Smosh Winter Games (Damien Ha...

By GoddessOfCrazy

15K 253 131

You've been friends with Shayne Topp since birth, well not really but sometimes it feels like it. After movi... More

Chapter 1; Introductions
Chapter 3; Shayne was right
Chapter 4; Evil Plan at Work
Chapter 5; Snow Blob of Victory
Chapter 6; What Happens In The Bean Bag Room
Chapter 7; Singular Brain Cell
Chapter 8; All My Broken Pieces (sad)
Chapter 9; Life's a Party, You're a Boy
Chapter 10; Kiss it Better
Chapter 11; Somewhere To Belong
Chapter 12; They love us
Chapter 13; Macaroni Tension

Chapter 2; Journey to Big Bear

1.3K 24 14
By GoddessOfCrazy

Smosh Winter Games (Damien Haas x Reader)
Chapter 2; Journey to Big Bear
Word Count; 5383


Running a little behind schedule because of my lack of setting a second alarm, I was now rushing around my apartment making sure that I had packed everything I needed. Doing one last round of the bathroom, I was interrupted by a loud knocking at my front door.

"Be right there!" Jogging over to the door I picked up my duffle bag, swinging it over my shoulder before opening the door. Shayne and Courtney stood in the hallway, both looking like they too had just rolled out of bed. Shayne stepped forward and grabbed the handle of my suit case before I could argue and began to walk back towards the stairs.

Looking back at Courtney I raised my eyebrows, "it's too early to even think about being awake." Smiling she nodded and held out her arm, looping my arm through hers we followed Shayne down the steps of my apartment building and out into the freezing winter chill, the sun not even daring to rise this early.

"Remind me again why Ian thought that us leaving at 3 in the morning was a good idea?" Courtney asked, most of her body weight was leaning up against me as we approached the van. Chuckling at her I just reached forward and flung open the door, helping her step up into the van. As soon as she was sat next to Olivia I stepped up into the van, the heating immediately riding my memory of the chill of the outside air. The only two seats left where in the front row, directly next to a sleeping Damien who had his head resting on what looked like a balled up jacket as a make shift pillow against the window. Shrugging, too tired to care, I sat on the long bench and scooted my body over, making room for Shayne to sit next to me.

Once the door was closed, Matt putt the van in drive and we began our journey. Closing my eyes I rested my head on the back of the seat and tried to fall asleep.

--------------------Time Skip-------------------

I was rudely awoken by someone screaming, "What's up you guys? It is currently 6am as our journey to Big Bear is taking longer than expected due to the sudden snow storm."

Groaning, I dug my hands deeper into my hoodie pocket and tried to fall back asleep despite a screaming Olivia taking up residence in the seat directly behind me. Blocking out whatever she was saying I was only startled again once I felt an arm wrap around my shoulders, the extra body warmth was appreciated. Despite the heaters being turned up all the way, the winter storm chill seemed to still find a way to wiggle into the van and make us all just on the edge of uncomfortable. Sighing once again, I just pulled myself closer to the warmth that was being offered, my sleep deprived brain thinking nothing of it.


Again, I was startled into being awake...well I wasn't really asleep, just in that calm place in between sleep and awareness. Hearing but not really processing the things going on around me. This time instead of voices it was the movement of whatever I was leaning against that woke me. Sighing, I gave up on trying to sleep and brought a hand up to rub at my eyes. At this point whatever I was laying against had stopped moving and all noise seemed to have stopped for a moment.

The first thing that my brain processed was Shayne whispering, "are you awake?" I could feel his breath on my cheek as he spoke making me furrow my eyebrows.

"I am now," I started, my voice slightly scratchy from sleep, "and back up, bro. Your breath stanks." Opening my eyes I looked over at Shayne, a fake offended look plastered on his face as he looked down at me.

"How dare you, ma'am. I was just doing my best friend duty and seeing if you were awake before continuing my conversation," shaking my head at him I brought both of my hands up, trying rub the remainder of sleep from them. Once again, my pillow moved but, it was only at this point that my brain processed that the 'whatever' that had been moving earlier was actually a 'whomever.' Sitting up I stretched my arms above my head as far as they could go in the cramped space of the van.

