One For The Money, Two For The Show

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I woke up this morning with a bad feeling in my stomach, something big was going to happen, change was coming and I wasn't going to like it.

I started my red Ferrari and there was an immediate beeping sound on my monitor,

"Yibo my boy" Hong Liu appeared on the screen.

"Mr. Hong Liu, to what do I owe the pleasure?" I asked smiling,

"Stop by at the headquarters late today, we have important things we need to discuss" he said.

"Is there a mission in the works?"

"Ah you see, this is why I like you Yibo" he laughed, "You're so perceptive"

"I'll take that as a yes then" It wasn't a question, I knew him all too well

"Come over and we'll talk," he concluded.

"Very well then" I agreed and the screen went blank.

Liu is a CIA general in charge of all the undercover agents. I've been serving the agency for half my life and when I was recruited as a teenager, he was my trainer and mentor, he taught me everything I knew.

So I guess that gives him the right to call a 22-year-old man a boy, to him it's all I ever would be.

I had to make a stop at work first; I didn't need to check in everyday. I had a capable team, whom only called me when it was absolutely necessary.

I made my way through the main entrance of G-Industries Beijing headquarters, it was the one I lived closest to but because we had branches all around the world I was required to travel sometimes.

I was greeted with anxious and forced smiles and hellos, someone must've tipped them off that the boss was coming.

Way to go ruin my fun I thought bitterly, I loved seeing their faces when I made an unexpected visit.

I entered my office and my PA MianMian was waiting for me with my favourite Starbucks coffee.

"Good morning Mr. Wang" She beamed, handing me the coffee,

"Morning to you too MianMian, how are you today?" I asked sipping the coffee and settling on the leather chair.

"I'm good, so you've got a board meeting at 8 am and the MD wants to speak with you," she said, laying her files down.

"Thank you, tell him we'll talk after the meeting" I started going through the files

"Alright" she walked out after flashing me a brilliant smile.

MianMian is a sweet girl, young and ambitious. I hired her because she was intelligent and had a great work ethic; she was able to keep up with me easily.

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