
By RoboFreeze

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This is an OC of the Marvel Rising movies, they will be linked in the introduction. A girl wakes up with amn... More

--Chapter One--
--Chapter Two--
--Chapter Three--
--Chapter Four--
--Chapter Five--
--Chapter Six--
--Chapter Seven--
--Chapter Eight--
--Chapter Nine--
--Chapter Ten--
--Chapter Eleven--
--Chapter Twelve--
Not Another Chapter
--Chapter Thirteen--
--Chapter Fourteen--
--Chapter Fifteen--
--Chapter Sixteen--
--Chapter Seventeen--
--Chapter Eighteen--
--Chapter Nineteen--
--Chapter Twenty--
--Chapter Twenty-One--
--Chapter Twenty-Two--
--Chapter Twenty-Three--
Are You Excited?
--Chapter Twenty-Four--
--Chapter Twenty-Five--
--Chapter Twenty-Seven--
--Chapter Twenty-Eight--
--Chapter Twenty-Nine--
--Chapter Thirty--
--Chapter Thirty-One--
--Chapter Thirty-Two--
--Chapter Thirty-Three--
--Chapter Thirty-Four--
--Chapters Thirty-Five and Thirty-Six--
--Chapter Thirty-Seven--
--Chapter Thirty-Eight--
--Chapter Thirty-Nine--
--Chapters Forty, Forty-One, & Forty-Two--
--Chapter Forty-Three--
--Chapter Forty-Four--
--Chapter Forty-Five--
--Chapter Forty-Six--
--Chapter Forty-Seven Through Fifty--
--Chapter Fifty-One & Fifty-Two --

--Chapter Twenty-Six--

148 6 1
By RoboFreeze

(Backing up again.)

I was focused on what was in front of me. Trying to get back to the garage. As soon as I reached it, I rushed inside.

When we hit the bottom I saw Daisy and called her to come help.

"Set her on the couch, I'll be right there." Daisy told me as she started to stand.

I quickly did so, then looking down at Ace, I started talking to her trying to keep her awake and alive.

I started to move and make room for Daisy to help her when she grabbed my arm. I understood she wanted me to stay and nodded. I still made enough room for Daisy, but I stayed within her sight. I was worried about her and I knew it was obvious on my face. Could you blame me? I lost Kevin to Sheath's knives and almost lost my dad too. I didn't want her to join Kevin's fate.

Daisy started talking to me about her state, telling me that she was surprised she survived.

"She's really pale and barely holding on." Daisy told me concern showed in her eyes.

"She's still awake which is surprising. She was exhausted when it hit her. Kevin wasn't as fortunate." I responded remembering the night I found him dead.

"How did this happen?" Daisy asked.

"Exile and Sheath surprised us and wanted me for Hala's army. She did the best she could when we started fighting, but when Sheath threw her life-sucking-knife, she couldn't get out of the way in time." I explained trying to avoid the real reason we were in the ally. I didn't know how much Ace wanted Daisy to know. I glanced down at her when she finished, trying to see if she heard us.

"We'll talk more later, but right now we need to help her." Daisy said nodding down to Ace.

"I'll be fine in a while." She said suddenly while moving herself into a more comfortable position. We looked at her, surprised that she could speak.

"Are you sure? When other people have been hit head-on with those knives they normally die." Daisy put very bluntly.

"Wow, way to be brutally honest." She replied voicing my thoughts.

"Well, I guess you are feeling better then." Daisy said with a laugh.

"I told you." Ace responded with a smirk.

"Well then, Gwen you said they surprised you in the ally right? Then why were you in your suit?" Daisy questioned. I glanced at Ace, trying to see how much of the truth she wanted Daisy to know.

"Just tell her the truth." She told her.

"Are you sure?" I asked her. She nodded to me in response. So I started explaining everything. Our talk, the fire, the identity of Mimic, and what really happened in the ally.

"Wow, that's a lot to take in." Daisy said with a sigh.

"That's all you're gonna say? I thought you'd yell or something." Ace responded.

"Believe me I want to, however that wouldn't do any good. I'm glad that you weren't the one who started the fire, but mad that you didn't tell us the truth." She said looking at her.

"Give her a break, she was only doing what she had to." I told her, trying to defend Ace.

"She's not the only one who did something wrong. You should've called for backup when Exile and Sheath showed up, then we could've helped, or at least know they escaped so we could start scanning for Exile's energy signature. You should've used your head." Daisy said, scolding me.

"Well, we could lure them in with something." Ace suggested.

"What do you mean?" Daisy asked, turning to face her.

"We know they want Gwen right? If we start up the program to track them when he teleports we'll know where he goes. All we have to do is lure them in, and when they escape we'll know where they went." She explained.

"So if we used Gwen as bait with the program on my phone running, whenever they go back through the portal we'll be able to track them back to Hala." Daisy summed up nodding like she thought it was a good idea.

"Wait, you're actually thinking about this? All you have to do is turn on your program and wait for Exile to turn up. We don't need to use me as bait!" I exclaimed. I was up for fighting Sheath but I do it on my own terms. If they just showed up out of nowhere, I wouldn't be prepared and they'd have the advantage.

"We can't just wait until he attacks again. If we use you as bait we know you can take care of yourself if they show up. We can't risk someone else getting hurt or taken to Hala. You're the only option we have." Daisy countered. I knew she was right.

"Fine." I said with a sigh. "So what do I do? Just go off somewhere alone. If I do that the police will come after me."

"We'll figure it out later, but it's getting late. You should go home and act normal and tomorrow afternoon we'll make a plan. I'll take care of Ace." Daisy said leading me to the lift.

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow then." I said as the platform started rising.


So, I just got done watching the new Marvel Rising Battle of the Bands, it was SO good! I'm sorry I didn't update yesterday, but today I was just going to link the show and do what I'm doing now. I'll do both today to make up for it. Hope you enjoyed, and the next chapter will have more things going on.


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