While stretching I looked over at what my brain had earlier processed as a warm pillow, only to find a sleeping Damien. His arm was still slung across the back of my seat and I could clearly see the spot I had been laying up against him, my head rested against the center of his chest. He was laying at an awkward angle in the row, his body facing diagonally, fitted into the corner where the seat and wall of the van meet. His head was no longer pressed against the window, but on the seat back an extra jacket still being used as his pillow.

Someone cleared their throat behind me, snapping my head in that direction I found Courtney, Olivia, Keith, and Noah all staring at me with expectant looks.


"We asked you a question," Courtney smiled.

Poking my side Shayne laughed, "guys leave her alone, she was just admiring the beauty that is Damien Haas." He couldn't finish his sentence with a straight face, "Sorry, Y/N. It's just a weird thought to think of my two best friends having romantic feelings for each other."

Shaking my head at him I pressed my palms into my cheeks, knowing that they were burning with color, "who said anything about romantic feelings? Maybe I just think he looks really cute right now? I mean, he was kind of forced into being my pillow."

Noah and Keith laughed at that, "yeah, and he looked like he hated it so much!" Noah smiled.

"Just get married already, geez. Don't make us stand around and watch you two hopelessly pine for each other," Keith rolled his eyes.

Snorting I turned around fully, my knees now resting on the seat bench, "sure, right after you propose to Noah." I smirked as Keith and Noah now looked awfully bashful at my teasing.

Matt joined in our conversation, "oh, that's the thing Y/N. Noah and Keith clearly have some unresolved sexual tension between the two but, no one is ever supposed to mention it. It's kind of an unwritten rule." Everyone laughed at this and I watched Noah and Keith's faces both heat up very quickly as they looked everywhere but at each other.

I slapped a hand over my mouth when a sleepy groan came from Damien, looking over at him I watched as he brought his hand not resting on the back of the seat up, moving his glasses so he could rub his eyes. Slowly he blinked open his eyes, they seemed to immediately find my own. Slowly one side of his mouth tipped up into a smirk while he readjusted his glasses back into place.

"Sleep well?" I asked, watching as he slowly pushed himself up from his reclined position to sit normally against the bench.

Chuckling he nodded, pulling at the jacket from behind his head, "you know, now that you mention it, yeah. I suppose I did. I seemed to have gained my own personal heater throughout my nap." Smiling I just turned back around in my seat knowing that my face was flushing again.

"Yeah, sorry about that," I rubbed at the back of my neck and looked down at my lap.

Sighing Damien just shifted in his seat, his arm finding it's way to the back of my seat, "oh, that wasn't a complaint. Anytime you feel the need to cuddle for warmth, I'm your guy." Shayne fake wretched at this statement making me slap the side of his knee with the back of my hand.

"Get a room!" Courtney yelled, nudging my back in playfulness.

"Alright guys, we're about forty-five minutes away. Now that everyone is awake I'm going to start a vlog," Sunny smiled, turning he eyed Damien and I, "we're all great friends excited to spend time friends." He squinted before turning and starting to record on the small, hand-held camera.

Turning my head I caught Damien's eye long enough for him to wink at me before turning and joining in on the excitement of the beginning of the vlog.

----------------Time Skip----------------

"So, team caption," Olivia asked from behind me, "who is going to be your first pick? If you don't pick them first Lasercorn may take your chance to have them on your team." After twenty minutes of talking to the vlog about our trip so far, excluding any talk of sexual tension or accidental snuggling, we had now switched to talking about the what the games may have in store for us.

"Oh, good question," I tapped my index finger against my chin and then dramatically took a look at the rest of the people in the van with me, purposefully leaving Damien for last so I could stare just a tad bit longer, "I don't know! What if I say who I want on my team and then one of you tells Lasercorn? He could steal the people I want!"

Laughter erupted around me, "you could always just stick with the Smosh Squad. Olivia, Noah, Keith, Shayne, you, and I would make an even six...then it could be Squad vs. Games!" Courtney suggested.

"I don't know...the thought of not having Joven or Wes on my team is endearing but, I think I might want to mix it up a bit. You know, throw in a few curveballs." I wiggled my eyebrows at the camera.

Shayne scoffed from beside me, "you don't have a plan and you know it. You're just gonna go up there and say the first person who you make eye contact with." He rolled his eyes at me. "You were never really that skilled in strategy...and you're too nice to make anyone feel like you don't want them on your team."

