The Gods of Fairy Tail

By Fantasyandromance516

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Plenty of Gods and Goddesses live on Mount Olympus and they do their job by aiding the mortals on earth. But... More

The Gods
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
My Friend's YouTube Page
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 6

816 30 16
By Fantasyandromance516

The party was a very exciting display. Lights flashing, wild music playing, and the finest wine was being served. Every God, Goddess, titan, nymph, and mortal who was important was there. As expected Natsu was partying hard, drinking and eating as much as he could while flirting with every pretty face he saw.

"Hey Lisanna why do they call you the goddess of rainbows?" He asked the white haired goddess.

"Because I travel by the light of the rainbow." She answered.

"Really? Because I think it's because you're more beautiful than all the colors in the rainbow."

"Oh Natsu." She giggled. "Stop your shameless flattery. I know that to you I am no different than those pretty nymphs you chase after."

After giving him another teasing giggle before trying to walk away only for him to put his arms around her waist and kiss her cheek.

"Oh Natsu please. What if my brother sees?" She blushed.

"I'm sure he has no problem with harmless kissing."

"Guess again bolt boy."

Natsu froze when he heard the irritated voice of Elfman God of war. An incredibly strong, muscular God with a body built like stone.

"Oh hi Elfman. Enjoying the party?" Natsu asked nervously.

"Get your hands off my sister!" The war god demanded.

"Yes sir!"

Natsu quickly removed his hands from Lisanna's waist and stepped away from her. Lisanna laughed and left with her brother. Natsu just shrugged and went to chow down at the buffet table.

"Must you eat like a pig?" Jellal said. "Seriously where are your manners?"

"It's a party seaweed brain, chill out and loosen up."

"I told you not to call me that!"

"Seaweed brain, seaweed brain, seaweed brain." Natsu teased.

"I'm warning you Natsu. Call me that again and You'll be sorry."

"Seaweed brain, seaweed brain, seaweed- Ahhh!"

Pails and pails of seawater was poured all over him.
All the guests laughed and pointed at him.

"I did warn you." Jellal said.

"Okay, okay I guess I asked for that one." Natsu said ringing his jacket out.

"Hey Natsu that's a good look for you." A voice chuckled.

At that moment Laxus God of the sun had entered the room. He was the grandson of the wise oracle Makarov and the evil titan Ivan. An extremely powerful and mighty God who was bursting with strength and power the minute he was born. An advanced God who controlled the sun and was worshipped by many. But he was very arrogant much more arrogant than Natsu. He believed that he should be the next one to rule the world after Mavis not Natsu so he would often bully and belittle the sky god.

"What are you doing here Laxus?" Natsu said in irritation.

"I heard that you were having a party so I dropped in." Laxus looked around the area. "Nice party but I bet I could throw better."

"What are you talking about? No one can throw parties better than me."

"Natsu when are you going to realize that I do everything better than you. I'm stronger than you, more powerful than you, faster than you, obviously smarter than you, and of course more handsome than you."

"Says who?"

"Let's see gods, mortals, titans, and nymphs. Honestly I don't know why you're next in line to rule over all the gods. It's a joke if you ask me."

"Oh really? And you're a better candidate for the job? You treat the mortals like the dirt."

"Mortals are nothing more than our worshippers, our servants, our slaves. This compassion you and your family have for them is ridiculous."

"Mortals may not live as long as we do or have as much power as we do but they are still living things with feelings, hopes, goals, and families like the rest of us." Jellal said. "You're attitude toward them are quite unsettling. Do not forget Laxus, your grandfather watches over and guides mortals."

"But my father says that the mortals are dirt compared to us."

"Maybe that's why your grandpa banished him to Tartarus." Natsu said. "Because he's such a jerk."

"Shut up!" Laxus punched Natsu, knocking him to be floor. "The old man made a mistake banishing my father! And it was for no good reason too!"

"The man tried to wipe out all of humanity."

"Well maybe he had the right idea about wiping them out."

"Careful Laxus, if you follow in your father's footsteps you might end up getting banished too."

"You punk!"

Laxus grabbed Natsu and prepared to beat him within an inch of his life when suddenly a hush fell over the crowd. Everyone became quiet and frozen stiff. Some were even trembling.

"What's wrong with everyone?" Laxus asked.

He got his answer when he felt a cold hand grip his shoulder. Turning around he saw that the cold hand belonged to the God of the underworld himself, Gray his dark eyes so cold and serious.

"What do you think you're doing to my little brother?" Gray asked in a voice that was both calm and threatening.

Now there were only two beings in the world who Laxus feared. One was his grandfather the wise and powerful oracle Makarov and Gray the God of the underworld. Like many, he believed that with just the snap of his fingers Gray could instantly take his life so Laxus feared him greatly. He immediately released Natsu.

"I was just messing around with him Gray. No harm was done."

Laxus quickly got away from Natsu and went to drink with his friends Freed and Bickslow God of speed. The other guests upon seeing that Gray was not going to kill anyone, went back to partying.

"Are you okay?" Gray asked Natsu.

"Yes. Thanks for saving me bro."

"It was rather unwise of you to anger someone like Laxus, Natsu." Jellal said. 

"I'm not afraid of him Jellal."

"There is a difference in not being afraid of someone and just purposely angering a person who poses as a threat."

"He's right you know." Gray said. "You're best bet is to just ignore Laxus."

"But I'm going to be king of the gods one day. So he has to respect me." Natsu said.

"Bro we don't even respect you." Gray said.

"It's hard to respect a god who spends most of his time goofing off." Jellal said.

"Well at least I- Oh no! What's she doing here?"

Natsu became greatly irritated when he saw Lucy chatting by the bar with Mirajane and Lisanna.

"Former lover of yours Natsu?" Gray said.

"No. She's the Goddess of marriage and love. Mom hired her to find me a wife."

"Mother hired a matchmaker for you?" Jellal said.


"And she's supposed to find you a wife?" Gray said.


Gray and Jellal looked at each other then burst out laughing. They laughed so hard that they clutched their sides and almost dropped.

"It's not that funny." Natsu said.

"Are you kidding?!" Gray laughed. "You? Mr. Playboy? Getting married? That's hilarious!"

"You taking a wife? That's like Gray having a lover." Jellal laughed.


"Look I don't even want to get married. I only agreed to try and work with her for Mom's sake." Natsu said.

"I'm surprised that you haven't seduced her." Gray said. "I mean she is very pretty."

"Oh no when we first met and I tried to make a move on her but apparently she is immune to my charms."

"So in other words she didn't like you?"

"Pretty much."

"Sounds like my kind of woman. I'd go for her if I didn't swear off all romantic relationships."

"Lucy helps couples get together right?" Jellal asked.

"Uh-huh." Natsu answered.

"Interesting." Jellal thought to himself. "I've heard stories of Lucy bringing together the most star crossed lovers. Perhaps she could help me win Erza's heart. I'll have to speak to her sometime."

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