the back of her head and he collapsed.

"Oh no" I caught him before he could hit the floor.

"Zhan? Can you hear me?" I asked shaking him gently, he didn't respond.

I let out a pained sigh as I lifted him into my back and carried him back to my bedroom.

What I'm I going to do with you I thought as I laid him carefully on the bed.

I couldn't take my eyes away from him, even with a pale face and unruly hair; he was breathtaking.

I felt a pang of guilt at how I've treated him,

In one morning I had frightened him, threatened him and swore at him. I flinched as I remembered the look he gave me.

I would be surprised if he didn't think I was a demon sent from his own personal hell to torment him.

Mari's gasp in the doorway broke my train of thought,

"What happened?" she asked rushing to his side. He even had Mari wrapped around his finger; Somehow Liu's voice came to me he's quite something, isn't he?

"Nothing, he just fainted" I said surprised at how strained my voice sounded.

"What did you do?" She asked, her brown eyes accusing.

I shrugged. Turning my gaze back to Zhan. I couldn't deny that I had caused this turmoil. I could feel Mari's gaze on my face, but I kept watching the man on the bed. My expression must've told her something because she sighed,

"You care about him, don't you?" she asked softly.

I didn't understand what she was implying

"Yeah well I don't want the CIA to come down on me if he gets a heart-attack" I said confused.

"No, that's not it" she shook her head

"I know you Yibo, you've done this before. Never have you looked at the last person the way you look at him".

Something clicked as I caught what she meant; she saw that and it only strengthened her resolve.

"Nor did you ever sleep with them, or bring them to your bedroom" she continued

DREAMING WITH EYES OPEN (YiZhan FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now