"Except Joven and Lasercorn!" Damien laughed, "She's said many times that she doesn't what them on her team, remember? Y/N's team isn't going to lose even once."

I smiled...and then I realized something. Damien wasn't in the room when I had made the 'I'm leading my team to victory' mini speech. I had said that while we were filming the Squad vlog. Who had told...Shayne. Shayne must've went to Damien when he dramatically left the vlog and told him what I had said.

Turning my head I glared at Shayne. He seemed to have been expecting this reaction because he was already staring at the ceiling, "what did you do?" I asked him and watched him completely ignore the question.

"Wait...oh my gosh Shayne! You told Damien what we were talking about?" Olivia asked, this only made Shayne bow his head to stare at his hands while smirking.

"Did you also tell him your plan to sneak a horse into his room and kill him because Y/N said she was going to pick Damien over you?" Courtney laughed, but Damien suddenly sat up straighter at this.

"What?" he chuckled. Looking over at him he seemed to be very confused with the situation at hand. "All he said was..."

"-nothing! Damien, I didn't say anything!" Shayne interrupted him with a wild look on his face, his eyes wide open. After being friends with him long enough I knew this to be his, 'don't say what you're about to say because we might both get into trouble if you do' face.

"Shayne Robert Topp! You traitor!" I smacked his arm probably harder than needed before looking back at Damien, "What else did he say?" I knew that it came out panicked and I probably looked very awkward.

"Ugh, he said something about filming a vlog and then getting into a pretend fight because you said you wanted me on your team and not Shayne," so far Damien seemed very pleased with what he was saying, "and then something along the lines of 'I can tell she thinks you're cute...don't be awkward and screw this one up." His arm once again found the back of my seat, but this time it was laid right up against my back, his palm resting on my shoulder.

Damien was still smiling as I looked at Shayne again, he too had a shit-eating grin on his face. Shrugging, he held his hands up above his head, "ugh, guilty."

------------------Time Skip---------------

Finally, we had arrived at Big Bear. Although the storm was just beginning it felt amazing to be out of the cramped van and be able to stretch my legs. Taking a few steps away from the door of the van to allow the others room to escape the van prison as well I wrapped my arms around myself. Large snow flakes were coming down in sheets from the sky, obscuring anything more than a few yards in front of you. The grounds surrounding the cabin and the cabin itself covered in snow, it looked like a picture you would see in a magazine about camping. Lights began turning on in the large cabin space as crew members sought refuge from the storm.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Courtney was stood beside me, duffle bags hanging off each shoulder and a large pillow grasped in front of her chest.

I just nodded, "yeah. Almost seems unreal, you know. Like, someplace you see pictures of but never really imagine you'd see it in person."

"Winter wonderland," Olivia laughed, coming up beside Courtney. She too had duffle bags but, they were significantly smaller and had the letter "O" bedazzled on the side of each. She was also dragging a black and white polka dot suit case behind her. They seemed to fit with her personality so well that I didn't say anything, just watched as she led Courtney up the path to the cabin. Turning around I headed for the trunk of the van to grab my belongings. Shayne, Damien, and Keith were all huddled around the back each of them trying to grab at their bags.

My eyes caught Sunny laughing at them, "children, children. One at a time, you're making this harder than it has to be." None of them seemed to pay him any mind and continued to battle each other over who would be able to pull their bags out the quickest.

"Aha!" Shayne laughed and pulled away with his large dark gray duffle bag in hand. Smiling he backed away, slinging the humongous thing on his shoulder. Next was Keith who pulled out a large suit case and a backpack. Shayne smiled as he and Keith raced to the front door.

"So, do you have a ton of bags or is yours just really heavy?" I asked, laughing as I stepped up next to Damien spotting my two bags straight away. They were both laid on top of everything else.

"Ha ha, neither. I think one of the straps on my suit case is stuck...I just can't find out where it's stuck," huffing I saw him outline the case with his hands. Reaching up I pulled first my duffle bag and then my suit case out before tossing them on the ground.

"Give me a hand," I said and rested my hand on his shoulder before pulling myself up and almost all the way into the medium sized trunk. Since almost everyone else had grabbed their luggage it was easy to see where a strap from his bag had become trapped beneath a larger, and what looked like, quite heavier plastic box.

