--Chapter Fifteen--

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When I finally woke up, it had a pounding headache, I also heard voices once again

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When I finally woke up, it had a pounding headache, I also heard voices once again. However they were not the quiet whispers I heard in the hospital, these were angry and harsh voices.

"I still can't believe you did that!" a voice I recognized as Inferno said.

"I didn't mean to! I saw someone and assumed it was the imposter! It wasn't supposed to knock her out!" Daisy responded angrily.

"What's done is done. The question is what do we do with her now." Replied Patriot trying to remain calm himself.

"We could move her back to the ally before she wakes up," Inferno suggested.

"No we couldn't do that, she saw me knock her out. If she were to wake up there she'd be extremely confused. Plus if it knocked her out, she must have already been drained somehow. I want to make sure she's okay." Daisy said firmly.

"Plus she may know where the imposter went. And we still don't know how she got webbed up like she was. We need the full story from her." Patriot added.

"So we wait until she wakes up, make sure she's okay, then ask her what happened? That's it?" Inferno summed up, "But what happens if Gwen comes down here and sees her? She surely would start asking questions."

"Of course she would start asking questions. After all, she's a friend of ours." Daisy responded.

"Well, we could move her into someone's room. We'd just have to make sure Gwen doesn't go in that room." Patriot pointed out.

"If we put her in my room that shouldn't be a problem," Inferno suggested.

"Okay, we'll put her in Dante's room, and we can take turns watching her so when she wakes up she isn't confused. Sounds like a plan." Daisy concluded.

'I won't be as confused as you'd think.' Was what I was thinking when someone lifted me up. I was startled, but forced myself to remain still. If they knew I had been listening to their conversation, they might take it the wrong way.

As I was being carried I tried to remember back to what happened, because it was a little fuzzy. I remembered coming into the ally exhausted after the chase and trying to figure something out. Before I could Quake, Inferno, and Patriot came into the ally and I had to cover myself in webs to not reveal my identity. Then Quake came and found me behind the trash cans and used her powers on me.

Sorting through all of this I realized one thing didn't make sense, maybe because I couldn't remember something. What had I been thinking about before I had to hide? Was it something with the police chase? Something about my past? I couldn't remember and it was driving me nuts.

The more I tried to remember the farther away the answer seemed, and the more my head hurt. The darkness was calling once again, and I found myself welcoming it, so it could take away the pain in my head and maybe it could give me some answers too.


Yet another cliffhanger! The next chapter will be longer and not quite as ominous. Happy reading and I hope you enjoyed!


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