Scars between us✔️(JJK•FF)

By smak_OO4

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In a story where Jungkook accuses Y/N for cheating on him and terribly tortures her for years. But what will... More

Back to the present
So close...Yet so far away
The melancholy of us
The witness to the lie
Scared to be lonely
Meticulously misunderstood
Agitated to accept
True yet feels untrue
Frost of recession
Demented in the maze
Unwanted yet interrupted
Tricks of fate
lost track into words
Constrained Upon Posession
Shattered pieces of mystery
Demolished with the truth untold
Detrimention of the verity
Unfortunate predistine has no dilemma
Aurora of forlorn is perpetual for us
Out of the tenebrous into the flame
Thantophobia yet her place is lacuna
Absquatulate to me
Dying meliorism for the distance
Fragmented in dolor, Wedged by trauma
Soliticious to misplace
Misfortune's acedia to disappear
All alew but heart intent
Rejoinder of Euphoria
Her echt orenda
Alexthymia due ineffeble emotion
Reverie of the Illusion
Her amnesia His ibrat
Target to metonoia
Nigh yet feels selcouth
His wonderwall
Anhedonia in me
Unintentional but Intentional
Eldritch Attendance
Sonder in view
Paroxysm of the inturder
Little do you know
Guilt in exchange
Unknown to dreptomania
Viridity within
Hiraeth for you
Section of veracity
Wonderwall Astray
Mnemophobia in him
The insuperable
Rebound of the memory lane
Amnesia's departure
Enigmatic situation
Two direction apart
Epilogue (Original)
End of solivagant (Alternate)
Anam Cara (Alternative)
Desirable euphoria (Alternative)
Ecstasy (Alternative)
Scars between us
Epilogue (Alternative)
Authors note

Avoid the latibule

18.3K 621 277
By smak_OO4

My mind was all over the place as I could not get clue of what could be done. I started to panic as I picked up the shaking body in my embrace.

I charged towards the door. As I forwarded, the door barged open.

"Hey Jung- why is Y/N's body shaking?" He asked

"We have to r-rush to the hospital, she is having c-convulsions" I stuttered as I made my way towards the door

The man before me shook his head as he took the car keys. I rushed down as he opened the car door. I sat in the back seat with her still in my embrace as the engine roared.

We rushed to the hospital as tears blurred my vision. Her body was shaking vigorously as I feared to lose her again. She looked lifeless as her body inhumanly shook.

"You will be can't leave me will be fine" I whispered trying to console myself

"Baekhyun how long will it take?" I asked panicking

"A-Almost there" He stuttered and I could tell he was crying

My heart clenched. We reached the hospital as he parked the car quickly. I bought myself out carefully as we rushed to the entrance.

"We need a d-doctor! She is having a seizure!" Baekhyun said as the nurse looked at Y/N

They immediately called a doctor. The doctor arrived shortly and rushed towards Y/N.

"We need to take her to the operation theatre to see what is wrong!" The doctor told us. It was the same doctor who operated her before.

We immediately agreed as they rushed her body to the theatre. Baekhyun sat down with his head in his hands. My eyes fixated to the theatre as I dozed off. I was bought back to reality when a voice called out my name.

"Jungkook! Where is Y/N?! What happened to her?!" The person asked

It was Jimin...

The other guys had also arrived alongside the girls.
I did not answer him as I my eyes were fixed on the theatre door, waiting for the light to go green so that the doctor would come and tell us what happened.

"This is all your fault...she is this way" Jimin whispered to me

He pushed me away as he started walking back and forth. Someone came and patted my back. I looked at that person and it was Hoseok. He jerked his head in a direction. I looked at it and it was at Baekhyun. I looked back at Hoseok and he nodded.

I went ahead and sat beside him. He was grabbing his hair in frustration.

"Hyung..." I whispered

He continued to sob quietly. I looked down to the floor as I put my head down as well trying to contain my cries.

"You do know right that all of this is happening because of your stupid mistake?" He said in a groggy voice

"Yeah..." I whispered

"You also do know right that you don't deserve her?" He claimed

I nodded yet again. There was nothing to disagree. I don't not deserve her, she deserves someone who would love her and cherish her and not hurt her this way.

"I know..but I-I...I am j-just too weak to let her go" I said crying

"You don't let her go. If you do..I will not spare you for hurting her again" He warned

"You have to love her and make her feel that she is important. Not give up on her like the coward you are!" He said

"For once..for once Jungkook! Think about her not yourself! Come out of the comfort zone you have created for yourself! Then love her like she deserves it!" He said

Those words hit me hard. I was actually living in my own bubble. I only thought of myself and not once thought about her. I was selfish. Very very selfish.

As I was lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice the OT light going green from red. I jolted up as I noticed. I went near to find Jimin already interrogating the doctor. I rolled my eyes as I scurried forward.

"What happened to her doctor?" Jimin asked

"Well she had a clot in her brain. When she had the accident, her brain was also affected. This is harmful and you all have to make sure that she is not in extreme situations which will cause her to have a seizure" The doctor explained

"She must not be stressed or else this will happen again. For now we have kept her in the ICU as there are chances of this happening again. You can go meet her but she is unconscious for now." The doctor said going away.

We all rushed to the ICU. As we entered we looked for her number.

I found her number and opened the curtain. I felt traumatized at the sight of her in a coma flashed through my mind. I went forward, placing my hand on her cheek. There was a oxygen mask attached to her face. I kissed her forehead as tears rolled down my eyes.

Baekhyun came in along with Jimin. I felt quite insecure at the sight of him. He looked broken. His eyes held sorrow as he looked at her. I felt sympathetic but I was not giving up on her. She is mine.

"Who is staying over with her?" The nurse came in asking

"I will" Baekhyun said

"Hyung you should go look worn out. I will stay over" I said

Baekhyun looked at me with am unsure look before sighing and nodding. 

"Can I stay over?" Jimin asked suddenly taking me off guard

"Excuse me?" I said in a daring tone

"You look tired Jungkook, how about I stay over. I mean I am close to Y/N too so.." He said

"No thank you, I am fine. I will stay" I said sternly

I could see his jaw clench.

"I suggest Jungkook, you go home and take a shower and bring your things for the night. Meanwhile Jimin and I can stay" Baekhyun said

"It's fine hyung I am good" I said stubbornly

Baekhyun turned to me with glaring eyes.

"Do as I say. Go" He said

I sighed not seeing an option to disobey. My eyes turned to Jimin who was smirking at me. I glared as I stomped out. I rushed so that Jimin would not have much time to stay there.

As soon Jungkook went out, Jimin let out a scoff but when he looked at Y/N and his eyes softened.

'Why are still with that jerk and not me?' Jimin thought

He sighed as Baekhyun continued to caress his sister's head not giving him a chance to go near her.

Suddenly Baekhyun stopped and got up. He looked at him and said

"I am going to go take care of the paperwork's. Keep an eye on her" Baekhyun said going out

Jimin nodded. He felt happy at that as he went near her. He bent down and placed a soft kiss on her forehead and cheeks.

He held her hand softly, sitting down on the stool by the bed. He sighed in sorrow.

"Oh Y/N...I can't wait till your mine" He said

"She will never be yours Park"


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