"Ugh, yeah. I see your problem...the Godzilla of all boxes is resting on your strap," looking back Damien was smiling back at me but, his eyebrows were also furrowed in confusion.

Sunny stepped forward quickly and pushed Damien sideways, "don't look in it! It's supposed to be a surprise!" His voice was very stern, like he was talking to a child who had just yelled too loudly in public. Raising my hands in surrender I pushed myself out of the back.

"Okay, dad, you get Damien's case free then," chuckling Sunny just took my place seated on the floor of the trunk before raising the box just enough to shove Damien's case out from underneath it. Huffing he bounced back out and grabbed one of the lone backpacks left, before heading up to the cabin.

"Okay," Damien hauled his case out and looked at me smiling, "that wasn't suspicious at all. Doesn't make me wonder what illegal things we brought with us at all." Laughing I shook my head and leaned down, picking up my duffle bag. It was heavier than I remember it being when I set it by the door before heading to bed last night. When I set it on my shoulder and leaned down for the handle on my case the weight of the duffle bag sent me toppling on top of it.

Immediately after Damien's laugh was the only thing I could hear, which only proved to make my face heat even more. Groaning I just laid on my case. Gosh, why was I such a clutz? No, why did I have to pack so much? Did I really need to bring my birkenstocks? It's not like I could wear them anywhere except inside. Ugh, I'm such an idiot. If I could lay here forever and not have to deal with the embarrassment of standing up and facing Damien I would take that offer. Where's a cross-road demon when you need one, eh?

A warm hand on my arm was what brought my mind back to reality, "Y/N? Are you okay?" Damien stills had traces of laughter in his voice, but it was still soft and almost concerned.

Raising up my hand I gave him a thumbs up before pushing myself up, "yup, nothing like a good tumble into your suitcase to start off your day." I smiled before reaching down, carefully this time, and grabbing the stupid case's handle.

"Sorry for laughing, I couldn't help it. Your fall just came out of nowhere...and I'm still tired," he explained, walking with me up the small hill leading up to the cabin.

Smiling I turned to look at him, "don't worry about it. What is it they say about friends. 'When you fall a true friend will help you up but, only after they stop laughing.' Something along those lines...just means that I can consider you a true friend now." I bumped my shoulder into his and watched as he laughed at me shaking his head.

"What an honor...a friend of Y/N I can truly die a happy man now."

"Oh, shut up you idiot." I couldn't help smiling at him though.

Once we stepped in through the front door we were blasted by the heaters. The warmth was almost overwhelming having just come in from the below freezing temperatures. Everyone was gathered in or around the living room all of them listening to Ian and a few of the producers. Looking over at Damien I made a 'oh shit we're late' face and quickly walked over to stand next to Mari who stood leaned against the arm of a long sofa.

"And lastly, this year since we not only have an increase in Squad members but also the production crew the rooming has slightly changed. Production crew will be in the cabin just to the right of here, all of you get your own room," people began to leave their spots and pick up bags, all of them heading out the door. Ian paused in his speech as he waited for it to be remotely quiet again.

"That still leaves our rooming arrangements," he started again, "in the past we have doubled up. This year we will do the same, but someone will still be left without a bed." Groans were heard all around and I watched as almost everyone threw their head back in annoyance.

"I can just sleep on the couch if that would solve anything, I really wouldn't mind," I seemed to have surprised everyone with this as they were now all staring at me.

Shayne stood up first, "yep, sounds good. I'll go pick out a room."

"Shayne!" Courtney laughed before smacking him on the arm, "You're supposed to say 'oh no, dear friend. I'll take the couch!"

Shayne turned to look at her and then at me, "it's really okay. I've slept in worse places," I explained, "I'm just happy to be able to be here with you guys. Sleeping on the couch will not hender my grand experience of 'Winter Games."

"No, but you'll make me feel bad for sleeping in a cozy bed while I know that you're down here on the couch," Damien said, turning me to look at him, "Shayne won't offer it but I will. Go and find a room, I'll stay down here. It's only fair."

Smiling I just shook my head at him. Walking around the couch I plopped down where Shayne and Courtney had been sitting and rested my feet on Noah's lap, "Well, you're gonna have to fight me for it because I'm pretty comfy right here."

Shaking his head he just smiled down at me, "okay...after that weird argument which I think ended in Y/N winning, lets go find a room!" Ian picked up his things at his feet and followed everyone else to the stairs. Damien stayed standing at the end of the couch though, his eyes still trained on me even as Noah lifted my feet off my lap so he could leave to find a room.

"You're just as stubborn as Shayne, if I didn't know any better I'd think you two were related." Laughing at him I shrugged my shoulders.

"I think that's what happens when you've spent almost your whole life being friends with just slowly start to become the same person."

"Oh god," Damien laughed, his nose crinkling in an adorable manner, "if he starts PMSing, you and I are gonna have a long talk about your friendship." Picking up his bags he too started up the stairs his laughter still ringing throughout the cabin.

------------------------time skip-----------------------

"How about never have I ever?" Olivia suggested, "We could film it in place of 'seriously stupid sleepover."

Shrugging I nodded, "okay, I'm in. It's better than playing another round of 'go fish."

"Hey! You're just mad because you haven't won...go fish is a great game," Shayne smiled, setting his hand down.

Scoffing I flung my eight cards at him from across the table, "of course I'm mad. You've won the last five rounds! I still think you're cheating." Chuckling from beside me Courtney just shook her head and set her cards down too, reaching to clean up the rest of them.

"Cheat...pffft whatever." Shayne whispered under his breath as he pushed the cards towards Courtney. Olivia got up from the table and strode into the kitchen, opening the fridge.

"Alcohol or juice?" she asked, looking back at us.

"I don't drink," I commented and started to help Courtney gather up the remaining cards on the table. Everyone else started debating on whether or not they wanted to drink and eventually ended up agreeing on soda.

Once back at the table Olivia passed Noah and Keith a stack of cups before returning to the refrigerator and coming back with a liter of Dr. Pepper and Sprite.

"So, just a squad video?" I asked and watched as everyone else just nodded, too busy waiting to pour or pouring themselves a cup of soda. Olivia was setting up the camera on a tripod and walked out of the kitchen, the door muffling whatever she yelled.

"We're all going to have to squish onto that side," Noah said, pointing at the side of the table Courtney and I were sitting on. It have five chairs on this side so it wouldn't be a hard fit, the squad having six Shayne had just sat down on the end when Olivia returned to the kitchen, Mari, Joven, Damien, and Wes in tow.

"What are we filming again?" Wes asked, eyeing all of us seated on the one side of the table.

Smiling I let someone else respond as I watched Damien pull himself onto the end of the island counter. He smiled back at me and gestured to the soda on the table, "no alcohol?" he mouthed.

Pointing to myself I shook my head, "I don't drink."

He nodded in response before pointing to himself and responding, "me neither."

"Alright!" Mari started, now standing behind the camera, her finger poised above the record button, "Three, two, one."

"What's up everyone and welcome to a spontaneous squad video! Tonight we're gonna play Never Have I Ever!" Courtney said, her motions very dramatic and almost cartoon like.

"Our first ever real video with Y/N!" Noah said excitedly, leaning forward to smile at me from his spot beside Courtney.

"Yeah, let's gets this party started!" I laughed and raised my cup in the air. The other's followed me, raising their cups. Everyone awkwardly brought their cups into a weird cheers before we all took a sip of the soda. Well, I took a sip and then watched at everyone else chugged their glasses, Courtney gracing us with a beautiful burp after finishing hers.

"So, who's going first?" I asked, looking up at Mari.

Smiling she looked straight back at me, "how about you, newbie? Hit us with your best shot."

"Fire away!" Damien sang from behind her making us all laugh.

"Ugh, okay," I thought for a second before settling on one, "never have I ever gotten fired from a job." Scoffing from beside me Olivia took a drink followed quickly by Keith and then Shayne.

"Too easy! What are we middle schoolers?" Courtney chuckled, nudging me, "Never have I ever broke up with someone over text." She quickly turned to look at Keith making him glare at her while he took a drink. Smiling she chuckled and motioned for Noah to go.

"Never have I ever..." he took a moment to think but, the silence was only filled by Keith still grumbling about Courtney which only made everyone laugh at him, "Okay, never have I ever had sex with my best friend."

"Ew," I said before catching him looking between Shayne and I, "Noah!" Everyone laughed at his antics and Shayne reached behind Keith to slap him in the back of his head.

"I told you we've never felt that way towards each other, she's like my younger'd just be wrong," I fake gagged, covering my mouth to hide my smile.

--------------------time skip--------------------

The game lasted for about twenty more minutes before we were signing off and now we were cleaning up the mess, all of us still talking about the game.

"I still can't believe Y/N has never gotten drunk," Keith shook his head at me.

"I don't have to explain myself to you," I smiled setting my glass in the sink along side everyone else's, "I've just seen what alcohol can do to people and I'm not interested in participating in that."

"Ooohhh, daddy issues. I get it," Noah laughed. I looked down at my hands and shook my head, not really feeling that cheery anymore. Everyone got quiet after that.

"Well," Mari cleared her throat, "how about we watch a movie before bed?" I heard some murmurs of agreement and then heard them shuffling out of the kitchen. Sighing I rested my hands against the counter and let my weight sag against them, trying to keep the memories of my past at bay.

"You coming?" Damien was leaning against the counter beside me, his voice a whisper. Looking up at him I saw that his eyes were filled with concern which made me feel guilty.

"Ugh, yeah," I softly smirked up at him, "as long as you are." Smiling he nodded and offered me his arm. Shaking my head at him I linked my arm with his and walked with him out into the living room where Wes and Joven were now fighting over the remote. The only spot left empty was a small loveseat directly in front of the fireplace and pushed up against the side of the main couch. Damien and I stood outside the kitchen door and watched the two men cat fighting. Sighing I let go of Damien's arm and walked over to them. I jumped up and snatched the remote out of Wes' hands and quickly threw myself onto the loveseat.

Scrolling through Netflix I looked over to Courtney and Mari, "any suggestions?" Smiling back at me both of them shook their heads.

"Infinity war?" Olivia asked.

Keith groaned at that, "we've already seen that, like, a hundred times!"

"No! Bird box!" Joven whined.

Pointing my finger at him I playfully glared at him, "one more word from you and we're watching 'The Gremlins." His eyes widened and he pulled his fingers across his lips, zipping them. Chuckling I shook my head and watched Damien cross the room after me and point at the seat next to me.

"May I sit?"

Smiling I sat up and nodded, "go ahead, while you're at it how about you choose." As soon as he sat down I handed him the Xbox controller and let him continue to scroll through the thousands of choices. Eventually he settled on 'In Bruges.'

(P.S. if you haven't watched In Bruges on Netflix...YOU SHOULD! It's really funny for being such a dark comedy.)


About five minutes into the movie I felt Damien tug me closer to him, his arm wrapped securely around my shoulders. Smiling I just kept my eyes on the screen and rested my head on his shoulder. It was only then that I realized just how tired I was. Trying to stifle a yawn I turned my head into his shoulder, my hand over my mouth.

"Tired?" He asked, tugging me further into him.

"If I fall asleep," I started, tilting my head to look up at him, "just wake me up before you leave." Laughing he nodded and turned back to the movie. I turned my head once more and tried to focus on the movie instead of my exhaustion. I didn't realize my eyes had closed and that I had fallen asleep until I heard people around me yawning loudly and talking about heading upstairs. Sighing I opened my eyes and tilted my head to look up at Damien, he was already looking down at me.

"Morning," he joked, stretching both his hands above his head.

Shayne startled both of us when he set his hands on the back of the couch, "coming, Damien? Or are you gonna join Y/N down here at the 5 star 'Hotel Pull Out Bed?" Shaking my head at him I pushed myself off of Damien's side.

"He was just going, don't worry grandpa we weren't doing anything the Lord wouldn't approve of," I laughed and watched Shayne turn and head up the stairs leaving just the two of us down stairs.

Sighing Damien stood up and yawned, "well, I guess I'm going."

I smiled up at him, "yeah, grandpa might ban you from ever coming over again if I'm not in bed by midnight." Shaking his head at me he turned to leave.

"Well, I wanna see you I'm going."

"Good night, Day," I smiled too tired to move over to the full couch or even change into my pajama top. Choosing to stay in my sweats I had changed into earlier and my sweatshirt I had worn all today.

Waving at me he started up the stairs, "night, don't let the bed bugs bite."

"Couch bugs, you mean," I laughed, stretching out on the couch. Although it was a love seat, my head resting on one arm rest my feet on the other, I was comfortable.

"Yeah," he nodded, "couch bugs. Sorry, didn't mean to brag."

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